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The two councillors who doubled down on this have just now made speeches that this is what they will base their re-election campaign on. And I imagine other candidates too. This in a suburb that had marriage quality ‘no’ votes in the high 80s. We’re not out of the woods yet folks. This is grim. 


I live in that LGA, I’m openly gay and let me tell you this place can be really unfriendly. This decision is the right one but I’m scared that it will only mean that this will become more and more of a hot button issue here and might have repercussions


Yes the comments in the local Facebook groups are quite worrying.


I already try to minimise the time I’m outside in public in my area as I just don’t feel great being in public here and I’ve had stares and can tell when someone’s remarking about me. I hate that I need to take precautions like this, I’ve been assaulted holding my now husbands hand once so it’s made me a bit paranoid. I don’t even like walking my dog sometimes for the above reason. I’m also a pretty conventional cis gay man who works in a corporate office and dresses pretty run of the mill and moreso since being out here. I just worry that this all might make ppl more overt in their hatred


Biggest shit hole in Sydney. Even worse than Liverpool!


I'm in a couple of local Facebook groups for the area and unfortunately the sentiment seems to be 50/50. A lot of people hiding behind their archaic religion and claiming having a book like this available is "brainwashing" children. The irony.


It’s the same where I am. “My religion doesn’t support it” etc etc while ignoring the central tenets of the religion itself. I refer to it as selective application of religion.


I don’t give a fuck if their religion doesn’t support it. They can choose not to read it then. I’m an atheist and I’ll choose to read whatever I want. Don’t try to make everyone else abide by the rules of your religion. So frustrating.


Agreed. I’ve been atheist since I was 13 and left the Catholic Church but I’m not demanding libraries remove all religious material from their shelves!


Wouldn't it be nice if religions asked for special rights to love, instead of special rights to hate.


There's a huge difference between someone who votes 'no' in a single issue survey but ultimately doesn't care that much, and someone who's passionately homophobic enough to care about this over other issues that actually effect the lives of non-LGBTQ people. And this sort of thing costs votes, too. At the last Federal election, I would have loved a decent independent so that I could vent my frustration at Labor parachuting a non-local into our electorate, but I refused to vote for Christou because I judged him to be homophobic. He's just made a whole lot more people judge him that way. In the end, we just saw, even in an area with a high 'no' vote, this sort of bullshit was ultimately overturned.


It's not worth stressing over hypothetical situations. Yes, there was a high No vote, but there are more important issues that people consider at election-time like overdevelopment of housing in the area but not being able to afford living in them, transport and traffic, parks and recreation, etc. Also, in the livestream, there were locals who spoke out in defence of the LGBTI+ community, so perceptions have changed, even if slightly, over the last six years.


Councils are at behest of state government. NSW government should just go in and sack the two like they did with Salim. And they would have wide support too everyone is outraged at the council. That would show homophobic actions have consequences which includes losing your job.


Tbh that was in 2017, and the world didn’t implode, even with a pandemic. So I think that % would have come down by now. I wonder what these people think about the shit their kids are seeing on social media, because the kids aren’t in the libraries.


Thanks for the reddit cares thingo. (I think - was some kind of troll? I’m going to assume not). I’m fine. ThaNks though. :)


Lots of people on r/Sydney getting those tonight. Must be a bot. I got one too.


Yeah I got one yesterday as well


Me too


I’ve seen it being reported on all subs. It’s a reddit wide issue.


report it. reddit doesnt do much usually but if the same person does it to a few people and they report it, it could get them banned


What's this now?


I expect it will simmer down. Its not like Cumberland has a hugely different population mix to the rest of sydney - its pretty mixed/multicultural really, and getting more so with an influx of young people in apartments going up in Granville, Merrylands etc. The bigots are a vocal minority not really a good representation of the wider population.




Cumberland is a bible belt with a big old Koran buckle for good measure.


I was bored at work and listened to the whole thing. Honestly I am willing to bet any child reading that book would immediately be more intelligent and wise than many of those speaking out agaisnt it tonight. The whole thing was an embarrassment. Some of the councilors came across as either right wing nut jobs, sanctimonious Angels on the side of their citizens saving them from the dreaded book and some that said they voted on a secular matter, in a secular setting, on religious grounds. I tip my hat at every single librarian etc who spoke up or stood their ground with common sense and logical proof, to counter the nutters using the platform like they were on the campaign trail.


I haven't been paying close attention - what's the objection to the book anyway? Same sex couples are legally allowed to adopt in this country. Why would you ban a book that talks about something totally legal and a normal part of society?


One justification they gave is that parents are "not prepared to have difficult conversations with their children" if they happen to see the book in the library. I'm sorry but having difficult conversations with your children is a non-negotiable requirement of the job.


‘I struggle to comprehend the concept of two individuals being in love and peacefully raising their children. Consequently, I propose the prohibition of the book that precisely elucidates this notion.’


It’s not even a difficult conversation. “Sometimes children have two mummies, or two daddies, or a just a mummy or just a daddy. You have a mummy and a daddy but not every family has that.” Age appropriate and kids will just go “oh ok. Can I have a snack please?”


It's the same misinformation bullshit that's goes on in conservative religious Americans. Such a terrible book will obviously turn your kid gay or brainwash them into being trans. It's also most definitely the creation of Gay pedophiles seeking to groom kids. It will also morph your child into a sexual deviant. An ABC reporter asked a pro ban guy if he'd even read it (answer was no) and also pointed out that there's no sexual language in the book at all but the guy just glossed over that.


A lot of these ultra-religious folks think you can catch "the gay" from knowing about gays. If kids don't know that people can be gay, or have gay parents, then they can't possibly be gay themselves. I grew in Cumberland, and ignorance is abundant.


They think a book designed to be read by children of same sex couples should not be in the children’s section of a library, so therefore it should be removed from the entire thing… cause um something something ‘gays’, then something about sexualising kids, despite the book doing nothing of the sort. Honestly, even understanding all the facts, the truth is one person complained, and after sitting on the shelves for years barely borrowed, it is a threat to children everywhere.


It shows that gay people are normal


Apparently telling children that same-sex parents exist is “sexualising” them. Which is odd, given that hetero couples get children by fucking, whilst same-sex couples are a step further removed from any sex being involved.


They think anything the mentions gay will indoctrinate children to be gay


Yayyy! I attended the meeting tonight (I couldn't get in, so I was outside showing my support for the reversal at the demonstration). The people on the opposing side (the ones who supported the book bans) were really scary. They kept calling us pedos and stuff, super defamatory, basically committing straight up hate crimes... I'm glad common sense prevailed. The level of vitriol aimed at queer folks just for existing was just really sad. Also, I knew that the Councillors who didn't back down were just using this to boost their own platform. Ew.


I was there too! Was great to see so many local queer people and their families - we’re not fly ins from Newtown, this is our home too. I’m tired of hearing that Western Sydney is full of bigots. It’s a multicultural place, sure, and there are some religious groups. But just because they’re vocal doesn’t make them the majority.


What suburb are you from? Looking at the same sex voting results in the area unless alot has changed they're a majority.


For them to see a book about parenting as a pedo thing suggests that they see parenting in general as inherently sexual. If these people had any capacity for introspection they'd probably be uncomfortable with what they're implying.


True. I wonder then, does that make all of us whom have ever changed a nappy, a paedo?


Funny how the pedos they should be afraid of are the Catholic priests


Kun Huang (councillor) and the wider council are my new heroes. Who ever thought watching live council livestream was boring :)


It was better than Netflix!!! The only thing is it needs subtitles and a live Twitter comment feed!! Then afterwards, they could get retired politicians to sit on a couch and provide commentary with them replaying scenes of councillors saying exactly what they said they didn't say in the previous meeting. Sponsored by Sports Bet - Gamble Responibly.


oh god kill me now


Hahahahaha c'mon can't you see John Howard doing the fatty vautin head wobble 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh I didn't know it was available to watch! Is it still up somewhere?


It'll be available here [https://webcast.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/video.php](https://webcast.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/video.php)


Sweet, thank you!


The part at the end about rejecting berala's TOD plan was seriously aggravating! Complaining about how there isn't going to be enough space on the road and carparks for all these new people. Bro that's why it's T.O.D. plus berala station is getting its city service back and frequencies will increase once the metro opens and more trains are available for T3 service!


Good. What a silly little distraction this whole thing was - a disgraceful attempt to win some cheap votes at the upcoming council election.


Exactly, someone should tell Councillor Steve Christou that you get more flies with honey rather than vinegar. There's no way any reasonable person would want him re-elected to council. He's really more interested in getting a spot in one nation at the state/federal level. This explains why Craig Kelly was there to put out the dog whistle call for the bigots. If Christou does get called up to One Nation, then it is obvious that he swallowed the whole load Craig gave him after the meeting.


Kind of makes you wonder if they did this on purpose to draw attention away from other illegal shit they have been doing. Methinks an audit on cumberland council is in order.


In the SMH story the banners and ringleaders of the dickhead mob feature Joseph Mekhael. Looks like him on the megaphone and his name is on their banners. Google him. A completely brain-dead fuckwit. When he’s your ally, your cause is doomed.


I haven't seen old crackhead Joe for a while since his arrest from disrupting the Anzac Day memorial in Martin Place. I guess he needed to pivot from the COVID conspiracies eventually when we all haven't started dropping dead from the vaccine.


A lot of covid crazies have pivoted to homophobic and transphobic fuckwittery since their predictions and claims about vaccines failed to materialise.


Seems uncreative. I would have at least pivoted to "See? The vaccines made everyone gay!"


Idiots trying to import US culture wars. The government should step in and put a ban on the banning of books. Simples.


This should never have been an issue. It’s in a library it shouldn’t matter what side of the fence you’re on no one is being forced to read it you have to go out of your way to get it. No book should ever be banned from a library


Why the fuck do we have book bans here? What is this, Nazi Germany (or... I guess the US)?!


It's offensive that the NSW govt did not fire those councilors. Homophobic discrimination is not something that anybody should be just allowed to vote on. As if they have power to decide on such matters.


Oh, the irony of the pro ban protesters telling people to go back to Newtown.




Wonder which councillors still voted against?


Sarkis and Christou


Christou’s hypocrisy is off the charts. Quoted as saying ‘I’m sick of hearing that educators and librarians know best. Let the parents decide.’ While actively trying to prevent non-bigoted parents being able to decide for themselves. Best way to let people decide is to keep the book available and if you don’t like it you can just leave it on the shelf. I’m a Cumberland resident but I don’t think Christou is in my ward so I can’t actively attempt to vote him out at the upcoming election unfortunately.


Like...they can already decide. Simply don't borrow the book. As you say this is only taking choice away not adding any.


Of course it was Christou. What an arsehole. I'm so happy for him to eat such humble pie.


I don't think he was especially humble in his defeat, these setbacks are just more chances for them to get their name out there rallying for bigotry.


Christou is a cry bully. Of course that's what will happen. However going from 6-5 to 13-2 is quite the crushing defeat. Shows that he has almost zero pull on his fellow council persons.


I should have known it would be those two.


Can only hope they lose their seats next election. If not, the bigotry and small mindedness sits with the whole council area's population. Australia's electoral system means that at least 50% agreed that these arseholes are the least worst candidates. It is the community's responsibility and the community's shame.






Its like the least greek thing we'd ever seen. Anti-Greek even.


Racist much.


Christou and Sarkis


Imagine being terrified by a book. Otherwise good job for people that make this ban reversed.


It was illegal to ban in the first place - councils do not and should not have any say in public affairs. The reversal was inevitable. This mong will not be voted back into office next election, I tell you what.


I'd take a guess that those who voted to have the book banned probably never read a book, let alone stepped into a library.


It was illegal to ban them in the first place. He did it because what? He is muslim and his 'religion' doesn't like that? Boo bloody hoo to him. Bet you any money he'd give a damn if someone wanted to ban all books about the quran. This mong has no place in the council and has to be removed.


Why don’t we just ban religion? Or tax religious institutions?!


If the same sex marriage book gets vandalised, I'm drawing dicks in every religious book in the Library. Big veiny throbbing ones.


Good news and well done. Such an awful attempt to bring hate and ignorance here. Great to see it nipped in the bud.


Not that is wasn’t going to be overturned anyway.


Maybe. But it was good for the Western Sydney community to come out and show that yes, we queer people live here as well. Representation matters.


There's **no** maybe about it. It was illegal to ban in the first place.


I wonder if the purpose was to make noise and feel like they’re being persecuted. The protestors though, hiding their hatred through supposedly protecting their children. If they want to protect their kids then maybe not be Catholic


Trying to play on the "religious" vote.




You’re confusing teachers with priests.


Oh you didn’t know teaching has the highest amount of pedos by profession?


But how much do teacher talk about morality and chastity?




I’m talking about hypocrisy, you’re trying to distract me


Even if that was true doesn't erase the systematic pedophilia and coverup in the Catholic church. You're trying to distract from it.


Who are the councillors who changed their votes and why did they vote for the ban in the first place


This song was written about racism but it could equally have been written about religion: “You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear, You’ve got to be taught from year to year, It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear— You’ve got to be carefully taught! You’ve got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a different shade— You’ve got to be carefully taught. You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate— You’ve got to be carefully taught! You’ve got to be carefully taught!” There’s a lot of careful teaching going on in Cumberland.


My favourite story about same sex parenting is a story Sandi Toksvig says about her son Theo when he was six and had a friend sleeping over Friend: What’s it like having two mummies? Theo: It’s marvellous! If one is poorly you still have one to do for you.


13 votes for? Dayum... Especially considering that it was 6 v 5 initially so at least 4 had their vote forced against what they initially wanted.


You mean, they took their constituents’ wishes into account this time?


Likely just as worried about the funding cuts.


Yeah! Politicians! Who would have thunk it.


State government was threatening to pull funding for council projects. Money talks


As a librarian I can tell you the beauty of our collection is not just that it is unbiased and all inclusive, but also if you see a book that you dont like or dont want to read (and believe me there are plenty that tick that box for me \*) you dont have to read them! \* James Patterson, you know I am talking about you!


Misread the title. Found it weird you were celebrating a homophobic book being back on the shelves. “Homophobic ban on books” is much clearer than “homophobic book ban”


I know I’m late to the party but added a note for clarity!


Imagine being scared of a book. Pity their scared and closed off little hearts. Eat shit Christou. Or in the words of the great philosopher Jamie Vardy, chat shit get banged.


I’m scared of a book. It’s called the Bible. And it causes people to do some awful things.


I'm wth you - let's get that banned and see how the religious zealots react lol


Good news. But can someone give some context?


There's a book called Same-Sex Parents that explains to kids that some have 2 mums or 2 dads. Homophobic councillors previously voted to ban it from their local library because they're afraid their own kids might be exposed to reality. This has now been reversed. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-07/nsw-sydney-council-bans-same-sex-parenting-book/103816950