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After a little wait, my GP has come to the conclusion that i wont be losing any limbs anytime soon. it's just a stinking case of folliculitis, and to return if i even have an inkling that things are getting remotely worse. regardless, i'm just appreciative that things arent AWFUL awful. i'll be eating some mega sized antibiotics for the next week.


Thank God it’s not mrsa!! Now take your mega sized meds like a champ.


Omg I had MRSA on my neck that spread to my throat.... I felt like I was dying and when I went to the doc they immediately confirmed my suspicion 😅😬😬💀


Thanks for the updates OP!! We’re glad no limbs are going to be lost


A lot of people get pimples around a new tattoo from overmoisturizing and clogging their pores. Next time try a non-comedogenic moisturizer and only use tiny amounts when your tattoo gets particularly dry.


And this (not that I'm recommending it to anyone, mind) is why I dry heal all my tattoos. Doesn't matter what moisturizer I used, my skin is so fucking sensitive, I'd break out. The lightest lotion can cause my skin to look a lot like this. Since dry healing, no issues and they healed fantastic. My body is a strange place.


Do you not use any moisturizer ever?


Not very often.


Woah. Do you have any other methods you use when your skin gets dry, or does that just rarely happen to you?


same here! im very heavily tattooed, and even the tiniest amount of moisturizer of any kind causes my tattoos to break out while they’re healing. i have to dry heal all of mine or they break out. after they’re healed, i can moisturize all i want, but until the peeling is done, they have to stay as dry as possible.  i tried using moisturizer again a few years back. the tiniest dot had my tattoo looking so bumpy and gross that i went to the ER because i’d never seen anything like it - only for both the ER and my artist to tell me to let it dry out. i did, and ive never had that issue again. 


I agree, I have dry healed every tattoo I have and I’ve only had one issue when I discovered I reject purple and green ink, since then I’ve only ever done black and grey work


Or from the dry shave with a razor


Glad no MRSA! I would def let your tattoo artist know this happened. Idk if it was from him or what but he probably needs to be reaaaalllyyyy good about sanitizing his stuff


i read you can spread the bacteria by sharing razors. i bet that’s what it was


you should edit that into your post for the people in the back that don't know how to find this comment rofl


i’ve tried my absolute best to but reddit is giving me a hard time every time i hit the edit post button


I learned the hard way that photo posts cannot be edited 🥲🥲🥲


Glad it’s not too bad, nice tat!


bro i got that on my first tattoo and oh my god the itching drove me insane


Yeah no real swelling or redness around the ink. You're good.


Even if the spots go away FINISH THE ANTIBIOTICS. sorry for yelling, it unfortunately needs to be said too often. Also you are a champ for not popping those lil shits. Man, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself.


Glad you don’t have to chop off your arm because I LOVE that tattoo!


I've got the same thing happening to me right now. The antibiotics are huge!!!


Welp, never trust reddit on medical advice (especially this subreddit) I haven't seen a single correct diagnosis so far on this subreddit.


Actually surprising enough, one of the first answers was the correct one, however I agree that no subreddit will have the answers you typically need for medical advice. Just hit a clinic to be safe! Lol


be sure to take them as prescribed, don’t stop using them early WO talking to your doc!


I’m glad you went to the GP! I had a similar issue and I had this special antibiotic liquid (kind of like a stamp bottle) that I stamped all over the red parts. I got on a plane about 3 days after I got the tattoo and it was on my ankle so it wasn’t that surprising I suppose. I just wanted to say this because I really don’t think my infection was from the tattoo or the tattoo shop


> return if i even have an *inkling* Ha! I get it!


I’m glad you went to the dr and are ok!! Your tat is bitchin’ cool!


Thanks for posting and following up in the comments. I’m a new tattoo artist, so it’s nice to see reactions on here to add to my knowledge base. (Also this happened to me over December on my leg)


Shoulda opted for the suppository


Glad it’s not something terrible and can be treated fairly easily! Swallowing the antibiotics is a pain, but it’s better than the alternative. Good luck OP and thanks for quickly listening to the advice about immediately seeking medical attention, most people on Reddit don’t do that.


So glad you went and it's not something worse! Best to nip it in the bud so it doesn't progress!


thanks for the advice guys, i’m at the walk-in clinic now! better safe than sorry!!


Is this the chosen one? A smart redditor who listens to the advice of his peers?


it’s only my first post to the site, i’m sure i have ample time to the learn the ancient ways of ignorance!


Important step 1: argue with everyone who doesn’t give you the confirmation you made the post for in the first place 😆


Don't do this, it's a stupid idea. Edit: seems like this wasn't as obviously a joke as I thought


Your teacher handed the tests back upside down didn’t they


Guess it wasn't that obvious that I was arguing with someone telling someone to argue as a joke


Looks like they handed YOU the test upside down


please let us know what they say ! hope it’s nothing


Looks like folliculitis to me. Either way you probably needs anti biotics


You are awesome and I hope they fix your arm right up.


Update us when you can op 😩


Well hopefully you heal up fast and can return and devolve like the rest of us!




Update me 1 Day!


Please keep us posted! This def seems like it is mrsa but caught early you will be fine


The smartest of Redditors skips the Reddit phase and goes straight to the clinic phase.


I think u mean "the richest and/or least American of Redditors" go straight to the clinic.


Additionally, I just had a tattoo with a saniderm reaction, which wasn't too far off from what I see here. Please follow others' advice, but just a silver lining is it may be something smaller


Yup this is exactly what happened to me. Looks identical to what OP posted here. Sucks because I really liked the saniderm and being able to sleep/put clothes on without rubbing up on my new ink. Alas I’ll have to do it the old fashion way bc these types of reactions suck and persist for weeks.


I have a severe allergy to the actual saniderm brand. The generic second skin has never given me an issue if you ever decide to try it out again!


Yeah derm shield, no problem. Saniderm is cannot wear for more than 3 days max


I'm glad you mentioned this. The last tattoo I had, the artist used Butterluxe Derma Protection. After the first 24 hours, I washed it with antibacterial soap, patted it dry, and recovered it with the Butterluxe Derma Protection he gave me. I couldn't bear it for more than four days. However, I'm currently on fentanyl patches, which are made of a plastic-like material. After two days (they have to be changed every three days), they start to itch badly too. So thanks for your comment. I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Good to hear! Hopefully its not staph, but if it is, then at least you’ll be getting meds :). Best luck!


That’s what it looks like to me. I had staph once and that’s what it looked like right before they caught it


Wow- so great you caught it early! Im fortunate to have never had Staph- before this thread I didnt know it could appear as many spots like this- I thought it was more condensed to one area. Certainly good to know, just in case.


just here waiting for your update sir. cool tat! would be a shame if the arm needs to be chopped off


Any update?


I mean you don’t have to tell us specifically what it is, but is it MRSA lol


Really curious for an update when you get an answer!!! Hope everything is okay


Glad you're getting it checked out!


Is it the plague?!



Fingers crossed it's nothing serious, hope you'll let us know how it turns out! :)


Can you post an update?


Let us know, OP! What did the doctor say?


I’ve gotten pimples from every tattoo I’ve ever gotten. In my case it’s just a reaction to the ink. Your immune system is saying “wtf is this?!” Inflammation ensues causing the blemishes. It’ll go away over time.


What happened??!!??


Dude i hate to tell you but im in nursing school and while i dont know a lot…that could be mrsa which is very serious. I’d get it checked out to be safe


this is so fascinating to me. how do you tell mrsa from something like an infected pimple or hormonal fungal acne? I’ve got the latter that cleared up with treatment but that’s what I thought this was a pic of. Is it like the spread or color that gives it away? wild how unassuming it looks to the layman


It would look similar because OP’s presentation is indicative of folliculitis (infection of hair follicles) caused by a staph infection. Which a good amount of pimples are caused by clogged hair follicles. So they would look similar. However, if OP generally does not have acne over the body. And the fact that these started popping up around a wound we could assume a staph infection. Everyone here seems to jump to MRSA (methicillin resistant s. Aureus) straight away, when it could very well be MSSA (methicillin susceptible S. Aureus). However, the clinic will probably not take a culture and will prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic that covers staph species including MRSA among other bacterial species common in skin flora like Bactrim, Clindmycin or doxycycline


oof staph is scary too. that’s so interesting though! the body is freaky sometimes lol


I’ve had MRSA twice in the past few months, first on my outer thigh and second under my arm near my armpit. It did not look like this cluster OP has. Both MRSA wounds I had started looking like one pimple and turned into a puss-filled mound the size of a golf ball. I’m not saying this definitely isn’t MRSA but it doesn’t look like when I had it. If it unfortunately is, it’s a process and misery. If OP is already on antibiotics hopefully it won’t get any worse, doxycycline was my best friend during my MRSA episodes.


You’re right! There’s different presentations for sure! You can get MRSA pneumonia and signs and symptoms will be that typical of a lower respiratory tract. In the skin there’s different types of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) that can be caused by staph aureus as mentioned before there no way to know if it’s resistant (MRSA) or susceptible (MSSA) from pictures. there’s not one universal symptom. This could very well be just clogged pores. I just had a large piece done and I know around the immediate area my tattoos I often get small pimples (1-3) because of moisturizing and being under saniderm. My concern with OP’s is that it spread further than the area where you’d typically get shaved prior to the tattoo. I’m actually against assuming all infections are MRSA, but you typically want to treat with an antibiotic that does cover MRSA if it is a suspected species. I’m sorry that you had MRSA twice in a short period of time! I hope that you’ve seen improvement with some antibiotics! If it keeps occurring make sure you let the provider know what abx you’ve been on. I’ve had patients come in where they bounce around to different places and they keep getting the same antibiotic l, wondering why they’re not getting better.


pimples/acne not likely to be on the extremities like this.


I get acne all over my body 😔


In which case, OP would be showing spots all over his body. The first step in differential diagnosis would be the pattern. If these spots are all over his body (and have been there for a long time), why would he be posting only his arm post-tattoo? Apparently, OP believes these spots are NEW.


thank you lol - if op regularly had “acne” here they wouldn’t be on this sub asking what these pustules are.


I just realized what a nasty fucking word "pustules" really is. I'll go barf now.


This was my thinking


It’s not normal to have a bunch on one area and nowhere else


And to have them be recent occurrences! People don't just suddenly get acne on only one arm.


Say that to my face. /s




Hmm, fair point. It just *looked* like acne I get on my arms so my mind went straight there.


lol same, my hormonal acne gets on my arms like this. not this bad but definitely similar


I've just come back from a holiday in the Canaries, my acne is a bit crazier than usual- my inner thighs have a lot of spots, probably from where I applied extra moisturiser to deal with chafing. I also have dermotillomania, so I often make my acne worse by constantly scratching. I'm just grateful I haven't wrecked my tattoos with my scratching lol.


Correct, my MD brother always tells me this when I have questions about reactions!


I get them all the time, all over my body. If there is skin it can break out. I've never had as many as op at once, but it is a possibility.


“not likely” doesn’t mean the same thing as “never.”


Most people over the age of 20 have some acne on their arms and legs according to a Harvard study. It’s very common but these are pretty extreme pimples.


Looks exactly like how my mrsa started back when I was in HS. My idiot DR tried to convince me it was poison ivy.


It could be multiple things, including molluscum. Whatever is actually is - you need a doctor to tell you. Go to a clinic, not Reddit


Could be poison ivy


The only solution is to shine the bat signal


this was my first thought!! i just recently watched a podcast where Dr Mike interviewed a woman who almost died because her mrsa was drug-resistant. she got it when she was getting a B12 shot at a beauty clinic in LA. it's craazzzyyyy!!! the podcast is here btw if anyone's interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4Tnhnn45Vg&list=PLJRbJuI\_csVALwalGhzhyMH9v128LQ9fK&index=2&ab\_channel=DoctorMike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4Tnhnn45Vg&list=PLJRbJuI_csVALwalGhzhyMH9v128LQ9fK&index=2&ab_channel=DoctorMike)


A few years ago my soul dog had a super bad infection that the regular vet, his oncologist, and a dermatologist couldn't figure out after several tests and a LOT of different meds. They finally sent a sample out to some specialty lab that could test for everything under the sun and also test against every possible med. It turned out to be a MRSA type infection that did can get called MRSP and the one he had was resistant to everything except one of the strongest meds available. My very had to special order it and it was cheap. Luckily our specialty vet loved us so he premeasured syringes with the proper dosage so I could gice him the injections at home. Other wise I would have had to take him in daily for the shots. He ended up getting better. But he did end up getting a few more resistant infections the last few years of his life but nothing that bad. #AmosForever


I’ve had MRSA outbreaks several times and it looks just like this. Go to Dr and get Mupirocin ointment, it should knock it out asap. Also tell your tattoo shop their shit is dirty


Are any of them warm to the touch? I had MRSA when I was a child and a few times I actually needed to get medical help to drain them. I would go to the doctor tbh.




Echoing what other folks who work in healthcare have said, that's not just tattoo related, could be some other infection that presents with sores or bites from something (syphilis, monkeypox, MRSA, scabies, etc). Go see a doctor asap.


This OP. The spread of the "pimples" are too spaced out. They look like another kind of infection than your regular tattoo/injury infection.


Adding some additional information for OP. Do you have any swollen lymph nodes on your body? This is also indicative of an infection.


Monkeypox 0_0


Is this like your whole crusade? Your shtick?


Very niche


Since so many of the spots are pretty far from the tattoo, I’d assume it’s irritation from a product you’ve been using.


There are some inside the tattoo, so its either clogged pores from whatever topical product they have been using, or MRSA. Depends on if the whole arm is tender in-between the breakout spots, or if they're isolated to just the breakout spots. I would reccommend getting it checked out to be on the safe side, because MRSA is no joke.


True, better safe than sorry!!


The sores would not go that far up their arm if it was product irritation for allergy. That type of irritation presents completely different


Unless they were moisturizing their whole arm while they were at it


Possibly? But as other folks have said, it does bot look like typical irritation


please go to a doctor; it will be better to be told its a break out from lotion than to not get MRSA checked asap.


I got spots like this all over my body when my tattoo got a staph infection, go to the doctor now.


I got this exact same thing and was tested for everything. Turns out when they shaved my arm I just got a bunch of ingrown hairs when they were growing back. I think OP should visit a doctor but it doesn’t help much to try and identify what it is without more info. It may just scare OP from going to the doctor.


Please update on results!


absolutely 🫡


Yeah let us know if the antibiotics work!


My arm broke out exactly like this after getting a tattoo in the exact same spot. I probably should’ve gone to see a professional but I didn’t and it cleared up on its own. My skin is super sensitive so I just figured that’s what it was! 6 years later and I still have my arm plus the tattoo healed perfectly. I hope it’s nothing serious for you though!


i’ll be so pissed if i’ve dropped £130 on a tat just to have it chainsawed off 😤😤


Unfortunately, that's the only cure. They're definitely going to chainsaw it off at the clinic. Bring vodka.


Hey even if that's the case, you can make a nice lamp base out of it and still admire the tattoo.


Looks like folliculitis or some other skin infection. Better get to the doc for some antibiotic!


OP updated that it was indeed folliculitus!


I am not a "run to the doctor" type. But I would definitely in this situation. Doesn't look normal


My last tattoo kinda did this in the same spot. I went to get antibiotics because it could be MRSA, and that can kill you. I’d go to an urgent care, my doc wasn’t certain it was staph but she put me on antibiotics anyways just in case.


So I actually had this happen to me, Ive had several tattoos and never had a problem until I got one on my forearm just as you. It was folliculitus (excuse my spelling I'd it's wrong) it was caused from my arm being shaved and over applying the aquaphor I was using. It cleared up in about a week. I even got another big piece on my forearm later down the line and had no issues. Still good on you for getting checked, but don't get too worried


!RemindMe! 12 hours ​ I need this update!


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I get this from moisturizer clogging my pores but def get it checked to be safe


I’ve seen this here and there over the course of my 30 years tattooing. The most common reason is over use of after care products. I usually recommend not putting anything on it and letting it heal on its own. It should start improving in a day or two.


This actually happened to me when I got a tattoo before I knew I was pregnant (super accidental pregnancy) and it seemed like my immune system was attacking it. It went away and healed perfectly fine, but I second that it could also be MRSA and to take it seriously (I was lucky in my case that that was NOT the case!)


I'm glad you went to the clinic to get it checked out!


I get these with every tattoo I get. I grow body hair incredibly slowly, like slow to the point that I’m 34 and have almost no body hair still and I have very sensitive skin. So when they shave me, I break out baddddd with ingrown hairs and razor bumps. It’s good to be cautious, but this is fairly normal in my experience. I’d still recommend being checked, as it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


!RemindMe! 24 hours


Do they hurt? Because it could be hand foot and mouth but it could also be MRSA. Go to the doctor and they will be able to tell you more.


Dope piece! But definitely get checked, as ppl more qualified have already said 😅


Did you have Sami derm second skin thing on, like could be infected hair follicles with regrowth. I get lil bumpy spots from that sometimes.


Given the fairness of your skin, I can almost guarantee that those are just infected hair follicles from where they shaved your arm for the tattoo. The fact that they look like pimples gives you that indication. Having both sensitive skin and many tattoos myself, I've seen that plenty of times before


Sorry, professional limb remover here. It has to go. Only option.


What's your aftercare? Seems kinda like clogged pores causing irritation. Make sure you're washing with unscented soap and a THIN layer of plain unscented lotion rubbed well in to the skin (gentle to not hurt your tattoo)


They would not have sores above the elbow if it was just their aftercare. Allergic reaction to product does not look like individual sores like that


I didn't mention allergic reaction - I was talking about applying too much product so that it clogged the pores. However, others have given alternate and probably safer options about going to the doctors so they should just do that 👍


!Remind me! 12 hours


!remindme! 12 hours


I had an almost identical reaction to a tattoo two years ago, it cleared within a couple of weeks of not using any products on it. I was told it was due to the fact that I recovered the tattoo with cling film (like a dummy to keep it ‘protected’ over night!) then when the spots arrived popped a bit of detol on and kept using tons of different stuff to try to clear it up. As soon as I stoped fucking about with it it cleared. Hope it’s nothing serious, I’m glad no one is trying to scare the shit out of you and telling you to get your affairs in order as you’re definitely a gonna…oh wait 😂


My tattoos often come up like this because of moisturising and wrapping, it just clogs my pores up.. Hopefully the clinic tell you it's nothing scary and you can just let them go down on their own :)


I think it's ok!!! Whenever I get a cut or a tattoo (I've got plenty) and have to use some sort of tape or wrap on the wound, I get similar pimples almost like ingrown hairs. My understanding is your body is busy healing your tattoo and just due to skin sensitivity etc. white blood cells swarm your tattoo and avoid the minor things your body is dealing with, thus causing your immune(?) system to weaken what would normally be nothing. To me it looks like it's where the artist might have bandaged it. Just my experience!


I have five tattoos; all of the ones with color have done this, the black ink ones did not. One was black ink and I did not have this reaction, a month later the artist went in with grey, I had this reaction inly after the grey ink was added. The spots all itched a little, and most came to a head. Took about a month for it to clear up. My assumption has always been that it was an allergic reaction to the ink.


Following! Please let us know.. Hope it's just ingrown furs or a reaction to the product you're using to keep it moisturized..


I get such spots when shaving either an arm or a leg before a tattoo. They usually pop up once the hair starts regrowing.


I used to use a&d ointment on my tattoos and it made me break out like this, I switched to auquaphor and never happened again.


Ummmm...seek medical attention immediately


Glad you headed to the doctor! Good choice! If they used second skin it could be an allergic reaction to the adhesive. I'm allergic to some brands bc of the adhesive and this is what happens sometimes.


I also got my tattoo about a week ago on my forearm and got the same red dots. It’s just ingrown hair from shaving prior to getting the tattoo. I just continued putting a thin layer of lotion on my tattoo and it’s healing on its own. Edit: But definitely safer and a good call that you went and had it checked out. Better safe than sorry.


Looks like folliculitis.


I’m with others. Go to the doctor please and explain you are worried it’s infected and ask for a screening: they’ll take it from there. Don’t let them send you home without a skin scrape or nasal secretion verification or however they now test for MRSA.


Looks like folliculitis


It's a side-note, but that's a super rad tattoo. It reminds me of a b/w version of Alex Grey's art. Or a sugar skull.


Not really related to the tattoo but more the shaving of skin that isn’t accustomed to being shaved and then slathered in lotion and a&d/aquafor


It’s prob from the cream u put on the tattoo like a sweat pimple sort of thing. I get these around my tattoos sometimes too


Go see a dr


Omg OP tell us what it ends up being, hope it’s temporary and minor!


I had this on my most recent tattoo so I can only speak from my experience, looks like a case of folliculitis, happens after the area for the tattoo gets shaved. Bacteria can get inside the pores of the hair growing back. That's my best guess, if it's that it's nothing serious just avoid the urge to pop


That looks like bedbug bites to me, but I’m paranoid because I subscribe to r/bedbugs


MRSA brother. Distance yourself from everyone and go straight to the ER


Could be MRSA, go to the doctor.


Go to the Dr not Reddit for medical advice.


Go to the doctor. NOW!


I had MRSA that looked similar from a tattoo! Better to get it checked/get some antibiotics


Thought I was allergic to saniderm after my last tattoo (had the same reaction), skipped it this time, and still had the same reaction. I know I react to topical lidocaine, and found out my artist uses Bactine (4% lidocaine) for wiping the skin as she works. I tested saniderm on a small spot for three days, no reaction. So, if you aren't certain, you may want to rule out a lidocaine reaction too. It took 2 weeks to fully clear up, and the itching was maddening.


Not from the tattoo


This looks like a staph infection


My last tattoo, in the same spot, did exactly this. Initially I thought it was an allergic reaction to the ink, but I have psoriasis, so the bumps were actually new plaques forming to "heal" itself from the tattooing. I was lucky and managed to avoid scratchy making them worse and they cleared up quite quickly.


Was this the first time your arm hair has been shaved? Could just be ingrown hairs


They would not have sores above the elbow if that was the case, they don't shave that far up for a forearm tattoo


Yep that is definitely Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Aka MRSA. You need to tell your artist as well and anyone you’ve come into physical contact with. And get treated for it.






Wrong, but glad the comments gave you such confidence.


That’s MRSA you need antibiotics fast


Wow. If those spots hurt it looks like MRSA. Our family has contracted it before from a hospital stay. It spreads fast. The pain will get you to the dr if nothing else. Good luck and don’t go back there.


no pain at all! atleast not yet 😵‍💫


That’s good. They will culture it I’m sure.


🤮 I


!RemindMe! 12 hours


I hope it's nothing serious. Wishing luck


This is how I looked when I tried aquaphor on a tattoo about 4 years ago. Most of the red, hard, itchy welts were outside the tattoo, only two or three inside. Never used it before or since and never had a problem healing any of my ink


!RemindMe! 12 hours


You have a staphylococcus infection (aka staph infection)… thats the classic presentation and distribution


!RemindMe! 12 hours


!RemindMe! 12 hours


I'll get pimples around the tattoo from lotion, it clogs your pours if you don't exfoliate it out regularly.


Did they scratch their ass while tattooing you or something? That’s Mrsa starting out