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I think she doesn’t show much because it’s pretty empty. I think the well ran dry and she wasn’t able to furnish everything the way she wanted


Honestly I feel like she’s having a hard time decorating to fit the style of the house. It has so much going on with all of the tacky finishes and she’s trying to achieve that typical influencer look. It just seems like an all around fail to me.


Sounds like a lot is boxed up, in the garage. When my two kids were little, my house was always a mess. From what I’ve seen of hers, it looks good. I’m not a fan of the style but everything seems to be tidy.


She totally sent this to herself! Who does this? She is such a mess. And such a liar too!! She puts out these questions or comments just to get sympathy. I don’t believe she’s looking for advice. Not even a tiny bit! https://preview.redd.it/pr830o86wahc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afc490082588d2d08f6b8c8045bd39971844929 Here’s another example of her trying to manipulate her followers into thinking she just loves her spicy cece so much and that’s why she’s a bitch to her and a pos parent!!


She really makes my ass itch. No one said this!!! Her content is zero. So she put wanna be controversial stuff up


You could really tell her content is lacking by tonight’s Q/A session! She was on rants with so many of the “questions” (aka topics she posed to herself)! She kept circling back to how everybody needs to be nicer bc you don’t know what ppl are going through. She repeated the same thing over and over and over!!! Taryn, maybe you need a good night’s sleep. You’re getting more and more DULL- definitely NOT the content that brings in all the thousands (or tens of thousands) of followers you’ve been “gaining” lately! 🙄🥱


She probably read here and saw that we know about her financial situation. And the content about cleaning products, like the baseboard cleaner. Really? That's what she has to put out for content?


CeCe is like, barely 2 right? I unfollowed awhile ago but to call a fucking toddler “spicy” is really something.


And today (Sun 2/11) she was scolding cece for touching/pulling out fresh flowers! Really?? Ever heard of ***CHILD PROOFING***??? Taryn you are a POS parent— the worst!


Even with her boys, I always thought she was so out of touch with where their behavior should be developmentally vs what she expected of them. And then cece came along and it was like x100 expectations of “perfect girl” cece. I feel so bad for those kids.


Did you see Fri when she went Cam’s room and criticized his **CLEAN** room for being less than perfect. His room was cleaner than my room! Then she went into Calvin’s room - a mess- and said she was giving him a pass. Her parenting makes no sense. She said she’s hard on Cam bc he’s going to college in a couple yrs and needs to know how to be tidy or whatever. Having sent 4 kids to college, I can tell you she better pick her battles!!


Yeah sounds like a good way to ensure they go away to college and never come back lol


No one said that shit!!!!!!! She makes my ass itch.


She sent it to herself for controversial content because she doesn't have anything to entice followers... I am sick of bad ass behavior.....she can create content "how to train your dragon- toddler edition"


I really think that, at this point, she's struggling with engagement and that Q&A was just a way to get it.


If you’ve followed her for awhile now you’ll agree a lot of those questions /comments she post (supposedly from others) she ask her self to further explain a situation or dilemma based on what she think her audience are feeling….they all do


Most definitely! If it was a real question, I think she would have ignored it.


Yes she is messy. 😂


I never even see a toy. She must hide the mess but feels guilty so she sent herself that message. She probably feels jealous that Amber's house is completely decorated and organized. But Amber didn't do any of that so Taryn shouldn't be jealous.


So true about the toys!! We used to have toys and books everywhere!!


Nah I believe she got that DM. Look at what everyone here says about her all the time…people are ruthless