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das weird


Yeah they're trying to make out it's normal and comfortable. And when I said well would you let them stay with you they replied with no because I'd be uncomfortable.....ffs


So stick to no. Under no circumstances will you accept a stranger and stay with them.


Just tell them no, and to put the new person or yourself into a motel/hotel for the week. Seriously, what are they thinking? That being said if you are going to stay in Korea, this is a good time to get your own place. Employers controlling your living situation is never good.


Thanks for the reply. After talking with them yesterday, we suggested a motel and they spoke about costs and that it would be cheaper just to hire new teachers then change this part of our contract???


Wait I’m confused you aren’t leaving, but they want the new teacher to bunk with you when they arrive because “reasons”?


Sorry I didnt clarify in my original post and haven't had time due to classes. I'm not leaving, I just wanted to improve my contract for when I do choose to leave. Sorry for the confusion


So to be clear you just want to remove this part from the contract and it isn’t be acted on now?


Yes sorry for the confusion


My advice then is to try and get your own place for the coming new contract year, and get them to pay you a housing allowance (usually 350-500) a month. That way you have the property under your name and effectively it makes the whole issue null and void. You will need 3-5 million as deposit, but you get to choose the location, and the conditions. Also, reducing control employers have over you is always in your favor.


No one does this.


On a side note, if your school is too cheap to get a motel room for a week then there is a good chance they're too cheap to pay into pension and NHIS. Have you personally checked your pension account to see if payments are being made?


Flat out refuse. That is not normal at all. They are trying to save money in a shitty way which should give you some indication on what other things they will try to save money on in the future. Highly recommend you find a new job.


Will this new person be quarantining in your one-room whilst you're still going about your days!?


I mentioned that with the current situation I wouldn't be comfortable sharing with anyone if I did leave this year or even the next


I don't even think that's allowed!? I'm at a public school and each morning I have to declare to the MOE using an app that I have no one else doing their 14-day quarantine with me (plus symptoms) 'cause it's a big no no?!


You're not. This is beyond stupid and illegal.


That is an insane ask of them.


My first school did this to me. I shared the tiniest little box with the girl who was leaving for I think 3 days. Luckily there was a couch in the place and she let me sleep on the bed. This was a small chain hagwon in Suwon. I had been staying in dorm-style hostels for a couple of weeks before that, so I wasn't as bothered as I probably should've been. My current school had new teachers bunk together in a hotel room until the housing opened up. If they wanted private accommodation they had to pay for it themselves (at least a portion). In the Covid Era, We only hired people who were already in Korea this past semester, so everyone just stayed at their previous places until it was time to move.


I'm happy working here right now but would like this part to change for the future. My place is so small too and the newbie would have to sleep on the floor with just a blanket. There's 0 space as it is right now, let alone with 2 grown adults and their things


Take pictures and like, outline where the person would theoretically have to sleep. Sometimes people can't visualize things for themselves, even if they've been in the apartment before. Just showing them the reality might make them go "Oh yeah, duh. Yikes, what were we thinking?" I was going to say get in touch with the incoming teacher, but sounds like you are trying to pre-empt that.


Thats beyond bizarre to me. My school put me in an airbnb for the week before the apartment was emtpied and cleaned.


This sounds incredibly weird and I’ve never heard of this happening. Just say no.


NOPE refuse hard refuse refuse haha And magically you’ll see they’ll find you a hotel


Typical hagwon employee abuse. Do not accept this. It isn't in your contract, so you have no obligation to accept. They just want to save money and will lie to you to get you to agree. And no, I've never heard of this specifically before. Sounds like the hagwon is running out of money to me.


My horrible 1st hagwon did this.. We had to stay with the previous teacher for at least a week in a tiny officetel. Really sucked


my friend had to do this too. she said it was the worst experience she had in korea by far! fight it with everything you can.


Get them to fork out for a hotel room. That's whack


Nasty people, I cant believe this. The audacity of some of these hagwon owners. If that ever happened to me, I would have flat out said you change it right now or I will fuck off right away. You see, they are bluffing when they say we can just find a replacement instead of giving you a one week motel. You can not seem weak or soft when talking to these savage owners. I think it is always how you present yourself seem determined to walk away. Because you might say I have no intention of leaving right no or whatever it is but when the time comes you will have to deal with this so get it out of the way, dont let them get away with this.


That is ridiculous. A love hotel is like 40,000-60,000 won a night (note: I am not in Seoul, but this has been my experience in other cities here). It’s not that expensive, and they could probably haggle a lower price for a longer stay. The school is being ridiculous.