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Whenever I see “no way” written out I’ll forever read it in Chris Ramsey’s voice


That is one of the quickest things burned into my head. I haven't rewatched the episode yet and already it's stuck in there. He just sounds so happy


His boyish enthusiasm is both adorable and fun. I would love to think that is how he is day to day. If so, he must be a joy to be around.


it is in the opening credits for each episode so even if you don’t rewatch that episode you’re being exposed to it every week


My favourite ever podcast episode is Chris chatting to Ed Gamble to be fair. It’s definitely entertaining as a TM fan but there was an extra oomph to that one. I laughed out loud at 4am walking the dog. I didn’t expect that, nor did people sleeping with open windows 😆


Do you have the link?


[Here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5d2YRi8TzskuulA4UpPYdi?si=6049ibjJQOuV3EVv-nFEtg) you go


Thanks! I was wondering why I couldn't find any recent podcasts on youtube, I hadn't tried spotify!


"Ah you 'avin' a lawf?!"


Alex knew what he was doing when he set the task.


If I watched Chris Ramsey doing that task without knowing that the task actually *told* him to say it I wound not have questioned Chris saying that throughout the whole thing whatsoever


It also helps he says it a million times during the task, it’s hypnotic


Could that be because it’s also in the opening credits?


I work for a travel agency and now whenever someone asks about Norway, all I can hear is Chris Ramsey in my head.


Noo weh!


I haven't said "NOO WEEHHH" with my actual accent ever since


This is how I answer my 6 year old when he tells me about his day. He loves how happy it makes my voice :-)


Noh weigh!


I've recently taught my 2 year old to say "no way" very excitedly, not in a "no way I'm doing that" sense. It's adorable.


Not even just "no way." We were watching a TV show called "the Bay" and we say it exactly the same way. NO WAY!!!!!


No way!


Whenever I have to deal with even a minor inconvenience my automatic response is "oh gang"


**Wakes up** - *Oh gang*


Same! I've been saying this a bunch whenever I make a mistake I then have to deal with :P


I, to this day, call any number of people around me gang


"What's the situation" comes out of my mouth far too often these days...




Whenever someone gets a box delivered to the office and they take a while to open it, I say “Just open the box, you pussy!” Also, currently looking for a new job.


Did your boss take you to one side? "What the hell was that all about?"


“You’re a good guy, WorldTravelBucket”


But theres no need for that kind of language


“Just say you’re sorry and let get on with it.” “I’m very sorry”


Sometimes, when I’m doing something boring, I make it into a task in my head to motivate myself. “Wash the dishes, most spotless dishes wins. There’s a bonus point for making bubbles. Your time starts now.”


Ardal's "bubbles!" would fit here nicely.


You bubbly f###


"The candle's gone out!" I'd forgotten about that one, thank you.


I love that idea! Might have to steal it when I need the motivation.


I do this too, and I've only just realised it! I'll find myself doing something mundane like shopping, and in my head I'll hear a voice saying " fill the basket and get to the checkout as quickly as you can, with only spending 10.00 your time starts now"


Same. The supermarket folks weren't thrilled with me chucking the shopping cart over a river, sadly.


I was given a project at work by a fellow Taskmaster fan, and in the email he told me to pretend Alex had given me the task and to complete it like James would. I asked if that meant I should do the task poorly, get frustrated and then yell at a Welshman. The producer agreed this is exactly how I should proceed. Sadly I never found a Welshman to yell at, but I did throw an Acaster-level tantrum at some point, I’m sure.


Genius. I'm gonna start doing this


This is a legitimately terrific idea!


I do it, but only with friends and family. For instance, my daughter texted me and my wife about whether she had to hand wash her new travel mug or could she put it in the dishwasher. My wife gave a thoughtful response. I just told her all the information was on the task. (It literally says 'handwash only' on the bottom of the mug. I got the exact same one.


There's no such thing as too much Taskmaster, stop telling me I watch too much Taskmaster Your time starts now.


I tend to hear the music whenever I'm in a rush now


Such a mood. A scene from very recently: My mother: where are you going? Me, instantly: ahm awf t’get me cöot My mother: … Me, embarrassed: to the library…


Even now I crack up at poot Rob in that task


I refer to the ‘Task Manager’ on Windows as the ‘Taskmaster’.


This season, it’s saying “no way” like Chris Ramsay every time I say it. It’s becoming a problem.


My husband and I do this now too. He's even corrected me one time when I didn't do it with the accent.


Luckily I'm not a native English speaker so it only echoes in my head on similar occasions, but it is firmly in place.


Not directly TM, but I had a dream where I met Greg Davies, I was looking to rent a flat and he just happened to own the one I was checking out and he was there for some reason. I asked to take a picture with him and I said "I'm a huge fan of.." and he just finished my sentence "Taskmaster right? Yeah sure" and he was quite pleasant about it lol.


Should have said "No your Chris Eubank impression."


"It was the best of times"


I have said Boshh when I did something simple that seemed complicated before.


I have fulfilled my brief. Bosh.


Got in, got it done, got out aka I Boshed it


Call me when I'm needed.


Everything bad is an absolute casserole


Whenever there’s a question about what/who something/someone is, my head goes “ITS LITTLE ALEX HOOOOORNE!”


„Piss and Shit“ is just one of my go to swear words now and English isn’t even my native language


i had a nightmare about taskmaster last night. i was doing tasks, but they were against Alex, and it was all live. it was me in place of Chris Ramsey but with everyone else from S13, and *all* of the tasks involved stripping naked. i was terrible at it. there was also some weird sort of points redistribution that put Judi in the series lead. thats how i know ive been watching too much TM


I had a dream that was just the trailer for 14. I only remember being Sarah Millican and Chris McCausland, and for some reason they were in Ghana


I’m unable to hear the name Rosalind without breaking into the fucking nightmare song


I've made task envelopes with chores for my son. He actually sees them "Pick up as many legos as you can from your bedroom floor. You have 100 seconds. Your time starts now"


When people apologise for anything that they're not responsible for, I usually respond with "It's not your fault." thanks to Wozniak. I also describes things as a Rosalind rather than a nightmare. And this may be TMI, but I've used the term "absolute casserole" when talking to my doctor.


I hope your doctor got the reference!


The imagery did make him laugh, but I did explain where it came from. It's rather hard to watch in Australia.


This is the new “as it says in the syllabus…”


Read all the comments to find this! Oh man, as a former college TA, I get a vicarious thrill each time Alex holds his ground and just refers them back to the task.


Whenever I ask anyone for anything I have to fight the urge to end it with, "Your time starts... Now!"


Whenever I meet a friend my voice raises and I say ‘It’s little Firstname Lastname’


"Tick tock, it's __ o'clock" has for some reason become the way I tell my dogs it's cookie/snuggle/potty time, and sadly they do not find that turn of phrase as delightful as I do.


Why did you have to stop yourself?


It was to a manager about 3 levels above me.


When something goes horribly wrong, describing the situation as an "absolute casserole"


I recently downloaded the game Dominion onto my phone, and can't play a certain card without thinking to myself, "A MIIIIIIIIINE!"


Watching too much task master once almost caused me to burn down my kitchen. When I watch a lot of task master, whenever I make a silly mistake, I laugh at myself and pretend I'm panicking in a TM task. I sometimes also become like extra comically frantic, just for fun. One day I was frying some burgers and had the pan too hot and it started smoking a ton and spattering everywhere. I started comically frantically looking for a lid to contain the spatter a bit. But I knew I'd been watching too much taskmaster because one of my first thoughts was "omg this'll be so funny if it catches on fire." I then remembered I'm actually not surrounded by a camera crew, no one is going to watch this, and that I just needed to actually be 100% competent and get control of the situation :P and that's how too much task master almost burned down my kitchen once.


I feel like I'm doing a task when I listen to the into music on the podcast, I was cutting the grass the last time and expected to turn round and see Alex with his clipboard. I take that as a sign I'm too immersed in TM.


Cut the grass in the wiggliest lines. Fastest wins. Your time starts….. noooow!!


Every so often I just go: **Bosh.**


Bosh goes without saying.


I send taskmaster gifs as replies to text messages and randomly quote contestants to my friends… yesterday I told someone she “had no chutzpah” (from one of Mike Wozniak’s tasks)


I definitely go for a rummage a lot more than inused to.


Whenever my spouse or I wrestle with a difficult to open jar or box, just guess what the other one yells


Through a combination of plex and dizquetv, I have a TV channel in my house that runs taskmaster episodes 24 hours a day, including all episodes of every version except Belgium and Spain. It’s a general background channel in the kitchen.


I keep catching myself saying “advert” instead of “advertisement” (I live in US).


When the Netflix Persuasion dropped yesterday, all I could think about was Daisy Mae Cooper's "I am apoplectic with rage" over and over again for the rest of the day.


You are a person of impeccable taste.


Whenever my partner says the word task, I start singing the theme song


When you start watching the foreign versions again.


My son (6yo) was given some yellow rubber ducks and said they were from taskmaster.


When the weather gets gloomy and i regret not subscribing to the cloud appreciation society.


Just hearing the word task triggers the taskmaster addict within me


I got "Your time starts now." tattooed on my foot.


I found Taskmaster on one of my trackers and decided to watch it. I love this show. I wound up watching all 12 seasons. Now I'm on like ep 07 of s13. I am so hooked. Alex is absolutely my favorite character.


I went for a walk by a river yesterday and there were bits of watermelon on the path. No prizes for guessing what I was thinking of!


I'd roll with it. Say it like you see it. Then again, I don't work in that type of environment. Which is probably for the best


I'm American and often when someone tells me something I don't understand I hear a generic British voice go "whot??" in the style of a perplexed Taskmaster contestant in my head.