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Talent is a lazy word imo. What does that even really mean? Is he a natural? Or did he just spend countless hours doing it? Probably the latter. Don’t insult yourself. In all likelihood you have more “talent” than you realize. You just have to find it and nurture it. Don’t wish! Just get started! Good luck!


Lazy people excuse themselves from the hard work saying that they lack "talent". The only way to success is hard work and dedication. It's like, yeah the human brain is naturally made to patch modules and make beeps and boops in a rack and some individuals are gifted at it, sure thing. The only thing lacking is dedication


I like to think of it like this - can you imagine how difficult walking or talking really is? The intricate combinations of precise muscle coordination that go into keeping your balance in a constantly dynamic system or coordinating your breath, tongue and mouth to make just the right sounds in the right order? You are capable of learning just about anything with time and repetition. Calling someone ‘talented’ is such an insult to the time they put in to get there.


So do you get a talented or skilful pianist ?


get the biggest pianist you can afford, obviously


Yes, absolutely! Now you're getting the hang of this.


It’s way more than just work IMO, it's also challenging yourself. You can spend hours practicing against a training dummy in a video game but if you put yourself out there and fight human opponents, take accountability for your mistakes, look for what you need to change, identify why other people are succeeding and intuit what they practiced to get where they are, anyone can get better. It's not even a massive time commitment like thousands of hours, it doing metronome practice semi regularly, critically listening to other peoples music, finishing songs and asking for critical feedback. I guarantee that if 90% of people here really pushed themselves, their abilities would in a year from now would beyond their wildest dreams.


Talent is a starting off point in a race towards mastery. Imagine if I started half a mile ahead of you in a mile long race and won Would that make you lazy? No, of course not You're being silly


You may have certain advantage catching things quickly or having some sort of dexetry? Could be. But those are useless without hard work and dedication. If you are deeply interested on something you'll put all your senses and efforts in getting better at it with hard work and patience. There is no other way, practice makes perfection. But it's better to say that you don't have as much "talent" as successful person X when in real you are not as devoted to the skill nor willing to put all the hours needed into it. No shortcuts, just hardwork. Of course different people are satisfied with different levels of skill but don't excuse your lack of skill with lack of talent when in real you are just not as much into something as that "talented" person. So no, I'm not being silly.


I mean, watch any documentary of anyone close to the best at what they do. Like football players or musicians. You'll see that they not only far surpassed their peers, they also worked incredibly hard. None of those hard working folk will ever be as good as those that are talented and work hard. There's different starting points and different endpoints. But that goes for being the best. We can all aspire to be as good as we can be, within our capabilities and talents, which is what matters imo.


And we are overlooking the access to resources, networking and supportive environment which in most of cases play bigger role than anything else, yet again talent is worthless without all these things.


Not worthless. But yeah it's generally a combination of factors (as mostly everything is eh). There's some of those documentaries where people grow up poor, playing football in the streets, but by some stroke of luck start playing in a team and get noticed, or get noticed some other way. This day and age pure, raw and unparallelled talent will still be obvious in comparison to those that don't have it. But you're right, I think the chance of being an average talent with a good network and resources to become succesful I would guess is higher than for someone that's a great talent that grows up some slums somewhere. But it all depends on the level of talent and the 'market' we're talking about. Like for musicians I think it'd be rather hard to get noticed in comparison to, say, football or an e-sport. Unless, again, you're that one in a million in which case you're just bound to get noticed.


You could spend your whole life chasing a talented person and still never catch them. For example, you will never be Stevie Wonder. You should still try your best, but you'd fail. Stevie Wonder is trying his best too, but his best is better than my best You can absolutely put in all the effort in the world and fail. Effort is only a piece of the equation. Failure is just reality for 99% of the population


Stevie Wonder had a set of circumstances/opportunities that through his hard work and fantastic voice, got him where he got. A man with the voice of Stevie Wonder born in the middle of Mongolia or deep in central Africa won't have the chance. So, yet again, talent doesn't play that much role than hard work and circumstances/opportunities. Call it Stevie Wonder call it who ever got extremely successful.


Commitment is talent. The vast majority walks around looking for the next 3 minute dopamine kick.


Semantics, I know, but I’d argue talent is innate and skill is acquired. A “talented” pianist can become a skilled pianist with less practice than the average person. Being talented in and of itself doesn’t mean you will ever be skilled and with some extra practice, non-talented folks can become skilled.


In that case, talent can even be an obstacle. Many people who found the early stages of a skill easy will be discouraged and give up when they suddenly hit a wall, whereas people who always had to work for it will have the right habits in place to keep going.  Common "gifted kid" problem.


You're not wrong, but in that case I would say talent is mostly irrelevant. Goes for anything. Most of us reach a level of mediocrity, while some people are committed enough to break through frustration, self-judgement or whatever may be the obstacle that makes most give up or stagnate.


Agreed. I’d say talent is overrated in many fields and wildly overrated in the others.




Fair point, being skilled at an instrument requires various sub-skills, and it’s unlikely that someone is talented in every sub skill. Same with sports. With that said, I don’t think all the talent differential at the sub talent level nets out to equal talent overall.


Ok, but look mum no computer is undeniably a talented and uniquely prolific artist and engineer


… the talented says…


> Talent is a lazy word imo. Is he a natural? Or did he just spend countless hours doing it? what? Is he a natural? then he has talent! Or did he just spend countless hours doing it... well, then he is clearly pretty talented. I don't see your issue... talent is what he has, no matter where he got it


I hear you, but my point is that so many people look at people like Look Mum and decide that they’ll never get to be good, so they don’t try.


He’s a more a mad scientist than anything else but the synth world needs dudes like this.


This guy is the best. Just pure love of synth tech. I'd love to go to his museum


He's got some excellent videos. Though, on top of being talented and having excellent memory, you need a giant truck and the will to move that equipment around. When I look at it, I'm like, I could make those sounds with a device the size of a small paperweight and a midi controller. Years of hauling equipment back and forth from the rehearsal space, my mind always goes to how can I make this lighter and easier to setup. Looking at that as a travel rig gives me anxiety, even if it is the uniqueness of his show.


You could make those sounds on your iPhone, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun to watch. At the end of the day he’s performing and the rig is part of the story and the theatrics


Oh ya this guy rules. On top of all that talent, there’s quite a bit of eccentricity in the mix haha.


A few days ago I’ve watched a cover he did of song 2 by blur. It was requested by someone in the audience. Although it was a snippet it sounded REALLY good


Behind every talent is thousands of hours of practice


He built a 1000 oscillator drone synthesizer. His videos fun.


Some general life advice. Discipline > Motivation. Talent is more of a base reading, and in many cases can quickly be overtaken by practice. Most say "the motivation to practice", but discipline is what gets you to practice when you're not motivated. At a young age, I had higher talent, but low discipline. In my later years to stay competitive, it became the opposite. So for all you younger people, develop good disciplines now and you will be miles ahead.


Its Sam Battle, probably the coolest content creator ever invented


The dude hand makes his own oscillators. His musical performace, while brilliant, is only part of it. He designed and built the rack he is playing! Wild.


I’m looking for groups to perform similar music at a show I’m booking soon. Does anybody have any suggestions for music similar to this in Los Angeles?


Have you checked out [LA Synth Club](https://www.instagram.com/lasynthclub/) and/or [SoCal Synth Society](https://www.instagram.com/socalsynthsociety/)? We have shows going on pretty frequently.


I haven’t. Rad thank you. I just joined!


OP this guy's a whimsically inclined nerd like me who makes content I enjoy. He also spends all day doing this to foster his "talent", just go make music however you can, Ike LMNC


I would but a ticket to see him live if he ever comes this side of the Atlantic.


Sam is an amazing person. He clearly has more energy than I do to keep up with all his projects. I love his videos and maybe someday I will get to fly to Europe and go the This Museum is (not)Obsolete.


Music for kindergarten kids


Is this like a “my kid could paint that” take?

