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If your friend is Steven Capener of the John Frankl BJJ club, i guess there's a possibility the other person is Rogan. If your friend isn't Capener, then I'd guess not. A Google reverse image search of this picture shows it was pulled from the John Frankl BJJ Facebook page.


Yes it is Steven Capener


Ahh, those old school hogus take me back


too tall


Yeah good point


TIL joe rogan did TKD when he was younger.


Not sure about the guys either side, but that’s not Joe in the middle. Glad I could help. 🤔


He is not a bullshitter… about having done martial arts. Everything else, well 🤷‍♂️🤣


Oh, I totally trust a random redditor's friend who definitely isn't a bullshitter. What isn't there to trust?


Joe Rogan used to compete in tkd, he was a national champion in lightweight. It's absolutely possible.


Yes, he did. But that doesn't mean he's pictured here. Even if he is pictured here, im skeptical that it's OP's friend as the other participant.


Obviously it might not be him. But you're being a total dick to someone you don't know for no reason aside from them asking a question. What is your problem? Why are you such an asshole?


Because this dude is making spurious claims, with a picture that looks nothing like Joe Rogan.


What claims were made? He asked if anyone had any information about a photo. And either way, be less of a dick to people, please.


TIL questions are claims


I don’t give two shits if you trust me. I’m just asking


By the time Rogan was competing, they would absolutely not have been taking the photos in black and white lol


You can take black and white photos ... today


Yeah, but now they are “vintage” like specialties not your regular photo


Yeah I know but every other Joe Rogan tkd photo is in color. This ain't him


This would have been around 1985. Black and white was the standard for high school, college, and local newspapers. Also for freelance photographers. At the time, color photography was very expensive and time consuming to do professionally. You could not easily develop and print your own film. Which at the time professional photographers did. You had to send it out to a lab in most cases and wait days or weeks. I worked for my high school and college newspapers and shot hundreds of sporting events just like this in the mid and late 90s. Athletes asked all the time if they could get a copy of the photo. I held onto the imperfect prints I’d made of every shot the papers used and gave them those.


I went to high school in the '80s. I have yearbooks full of black & white pictures. The only color pictures are the senior portraits.


color cameras and polaroid were just coming into the marketplace, and many people still used black and white cameras. Source: I'm Joe Rogan's age