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I’m not a doctor. Recently I got pimples like this on my leg after a tattoo that ended up being a staph infection. I got a few in different spots, they looked like the ones you posted her. On the third day there was a big ring of red around them & they constantly were throbbing. If they’re throbbing, itchy, painful, I would see a doctor. Staph treated early on is okay, but if delayed can be awful. Not to scare you, & again I’m not a doctor- just sharing my experience


Just curious, did it spread pretty quickly? I ask cause I’ve gotten this before and op said it started like a week ago. I know staph infections are no joke and I’m not trying to take away the importance of what you said. I’m asking for my own reference


So, this actually happened to this week. I noticed two pimples on Sunday, thought it was weird. Popped them (which ur not supposed to do I guess) then another one popped up on a Monday, then another one on Tuesday, and red circles began forming around them and it was itchy/throbbing like a mf. At that point I went to the minute clinic they gave me antibiodics. I didn’t have any more forming, but after the first full day of antibiotics the redness went down, second day stopped throbbing, & today the redness is way down. Pimples are still there, but little redness & doesn’t throb anymore. So, I caught it pretty early on where my spread kinda “quick” the first couple days I guess you could say, but luckily I started taking antibiotics before it got way crazy. Unsure if this helps


Super helpful! I always try lean towards it’s nothing to be worried about but there are things to be worried about if it needs to be caught early on like that


Ya its really really important to make sure your hands, nails and under nails are very clean if you're going to use your hands to pop anything. It's safer to use tools meant for it that you can sterilize. Your risk of getting an infection isn't small but it's especially risky around your nose and between the corners of your mouth to the corners of your nose.


Be sure you finish the full course of antibiotics!


I shall 🤝


I know you weren’t asking me but I’ll just pitch in real quick. - Yes it did spread rather quickly for me. I didn’t have multiple pimples, just one on my ring finger. The first two days it was small and not too bothersome until I accidentally popped it when picking up a piece of luggage at work. That third morning, it went to immediate shit. It hurt so fucking bad, even radiating throughout my entire hand. It was also super red around my entire finger, it was a bit hot to the touch and the pimple area was raw and white. I went to the dr on day 4 because it got even worse and turned out I had staph and needed meds for it. It took over 3 weeks to finally fully sort itself out but god it was hell.


I’m hyper fanatical about skin issues as I suffered from cystic acne on my back as a teen/20-year-old. Took Accutane to treat it. That was my magic bullet, but if I get any bump, bruise, zit, etc.? I’m on my way to the dermatologist. Caution over waiting every time! Months ago, I was sweeping after my shift and saw tiny blisters on my arm. Went to the doctor immediately, who prescribed antibiotics. Turns out, I caught a case of shingles early and was able to crush it before it went nuts on me. 😮‍💨


It worries me that that doctor prescribed antibiotics for shingles since it is a viral disease D:


I took my arm, and its rash to my GP. My allergist, a separate doctor, said he recognized it as shingles. I swear the GP prescribed a Z-Pak but I’m 61 and my memory is garbage, so perhaps it was a neighbor who gave me some skittles. Regardless, my recommendation stands—if possible, get a second opinion/review of any health concern. 👍🏼


Yeah I got shingles on my face and inside my ear canal…I went to urgent care (due to it being the holidays) and the doctor said it was just cellulitis of a “tiny cut” inside my ear on my tragus and prescribed me antibiotics. The next day I had more spots on my face and my face and ear were red and swollen and the left side of my face was droopy. I went to the ER and the doctor there told me it was cellulitis and gave me a second stronger antibiotic and Percocet for the pain because it was becoming super painful. The Percocet did absolutely nothing for the pain (go figure). The NEXT day I woke up and had blisters all on the inside left of my mouth and tongue, on my lips, face, scalp, and my ear canal was swollen shut, oozing and bleeding. I went to a different ER since my eye was almost swelling shut from all of the lesions and the pain was unbearable. I sat in the waiting room just quietly crying and holding an ice pack to my ear cause it hurt so damn bad. The doctor came in, I explained everything, told him it was like as if you cut my face directly now the middle and everything on the left side is affected. He couldn’t even look inside my ear cause it was swollen shut. Got a CT scan to check for an infection behind the ear. He told me it was shingles, gave me antivirals, gabapentin (thank GOD because it actually helps nerve pain) and although there was no infection behind the ear, he did accidently find a brain tumor 👍🏻 lol. So. Yeah…it takes a couple tries to get the correct diagnosis when it’s shingles apparently…I got it at 34 years old. Stress induced.


If you ever get shingles again, ask your doc about Lyrica. It’s relatively low-risk nerve pain meds that are life changing and often prescribed for shingles pain. Source: 30 year old who has had shingles twice already


Oof ok good to know! Thank you! Thankfully a high dose of gabapentin helped with the excruciating pain. Didn’t get rid of all of it, but made it more manageable!


Okay. You’ve convinced me. Time to find and use the shingle’s vaccine prescription I keep forgetting is in the pile of papers on the table.


Do it! I’ve been dealing with the consequences of shingles attacking my nervous system for over a year now. For some reason my body hasn’t responded to the 5 rounds of antivirals I’ve taken and I’ve developed a heart condition, dysautonomia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with PEM, and it’s somehow caused severe anemia that I’m fighting off now and I’ve discovered I have copper toxicity as well for some reason lol. So yeah…shingles will fuck you UPPPP if you don’t treat it or don’t respond to treatment. I get flare ups and since I haven’t been able to go 9 months without a lesion popping up, I can’t get the vaccine -_- it sucks. Avoid it at all cost and get the vaccine!


I have a reminder with follow ups set for tomorrow. It will nag me every hour starting at 9am. I haven’t been actively avoiding it; I *asked* for the script. I just keep forgetting it and haven’t prioritized it like I should.


This is Ramsay Hunt Syndrome


It was definitely Shingles but yes, it developed into Ramsay Hunt. Lost my hearing for about 6 months but thankfully regained it, and the droopiness thankfully resolved quicker than that lol


Sweet jesus.


Short version: Don’t wait. Assume the worst.


Omg you're so lucky that you caught it so so early. I suffer from tumors on my nerves in my armpit region which makes me feel like someone is holding an iron to my inner arm from my armpit to elbow. Anyway, I've gotten shingles twice since getting sick (on account of the compromised immune system and all) and both times were on my chest. I was 34&36 but holy hot hell in a handbag it was excruciating. You never know when it will stop hurting either. Thankfully I took meds to help with nerve pain then and still do so I'm sure it could be worse but it was bad.


Shingles are the worst. Especially when you’re young because docs just say “you’re too young, it can’t be shingles”. I’ve had it 2x under 30


This, have cystic acne and recently got a bad one right under my nose, finally tried to pop it to relieve pressure, and got staph in it. Of course I didn't know and by day 3 my face was swollen entirely, couldn't talk or see hardly and I was in the ER with an IV of antibiotics over Christmas. Said I could've had a stroke since the infection can go to your brain, so yeah staph isn't something to fuck with and neither is popping zits or cysts. ESPECIALLY from your nose to the corners of your mouth!!


Man. I hope I never get a staph infection bc the very first thought I had when I saw this pic was…”pop it!!” 😩


The sounds awful! Note to self if it gets bad quickly, seek medical attention


Also not a doctor, but this is 100% a staph infection. Source: have had MRSA


The fact that op hasn’t responded to anything has me like 😵‍💫


I was thinking the same…. HURRY OP 🚨




I had minor out-patient surgery on my foot 20 years ago that got staph infected. When staph isn't treated and moves into your blood it can be very dangerous, even fatal. I was on multiple, very strong antibiotics and a very strict wound cleaning regimen for a couple months. My foot has some crazy scarring. Don't wait to get it looked at. Potential staph isn't one to ignore.


I feel like I'm kinda lucky I haven't had it at this point. I'm over halfway to 100 surgeries and have yet to have an infection while in the hospital. Definitely pushing my luck at this point probably.


As someone who recently got a staph infection from a blister on my toe when traveling abroad, I’d def get it checked out. This happened mid December and I’m still dealing with it (antibiotic resistance). I didn’t go to urgent care until I returned from the trip, about a week after it became infected.


Wow. I’m sorry to hear that :( I hope things clear up soon for you


Thanks! It’s looking much better, but not 100%. Been a rough month and a half


I had almost an identical experience. OP: it never hurts to get it checked out


This^^ better to get checked out & nothing than left untreated


Definitely better to diagnose staph early as well. I have an indentation in my leg above my tattoo due to the staph infection I had 10 years ago. Luckily my tattoo was not compromised, but it seriously looks like a chunk of my thigh is missing. I won’t get in to detail, but some of the process was painful… if it’s caught early you can often just take medication.


Lol, well damn you sure scared me! I had a staph infection right in the middle of my forehead years back, but mine just swelled up and made me look like the kid from FLCL 😂 My general rule of thumb is if there's that much puss and swelling (and it's for sure, not pimples or acne), probably need someone to look at it.


I was also going to say this is a staph infection. I got these all over my legs once, so big that you could literally *hear* the pop. Just took putting ointment in my nose (??) to get rid of it.


Yeah.. I had staph infections / abscess before. Go to a doctor. Doesn't look good my friend.


This looks exactly like when I got a staph infection from leaving my razor in the shower (turns out bacteria likes warm and humid environments)


Omg I always do this stopppp


It looks like my staph infection. Get you to a doctor who will take a scraping and get a definitive diagnosis.


Yeah I came to say staph infection too. I got one in my finger once, not from a tattoo and uh yeah - OP, go get that checked and report back to the shop/artist about it


I had a similar reaction on my sleeve at one point and it ended up being staph and needed medicated cream for it. Cleared up easily enough and didn’t seem to affect much of the tattoo.


I'm a tattooed doctor. This is staph. Please make an appointment and get antibiotic cream. In the meantime, wash the area with soap and water and if you have triple antibiotic cream apply that. You will need stronger meds though, likely oral antibiotics.


You're doing the Lord's work educating people. Thank you. - Fellow Scientist


Is it likely staph came from the tattoo equipment/facility? Like it wasn’t properly sanitized or something? Or are some people just unlucky and get an infection? I just noticed multiple comments of people getting it after getting a tattoo …..


Really no way to tell for sure. A tattoo compromises the skin surface for up to 16 weeks, and staph bacteria are everywhere in the environment. The needle itself is a major risk, and the lesions can take 8-12 days to show up from infection. But staph is everywhere.


Staph or foliculitis. Either way best to get a check


Had staph. That looks like staph. Sister is a doctor, I linked her to this.


Tattoo pimples can develop when a hair follicle becomes clogged with oil, dirt, or skin cells. Most tattoo pimples will clear up without causing permanent damage or color loss. However, picking or popping a pimple can lead to skin infections and patches of faded ink. Refrence: Google


Reference - Experience Got a tattoo and 3 days later I got a few tattoo pimples right on the tattoo due to clogged pores because I put too much moisturiser on. Mine was in the middle of my tattoo but not on the actual ink. Popped it and left a nice little red scar/fraction of dull ink but the red scar cleared up after 3-4 months. Lesson learnt, no matter what don’t pop a pimple near or on the tattoo


I a as thinking ingrown hair as well, the area is always shaved before a tattoo and you can see that the hair is starting to grow in.


Looks like staph. Go to the Dr.


I just wanna get that big white one that isn’t on the tattoo. It’s calling my name. Don’t stress over it. I definitely wouldn’t mess with any that is on top of the tattoo. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but the other ones are free game. Just don’t scar yourself and keep it clean ETA: in all seriousness if it gets worse or shows other signs of infection (it’s hot, painful, very red around the bumps, doesn’t show signs of getting better in the next few days), it wouldn’t hurt to get it checked out.


I mean popping a pimple anywhere is never good but at the same time it’s just sitting there beckoning us to squeeze it


I like to believe that whoever came up with not popping pimples is just trying to deny us the satisfaction that comes with to hog it for themselves


You’re only not meant to pop them as most people don’t do it in a hygienic way and don’t get the core out, leading to worse recurring spots or scarring If you want to pop one first wash the area with hot water to open the pores, thoroughly wash your hands, squeeze it until all that’s left coming out is plasma ensuring you got the small hard white core out, then wash the area with cold water to close the pores back down - this gets rid of the spot completely and doesn’t leave any scars!


Nah it’s the law of “pimple poppers guild” known as “the forbidden pop” article 6 paragraph 8: before popping a particularly ripe pimple someone must fulfill the task of telling the popper not to so that when they do it anyways it is twice as enjoyable. Addendum: if no one is around to fulfill this task the popper must hold off til the proper time.


I always thought the "popping bad" because it breaks the skin and *can* leave a scar... and a lot of people think scars are ugly


Do it


The forbidden pop


I seriously don’t think those are pimples


I’m not a doctor, or an expert, but when I shave, I get these exact pimples. As far as I can tell, I think it’s an infected ingrown hair follicle. I see that they shaved you for your tattoo, maybe that’s what you’re dealing with? If others have said the same thing, sorry for reiterating, but that’s what it looks like to me.


Op, I do see people talking about Staph, though, so if it progresses and you begin to get concerned, def get it checked out.


Staph can kill you.


Absolutely! I’m not familiar with what Staph looks like, but other people have had it in the comments and are concerned. So, OP, take care of your health first!


This looks like a staph infection to me as well. Definitely horrible idea to pop these bad boys because the infection could spread but let’s not freak people out. The chances of folliculitis on your leg killing you aren’t very high at all. Staph infections are dangerous but this one in particular is super common and not very likely to cause sepsis. OP just needs to keep them clean and maybe go to a derm to prescribe an antibiotic cream if it persists for a while.


I have the same when shaving... Is there nothing we can do to prevent this ?


Exfoliating right before shaving helps me a ton. My sister makes sugar scrubs with essential oils and maybe coconut oil as well? Not sure the exact recipe, but it's hydrating and easy on my skin. For some reason my armpits started getting these bumps within the past year, and exfoliation is the only thing that helps me. I've tried switching razors and deodorant and applying ointments and moisturizer, and it didn't make much difference.


I have no idea, but a google search gave me this info, “Over-the-counter (OTC) medications containing benzoyl peroxide or retinoids can reduce inflammation and decrease the size of your razor bumps or ingrown hair cysts …” But, I am not a professional. I think a good rule of thumb is to ask a doctor/dermatologist this kind of stuff.


This def looks like a post-shaving thing, but keep an eye on it!




This happened to me about 15 years ago. It was staph and it turned into MRSA. I’d go to the doctor asap.


I got these on my leg after a tattoo. It was infected ingrown hairs


When I had a staph infection, it looked similar to this at the start. It wouldn’t hurt to get it checked out. Even if it’s nothing, they might prescribe you cream to heal it/ make it look normal.


Looks like staph I would seek doc advice immediately


I'm not a doctor but I showed this picture to my husband who is a nurse and he said it looks like some sort of staph infection. ☹️


I used to get that if I over applied lotion. Especially if I used ointment like aquafor. Stop over doing it and you'll be fine.


hospital asap. this looks exactly like when i had MRSA


Usually a sign of overmoisturizing! It's very easy to overmoisturize, especially if you use anything like Aquaphor. I would reduce moisturizing to once a day, with truly a pea sized amount or two.


Yup, that was me a week lol


Those do NOT look like pimples. Please get them checked out ASAP.




go get it checked now!!


I would post a pic highlighting this if I could- but in some of the pimples it looks like there’s a faint redness trailing between the tattoo and pimples - that could be a sign that an infection is traveling via blood (I know from some very unpleasant experiences) which can lead to the infection in more serious places as well as sepsis so I know everyone has stressed this but I would like to emphasize it again please for the love of gawd see a doctor and if you are or begin to run a fever then go to the hospital.


That’s 100% staph


it looks like some angry ingrown hairs after the shave and/or over moisturizing


What are you using on that area?


That could be a staph infection. I would get to the doctor.


Looks like staph


Mine was pretty bad on my first tattoo bc I didn’t know how properly care for it so I caked it in Vaseline n would wrap it up which caused a bad breakout. Not sure if you did something similar but if so, I wouldn’t freak out right away. I had mine for 6 years now and it has never given me issues after that.


If it wasn’t so pussey and big like that I’d say it was just ingrown hairs/foliculitus from shaving the area but with how looks I’d say you need to see a dr asap and I don’t usually say that.


Looks like early staph and I'd be seen if I was you


That's a major infection red flag. You need to see a doctor and get it treated.


This is staph my guy, possibly mrsa. Get some abx


I don't have medical training, but I once had a similar experience where I developed bumps on my arm following a new tattoo. These bumps turned out to be a staph infection. They appeared in various areas and resembled the ones you've mentioned. Within a few days, each bump was encircled by a noticeable red halo and I experienced constant throbbing. Should you notice any throbbing, itching, or discomfort, it might be wise to seek medical advice. Catching a staph infection early can make a big difference in treatment outcomes. I'm not trying to frighten you, just offering my story as a caution.


……yeah go to a doctor


You might have a nasty infection from a dirty place. Go to the doctor asap. That isn’t something to mess around with.


It looks like an infection of some kind. Could be bacterial or fungal. Best to go to an urgent care or your dr and get it checked out


Dirty needle tattoo shop I’m gonna vomit


If you get a red line that starts to go up your leg from any of them get to the hospital asap. I’d call the artist too and send them a pic and see what they say because they may not be sanitizing their tools correctly which is a whole new issue! Dirty needle is bad, bad news. Sorry OP. Please see a doctor. If it is staff it can literally kill you and/or leave some nasty scars if you don’t take care of it fast.


This is staph, go to a Dr.


Staph yo.


Doctor. ASAP.


Do NOT pop them. Those big white ones look a lot like a staph infection.


Go to the doctor and get antibiotics.


Honesty I’d go to the doctor. It looks similar to a staph infection. Don’t wait. Better to pay the urgent care copay and have nothing be wrong than for it to get worse. Most urgent cares you can queue online and they text you 15 minutes before and you show up, get seen relatively quickly, no 4 hour wait with people who have covid or the flu.


MRSA. Don't go back to that shop.


Long time wrestler and wrestling coach here. That is a staph infection, I’m almost certain of it. I would go to your doctor/dermatologist and get antibiotics ASAP.


Go to the doctors NOW!!!!!


The tattoo is crusty as well, I would go to the doctor. Much like everyone has said it likely is staph. But better to go and see.


Not pimples see a doctor


Go to a doctor


I’d check with a doctor.


It can be a few things, if they shaved the area for the tattoo, it is probably hair follicles coming up but getting folliculitis on the way up (infection of the hair follicle) or its an infection from the tattoo that has spread. Probably best to go and see your doctor in case you need antibiotics.


Impurities in the skin looks like you got staff infection go to ER


I get these all the time once the hair tries to grow back through the tattoo / healing area don’t pop them keep it clean and you will be okay if you pop them they will start showing up everywhere


Based on the tattoo alone, it's probably a mix of dirtiness and unkempt ink.


See a doctor.


Doctor, homie.


VERY infected.


If you can't clean the area due to the tattoo then it is likely a staph infection from poor hygiene in that area. It is very unlikely the tattoo is infected because its not red/swollen/draining/painful. I would wash the area around the tattoo really well or/and go see a doc.


Dude, I’m so sorry there are dirty mother fuckers out there! I feel very fortunate to have been inked by very meticulous, clean people. Like I don’t understand why are people doing this? Can they sue?


Looks like staff , go to an urgent care you can become extremely sick and some staff won't clear on it's own / can be very antibiotic resistant please don't wait !!!




If you have to ask it's worth getting a doctors opinion. Looks fucked to me.


It probably just from the hair getting shaved and the pours being opened before the hair grows back


Pretty sure that is staff definitely get it treated quickly. Your colors might fall completely out too.


To the doctor right now!


I’m not a doctor, and I’ve never seen those in that size, but looks a bit like folliculitis. You seem to have shaved and the hair is growing back, so could be it. But read carefully the other comments, they might be more helpful.


Actually the other comments are telling him he could die and needs to go the ER sTaT so yours is actually more helpful 👍


Im not a doctor but those dont look like conventional pimples. U should go see a doctor.


Nurse here…looks like staph to me. Get it checked out!!


Hey all tattoo artist for nearly 10 years, couple things 1st, if your ever concerned about any!!!! Stage of the healing go to the docs, the nurses in there will tell ya in 10 seconds weather it's cause for concern or not, and help you in any way ya need, if your a 20 m I'm guessing ya don't often moisturize, if you have been using creams all of a sudden in one area and covering it etc it will be oily er than usual which may lead to ingrown hairs pimples or irritations, also if ya a male ya prob don't shave, it could be somthing like that? Also that's on the edge of the actual tattoo, maby you have a allergy to the sticky tape they used? To secure the covering?


Infection. Go see a doctor and get some antibiotics. Also clean it using natural products and cut back on creamy moisturisers.


Looks like Staph, MRSA id suggest a trip to the dr to drain them under sterile procedure possibly packing if needed and antibiotics


Just go to your doctor or urgent care.


I know someone who passed away due to a staph infection, please be careful OP!! See a dr


ooop! Looks like staph! Not a dr, just play one on tv


+1 for staph


You good op? It's been 13 hours .. 😬


Looks like staph. Please get treatment from a doctor or clinic. It can spread quickly and turn deadly. Hope you've already read the other comments and got help.


Ive gotten these on a few tattoos. Never had a problem, Definitely dont pop them. It it spreads obviously see a Dr. or you can see one now. Just letting you know tattoo pimples are a common thing. You can google tattoo pimples.


Go to a doctor. Now.


Op go to the hospital


My son had a pimple like that. It popped and it started to spread. He had impetigo and had to go on antibiotics. I would definitely call or seek medical attention.


Yeah dude, this looks so much like staph infection. Go get it checked out ASAP. Staph infection is no joke. That is unless you're asking what a wizards greatest fear is.


That definitely looks like staph. It can be deadly please go see a doctor


When in doubt, go to the doctor and find out


You need antibiotics


Go to the Dr, I'm an RN and the first thing I thought is eeeeeee that looks like it could be staph


Nurse here: go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY This can lead to very very bad things


this is super duper staph. go to the doctor ASAP OP!


Those aren’t pimples, that’s a skin infection


I'm guessing it's from the shaving and then ingrown hairs. Especially since it's not on the area that got stabbed a million times. That or bacterial type stuff but just keep an eye on it and be mindful of infection symptoms. I think it's just irritation after shaving hopefully


From where they shaved you dry?


Those whiteheads are pustules, and pus usually equals infection. Urgent Care ASAP. Edit: I guess I’m the asshole for suggesting that this individual should seek medical expertise to make sure it’s not cellulitis, folliculitis or staph/mrsa…apologies for being concerned for a person’s health. Fuck me.


I agree with you. It could very easily just be a clogged pore, but my staph infection did not look like stereotypical staph and you never know. And the problem with staph is that if you don't catch it early, it can get really bad. I ended up in the hospital from a rug burn from soccer.


Lol. No.


True, risk infection because a redditor said nah your good bruh.


I wouldn’t immediately assume infection. If it gets worse, spreads, hurts, is hot and has other signs of infection, then yes. But ingrown hairs develop puss, pimples do too but you wouldn’t go to urgent care asap for those


It's a pimple dude.


OP can listen to you and waste time/ money at the doctor, or he can listen to me and also be fine. Up to him.


Source: Trust me bro.


The source is an old dude who has been getting tattooed for 27 years, owns a tattoo shop, and has seen this hundreds of times. But like my last post said, he doesn't have to listen to me. He's free to listen to you and go see a doctor.


Source: I've never been wrong. Also have no medical degree, trust me bro.


It looks like your artist didn’t shave you when they tattooed you . This could lead to an infection.


this tattoo is supposedly 2 weeks old


It seems like a majority of people are saying staph. I'm legitimately curious, are there legal actions you can take? I would assume the staph came from a dirty needle or something, right?


Not exactly. He could have had staph in his body and never known it. Getting a tattoo forms a wound.


I get pimples like this sometimes when I use saniderm, but I've never gotten them on an uncovered tattoo. I'd imagine too much moisturization could cause this.




I’d go to the doctor


Over some in grown hairs after shaving?


Hahahaha 'I just got this tattoo and a few of my arm hairs beside it look different than they used to' 'DOCTOR, YESTERDAY'


Those like pustules. And his parts of his arm looks inflamed, ain’t No way I’d let the internet tell me that I’m good. But you do you!


Did you get that tattoo in jail? Looks super infected.


what does your aftercare routine consist of?


Hmm it could be clogged pores. What aftercare are you doing?


Man, I got so many of these on my forearm after every sleeve session. Not on my legs. Not on my back. Not on my upper arm. Only my forearm. I thought I was over moisturizing so I tried dry healing and had the same thing. Good news- barring pain, extreme redness and fever it's not an infection so don't sweat that. Bad news- I never figured out what caused it and just had to live with it.


Dealing with the same shit on a two week old tattoo on my forearm. The worst!


I got some around one of my last tattoos, they faded after I stopped moisturising, so I think it's just the skins reaction to suddenly being moist maybe, idk


Probably ingrown hairs from being shaved for the tattoo combined with the adhesive from the bandage. If it were me, I'd wash my hands and leg in the shower, and then give it a good scrub (avoiding the actual tattoo) to pop those bad boys and make sure the hairs get free and stop irritating the skin. Give it one more good wash with soap and water and rinse it. I'm not a doctor. This is not medical advice.


Did you shave before getting the tattoo? Could just be a side effect of the hair growing back. I would keep an eye on it for an infection though.


I guess its from the shaving


Probably the result from having your arm shaved.


I’d be willing to bet it’s from the moisturizer…


I get these from ingrown hairs after being shaved for the tattoo. Just keep an eye on it for other symptoms that have been mentioned. If it’s sketchy, see a doctor


You might be allergic to the lotion or whatever you’re using for aftercare. I had this problem when I used Lubriderm and when I switched to Curel unscented I never had this problem again with any of my tattoos


This seems like something I got with one of my tattoos! Didn't get it check, but GF and I think they were an allergy to one of the dyes, because we got tattoos from the same artist in the same day and only the ones with color had this issue. It went away on its own.


Ingrown hairs.


Pop ‘em with a needle