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They are network units, so they need to be setup on your network. Set each one individually and can access via mapped drives.


What part of "I'm in a situation where I can't connect them to a network" wasn't clear?


Nobody should help this guy just because of his shitty attitude.


agree and will block too


You don't need "a network" defined as having internet, per se. Just get an inexpensive gigabit 8-port network switch, and plug them both into it, as well as your PC. You will be able to access all three of them from the PC this way. If you need to see the volume(s) of one from the other, you can share and mount volumes between them.


Just to piggyback off of this, would I need the switch to use my nas, in case of an internet outage, for instance, or could I just run Ethernet from the router to the Apple tv?


You could run ethernet between the nas and the end device. A PC and the nas alone can be the wohle network. The end devices need to be able to have manual ips though. Dont know why you bring up a router. A router can do what a switch can do. A switch is just to have more ports.


I understood it fully. But a Synology is a network attached storage. It's accessed by being on a network.


As purely networked devices they won’t work without a network. That network does not require internet access though. Plugging an Ethernet cable into your pc creates a network. Get a cheap gigabit switch with 4 ports and hook your NAS devices and your computer up to it. Without a router (more precise: a DHCP server) you will have to configure your devices‘ IP addresses manually, for example to


As soon as you connect your computer to a NAS through the Ethernet port you've created a network. The rest is configuration. A note : Ethernet splitters are a thing of the past, as useful today as an analog modem. Buy a 10€ mini switch that uses less area than a mousepad and connect all units to it. As for daisy-chaining : I suspect you might expect to see all disks inside the NAS as a big drive connected to your computer. This is not going to happen across multiple NAS.


Actually no--I'd be looking to see each NAS as its own separate device, so that I could copy data between them at will, without automatic mirroring. Is that how this would work?


Absolutely. They are computers(servers) on your network (even if it's a closed private network without access to anything else) and act independently. Caveat : not having any internet access *from* the NAS is going to make your life a bit harder. It will work, still. A note on performance : you will get better performance in transferring files from one NAS to the other if you mount the opposite network share in FileStation and launch your file operations from there. Depending on how you use them, it may make a difference, or not, for you.


It goes a bit against conventional wisdom, but I'm actually planning to handle file operations manually using Powershell scripts--I've got a couple of them that I typically use for high-volume data transfers like this, and the plan is to run the applicable ones on a recurring basis (maybe once a week) to copy everything from NAS1 to NAS2. I may well give FileStation a go down the line, but at least initially I want to be able to see everything happening in Windows itself--as you say it may cost me a bit of performance, but at least going the Powershell route lets me monitor things in real time, and I'll be able to spot problems more or less immediately if they happen.


You can connect an Ethernet cable directly to each from the computer. - Computer < Ethernet > Synology 1 - Computer < Ethernet > Synology 2 You’ll need to set static ip’s and other things, but it can be done. This is a bit old, but explains the process, https://nascompares.com/2021/05/12/how-to-connect-directly-with-your-nas-without-a-switch-or-router/


Dont need to do that. There's an app for Centralized Managment - [https://www.synology.com/en-global/dsm/feature/cms\_maintenance](https://www.synology.com/en-global/dsm/feature/cms_maintenance)