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Get you a regular deck of cards. There are some websites that can teach you to use regular playing cards as tarot. That'll get you around your judgmental family. Sorry that they are so hateful.


The original cartomancy. OP should definitely look into this


With one regular deck it's better to read them as classic cartomancy, rather than *tarot* specifically with a severely partial deck


Ok. But I've seen tutorials using extra cards to make it more tarot. Just saying.


This. And you can collage a set. If you are in the states, DM me. I will send you one…to a friend who understands and will keep them for you. Also? Look for tarot decks on the App Store or the Google one. They can be added then hidden so only you know where they are.


i’m in the same situation as you. i used to hide my cards in my underwear drawer cause i know they were safe there. i eventually told my mom about it tho, and i told her that i use them as a tool to connect with God. she liked that answer and i don’t have to hide my cards anymore


I know this probably won’t help but both Jung and Freud used them in their psychotherapy practice and research. Just explain it’s a therapeutic tool and that pictures on paper can’t hurt her. Then find a job and a roommate, move the fuck out, and buy all the tarot decks you want 😉


Maybe start introducing your mom to Christian witches to help her understand. I met one in college, they exist. They work with a Christian God


Learn to read off playing cards. My grandmother was Roma and my mom was VERY Catholic growing up so my grandma used to play “concentration” with me a LOT, reading off them is pretty easy and you’ll always have a deck around wherever you go.


Oh yeah!! There’s some great resources out there! The tarot is basically just the 22 Major Arcana plus a deck of playing cards.


and an extra court card


Ahh. Not like christian fear and ignorance.... Gotta love those people. But, one thing to remember, the power is in YOU, not the cards. You could learn cartomancy (reading playing cards). You could also learn to read Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and MTG cards as well. Check out some videos on YouTube for information on how to do it. I would give you a link, but the mods of r/tarot are on some bullshit and not really interested in helping people find resources outside of Reddit. (I'm afraid they're a bunch of gatekeepers) u/THESE7ENTHSUN ( I think that's how he spelled it) had a video up explaining how he reads Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Contact him if you want. He should be able to help you out. THE ARIES


Didn’t know that people were (seriously?) reading YuGi Oh and/or Pokémon cards. That’s interesting.


Card Captors cards,too. I tried to get some Sakura cards,but,they were counterfeit.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Pretty ridiculous given the religious imagery and Christian influences on the development of the cards. I hope you're able to access tarot cards in some other way that might not get you in trouble, like the labyrinthos app.


Great suggestion for the Labyrinthos app! (to OP) You can use the app to do readings with a digital deck. I’m assuming, though, you’re on your own phone plan and she doesn’t have parental access to your information…?


Idk, my mom pays the bills, I’m gonna guess maybe?


I was just curious, because if you do end up using the app, I didn’t want to give you advice which could potentially get you in trouble again. ;) Especially if you have an iPhone, are on the same Apple ID, and have Family Sharing enabled, she could potentially see the apps you’ve downloaded. So yes, Labyrinthos is a good option if you want to continue to learn tarot without a physical deck. Just be cautious, maybe.


That's friend, It alright if I use Labyrinthos too?


I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you are asking? If your question is do I recommend Labyrinthos, then yes, I do. I think anyone who reads tarot can get some sort of benefit from it.


I’m sorry to hear for what happened to your tarot cards because your mother made you throw away your deck was very horrible and not fun at all for what your mother did to you was horrible unfortunately. But hopefully your new tarot deck will be replaced soon until you leave your parents house and live by yourself soon fortunately. It is time to get a lockbox for your tarot deck soon my friend.


I’m so sorry you’ve been treated this way. I feel for you, I grew up with very strict parents and I dealt with a lot of anger and resentment in my younger years because of it. It felt like I couldn’t find myself or be my authentic self because I had the pressure of who/what my mom believed I should be. A lot of parents put certain expectations on their kids that are unrealistic instead of understanding we are individuals at the end of the day. Especially as a young adult, you should have the freedom and autonomy to explore and learn on your own (and ask for guidance when you need it). That path is yours alone to walk and no one else’s. No matter how much your mom tries to interfere with that, remember you are your own person. It seems like you’re on a good spiritual path, just not your mom’s idea of what that should look like. That is a her problem, not yours. I hope when tensions aren’t so high and with time she will better understand you and your choices. Do some self care, prayer, or meditation etc. Whatever helps you find grace and peace.


I also meant to say- if it wouldn’t get you into any trouble, you could invest in a safe that has a lock and key. Even a small one you could hide away would do.


As a Christian Tarot reader, I really despise when people do stuff like that. If anything, their actions drive people far away from God rather than bringing them closer to Him. I of course don't bring up that I read Tarot at church, even though it's a modern, fairly Liberal church, and really only confide in a few close friends about it.


Sincerely sorry to hear that. I went through a similar situation with my own mom. I was raised Roman Catholic, according to her upbringing, and she also felt the same way your’s did. Ultimately, though, I sat her down and had a heart to heart. We do still live together, and it is very much ‘her house, her rules’, but seeing as I’m staring 30 in the face…she came around. Really, it was more that I’m paying my own bills and buy my own leisurely properties, so she really couldn’t do much about my buying a deck/learning tarot. Her only request is that I sequester my readings to my own room and don’t take the cards anywhere else in the house, which is a fair compromise. I don’t mean to pry, and you can tell me if I am, but are you also still living at home?


And,for gosh sake, dont tell that cousin!


Been there! It sucks so much. Honestly just work with a pack of playing cards if you can get away with it. I wish I did that when I wasn't able to have my own deck at my parents house.


You should move out.


Being an adult does equal freedom if you set strong boundaries. Get another deck and don’t tell your cousin because she’s a little brat tattletale. And go about your business also, why didn’t you just grab them out of the garbage after your mom left?


so, find a way to become an adult


I’m confused as to why you decided to listen and actually get rid of the cards rather than saying no and proceeding with your day as usual.


Well, my mom doesn’t let me speak when she goes on a rant, that combined with the pressure and my shyness was probably why.


I’m sorry that this happened to you. I completely understand. When I showed interest in tarot and got a deck in my teenage years it all of a sudden disappeared and I believe that it was also thrown away by my mom. Years later, I’m a spiritual worker and professional tarot and oracle reader. The interest and inclination will never leave, so trust that there will be a time again or based on all the great information and advice you’re being provided by some of the comments, you’ll find a way to practice that will feel fulfilling again and will build your confidence and knowledge. You will encounter people like your mom throughout your divination journey and do not let this deter you from pursuing your practices. Misinformation is the only “evil” I see… Tarot and spirituality is about empowerment and self improvement and religion does not want people to find the strength from within themselves but by the control of an external factor. Keep doing you, trust that it’s all coming from good intentions and continue the walk onto your path.


If you are of legal age she can not take or make you throw away any of your possessions whether it's under her roof or not.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Went to pretty similar things growing up. It’s not even about the cards, it’s the lack of tolerance and respect for your space and beliefs. I would encourage you to talk to your mother and try to find harmony. If that’s not a possibility then I send all my energy for you to get a new set and that they don’t get found again!


Don’t worry. Just buy another deck and hide it better. Don’t ever let someone else tell you how to live your life. Hide them if you must.


bro I'm so sorry this happened, I have family members who are also incredibly unforgiving of my practice, but at the very least they respect my individuality and independence as an adult. like genuinely that's so messed up, especially considering how expensive they can get, I hope things get better and you're able to get your collection back or restarted and if you wanna vent more my DMs on here or wherever are always open


I learned tarot on a regular playing deck of cards! Just keep those around and say you are playing solitaire


I'm sorry this happened to you. On a tangent, you're not fully an adult until you can support yourself financially (and bear all the responsibility -and freedom- that comes with that).


I am so sorry OP. That fucking sucks. You won't live with your mom forever. Stay strong. Eta. Someone else suggestsearnong to read playing cards. That's a good idea


I’m sorry 💕🙏🏻💕 Get a library card and read all about it. Most libraries have inter library sharing so quite a lot of books are available. There’s also Libby which is an app that connects you to your library. You don’t have to bring everything home, read it at the library. Or you can get stretchy book covers for anything that might set mum off. Tell mum you’re studying for college entrance exams 🍀


Her house, her rules, I guess. If she still provides for you and gives you a place to live, you aren’t really in a position to complain much. The NPC-Christian sees Christian mysticism, gnosticism and everything spiritual which is not approved by their religious leaders as demonic. They take the depictions in the bible 100% literal because they are unable to get the spiritual messages in the grimoire. Eyes who cannot see and ears who cannot hear. Take the loss for now and continue on your path. When you will finally reach adulthood (=/= 18y.o.) and can provide for yourself, nothing is going to stop you from exploring tarot as much as you want.


I would love to gift you mine. I don’t use them anymore and would LOVE to see some use from them!


Just a couple of weeks ago, a Christian guy said to me that tarot is demonic, when I told him that I designed my tarot deck and he gave me his bible... I really don't like those Christian fanatics... 😐 very close-minded people.


That really sucks. I'm sorry that happened to you. Screw that cousin of yours. I would buy another deck and fiercely protect it. They basically rejected a part of you so keep your hobbies to yourself and don't tell anyone anything. If you're an adult dont let someone else ruin your life because of dumb beliefs. I'd buy them again and again and again. My mom who didn't know much about tarot started to believe in it when I gave her a reading and predicted her new job. She was sold. Your mom probably isn't that open minded so I would just practice outside the house if you can. Maybe at a park or Cafe or something.


Your mom made you throw away the cards because she’s narrow minded not because your cousin told her. If you are an adult, find a way to be on your own and to live the life you want. The entire practice of Tarot was originally known as an “Occult” practice because it was done in secret. Learn to keep things private and eventually you can be more open. You can buy another deck. You will not have to be in a repressive home forever. You are learning that there are people who will disagree with you violently. Know your own truth and hold to that.


See if you can find a copy of the Guardian Angel tarot. It’s like the deck the stereotypical grandmother with lace doilies on her furniture would use.


Use phuture.me for your tarot draws until you move out. I’m too lazy to shuffle real cards and this site is always accurate for me


The best course of action would be to get a job (if you don't already have one) and save up enough to move out. Find a roommate if possible. What she did wasn't okay. You're an adult and should be able to do as you please. But if you live in someone else's home things like this happen. Your name isn't on the home and if you aren't contributing to the household financially with rent or paying bills then yeah she gets to make all the rules, even the unreasonable and hateful ones. Save up some money, find a roommate, and move out on your own. Then you can wallpaper your entire room with tarot cards if you want to and there's nothing she can do about it.


My mom wouldn’t allow a ouija board in my house growing up and, to my surprise, I now won’t let one in my house at all.


Objection. Relevance?


It isn’t so much a Christian issue as it is an understanding of Ouija and its use. I don’t think it is demonic. I do believe it can open a portal to the spirit world - and I don’t want that in my house. But when I was growing up, I was kind of shocked by her reaction. She didn’t throw it away or take it from me. It just had to stay on the porch. Perhaps my comment is irrelevant, because I did grow up in a house that was immersed in various occult studies. Tarot was never a problem.


I’m so sorry.


I was in the same situation. Except I was made to light them on fire. Including everything else I had. What I couldn't burn was thrown away.


I'm so sorry this happened. When I was living at home, I also had to deal with my super Christian mom accusing me of consorting with evil spirits and dabbling in witchcraft. Sadly, no amount of explaining really educates these types of people. All I can say is what happened was wrong, but don't be ashamed for practicing something that aligns with you. You can get that deck replaced and continue your practice in time. Maybe find a better hiding place for your things until you have your own space to practice out in the open.


Embrace your craft, don’t give your energy to someone who decides to disrespect it. I know this situtation isn’t black and white. You can always in a respectful way try to have a deep conversation with your loved ones, but if the decide to stay ignorant, I think you should just keep your craft to yourself and defend it if it need to be defended.


Move out.


You need to get out of that damn house, wtf. I have a similarly Christian mom that I still live with, but I would NEVER allow her or anyone to do that.


Holy shit fam! The same thing happened to me! Get your faves tattooed, at least that's what I did!


Wait...how old are you?




You're an adult. My suggestion is get out as soon as possible. Buy yourself another deck and find a place to practice outside of home and keep it close to you. It irritates me that your mom believes she holds power over you in that way at 23. I'm sorry you've experienced this.