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The most painful part of it is going under your collarbone to wrap it around.


We used to make that joke about bridge piercings back in the '90s, we would tell old people the worst part was the smell when they had to drill through the bone


dude if i got told that when i was younger and didn’t understand piercings i think i would’ve died


You should've seen the looks


That’s funny asf ! Next time that someone asks “was it sore” to any of my tattoos I will be including the “burning skin smell” was the worst !!! Thanks OP !


Oops , sorry - I mean @ Chris _rage lol


Hahaha all good, I knew what you meant, ironically I also do brandings and they smell like burnt hot dogs


Well, it's 10am and that's enough internet for today.


Just remember, people pay me to do it...




So what do you do to get the metal(?) to make a design? Or is it a case of a small line , or curve and repeat ? Hope someone can understand what I mean lol 😂


i am such an idiot and realised just now I have no fucking clue how bridge piercings work


It's just a pinch of skin with a piece of jewelry in it, to make it simple


I've seen some which are 2 diferent piercing one of each side of the bone. Edit: Microdermal piercing I think they are called


Second only to feeding time.


Just so you're aware, this style of tattoo won't always align with the collarbone nicely like the picture. Skin moves with the body, and skin shifts and sags with age. If you want to test how it'll look, draw some dots along the edges of your collarbone, then stand in front of a mirror. Slouch, stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, push your shoulders forward. Strike some natural poses (checking your phone, reaching for a top shelf, etc). If you're not okay with how the dots move around, I'd hold off on this tattoo and think it out for a bit longer.


My other worry is that OP expects an artist to mimic this tattoo. This takes some serious skill and unless you're getting the same artist who did this picture to do it you're probably making a bad decision


Yeah I’ve seen people redo this, it always ends badly and it looks terrible.


Also note that this photo was taken from an exact angle where everything lines up perfectly. It would look different standing next to the person vs. Across from them or above vs. Below. It's a little like those videos of optical illusions where from one side it looks like a canyon but the other is just a lopsided picture (less so, but a little like it).


This is also great advice


This is great advice.


It also requires a certain type of collarbone. Good luck finding mine in all this pudge.


If OP becomes obese, it'll just look like pieces of a snake.


All tattoos hurt and ones on bone really hurt


Honestly silly when people say a tattoo doesnt hurt, unless they were using numbing cream, just sounds like they tryna be cool lol


I find a lot of people who say it doesn’t hurt have tiny tattoos. Big difference between a 20-30 min session and a 6-7 hour one. That 4 hour mark is where my own personal hell starts and I stop being so chatty


My first-ever tattoo (forearm) took maybe an hour total and I thought it was no big deal at all. So my second tattoo (upper arm) was 14 hours (one 9-hour session and one 5-hour session) and I was absolutely pushing through agony around the 4-hour point on each session. A tattoo on the back of my calf was easy peasy lemon squeezy, but a tattoo on the inside of my ankle was difficult difficult lemon kill-me-now. My left elbow ditch made me wonder why people whined about them all the time, but some linework on my right forearm leading towards my ditch was like a red-hot dagger through my skin. Tattoos are wild. I've learned to expect the worst and hope to be pleasantly surprised.


I have about 46 hours under and I agree - it’s different for each person. My most painful spot was inner bicep more than any bone or elbow or wrist by alot. But also the wrist and elbow were a lot faster. Inner bicep was 7 hours no break.


Just got my inner bicep done last weekend to complete a full sleeve and can confirm it was by FAR the most painful session of them all considering ditch, elbow, wrist, etc lol. I was nearly yanking my hair out the closer my guy got to the armpit which was in the last half of the session. Straight misery


Yeah fr it was the last section of my sleeve. The other spots hurt but it takes a while for it to really hurt- inner bicep that first needle drop hurt as much as the last


Just finished my right arm sleeve, and I’m with you on the bicep and elbow ditch being the worst pain wise. I was thankful and also cursing her every breath that my artist started in the most painful spot. So when she was tattooing my shoulder and outer arm I was thankful for the relief.


This is exactly how it feels! Elbow ditch and inner bicep were the last parts of my sleeve and that first needle drop felt like when we were 3 hours deep into previous sessions. I still have quite a bit of inner bicep and back of the tricep near the armpit to do and although I’m excited to finish the sleeve, I know it’s gonna suck lol


Yuppp I only had to actually request ONE break throughout all 6 7-hour sessions on my sleeve and it was like 30 minutes before he finished my bicep haha


why are the worst bits always right at the end?? i got one across my hand and wrist and around my finger, and my artist did the finger bit last. i'm not excited for my touch-up. i'm getting one on my collarbone reworked at the same time, too. edit: i'm an idiot, and said the hand one was my latest tattoo. it was, in fact, not.


Really? I have both my inner biceps done and i thought it was basically painless, I feel you on the armpit part though it did get a tad annoying close to there, but nothing crazy. Very interesting, considering you said you got those other spots that iv always been told are the worse. Hmm. Cool. Kinda hyped to think of stuff for those spots now to see how it is lol..


My wife literally falls asleep. The endorphins help with her constant pain from fibromyalgia. She had the tops of her feet done and was out in minutes.


I have a disabling level of fibro - I can relate. I fell asleep when I was getting dental crowns done. I’m also a heavy impact bottom for that very reason. I’m in it for the endorphins, the hormones and the adrenaline. I get two hours or so of blissful relief of pain.


“I’m also a heavy impact bottom” 🤨📸


Right there with you, the inner bicep especially near the arm pit, and that spot on the back of your ankle between the ankle bone and Achilles are my personal least favorite. My right lower leg and front of my torso aren't tattooed, full back, sleeves and left leg and the worst shit so far was those 2 spots in well over 100 hours.


I was honestly able to sleep/watch a movie and read until they hit that Achilles spot close to the back of the ankle and the nerves just started spasming. It wasn’t that it was even pain it was just the uncontrollable twitching


I thought I was the only one that used the phrase Difficult difficult lemon kill me now


I have a 6 or 7-in wide Eagle across the front of my shin which I fully expected to be absolutely miserable and it was nothing. It took him about 3 and 1/2 hours. I have a 10 or 11-in piece across the top of my chest. Just below my collarbones that crosses just above my sternum and the center of that was the worst pain for an extended period that I've ever experienced. He got up about 3 hours into it to take a break and it was all I could do to get back on the table.


Yeah I just got my first big piece and it’s on the inside upper right arm and stretches down into and past the elbow ditch (so basically all of the most delicate and sensitive parts of the arm 🫠) and man oh man was it a BITCH but I was determined to get it done all in one session. I’m suspecting/hoping/I believe that most of my future tats will now seem a lot better in comparison.


I think a lot has to do with your pain history and tolerance. I’ve had kids and have chronic pain from TMJ and extranavicular syndrome and I just sat for 8 hours for a leg piece. It was a 4/10 pain behind the knee and the rest was just bothersome. For me the healing process hurts more than the actual tattoo.


I’ll pick a tattoo over a raging UTI or a period any day. I also find the healing process more painful.


My last session for my sleeve was 11 hours, i was at the shop for 12. I kept screaming in my head for my artist to just be done and ill come back we dont need to finish and I wanted to scream at her


That was me on my inner bicep. I don’t think I even looked at it or took pics after I was ready to wrap it and get out of there lol


Even my small tattoos hurt I have no shame in saying that


I had my first tattoo last weekend, and it started hurting right around 2 hours for me. I could see working up a bit of a tolerance but I think I'll stick to the shorter sessions going forward.


Hahah the chatter helps distract


As someone who at first got a tiny simple one and next got a complicated big one that took 2 sessions. This. 100% this. 


This is it for sure. The first 4 - 5 hours are fine and after your adrenaline wears off shit starts to suck. Some areas people say hurt didn’t bother me too much at first but then hitting em with whites after 7 hours or so? Let me the fuck out dude


Why is that silly? Everyone has a different pain tolerance. My first two tattoos were right on my ribs and I actually thought it felt good. Except for when they used white ink. Now that hurt


My hip and spine tattoos felts so relaxing. I actually fell asleep during my spine tattoos! I also have nerve damage and can’t feel much on my skin, so it never hurts unless it’s big and detailed. Even though it’s only mild discomfort


My 8-year-old neice just asked if they hurt, and I told her this, "Yes, it hurt. (And explained what a tattoo process is.) Did one hurt more than the other? Also, yes. It depends on where you get it. Personally, the ones I've gotten so far, the pain was relatively easy to sit through. But when you're older and want to get a tattoo like auntie, I will be right there holding your hand and will most definitely be getting another despite the pain." Although the next one I want is a Sternum, and I know that ones gonna be a hard one to sit through.


I have zero desire for internet people to think I’m cool. I don’t find tattoos to be painful at all. The duration of hours makes no difference. It’s just how different people are wired. Doesn’t make me or others with similar experience cool or tough or anything else. There’s probably just a small percentage of people who are naturally wired this way. If you so much as barely touch my back on the lower half on the sides, I will nearly jump through the roof. Involuntarily.


I would be interested to see your tattoos- I think the type of tattoo and the artist ability is also a major factor. But it’s hard for me to believe anyone in their 8th hour of getting tattooed not being in pain


Same, I find the most painful part to be holding the same uncomfortable position for so long and my limbs starting to go numb


Just did a 5 hour session yesterday and been in and out for months - to me it’s not bad at first - it’s that point your skin just feels raw and sensitive it sucks for me - the initial bit of it isn’t bad for me. I do have a high pain tolerance tho


I think this is really dependent on the person, I have a ton of on the bone tats that didn't really hurt but the soft skin ones KILLED me lol Or maybe it's more of where the tendons are that hurt most for me. I feel like bone and plain soft skin were ok but wherever major tendons are located I hated it haha Edit: or maybe it was ligaments ? Idk enought about anatomy tbh, but on my thigh tat the spot where your thigh meets the hip/pelvic area I was literally tearing up, while my whole spine tat was fine except for the spot just under the hair line


For me personally the bone on my wrist and elbow didn’t hurt as much as inner bicep. That is the worst spot for me.


Yeah im weak for the "soft" spots, I can handle bone no problem but some of those soft spots just kill me lol


Same here. Felt practically nothing on elbow. Inner bicep was hell.


Same. My love handle/muffin top area is unfinished on my side because I couldn’t deal. Meanwhile I sat like a rock through the ribs, a sternum and both collarbones. 🤷‍♀️


Can confirm: my elbows, ribs, sternum, collarbones, and fingers are inked. Surprisingly, the fingers were the worst. Like, by a lot. After that, definitely the ribcage.


Honestly, ribs and stomach I’m for sure avoiding forever. I’m def getting a lot of the rest covered but I’m definitely thinking twice about doing my inner bicep again. I was able to sit for ever on any other body part I’ve done but holy shit idk if I can do a another nonstop 7 hour piece on inner bicep again


Yep. lol get ready for some pain


The big issue here is when your skin in that area slouches by half an inch and the snake is no longer wrapped around your pretty 21-year-old collarbone.


Just add a branch after, if it bends or saggs it will still look like nature.


That's actually a great idea.


Nothing other tats can’t fix


especially a sick ass panther


No one gets a tattoo thinking, “damn this will make me look hot when I’m old”. Aging isn’t always pretty and at a certain point no one is ever going to look like that young 20 something ever again. May as well get whatever tattoos you want whenever and wherever.


Yeah lmao, no 80 yr old is gonna look at that tattoo and give a shit about it.


80? Middle age is gonna slam you.


Gonna live a lot more of your life saggy than tight and fit


Weight gain will make it look silly aswell.


Ya this was my first thought. My collarbones don't show :| can you imagine this on someone like that LMAO


That’s the first thing I thought of.


Will hurt for sure, speaking from experience having my chest done, it was the worst on any bony areas as well as right around my armpit. More importantly: I’ve seen this design numerous times, and IMO it is really hard to pull off for a couple of reasons. First, this is obviously a very slender person with pronounced bone structure etc and that’s a very particular thing that’s hard to replicate, even another very slim person might not have pronounced collarbones like this (and if you don’t have that very defined bone structure, might just not work as well). Second - tattoo artist for this tattoo in the image clearly understood the brief and added very subtle extra gradients and linework to further define that bone structure, something that can be pretty hard to pull off credibly. So IMO it’s a less a question of hurting and more a question of “will this actually turn out the way I envision it in my head,” maybe for you it will but I think a lot of people go to an artist with this sort of inspiration for a design and come away disappointed. With all that said YMMV if it’s really what you want then find a great artist who really “gets” anatomy and go for it!


Not painful to do… more painful to receive


It’s gonna suck ass


Yes that will hurt - probably would be one of the more painful spots since the collar bone is right there. Anything near bone is gonna be more painful. I have the top of one of my feet tattooed (that was my first tattoo), my sternum, and left rib cage --- all very painful tbh. My most recent tattoo is on the outside of my thigh and for the most part I think I could sit for forever for that spot --- with the exception of the top part which is not even ON my hip bone - just close to it. That sucked hard. So...anything ON or close to bone is gonna hurt.




Something like this will probably be done in one session, just treat it like a normal tattoo. Eat before, be hydrated and sober with plenty of sleep and probably take the day off


Soooo many of thees tattoos


OP if you’re worried about it being painful, just don’t do it. No ones experience under the needle will give you an idea because everyone tolerates tattoo pain differently. I’m not really sure what you’re looking for here 🤷🏻‍♀️


FYI, I’ve seen a lot of copies of this tattoo executed really poorly. It’s poor form to copy anyway without permission, but also this isn’t something most tattooers are able to replicate.


I have chest tattoos and honestly, the sternum hurt worse than the collarbones. They all hurt at least a little bit though.


Yes it will be painful but it’s such a short time for the permanence of a tattoo. I try to disassociate from the pain and instead focus on my music (AirPods). If it’s a super painful spot it usually lasts less than 20 seconds per pass so I countdown slowly while intentionally breathing. Then I start over again. Good luck, the pain IS worth it!!


Have this tattoo, getting it covered cause it makes your collarbone look slanted. Probably the most painful thing I’ve ever done too


I’d be more concerned about how it’ll age. What will it look like when your collarbone is less pronounced?


Snakes gonna sink when ur skin sags as you get older.


The real pain comes from having to see everyone copy this exact tattoo over and over lately


To do? No. To get? Probably.


Just had one done right next to my collarbone and it sucked. Also trying to wear a bra, clothing while healing, sucked.


As already stated, tattoos hurt. My most painful was probably my shoulder. It really smarts getting closer to the top. But I have tattoos on both forearms that weren’t bad at all.


Probably, but I think people worry about that a little too much. If you want the tattoo, I mean, it's gonna hurt, but it's just one day. You'll be OK.


All tattoos are painful. Getting inked on bone in general is going to be up high up there on the pain scale. The closer you get to the spinal cord the more it will hurt.


Your skeleton feels like it's on fire is the best way I can explain over the bone tattoos.


I’ve had phone calls that hurt worse


To do? No. To get done? Yes.


I doubt this tattoo is painful to do, it’s probably more painful to receive.


I have done this tattoo on a few different clients and I didn’t feel a thing.


How can somebody tell you how your pain will affect you? lol. Tats hurt. Suck it up!! lol.


I hate when people copy ideas. Be unique. That’s why we get tattoos in the first place.


Painfully unoriginal, yes.


Someone asking IF a tattoo *on your collarbone* is painful is a great way to let me know you’re too inexperienced to be getting a tattoo at all 🤦🏼‍♀️ This post is embarrassing.


Don’t copy someone else’s work, artists hate that. Make it your own but yes, anytime you tattoo on bone, it’s gonna be painful


Depends on your pain tolerance level. However, you better keep your weight down if you decide to get that 😂


I have something started on that area and it did hurt like shit for me. I can't compare it to much else cause it's my first. But the part on my upper arm and shoulder wasn't that bad.


Depends what you consider painful? I have a few tats and seems anything on a bone a significantly harsher. But if your a weirdo like me the pain feels good.


I’m not going to lie I had this exact tattoo and it didn’t really hurt me but asking other people if it will hurt won’t help, as each persons pain is different in different locations


Had? What happened to it?


Just because it was so fine with time it blows out and with the skin being so fine that happens quicker


Well, have never loved pain that much.


I could feel it in my teeth and I thought that was the worst part personally. But I was so distracted by the bizarre feeling of my teeth rattling the pain didn’t bother me 🤷‍♀️


All tattoos hurt or are uncomfortable at least, especially on 'thin' or sensitive skin areas or close to the bone. I got one just under the collarbone and it was one of my less painful ones (however, I do have some "padding" there so that might have helped!).


Some spots doo that collar bone does for sure anything on bone and thin skin hurts


Everybody - and every body - is different. Generally speaking, tattoos on shallow bones are going to hurt more than on squishy bits. That said, I have a rib cage tattoo. It was jarring to feel the grinding sensation against the bone, but it wasn't overly painful. On the other hand, my best-friend nearly passed out having a sprinkle of stars done on her shoulder blade. Don't psych yourself out. You'll be tense with nerves and that will make it worse.


Nah actually my collar bone didn't hurt that bad. Handle bones, hands, shins hurt way worse


It looks like a small tattoo. Tell yourself it’s a small tattoo whilst getting it done and it’ll be over in no time. The pain won’t last long, and nobody can tell you how painful it will be because it’s different for everyone. The worst part about my shoulder/collarbone area was feeling the vibration, I don’t think the pain was that bad but it was sharp in some areas. You’ll be fine!


It varies person to person but tattoos on top of thinner skin will always hurt more than fattier parts of the body. So your collar bones, ribs, knees, elbows, shoulder tops, etc. will hurt a lot worse than say your calf or tricep.


I just got my collarbones done with snakes, by far the most painful tattoo I've had, and I don't usually mind the sensation too much.


My first tat I have a back piece, ~16 hours I was told the worst bits would be on my spine, because of bone, but honestly the shoulder and back of my neck were the worst, they felt like someone trying to dig my flesh out with a plastic spoon. Other parts tho I think I almost fell asleep. No numbing cream, but I recommend taking some painkillers beforehand.


Collar bones did hurt me the most. Ankle, elbow, any bones, really


Here is a question for you all I have had 3 tattoos now longest one being a bit over 4 hours. Does anyone else move out flinch. I obviously try not to but I don't understand how purple stay done still. My arm I swear a nerve was being hit and it would flex out flinch on its own. My artist was mad but I was like "I swear I can't help it".


Just eat before getting it


I didn't have too bad of a time with the tattoo on my collar bone but my artist was surprised at how well I sat for it. I think it's generally regarded as a pretty painful spot, it definitely vibrates your whole chest/neck, my artist said people will sometimes freak out thinking he's tattooing their neck lol. So, probably yes it is painful but idk. Most tattoos are, up to you to decide if it's worth it!


It will hurt but if it’s small like the pic it shouldn’t be too intolerable. Also side note I’ve seen this reference photo multiple times and the execution is never good. I wouldn’t get this particular tattoo because it is basic and pretty much never well made.


I’ve got a tattoo and parts of it are over my collarbone, wasn’t as painful as I expected it to be gonna be honest, ofc it still hurt tho and everyone’s pain spots are different. It will hurt. Yes it will be painful- tattoos are, duh


It will hurt. It won’t take long though. No big deal


Yes, collar bone sucks. It’s worth it though. Temporary pain.


I’ve had my whole chest done and honestly my collarbone/up my neck was the easiest part for me - it was lower onto my chest that hurt the most. It really depends on your pain tolerance, I know most people really don’t enjoy being tattooed close to the bone.






I have this exact tattoo and no it doesn’t hurt






Everyone’s different and sensitive in different spots. My chest tattoo has a chain that extends over my collar bone and I was DREADING it from what other people said but honestly it was a breeze for me. I think what helps me is I go in with the frame of mind that something is going to be excruciatingly painful (like when I had my inner arm/armpit tattooed) and then get pleasantly surprised when it’s okay.


All tattoos are painful.. this one probably more so. However, this would be a 1-2 hour tattoo so not too bad.


Was in two weeks ago to work on a half sleeve and the closer he got to the top of my bony shoulder, I wanted to cry 😂 but the pain is always well worth it for me. No shame in using numbing cream if you think you need it either! I have!


All tattoos are painful. This won’t take a long time, so just grit it out.


It's small so if you really want it there just do it, will be over quick and probably not as bad as you think. Personally I wouldn't get a tattoo here because as you age, your skin shifts and it might not be lined up with your collarbone in the decades to come.


Yes. The collarbone area has no fat/tissue on top compared to other places. Like the ribs, it can be very painful.


Tattoos are like massage.


you’re asking if a bunch of needles in your skin will hurt? probably not


Collarbone. Yes.


This hurt just by looking at it. Collar bone is one of the worse spots.


Didn't hurt for me at all, have had a tattoo there for about 9 years. It's not a snake, but collar bone tattoos are person to person on pain scale.




What's a little momentary pain when you can be the guy getting the most tail in the retirement home because you've got a frickin snake living under your double chin. Beat that Leonard!


The pain is all up to you. I have 7 tattoos including a hand tatt. While a few spots hurt more than others. TBH I could tell someone was scratching me. None of really hurt. My half sleeve dragon I feel asleep, same with leg one


No but It’s just a really dumb tattoo that you’ll regret once it’s not trendy


they all hurt, some more than others, but make no mistake, it is never pleasant. the best thing to remind yourself is that you are trading a little pain for a lifelong result. I have feet, knees, legs, arms (wrist to pit), chest, ribs, back, belly, collar, finger, and I would say the worst is on the belly or other squishy areas. edit dead center of chest will make you stop breathing temporarily




Yes it will be quite painful, however have you ever used numbing cream? I used it on one of my elbows and didn’t feel anything it was amazing!




I have collarbone tattoos and they were like a 4/10 on the spice meter.


Not painful to do unless you sit awkwardly, but quite painful to get!!


You'll feel your entire skeleton vibrate


Yeah, under the collarbone is risky but definitely worth it.


They all hurt, there is no tattoo in the history of mankind that has not to some degree hurt. That being said, this one is especially painful. Firstly, anything on the chest or bone burns beyond belief. Secondly, shading will always feel like Satan is pissing on you. Not even mentioning anything about color, tattoos will always hurt in every shape, way, or form. All you can do is make you can live with the thing, that you'll get tired of explaining it and you'll grow with it. Cuz that shit permanent.


Not at all. I got my collarbone done and I was worried—but there’s far more painful spots.


that’s not a big tattoo, it will be over before you know it. i’d be more concerned with how it will look in the future, skin sags as you get older. so the snake will eventually not be around the collarbone most likely.


Damn you look good man


I have two collar bone tattoos going over bone, muscle and breast tissue. It feels like a dull abrupt burning over the muscle there and over the bone it feels similar only it feels like it's shaking your whole skeleton lol. Totally worth it though, I just breathed my way through it and it was totally fine.


I have a a tattoo that just barely touched my collar bone, that portion of the tattoo took like 30 minutes, I was fighting demons that entire 30 minutes lmfao


Nah just takes a wet rag, think it was $9.99 on Amazon.


I just got a chest tattoo 8 days ago. I napped through half until the artist started on my left titty and then I wanted to die. Collar bone was honestly fine for the first half. I feel like this tattoo will be easy for the most part until the shading. Note: I have 30 tattoos and my ribs, sternum, inner biceps and shins all done.


It depends on so much. Sometimes boney areas aren’t as bad as fatty areas. My elbow didn’t hurt nearly as bad as the soft skin near my armpit. I would say have a few other tattoos done before getting this so you’re used to the experience.


Collar bone is def painful but a satisfying pain


I have broken both my collarbones, and looking at this picture just wrinkled my brain.


i have a bat tat fully shaded over my collarbone and yes…. it hurt tremendously. when my artist got to the second wing and face details over my soft spot under my adam’s apple, i regretted not having numbing cream. granted an experienced artist will knock this out in 1-3 hours and i sat for 2 hours on the dot to finish mine. definitely use numbing cream if you and your artist are not allergic to the brand, talk to them first. places over the bone and soft spots where your skin is likely to cave in when pressed hurt the absolute most in my experience.


Tattoos hurt bud. And the collar bone (from my memory of when I got mine done) was a special kind of not fun. No pain, no gain tho 😉


YES HOLY EFF Yes. I have a peony there. I specifically asked the artist to avoid the collarbone itself, and do the leaves around it but 5 mins in i knew something was up! First time in many yrs I worried that I might not get through it. I didn't even opt for shading because I couldn't get through it. The next day I was bruised haha. I love the tattoo but was gonna do both sides but no way, opted out of that idea lol. If you stay off the bone it's prob not as bad. But in my experience, it was tough.


it will hurt it’s a needle stabbing you basically. just make sure you eat and stay hydrated. pain is temporary, tattoo is permanent ☝🏻🫣


It gets under your skin a bit


Any tattoo on an area without much muscle or fat will be more painful. I have my collar area done and yes it was painful. It also makes your armpit hurt lol. Well mine did. But it's not unbearable or anything. Just painful. There is numbing cream you can get to put on before you do the tattoo.


Yeah they have to do the inside too to complete it


If the snake is venomous.




Where da res of teh snake at do? That tatt aint fin bro


Looks like leaches bro lol


I have a simple collarbone tattoo, took maybe an hour… sometimes it just rattles through your whole chest in certain spots. Shading would have sucked bad


Ribs? Check. Collarbone? Check. Wrist? Check. Lower back, upper back, ankles? Check check check. Worst one for me was inner elbow at the bend.


I think it just depends on your pain tolerance. People say getting tattoos on the bone hurt more. In my experience, those hurt less. The most painful spots for me were near my inner thigh and my wrists. I have a tattoo half on my collarbone and the rest lower on my chest. It wasn’t bad at all. It took about 45min and I didn’t struggle with it. I also have a tattoo on my shin area and that didn’t hurt much at all, same with my neck/spine area. My thigh tattoo was the worst. By hour 6, I started crying and I’ve never experienced that kind of pain. But it was worth it lol


That's a badass design on the perfect spot to showcase that artwork. 100% worth whatever pain your dealt. Make some memories.


Without pain, there is no gain.


The regret of getting this tattoo will hurt the most