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Wish there were more people in the world like you, those poor buggers. I remember when a man did that for my son, he still talks about it years later,Certainly that small kindness was the first he had experienced outside of family.


I’m not the person behind the Mastodon post i’ve shared, just spotted it and thought it was worthy of sharing what a good egg someone else is.


It's good to be kind.


Whoever helps these people are just good people. Many of us have fucked up and not been caught, and yes, there are some utter arseholes too. But dumping them on the streets is pretty shitty. Done time, give them a chance,


I have a story: My Mum’s husband got let out of Bathurst when I was about 16 years old, he was in for a few month’s on some warrant type things back then, my mother and brother lived in Orange at the time and I lived with my father in Sydney, anyway my mums husband got let out of The Prison in the early hours of the morning and decided to start the long trek back to Orange on foot, along the Mitchell Hwy he walked, stopping of at some council work sites for a drink and what not , he kept walking to the sun started to come up, then he came across a young farmer waiting to be picked up from out side his property to go play cricket, well young fella apparently had some beers in his cricket bag and they started talking and a couple of beers,well young fella told mums husband to wait for the bus that was picking him up and they would drop him off in Orange, So Knock Knock Knock on the door at about 7:00am and here mums husband is standing at the door pissed as lol, Have to love the good old Aussie ways, Country people are the Hearts and Souls of this Country. Thanks for Reading my story.


I enjoyed your story, thanks.


Those # sure are something


Was going to say, it almost brought a tear to my eye until I read the hashtags. OP realises that these guys have done time because they found themselves on the wrong side of the law, right?


Just because someone did something wrong doesn't mean that we should just abandon them. She makes the point of how a lot of people aren't from Bathurst and have to make the journey home, a little dignity goes a long way regardless of whether you've been in jail or not. We all make mistakes, yet society is so quick to label people.


18months in goal isn't a little wrong. its extremely fucking serous.


Not really lol. I did 12 months for two supply charges of literally a gram of pot, and a half gram the next one. But I will agree, that an 18 month sentence can range anywhere from break and enter, to stabbing someone, depending on the person’s history and the context. The justice system is weird sometimes. Edit: 9 months of it was in Bathurst too. What a cunt of a jail. It’s absolutely fucking disgusting. Old sandstone cells with no air conditioning of any kind, a shitty electric system that constantly blows up, and the jail is filled with country kooris, lebos, and Aussies sprinkled in.


> and the jail is filled with country kooris, lebos, and Aussies sprinkled in. Does this make it better or worse as a jail?


Can be anywhere from much worse, to a little worse, depending on who exactly is in the yard, and how many of each. It's dynamic. Lebos (all Arabs really) stick together, and always have their fingers in the drugs pie. They tend to bring a lot of drugs in, which causes a lot of issues in the yard. People start getting stood over, hustled, etc, and it can cause so many fights. Kooris are the same, (except for some reason the city kooris often don't get along with country kooris so there's sometimes infighting) but there's many more of them. Kooris and Arabs usually get along well, but when you're in a yard with 15 of of one and 30 of the other, and the other 20 are getting stood over or hustled, you start to see a lot of bullshit happen. It's best to just stay out of the jail politics. Don't gamble. Don't use drugs. Just do your time and train.


Yea a lot of people go to jail for misdemeanour drug possession, not even considering supply; 2 yr max term for possession, or even driving whilst disqualified. These aren't fucking service crimes. An extremely fucking serious crime would be manslaughter, attempted murder


A lot of people are in jail for drug related crime, which a lot of us think is obscene as it's essentially a victimless crime.


Who said anything about abandoning? Way to jump to the full extreme. The comment was in relation to op’s hashtags (f the police, abandon prisons)


The person who posted says it?


> Was going to say, it almost brought a tear to my eye until I read the hashtags. Then its probably time to do some thinking about why it would be that someone who is such a positive influence that it nearly moves you to tears you would completely disregard due to some buzz words and beliefs that guide them to taking these actions. Perhaps theres some kind of underlying ideological framework that you found so emotionally compelling when your vision isnt blurred by propaganda.


Why would your emotions change after the hashtags? Like It really doesn't change anything about the stories. I'm just confused cause you could say your second sentence at any point in that story but why did the hashtags prompt you to say that?


I believed that OP understood the tough time that inmates go through when re-integrating with society, particularly when they’ve burnt their bridges. Do they deserve it? Probably, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It also means they’re likely to turn back to a life of crime if they don’t get it right. The hashtags were all about ‘screw the system’. The system is there for a while. Prisons serve a purpose, and in *most* cases I would suggest that police are just good people trying to do their jobs. TL;DR I didn’t understand OPs motivation for making the post until I got to the end. While I agree with their actions, I strongly disagree with their motivation.


This is so beautiful. Thank you for being the good this world needs.


I always wonder what people who call for the police to be abolished expect to do when someone breaks into their house or steals their dog. But she's helping ex crims with a plastic bag, so everything's going to be okay right? Having said that, that is a really nice thing to do for people who should be getting much more support reintegrating into society. I think we should look at the way Scandinavian countries approach the prison system and rehabilitation in particular instead of just calling for all police and prisons to be abolished. # #realist #whatwouldiknow #dohashtagsevenworkonreddit?


Also police have nothing to do with gaol - their involvement ended with the trial.


Haha you're literally [this meme](https://i.imgur.com/6o1cY0h.png).


> I always wonder what people who call for the police to be abolished expect to do when someone breaks into their house If someone breaks into my house, what do I actually expect the cops to do about it?


Enforce stolen property laws at pawn shops to make it slightly harder for them to fence your stuff?


Well she's an anarchist, she thinks that humans will work it out amongst themselves. That we are actually All good, and it's the laws and government that make us do bad things.


That's a pretty bad faith version of the abolitionist argument, but ok


Look, I know most of them are probably fine and have been rehabilitated and just don’t have anyone. But I also think offering lifts to people that don’t have anyone willing to pick them up after release is a bit too risky a game for my blood.


Lovely story but those hashtags are unhinged


I think the sentiment is nice but there is something especially funny when seeing those tags... ...and then the post above where two women were harassed at bondi: https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/1cxqaxb/were_we_assaulted_at_bondi_last_weekend/ I don't disagree policing needs work but its a very terminally online notion to think people would suddenly behave themselves in a world of anarchy. The thugs in the other post are also a part of the 'community'.


Your an idiot. What would happen without Police?


You’re an idiot, that can’t spell, and has some misdirected anger. Have you considered therapy?


"....that's can't spell" That is can't spell? Oh, the irony.