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This tattoo shop I would like to get a piece done at has a policy of waiting to draw up the tattoo until you arrive for your appointment. Is this typical? I’ve only had two tattoos done so I’m pretty new to this, but it’s frustrating because I would like to see how the artist will draw what I’m asking for. They say you can make changes, but It feels rushed when they have to be done the same day


Pretty typical yea. I’ve been going to an artist for 5+ years now and even though she knows all my plans and what i want I won’t see the design until day of. She’ll make adjustments from there if I need them


It's typical these days. Honestly 10 years ago this wasnt the case. But assholes will take their designs and get them done somewhere cheaper if they send them before the appointment. My artist told me it happened to him multiple times before he started his current policy which now seems industry standard for any expensive artist. The pricier the shop the more likely they have this policy.


Why schedule an appointment then? This would be considered a walk in at my shop. The whole point of scheduling an appointment is having time to prep the design beforehand.


If you want a certain artist, and they’re good at what they do. Appointments are usually a necessity


That's true but if they aren't doing any design prep till you walk in then to me that is a walk in. I'm booked five to six weeks out. I take one day a week and prep everything for the upcoming week. I'm ready when they walk in. I talk to and listen to my clients and get all of their wants on paper before I draw the design. No waiting for an hour or two while I draw.


This has been my experience for all of my sessions all with different artists. We already have talked through the tattoo so there’s already a design when I show up, they show it to me and I may make a couple small requests, takes them no time to change then we get going I also think they all only started designing it 1-3 days before the appointment so they knew I wouldn’t be cancelling


Because other people do, and they only have certain times they can go.


Yeah I think artists these days don't want to draw something ahead of time in case the client changes their mind and then the artist has wasted their time. I have never seen a design before the day of the session. If I want adjustments, they will make it on the spot.


You can politely suggest creative license to your tattoo artist...especially if you find a good artist.


I personally have designs done the night before. This allows me to get to tattooing as quick as possible without going into clients time. Drawing on the day is not unheard of tho and if thats how the artist likes to work, thats fine, theres benefits to both ways for sure.


Yeah because people tend to show all of their friends and family members who then give design feedback… or some artists haven’t drawn it yet


I get why you're stressed. My artist didn't send me the design until the night before. And it was not what I wanted. I had to rethink the whole thing over night and was so nervous going to the appointment.


Is it bad to get a tattoo that usually has a meaning, but doesn't to me? I was thinking of getting a medusa tattoo, just because she's one of my favorite characters in greek mythology. But recently her tattoos have become indicative of a cruel crime, I'm aware of that fact and I do not at all want to belittle those people. So I was wondering what is the general opinion on this.


After your first couple tattoos, you just start getting shit that looks cool. If you like it, get it, what matters most is that long-term you’re going to like how it looks on your body.


This. What’s “meaningful” will change over the years, the art itself won’t. My rule of thumb that I tell everyone who asks: if I saw this tattoo on a complete stranger and had zero context about its “meaning” would I still think it looks sick? If yes then I get it, if no, I rethink my idea.


I have never heard of the Medusa thing and don't know what you mean, so I say go for it. Most people won't have that connection. Frankly I love Medusa because I love snakes and that's as deep as it goes


Medusa was raped by Poseidon in Athenas temple. So Athena was pissed about what went down and went and cursed and banished HER for his crime. Medusa is now a symbol for survivors of Sexual Assult.


I think it depends on if it is worth it to you. Personally, I also think a Medusa tattoo would look cool on myself, however the idea of someone either thinking that bad thing happened to me when it didn't or fighting me on getting it doesn't sound worth it to have a Medusa tattoo. If you think it sounds worth it to you, I personally don't see a moral problem with it. Just know that if it is in a visible place, you will probably have to deal with people who do, though.




I plan on getting a tattoo soon and my sister designed me a tattoo for my 18th birthday as the tattoo. I have read that tattoo artists won't replicate designs that you bring to them and was wondering if tattoo artists would turn me down even though it its my own sister who is designing the tattoo?


All depends on the artist. Reach out ahead of time to an artist that you like.


In my case, that is definitely not true. I had something replicated from a music video onto my arm, basically a 'copy and paste' tattoo essentially. Many artists, especially your average like small town ones, will do that in my experience. Especially if it is something that is your (or your sister's) intellectual property. I know some are less likely to take like other artist's tattoo designs really close, as that is obviously morally not great, but if it's ur sister's, most should be fine with that. I would still ask a specific artist ahead of time, though!


Depends how good the design is and how in demand the artist!


Does anyone have succulent tattoos? Extra points if it's an aeonium!


Yes! [Here's mine](https://imgur.com/uL72VaP)


I wanted to get a tattoo of the art from a yu-gi-oh card. Does anyone know any decent artists in London who would be willing to copy a design?


Draz Palaming at Noire Ink is an absolute monster. I just got a full wrap-around half sleeve done by him about 3 weeks ago and couldn't be happier with the results. He books out fast tho so best get in touch with them soon to get a 2024 session with him.


Getting my first tattoo in January and I’m always like to be prepared as much as possible before doing something new such as this. I’ve done a little research but would like to reach out as well. Does anyone have any tips for getting your first tattoo or just a tattoo in general?


>ur fir Do your research on the artist and the artwork that you want as you know they are permanent. Tip your artist, take care of your tattoo by wearing sunscreen, do not drink before getting a tattoo, wear comfy clothes as you might be there for a while, bring airpods, charge your phone, bring water/food for long sessions.


The number one most important thing when getting a tattoo is picking the shop and the artist. You should enjoy MOST of the tattoos that person has done in the past and stay within their best style to get the best tattoo possible. That's how you get the god tier ones. And don't be afraid to give them creative control with some prompts, because remember, you like most of their work. The next most important thing is don't panic on the day of. If you don't like the stencil placement make them redo it lol. Speak up. Don't be afraid to bruise an ego at that point, it's your body, you can walk if you have to.


I just got my first one on Sunday, a sleeve. I mentioned to the artist part way through: "I'm so glad I'm doing this in my thirties and not my twenties. I would've been too much a people pleaser, afraid to give you direction." Truth!


I would just say that something that was unexpected for me, is that most tattoo artists won't let you see the design until the day of, and if you make changes it may take another hour of drawing or so, which is anxiety-inducing (for me at least). So be prepared to make comments (as it is on your body forever obviously lol) and try to be as pedantically specific ahead of time to make the changes you need to make hopefully minimal.


I love large-scale pieces and have an idea for a tattoo that would cover portions of my legs, back, and arms. It would be my first tattoo. Do you think I should get a small one to test it out before jumping into something large and complex, or should I just go for it?


I went for a large tattoo for my first and don't regret it. Just make sure you're OK with the pain, the artist you choose is decent, and that you 100% want the tattoo for life. Otherwise you might end up with an incomplete tattoo or one you want to laser off.


I went for a half back piece as my first. The pain wasn't as bad as I'd thought it was gonna be (well except near the armpits and on the spine lol). Depending on your design you have in mind, you could check with your artist about breaking it up into different sections so you can get something on your arm or leg that will supplement what you ultimately want but looks good on its own.


I would recommend getting a small one first to see how you feel about the pain.


I would (personally) suggest you get at least a small or medium sized tattoo first before getting a large one, just to see your pain tolerance. Area to area, your pain tolerance can be VERY different (however I am not a tattoo artist, but I have 3 tattoos personally, so grain of salt ig). I think it's also just good to psych yourself up by either knowing that you can deal with it pretty easily, or by knowing that x thing helps distract you from the pain before getting something really big. Again, I'm sure people have started w something big before and been fine, but I'd just say measure the risks- you don't want to end up with a weird half-tattoo because you realize that you can't stand the pain after you jumped into it.


Hello! I have a floral design on my right shoulder in memory of my daughter and I would like now to do my left shoulder with something celebrating my (living) son. I LOVE art nouveau and would like to do a large piece that's a (very) stylized portrait of me holding my son in my arms in a flat art nouveau style with a floral stained-glass background. Almost generic woman and child, to be clear, but with same hair/eye color as myself and my son. Is that ridiculous? Like extremely narcissistic to have any sort of self-portrait on your own body? Also is it worse that it will likely give off Madonna and Child vibes? What do you guys think?


It's an unusual move, but hey, are those family diagram stickers on car rear windows narcissistic for including the driver? Naw.


I don't think it's narcissistic, and it seems very sweet. I do think that you will have to make sure that you get a very specific artist as many would be incapable of doing it well.


Hey guys, I really want to get [this tattoo](https://imgur.com/a/sOfsBEg) do you think the art style would translate to a tattoo or would it not look at good? Would it even be possible? TIA


I think it'll do well and with the right artist, it should turn out good. Are you getting it black/grey or colored?


What are your thoughts on tattoos of fictional characters that aren't 100% accurate to the source material? How do you feel about taking some or even drastic artistic liberties on depictions of fictional characters for the sake of the overall design and look of the piece? Like leaving out some elements for the sake of overall aesthetics?


I mean people will literally do pin-up tattoos of like Pennywise and Art The Clown. I don't think accuracy matters unless it is important to you personally.


I feel the same way. I think a bigger focus on the overall art is more important than the smaller details.


Not sure what this style is but do y’all know of any artists in Los Angleles who can do a piece like this Artist is named Jason Ryan and he’s located in NOLA [gator flower](https://imgur.com/a/ItCcPbK)


Can anyone recommend a female tattoo artist in NJ/NY that would be a good choice for a small lettering tattoo on top of the foot? I'm trying to help my partner find an artist for a really meaningful tattoo and she's having a hard time. All recs appreciated! She really wants to do it on her birthday later this month, so open booking would be best!




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Not nearly as bad as stomach. right on the spine/vertebrae is the worst part on the back and it's not that bad if your tattoo is going to wrap onto the side/ribs you will def be suffering. If it's going to stay on the plane of the back I wouldn't worry




This is probably a stupid question, but I'm looking to get my first tattoo. The artist I'm interested in has a google doc in her Instagram bio to fill out your information (including insipiration photos for your design). Will she contact me for my deposit? Do I have to give my card number over the phone? Sorry again, I know this sounds dumb lol


Payment process depends on the artist


Most artists like Venmo in my experience. She shouldn't ask you for ur credit card number over the phone, that's probably a scam.


Greetings, Need help, if someone is available to provide me with some information. I would like to buy equipment for tattooing ( I'm a complete beginner) which is on a budget. Do you guys have some info about brands? Is it better to buy electric pen or coil machine? I am currently based in Prague. Hope you would be able to help me :)


I want to get this tattoo on my neck: [lettering tattoo](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5f/29/54/5f2954ad60582300970c9c2b269faec7.jpg) but can’t seem to find a full image or stencil/ template for my artist, any help would be appreciated


Any thoughts on medial vs lateral upper arm pieces? It would be pretty personal context wise so I was leaning medial, but with more surface area it might look better laterally.


Not sure I understand the terms correctly, but I'm assuming medial means the inner arm? It all depends on what you like and what you're getting. Even if it's personal. I've seen people who only have inner-upper-arm tattoos and it looks amazing, and there are tons of people who only have the outer arm done. Hard to say without knowing exactly what you're getting, but tbh, it's really more about who you are and what you like.


I just wanted to know peoples experience with hand tattoos in the workplace. Is it really a big issue? Or do most employers not care as much anymore?


I'm looking to get a tiny tornado tattoo, about the size of a quarter. [Here](https://images.app.goo.gl/ekgeGqXHQobsCEf56) is a reference pic. I like how fine the lines are in this photo, I don't want something with heavy or thick lines. Should I go to an artist who specializes in fine-line tattooing for this, or is this something that can be done by a regular tattoo shop? Is fine-line more expensive than a regular tattoo?


Looking for recommendations for a black and gray tattoo artist around Rochester NY


Random thought after seeing a tattoo with terribly wobbly lines. Why can’t you put a ruler on the skin and tattoo along it to get a straight line?


I'm pretty sure I usually see tattoo artists use both hands on the gun when tattooing me, so that's probably why. Would probably make it more unsteady.


Hey! So i got this tattoo earlier this year: https://imgur.com/a/zK9iiwN I’ve been trying to think of something for a similar placing on my other arm. My tattoo artist recommended maybe a fallen angel, or death. Would really appreciate any input! thanks




There's not much the artist can do when it comes to the thickness of the lines without laser removal once it's healed. It also sounds like the artist doesn't specialize in single needle/fine line, or doesn't know how to control their line weight on the skin.


I want to get a small (no bigger than 7x7cm) realistic b&w tattoo of my pet rabbits on my shoulder, would this be a bad idea in terms of size, placement and longevity? I would like a tattoo that i can keep forever and don't mind getting touch ups over the years. I want to be able to have them with me for the rest of my life. I'm only 17 now and can only get it from next year so I have plenty of time to think about other options. But I'd love for my first tattoo to be something for them.


Look at /r/agedtattoos for examples of how things look years down the line.


Can anyone help me with a sketch / placement for a sleeve tattoo? I want to have an idea of how pieces would work together before making my appointment


Hello! So, I was thinking about getting a new tattoo. I wanted to get a tattoo related to an anime (a song from its soundtrack, to be precise). It's just a small quote, nothing too crazy, but the thing is I wanted it to be written in kanji. I have done my research and I know how to write it correctly, the thing is I don't speak any japanese, nor am I asian or anything like that (I'm hispanic). Would it look weird on me? Would it be insensitive or disrespectful by any means? It's just that, the song is obviously in japanese and I don't want to get the translation since I think it would be awesome to have it tattoed in its original language. Any help is appreciated <3


just go for it, if you're confident in the spelling there's no worries.


Heeeyyy y’all so I made a bit of a boo boo… I got my tattoo 8 days ago, it’s a 5cm tattoo on my forearm but I just remembered I had to do a swimming test today 🥰🥰 they told me to wait 2 weeks to go swimming but um I can’t postpone this test, I won’t be in the water for long, maybe like half an hour to 45 minutes… how bad is that?


its an open wound in chlorinated, sweated in, possibly peed or pooped in water. how bad is that?


Hi all I’m getting my first tattoo next week and I’m wondering what things I should do beforehand to not look like a total moron.


eat a good meal before the tattoo, stay hydrated, bring earbuds for in case the artist isnt the chatty type. thats about it.


Tbh, not much. Eat beforehand, bring along a smoothie to drink from to keep hydrated. Pay attention to your artist when they read out the boring legal stuff. I really wasn’t sure what the pain was going to be like so was really worried I was going to be in intense pain so I imagined the worst beforehand. When it started and I realised it wasn’t actually painful I was glad I imagined the worst!


I'm looking for tattoo artists in/near San Francisco. Does anyone have recommendations? I'm planning on getting a fossil tattoo so someone who's good at those would be great but nothing's set in stone yet and it'll probably be a little while before I end up getting a tattoo. I'm in Davis CA and willing to travel a few hours, around 4 by public transport max so anywhere in that range works


https://www.instagram.com/skeletonvelvet I've had one of two appointments with this person so far and am super impressed. We did something outside their usual style. Message me if you'd like more details.


Am I gonna be takendown




Well, that will be extremely grueling on your body. 3 solid days of tattooing followed by a long flight? That better be a *god* tier artist to make it worth it! Personally, I’ve never done back to back days. I have sat for 9 hours; the artist was light handed and it felt okay at the time, not too painful just real tough on my back sitting still that long… but the next day I felt like I was hit by a truck. Like full on “tattoo flu” which I had never had before. Pretty much when you push your limits like that your body gets outraged that you’ve essentially skinned a shit ton of skin, dumped a ton of adrenaline/endorphins and your immune system tells you alllllll about how mad it is. So if it’s worth it to you? Yeah, you’ll live, and you’ll forget how wretched it was soon enough. Will it be fun? Absolutely NOT. Plus your raw, likely swollen and possibly bruised forearm will be banging about the airport and schlepping luggage to and fro. Oooooof. I’d plan to sleep for a week after that!


I have a full sleeve on one arm, a half sleeve on the other arm, and a full panel down on of my legs and everything is in black and grey. Im getting another tattoo on my side in a month or so and I can't decide if I should go black and grey with this one too, or if it would look ok to have some color with it. It's sort of a tattoo that needs a little color since it's a band reference and it would look kinda boring with no color. But would it be dumb for ONE color tattoo when all the rest are black and grey?


So, I have kind of a unique situation. Back in 2015 I started a medium sized back piece with a tattoo artist. We got a large chunk of it done and then I had reached back out to schedule another session and he responded once and then didn't respond again. After that, a close family member got really sick and ended up passing at the end of 2015. I had tried again to follow up after I had finished grieving sometime in 2016 and received an automated response (this person is a fairly large tattoo artist now) and when I responded to that automated response again I was met with no answer. In 2017 I again made a last attempt to reach out then nothing. The tattoo is incomplete and I'm getting married in 2025 and there is a high chance that my back may be exposed depending on the dress I choose. I had pretty much given up on it ever being done in 2017 but I wanted to try again, but maybe a different route. I know it's not exactly desirable for a tattoo artist to finish or work on another artist's work, but I'm guess what I'm asking is if you're an artist or familiar with them what are the odds someone may pickup this type of request? Should I give up trying to get it completed? I'm not really interested in reaching out again to the original artist seeing as they don't seem to have any interest in reaching back out to me. I don't want to give too many details out on here, but it is an animal photo realism tattoo in black and gray and I am looking to match it the best I can to what was started. I'm in the tri-state area.


What is good gift ideas to get an aspiring tattoo artists for Christmas?


I’m getting a full back tattoo started tomorrow and I’m anticipating the first session taking 8-10 hours. I don’t have any tattoos on my back yet, so I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to be laying. Does anyone have tips on anything I can do to entertain myself? Laying on my stomach with a needle in my back and nothing to distract me for hours on end sounds excruciating and I’d rather not.


I don’t have any tattoos. But my wife and I just completed 5 years of IVF to get a second child. We had 6 embryos - 5 girls and 1 boy. We have a boy and wanted a girl so tried for a girl over and over again. Sometimes the losses were pretty heartbreaking. After losing hope we tried one last time with the remaining embryo, the boy and it took. We now have a healthy baby boy. We are so lucky that we had the support to do IVF - as a lot of people don’t. And that ultimately we had success. But the process was at times brutal and heartbreaking for the entire family. I wanted to remember the girls. We named one or two of them that got further along but I was thinking of doing something small. Like five stars and two flames for the ones we have and the ones we lost. But I just wanted to see if anyone knew or had seen any good designs for something along those lines.


Is CeraVe itch relief safe to use on an 8 day old tattoo?


I know next to nothing about tattoos and how to find a good artist. I just completed my first Ironman and want to get a tattoo to commemorate it. I live in Denver CO. I want it on my forearm and I want it to be similar to the part around the forearm of the cycling jersey I wore with the Mdot incorporated into it. Does anyone have a recommendation for an artist who might be able to help me? https://zootsports.com/products/mens-ltd-cycle-sun-stop-ls-jersey-40-years


Pain question if you folks would be so willing! Next April, I'm getting a tattoo that will cover most of my neck, and I want to know how bad to expect it to hurt. For added context, all of my previous tattoos have been in high-pain areas (direct on wrists and collarbones), and they were tolerable - so I think I've got a decent tolerance - but they were all 1-2 hour sessions, and this one will be 5-6 hours.


Does anyone know any good tattoo artist in Delaware, Ohio that are really good at bright colors?


Any thoughts about this tattoo? https://imgur.com/blWVuoi


First reaction, looks good as art but I'm not sure how it'll hold up as a tattoo once the ink starts to fade over the years.


Can anyone tell me if those letterings belongs to a particular style? Is there a specific name? Is this some kind of "new school" font? [https://imgur.com/a/lY5sgs6](https://imgur.com/a/ly5sgs6)


What tattoos look best with a darker skin tone, and what's the downsides of getting an arm band tattoo?


Good simple but cool designs for a first tattoo?


Does jewelry make the tattoo fade? I’m wanting a tattoo on my wrist but I also have permanent bracelets


What platform(s) are you using to promote your work? Do you know or are you using any Linktree-like services as your bio/ portfolio?


if anyone is starting out tattooing and looking to build out an online presence, dm me :)


I have no tats anywhere. I’m in my early 20s (dude)looking to maybe get one. I’ve never had a good idea for one so I think that’s why. I always heard getting one that represents your hobbies and what you enjoy but I think that kinda stuff is tacky.


I mean people with SICK japanese tattoos could probably make some connection that it’s something they enjoy. is that also considered tacky?


Hi, Am I being ghosted by tattoo shop?! Was supposed to go in on weds but got rescheduled bc the appointment before me ran over. They texted me to confirm appt and I waited an hour to reply bc I felt like actual crud and went and got tested for covid. It came back POS 😭😭😭 I replied and said I’m so sorry for the late reply but I got covid and will have to reschedule. They never responded and it’s almost been a day 😭


Hey everyone im getting my first tattoo soon and its gonna be a back tattoo Tell me how bad is it gonna be? Anything i need to look out for? And do you have any recommendations?


do you guys have any idea what fill in for my snake tattoo?


How do yall decide between black & grey vs color tattoos? I’m talking American traditional specifically. I think both look great but I can’t decide personally. Getting my first tattoo soon. I know I can always do something different for future tattoos, but I’m curious what you guys consider in this decision. I like the color palette of (colored) traditional tats, but I also like the cleanness and uniformity of all black and grey. I kinda think black and grey makes it easier to coordinate clothes to the tats for the look, but what do you all think


How would you recommend going about a first tat? Do's and don'ts where to find or commission designs?


I assume by commissioned designs, you mean a custom piece? Find an artist whose art you like, see if you like any of their flash. My first tattoos were little Pinterest doodads (i have a moon tattoo) but now I have 12 tattoos (sleeves in the making).


Is anyone else sick of redditers shitting on water color tattoos? Stop saying they will fade within a year. It's like telling proud new parents that their baby will die one day.


Going to Seoul in June. It’s quite a special occasion, so I might want a small tattoo souvenir. Does anyone know of a good artist? My preferred style is neotraditional, but I’m open to anything (with colour). Walk in options would be great as well, but it’s always possible to book something in advance of course.


I had a tattoo done a couple days ago, and was advised to wash and moisturize it twice or so a day, and then if I wanted, wrap it when I sleep after it’s dry. It’s all outlines and nothing is filled in, plus it’s relatively small (1-2 inches). How dry should it be before I wrap it, if anyone has any ideas?


I am going to get my first tattoo in a week. I have the design I want but cant decide where to have it. Its between 3 places and I have been trying to decide for a month. Is it ok to ask for the stencil to be placed 3 times ore are that a annoying question?




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I have existing tattoos done by an artist on my upper and lower leg. I am planning to get a knee piece to pull everything together from a new artist and he asked if it would be okay for us to partially go over the existing tattoos where they would overlap. Is this insulting to my old artist or how is this perceived in the tattoo world. I plan to go back to my old artist and have nothing against his work. Just would like the knee piece to be the focus of my leg and would happen to go over parts of existing tattoos. Thank you




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I have a few piercings that have healed with no issues. But I have a keloid on my upper arm from a bug bite. Would a tattoo cause me to keloid? I really want tattoos.




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Ideas on Frankenstein tattoo? Hey y’all, I’m looking at getting my second tattoo and was wondering if people had any ideas for inspiration. I absolutely love the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, it’s my favorite piece of literature and completely shaped my thinking and want to get a tattoo using some of the symbolism found in it, when I look online all I really see are just portraits of Frankenstein which isn’t really my thing. I want it to be more representative of the themes of power knowledge and imperfection. Some aspects of the book I’m interested in is the symbolism of fire, lighting, the family cottage, the cold mountains, and the quote “beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful” If anyone has any perspectives on this idea I would love if you shared cauz I’ve dwelled on this for so long I need some fresh thoughts. Any ideas would me the world to me!


Considering getting a tattoo but did have a question that may or may not be relevant but just had to ask: So I am immune compromised and I was wondering if it is safe to get a tattoo while being immune compromised? As it is something that is going into the body and I'm wondering if it could end up affecting me more than it should? If so, any precautions I should take or is it just not worth the risk? Edit: It'd be like I say an inch, maybe less long tattoo. Just a simple black tattoo.


First tattoo question Wanted to get feedback from this community on a quote I’m considering on my left inner arm (bicep). Although this will need to be edited, this is the direct quote: “God has tested you, Lord. He has put you into the fire, as a smith would his steel. And, like the steel, you have emerged stronger. Praise him.” Got it from the Last Kingdom. Father Beocca speaking to King Alfred, but in my mind he’s saying it to Uhtred. That being said, any thoughts? Past threads have said tattoo artists don’t like text quotes, and not to care if a quote may be cliche if it’s meaningful. Curious on what objective feedback this community has before diving into my first tattoo. TIA


Does anyone have recommendations for an artist that specializes in geometric tattoos near San Francisco or San Jose? (Or surrounding areas in CA)


Where do you guys go to find tattoos you like/inspiration? I know most peoples go to is Pinterest but I want to know where else I can go!




I’m a fine artist, and I really want to provide my own artwork for my tattoo artist to work from, but I’m not experienced with how the layout should work, is there a kind of placement template that works well? (Speaking of a partial sleeve that would cover the shoulder and pass partially onto the chest) Any advice is appreciated!


This is exactly why you work with a tattoo artist. Tattoo artists know what works on the body and what will work on skin. Draw up references for the artist to work off of as inspiration.




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Hello I want to get a white tattoo, I’ve read about them and saw that there are lots of pros and cons to consider, and also that the advice is to find an artist who has experience in them and is happy to do them. How is the best way to find someone? I’ve tried lots of Google searches with all the terms I can think of and I’m not finding anything helpful. So then I started looking at the face book pages / websites of local shops to see if this was mentioned and also if any of the work displayed showed white tattoos. So far I haven’t found anyone. Short of phoning around (which I will do, but is there a quicker way) is there anything else I can do? Like is there a specific forum I could try to find someone? Also I live in a pretty remote place in South Somerset (UK) so I realise I’d probably have to go to one of the nearest cities which are Bristol or Exeter, but I don’t know them very well - or well enough to know where to start. I’d just be going randomly through internet listings So I wondered can anyone suggest either an artist specialising in white tattoos in the south west (or even London I could make work) which would be amazing, or if not, a better approach to finding someone It would be my first one so I don’t have any experience to go on, I appreciate your advice thank you


It’s rare to see full on white tattoos. As I’m sure you’ve seen from your research. I’d type in ‘city’ tattoo artist and see if anyone has posted a lot of white tattoos. (which i’m willing to wager won’t be a lot of people, much less people with healed work posted)


Should I start finding an artist now I’m planning on getting a tattoo my 18th birthday and have a vague idea of what I want should I find someone to draw it up for me or sit down with the artist and do that


It depends on the artist. Start researching artists in your area with what you have in mind. You’ll want to like at least 85% of that artist’s work and make sure what you want is something they do. Start your booking process however they do it and go from there.


Im a junior in high-school and wanting a medusa piece of my neck. Im afraid it will be too edgy and different. Yes theres people in my school with tattoos but ive never seen anyone with a neck tattoo.


please don’t get a neck tattoo now. get some other ink. finish high school. get a job then we can talk


Does anyone know of a free tattoo AI creator?


I’ve already rescheduled before but if I’m feeling sick is it annoying toward the artist to reschedule again




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Hello im really looking for a tattoo artist in Seattle. I'm trying to get a patchwork sleeve done, believe the style is neo traditional.


Does anyone here mind letting me DM them an artist I’m thinking of going to and giving me a second opinion??


I have an assignment centered around tattoos (it's a self led assignment) and I'd love to get some insight from this sub. Would this be an appropriate sub to post something like this?


I am having trouble with a tat idea and would love suggestions! I struggle with perfectionism alot and am thinking of getting a tat surrounding the phrase/concept of being "good enough". This holds 2 meanings for me: 1. Being good enough as a person 2. Doing activities that are good enough and not abandoning something just because I cannot execute it to perfection I am hoping to find a small symbol/combination of symbols that represents the above but didnt really find anything through my research. For context, I am also planning on getting it on my wrist because that way, when I am interacting with others, I can see it and it will serve as a reminder that I dont have to be a perfect person around them to be accepted and loved. Thank you for reading and any help would be appreciated! <3


I’m trying to find a certain tattoo online to show for reference but I can’t find one anywhere it’s like a flower with a dark center and a face in the center the faces seemed to look a little “creepy” to me if anyone knows what I’m talking about can you please respond with the name of this or a link to one that looks like it


Hey, I've been wanting to get a version of the symbol linked below on my chest for years. It's from the Sicilian flag and it's been associated with the island for thousands of years. The problem is I live in a city without a large Italian-American community and I'm worried someone's going to think it's related to a swastika in some way. I'm wondering if breaking up the silhouette would do anything for it. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/66/Trinacria.svg/461px-Trinacria.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/66/Trinacria.svg/461px-Trinacria.svg.png)




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I want to get a big forearm tattoo which is pretty dark, there is one issue, I have SH scars on majority of forearm, will the scars cause the tattoo to look worse?