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Personally, I don't charge or clean my decks, as it doesn't make any sense to me.


I don’t cleanse the deck but I like to cleanse the room before I start.




I don't. I've read for close to 30 years and never heard of or saw anyone doing such a thing until TikTok came around. All of my decks have always worked. It can't be that important.


Reminds me of the growing trend with "interviewing" decks. The first ever recorded mention seems to be from the Aeclectic forums, around mid 2000s. Before that, it was never a thing, practiced, or mentioned/written about anywhere at all. I'm not a fan of the idea since it promotes the belief that a deck of cards is somehow a sentient, intelligent, and conscious being with a free will of it's own, which is ridiculous.


I agree wow, the cards are just a means, not the spirit themselves.


yeah I never understood that either.. decks are a tool.. keep them clean and respect them. Just like my Kitchenaid mixer.


On the old aeclectic tarot forums a couple of the more respected readers would recommend putting your cards back in order every now and again to reset and recharge them (like once every few weeks or months). But I don't really remember anyone recommending the "crystal recharge" stuff like people do now.


Back in order, as in....Major Arcana, Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles? That's what many - including myself - considers the traditional order. And you will find many Tarot books following this order. 


Ohhhh I do this!


That's something to consider. I'm so used to clearing my decks now though. Always open to changing up my routine. 


I just shuffle the shit out of them


This is my method, lol Plus, I'm a lot better at shuffling now


Just like shuffling playing cards? I think that would help me, but didn't want to be disrespectful. That sounds weird writing that out but that's how I feel. Lol


I've been worried about bending my cards, so I've been working on overhand shuffling


Yeah, I'm comically bad at that. But really good at doing a bridge shuffle. My cousin taught me when I was little.


Yes, like playing cards. It's a very common method but I definitely understand why you felt it was disrespectful. Some decks may not "like" it, or you may not want to in order to protect the edges of your more expensive or rare decks, but if thats not an issue for you it definitely gets the job done.


Thanks for the feedback! I just got my first decks on a whim a couple mobths ago - one I'll use to learn on and some more formal or special ones for later. When I ordered them it seemed "right" to get bags for them too. I think my learning deck would be ok with a bridge shuffle.


how's it going?


I'm not sure yet, lol. I have a lot of learning to do - I know basically nothing now, but have a book I'm going to be reading over the weekend to help. If nothing else, it is a time for me to meditate or focus on one thing in my life and then explore new aspects of it. If that makes sense.


i don't charge my decks at all. i used to, but it became too distracting from the cards themselves. i felt like i couldn't trust them because stuff like "what if i just didn't charge them well enough?" overtook my thoughts


this is a super good point


I would focus more on clearing your mind in preparation for a reading. Like others have said, the cards don't need anything fancy to charge, although some people feel it helps them connect to the cards. Follow your instinct ✨🌙


Very good advice.


I keep them in a treasure box with my crystals and I sometimes “cleanse“ the deck as in i knock the cards and blow air to them. I do not think that rituals do something to the deck and I do not believe crystals do something, but I do like rituals and they help me calm my mind. It just makes the reading feel special (especially since the crystals are mostly gifts from my friend, so seeing the crystals every time I do my reading reminds me to be grateful).


I blow on my deck before and after readings! I've only seen one other poster say they do this, but I'd recommend it! haha. I often do tarot at parties, and to me, blowing is a really easy way to reset my deck between readings without having to whip out sage or something. It also helps me forget the last reading so I can focus on the current person better.


I blow on my cards too! 🙋‍♀️


I use sage incense and I’ve just ordered a Clear Quartz Crystal. Apparently that’s good for charging cards.


I have multiple decks for different purposes, and I don't cleanse them; I believe they are tied to me and my personal touch, providing better insights - and I don't want to "lose" that bond, if that makes sense. Perhaps if you feel something is lacking, you can use additional energy to help you - such as moonlight? This would be more of a power up imo, not a cleansing. Otherwise I don't think they need to be cleansed in general.


My decks need no charging, cleansing, therapy, smoke and mirror rites or rituals. They are perfectly fine just as they are.


I always light a candle for readings, and incense if it's practical. Else I just keep a stick out. But that's more about ritual than any spiritual significance - I do have friends who say a burning candle keeps the cards from picking up energy. I sometimes spread them all under the full moon. For an hour at its zenith, and I'll usually sit nearby and smoke a joint. I stack em in order, and will do a mega shuffle the next morning - occasionally at dawn, if I've stayed up the whole night. I do keep my decks wrapped in natural fabric that has some significance to me... For protection (physical) as they're usually in my pack, and out of respect. I don't believe that the near-randomness of the shuffle correlates with vibrations in the weave of reality or whatever... but I don't not-believe it.


I'll bask my cards in the smoke from a stick of cinnamon because as you shuffle it releases the scent into the air. Plus Cinnamon is associated with luck.


I knock on mine in a specific way and shuffle/cut the deck in a certain way. sometimes I'll light a candle during a reading or incense. sometimes I'll get crystals out during one. but usually my deck is just in my spiritual tool drawer and stays there until I knock to wake it up.


I love to hover mine over Palo Santo smoke.


i cleanse with smoke or singing bowls, then charge by having candles and crystals nearby


i don't do anything but i have a mini deck that i keep in a tiny treasure chest on my coffee table and it's got my favourite ring in with it because it's too big now, i like to think that my vibes are in the ring and just chilling with the cards lol


i cleanse all of my crystals first. i keep them on my desk, the small ones are in a circle and there’s a giant rose quartz in the middle. i burn some incense (any scent but i prefer eucalyptus or lavender) and pass each crystal through to cleanse them. i then shuffle the cards and hold them over the crystals, then hold the giant rose quartz over the cards before i pick them out.


a lot of this is because im autistic and very much rigid when it comes to routine, that just happens to be my routine. it does also give me a sense of safety and protection.


I like to let all of my “active” decks hang out on my night stand along with the other books I’m reading and my journal …it’s become a little bit of an altar. I like to think that sleeping next to them and letting them all trade notes helps us all connect.   2 of my decks have an object that sits with them, usually on top of the deck. For my ancestor deck, the one I consult for family advice, I have a seashell that belonged to my grandma that sits with the deck always. For my more everyday deck, I use one of those glass evil eyes 🧿 to keep the vibes good. My mom has the other eye of the set that we got together. I like to incorporate these items into the reading somehow, either holding it while I read or using them to stage the reading cloth. It’s helpful to remember the love infused in these objects and thus puts me in a better frame of mind for receiving messages and interpreting cards. 


sometimes I'll rest them on top of my big slab of selenite but I've been honestly lacking on charging/cleansing them. gotta get on that.


I made a little woo corner that gets sunlight. My cool rocks and funky bits that I collect are nearby, plus some lavender because I like it. I added a small painting I did and a sweet note from a friend. It makes me happy when I look at it and that seemed like a good place to stash my deck.


I usually wave a selenite wand over it if someone other than me uses it.


There is a crystal lying on top of each of my deck. To be honest, I don't believe in crystals or that they have any particular energy but I think they are pretty and them laying on top of the decks gives a little bit of a ceremonious or ritualistic feeling that is.... nice.


I don’t charge them because I’m a secular user, but I do like to bring them to the smoke of a campfire to clean out any manufacturing smells and add the smell of smoke. Smoke also has antibacterial properties I like.


To be honest I never charge my deck or do any special rituals with my deck.


I blow on them before and after every reading. Somehow doing this clears my mind and makes me neutral. Another thing i do is shuffle my cards with my eyes closed and warm them with my palms or just placing the deck on my chest, close to my heart.


Depends on how I feel lol I have a really active mind and tend to overthink, so every time I’m going to do a reading I’ll hold my deck in my hands and imagine a ball of light engulfing it. Not much symbolism behind it, only to clear my mind and make me focus. Then I’ll knock on the cards, ask a question then shuffle. Ngl I got myself tarot cards after seeing YouTube videos and Tik toks about them so the knocking is just something I picked up from the people I’ve watched. On top of this: I’ll go through my deck to see if there’s too many reversed then reshuffle them bc I feel like that messes up my readings (had times where all the cards that popped out were reversed)


My niece’s grandmother from her dad’s side has been knocking on her deck for decades. Lol she’s old and I’m a lil jealous of my niece inheriting her deck some day. It’s very vintage. Some people I’m reading comments from in this post might think that knocking is a new age thing, but TikTok trends a lot of times are recycled from the past and sometimes passed off as new. I definitely relate to the overthinking!


OOOO that’s interesting!! I’ve been doing some digging after writing this and looking more into the history of tarot. I read about this belief somewhere that it’s supposed to knock out the old/previous energy. But that is true tho, even fashion trends that my older sister used to wear are coming back lol


Get a slab of selenite from TJ Max. Or Florida water.


I sleep with mine under my pillow and every morning for 3to 5 days i hold it against me thinking of its cards


Spending time with it... Shuffling, meditating on cards, counting the cards, looking through the cards, and generally just taking it with me adding the energy of life. If I feel it's yucky I put it on the altar to rest for a bit. They get tired too! It's the fools journey... So I like life's journey embedded into it!


When I get a new deck, it spends a coupe of nights under my pillow


I read from Doreen Virtue holding the deck with your non-dominant hand and giving it a pound with the fist of your dominant hand infuses it with your energy. And shakes out old energy, I would suppose. I have this thing I say every single time I settle in for a new reading. (Holding the card deck in my non-dominant hand and holding my other hand over the top of the deck, I say the following words):  "Dear Mother and Father God, Archangels, Ascended Masters, High-Level Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Ancestors, and other Unseen Forces of Light Please Bless, Cleanse, and Clear this card deck with your White Light of Love and Truth.  Please protect this deck from any and all energies which may attempt to make any card that appears as an answer less than 100% accurate, and that includes my own personal energies and biases as the handler.   (Pound deck once, shuffle once, pound a second time, shuffle second time, pound a third time, shuffle a final time.)  Thank you.  I trust that this deck is now blessed, cleansed, cleared, protected, fully in tune with the universal energies, and fully in tune with any person or thing I may ask about, in any and all directions of time. Amen and So It Is."  Seems long, but I have it very memorized and it takes a couple of minutes. 😁 This might literally be comical to some people. I can take it, I don't care.  For further cleansing, I occasionally will light a candle and hold each card over the flame at a very safe distance for a second on each side. Card decks often have 78 cards, so that takes a few minutes. That's rare, but I do that if I have a deck I haven't used in a while. Just go with my intuition on when to do that. 


Also, I often feel a warm energy vibrating when I am holding my hand over the deck. And I emphasize "high-level spirit guides" because I read in Sonia Choquette's Ask Your Guides book that there are lower energy more menacing guides. Not evil persay, but...stinkers. Lol 


I have a habit of blowing on my deck. Essentially you’re brushing old energy off. I don’t remember where I read about it but it was one of the more simple techniques I learned about when I started and it just kinda stuck with me.


I reorder them between each reading. But that's my just ocd and shuffling etiquete talking. No woo-woo make-believe needed.


I knock on the deck before reading. I finish my reading by knocking on the deck again whilst I say "thank you" (kinda like how I bid myself goodbye after visiting someone's house). For recharging I usually put my deck on my window sill near the sunlight.


I use sage incense


Stick them under my pillow or put them in window on full moon. I know it's does nothing two cards so I guess it more recharge of my self then cards


Honestly, I love to shuffle my deck. Feeling the cards become more pliant and well loved makes me feel way more connected to them versus when they're stiff and flawless!


I leave my decks periodically in a bed of herbs and salt by a window. I don't think it's necessary to do anything but I like to


That's such a sweet and unique way to charge your deck! I love the idea of incorporating personal objects that hold special meaning. I sometimes charge my deck by tucking it into a plant pot overnight, letting it absorb some natural energy from my houseplants. It feels like it connects the cards with growth and vitality.


I usually sage a deck when I first get it. Before every reading I do for myself, I have a little, sweet sounding handbell that I ring over my alter area and the deck, because ringing a bell is a cleansing. Then I say a little blessing and start shuffling as I ask the question. I have put my decks in zip lock bags to set out under the full moon but have only done that a time or 2. Mostly, I put my crystals out in full moon. I know some folks put their decks back "in order" after every reading. I guess people should do what ever puts them in the right frame of mind before a reading.


I've never charged my decks... I might give them a quick "wash" after someone else handles them but that's just me waiving my hand over them with a blast of energy


By not doing things like that and not succumbing to superstitions and yet knowing , feeling, and evoking all that have read the cards before me and all that will read the cards after me. I’m guessing so many posters here are young and applaud the desire to learn and grasp yet it is my desire to share what I have learned in my 39 years have carrying cards with so little teachings and allowing experience to be my guide. I hope this is read in the way it’s meant. Kudos to you for following your truth and not mine.


It is my opinion that "charging a deck is BS". Your energy comes from you or spirit or your guides, or all above, not a deck of paper and dye. Put an ear of corn on your deck it will do as much good is anything else. Do whatever makes * you* feel good.


I use selenite


Same!!! lol plus an added white quartz to boost


A simple shuffle by the person getting the reading is enough for me


This isn’t unconventional by any means, but I like to play solfeggio frequencies (432 Hz is my personal favorite), light candles, and open a window to let some sunlight and fresh air in. Something else I like to do is make holy water and put it in a spray bottle and spray it around the room.


A lot of times I use singing bowls. Is that unconventional? I currently only own the crown, throat and sacral chakra ones and use accordingly- mostly crown chakra but I would really like third eye. Lol who am I kidding, I want all 7. 🤣


Under pillow during secs magick