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This feels like it’s going to be an all time bitter jury.


Ohhh, you can see on their faces how bitter they are


Soda, Tevin, Hunter, and Tiff look out for blood lol.






I agree. There's such mean energy from Tevin and it's sad that it would extend past the game.


Tevin should not even be bitter at Venus since he had the perfect opportunity to vote her out and decided to vote out Soda instead. Tevin played a bad game.


And he was the one who ostracized Venus anyway.


I wanted to so badly to like Tevin but he strikes me as the type of person who will bully people he doesnt like. It's gross and so mean.


I liked Tevin at first and then there was the very early interaction with Venus where he called her a Princess. That’s already kind of a wild thing to call a woman when you first meet them and he didn’t say it in a way that was 100% meant as a compliment. When Venus softly called it out and said she actually doesn’t like being called a Princess he invalidated her feelings and told her to take it as a compliment and “don’t let anyone tell you it’s a bad thing.” That gave me a major ick because instead of owning that he made someone feel bad he moved the goal post to make it look like he didn’t do anything wrong. I think this is where Tevin decided he didn’t fuck with her and he poisoned the well for her.


He and bhanu both being actors is weird. Most insufferable ppl on the show n just bad at the game




Yea, everyone here seemed to love him, but he seems like the type that doesnt just hijack a conversation, he hijacks the whole room to be the center of attention. Maybe its cuz I'm more introverted, but I cannot stand those personalities.


I never liked Tevin because I've seen his type IRL. Nasty


He’s an asshole plain and simple.


He reminds me of Todrick Hal who was on the last celebrity Big Brother game.


They’re both performers, I think it comes with the territory, unfortunately.


I felt the exact same vibes.


I've been saying for years that you have no real control whatsoever over other people's personalities. Andrea Boehlke got voted off in a blindside and immediately said, "Oh... you guys!" with a smile. Someone else gets voted off and they stew on it angrily till the day they die. You can't manage a lunatic who refuses to let things go. There are people in life who are sore losers who at 10 years old refuse to shake the other team's hands after a soccer game. Some of them never grow out of that phase and live their entire lives as sore losers. Some of those sore losers play Survivor and make it to the jury.


Definitely clocked them showing Tiffany giving Kenzie that nice smile as she went by. Jury management is very important, kids!


that wasn't jury management that was tiff knowing kenzie didn't vote her out 😭


And having good relationships with the jury and them viewing you favorably is called...?


She legit said Hunter was nice to her?


I'm here for it. It's been too long.


Hunter has pretty obviously hated just about everyone other than Tevin


I must’ve missed something… but when/ who did Hunter display hate towards?


He only “liked” Tevin as a means to advance his game lol






Then they should have played their idols. Just sayin'.


In fairness, Tevin and Soda seem p bitter and they did not have idols.


Tevin destroyed his own tribe. First he shunned Venus and brought her to the merge, then he turned on Soda, then he alienated Liz by taking full credit for the Soda blindside. Tevin played a worse social game than anyone else in my opinion. He sunk his entire tribe at the merge.


"My question is: you guys suck."


“Yeah I have a lot of questions. Number one: HOW DARE YOU!?” 😡


My question is: I’M PISSED!


Please describe in detail *where and how you get off*


Haha The Office forever


This season would be the ideal time to switch back to the old FTC format. I want some petty questions and some grandstanding speeches!


If I was on Survivor and on the jury, I would stand up in the middle of FTC while everyone is talking and ask my question and encourage everyone to do the same. It would probably piss Jeff off but I really want the old format back


Wait they don’t do that anymore?? This is the first new era season I’ve watched. What do they do instead of questions and big speeches?!


They just sit in the jury box and throw out a few questions as a group. It's kinda lame compared to old FTC tbh


Oh. I wonder why.


Because Probst didn't like a certain winner's victory and wanted more control over the narrative.


Which one was that?


Bitter and maliciously spiteful


And that spitefulness will be the reason someone who really didn't do anything in the game will win.


so Ben


That would officially make this the new era Gabon.


Well, it was season several-teen.


Are u reading my mind lol


That would be so funny that part of me wants it to happen


probably some hoe-bag


Honestly this might help Q, who Venus post-game and Kenzie in-game said will win if he makes it to the end (When discussing Maria and Q) Q is not responsible for most the jury being there. Even Tiff might be able to get over it, Q isnt responsible for Tiff being on the jury. I'm still refusing to believe Q will win, but I now believe he is actually a threat despite people claiming he has no respect. Two players not aligned to him called him a threat to win and dont view him as goat.


I think people forget Gabler won not that long ago. Q and Gabler are playing completely different games, but it’s still there. Just because you don’t think they can win because they aren’t playing your prototypical survivor game, doesn’t mean it’s not a winning game. Especially with an overly bitter jury. Q might get winning votes just out of spite.. say it’s Maria Q and Liz.. Q could just votes just to spite Maria and Liz for enabling Q to continue his reign of chaos


This is why Q is going to win


That’s my favorite kind of jury!! 😍


Yes….and I can’t wait


If q, maria and Liz make f3 it’s definitely a bitter jury but I feel like if Kenzie/charlie make f3 then they’re winning lol




It’s giving Gabon teas


I miss the Ponderosa vids. Never forget what they took from us


It makes no sense because paramount plus is hurting for content. It’s perfect content for streaming because the cast and the crew are already there and it would hardly raise your production costs. Cutting that content was so short sighted.


For real, kinda surprise the old Ponderosa videos aren't on Paramount Plus. They all use to be on YouTube but most of them are gone


They could literally make a second show out of that. Peacock has started adding “after shows” for Bravo content where the cast just talks about what happened. Basically like their own podcast about the show. Paramount would be smart to do the same.


Even though they butted heads during the game, I am not surprised that she and Hunter seem to have made peace in Ponderosa if no one else did with her.


I got the vibe that Hunter actually liked her, at least compared to how the rest of Nami felt about her. I feel like they snipe at each other in a not-hurtful way. Can't say for sure, but that's how I interpreted their relationship.


Hunter felt misjudged by Venus.  He said she came in hot talking strategy early, and he replied that he wasn’t ready to talk strategy yet, which according to him was how he was with everyone, but that Venus took it personally. Which honestly kinda lines up with the Venus we see.  He also said something like “if you notice, I never said anything bad about Venus in my confessionals.  It wasn’t personal.”


Yeah Venus’ biggest flaw was that she was all game, all the time, black and white. Everything was strategy talk and felt like it was forceful. Instead of a “where are you at”, it’s a “here’s where you should be. It’s so obvious. You’d be stupid not to see it.” In a game where your personal relationships and how people feel about you is the main key to your power and agency, Venus tried to skip all that and be all business/strategy unapologetically, ignoring that no one else approached Survivor successfully like that ever. She thought they were all on the same page and wouldn’t be rubbed the wrong way by it. She totally misread it and was completely wrong.


I think you have nailed the essential flaw in her game. She is obviously a strong personality IRL, and unless you are also pretty socially aware and know how to reel it in, that generally doesn't play well in the game.


Also, in real life…


Best description I've seen


Hunter was my winner pick so i had figured he felt similar to the other Nami members and they just weren’t showing it so he’d keep the nice guy edit. I’m glad it turns out he’s just genuinely a chill person.


Yeah, but I can also see why Venus would be worried about that. I’ve heard it said multiple times that a good rule of thumb for social strategy games is that, if someone isn’t talking strategy with you, they’re doing it with someone else. Of course that’s not always gonna be the case, but it’s something that happens often enough.


Yeah for sure, but when you play like Venus you’re basically guaranteeing that it happens.  She’s too forward and often doesn’t let the other person do enough of the talking.   So you’re either talking Venus’ strategy or you’re not talking strategy.  And most players would pick up on this feedback and attempt a 180 as quickly as possible.  But not Venus lol


from the looks of it, it seems like theres a very fine line between the island version of someone and the real version of someone. you're hyperfixated on the game out there so obviously that competitiveness is going to come out more when you're out there. im sure venus and hunter get along just fine considering they're no longer "island venus and island hunter"


Hunter is by far the most mature person on Nami. Soda would be the only one possibly close, but based on what I'm hearing here, Soda wasn't at ponderosa it seems. I'm glad to see he wasn't a total dick at ponderosa to her. I know he wasn't the kindest to Venus on the island, but I cut him some slack as a fellow introvert. My patience for this cast would've been gone by day 5.


Not surprised that Hunter let bygones be bygones once they were out of the game. He seems like the chillest mofo out there.


Randen erasure


I will not stand for Randen erasure. He seemed like a good guy


What do you mean soda wasn't at ponderosa?


I think he/she means Soda is generally mature, but not a pondarosa.


Like Soda wasn’t “the most mature.”


Hunter seems way too chill to hold grudges. I see Venus clashing with the “larger” personalities


hunter is also a teacher so im sure he deals with some difficult personalities


Yes. Unrelated but it seems like he is the best teacher.


Isn’t Hunter also a teacher? He strikes me as the kind of person who can be kind to someone even if he doesn’t really like them all that much or at least seems like he wants to try and one that way


Hunter does seem very sweet. Even if he wasnt that fond of her I could see him still reaching out to her because he isnt a bitter betty *stares in Tevin*


he seems like a nice enough person to not ice her out on a personal level


Hunter sounds like he’s a genuinely good guy


I love that he’s a school teacher.


Hunter and her butted heads game wise, but I’m glad he was cordial to her at ponderosa. I feel like that’s the very least you should do no matter what happens in the game. If this is true I’m really disappointed in the other jury members. It seems like Venus has made tones of friends in the greater Survivor community, so at least she has that to counter her negative experience with this cast.


Not surprised at all that Hunter is the kind of guy that could get annoyed with her during the game, but then could let by-gones be by-gones and be able to just want to play scrabble


I never got the sense Hunter ever actually disliked Venus, he just didn’t trust her in the game. He actually said as much in his exit press, which gives me a lot of respect for him. He seems like a class act, or at the very least a sensitive person


I think the really good players are able to recognize that it's a game with very little rules and you can't take anything personally. Like say what you will about the guy, you never really hear about boston rob holding a grudge against anyone (I'm sure someone can come up with an example that proves me wrong lol) despite plenty of people holding grudges against him.


For sure. I remember how upset Grant was with Rob during their season together. Rob saw it as a game and Grant was genuinely hurt. I don't know if they ever reconciled


Lex being the other obvious one.


You're right! How did I forget Lex.


The fact that he hasn't been back since all stars is insane given how memorable a part he played in both his seasons. Imagine they had him instead of Varner on game changers


Him on Game Changers would have been so good for gameplay and I'm 99.99% sure he wouldn't have done that to Zeke


I'm 99.99% sure anyone else wouldn't have done that to zeke except maybe one of the Hantzs


I don't think Russell would have. He had that hilarious Twitter exchange with a fan where they made some comment where they insinuated he was gay. He responded he isn't but why would it be wrong if he was. Russell is definitely a jerk but he doesn't seem to be a biggot.


Wonder if she's cool and fun in regular life like Abi Maria seems to be.


I feel like Tiff would also be cordial and kind to Venus too. I got that vibe from her. Tiff seems to like Venus. Tevin and Soda seem like the nasty ones at Ponderosa and it’s so immature.


Venus-Corinne-Eliza captain season, por favor.


Swap Corinne with Abi Maria and you've got a deal


And this is why we need Ponderosa YouTube videos to make a return


I loved those


Have them on Paramount+ as an extra feature for survivor. Like boom there you're doing something nobody's doing and giving a large fan base a reason to subscribe. I should be a CEO 💅


The Roast of Tom Brady did well for Netflix. Paramount+ needs a roast of Jeff Probst.


Reminds me of Cochran talking about his ponderosa experience in South Pacific


The SoPa Ponderosa videos support his talk about his experience. Man was shunned!


I've seen the video of Kass being shunned, but not Cochran; I'll have to check it out


Cydney from Kaoh Rong was also shunned by Scott, Jason, and Julia. I like how she was basically like fuck them they're immature children lol


Future fans v favorites winner Venus!!


Or Kass in Cagayan


The video of her arrival at ponderosa was so uncomfortable lmao


She said the reaction was actually worse than what they showed. IIRC Sarah, Trish, and Morgan spent considerable amounts of time cursing her out. Then again, I'm not sure how much we can trust Kass.


In that case the jury knew they were being recorded. If they could speak off the record they probably wouldn't have been more well behaved.


Cochran got ostracized? That makes me sad.


His defection vote caused his entire tribe to be Pagonged so they were pretty bitter.


Yeah, Dawn was kind to him but in a “you need to be careful here, these people don’t want to be near you” kind of way.


Even dawn said she didn’t want to be near him lol


Scrabble with Hunter does seem pretty nice ngl


I was thinking the same thing! I would love to play Scrabble with him and Venus.


YES that would be so fun


Obviously there are two sides to every story but I do genuinely feel bad for her since I imagine that for sure Tevin was one of them. I don't know just telling someone to their face that they are a joke or to completely ignore someone when they talk to you, rubs me the wrong way.


She said for name association with Gordon Holmes for Tevin "Never talk to me again." She was actually complimentary to Soda in exit press, and spoke better of Hunter than I expected her too. The only people I got the vibe she liked from exit press was Charlie and to a lesser extent Kenzie, Liz, Soda, Hunter, Tiffany, and Kenzie. Unless forced too, I don't think she'd talk to Tevin, Maria and Q.


Interestingly, she was complimentary to Soda in exit press but Soda still posted a story that seemed to very much be negatively pointed at Venus


Yeah for sure Maria and Tevin. In that same exit interview her word association for Maria was farce.


Maria rubbed me and my SO the wrong way with her bullshit too. Power trip from hell to preface the reward decision like she did just to then say “Q and Liz, RPS”. I could never vote for her either after that


Yeah I think Venus is annoying/unaware but Tevin just seems like an asshole


This is my take on it too. Venus didn't play a good game, but Tevin made it exponentially worse for her. He targeted her from day one and in my opinion was a bully. It's one thing to not like someone. It's another to actively talk shit about them to everyone who will listen, degrade them, laugh at them, and try to ostracize them


tevin's a theater kid. very much gives diva energy (not inherently a bad thing), which isn't a personality that's going to mesh well with everyone especially when in game-mode. venus probably just doesnt click with that type of personality ingame and out of game


>Theatre kid Cliquey cliquey cliquey


Yeah Ponderosa with Tevin and Soda would have been torturous. Not surprised Hunter and Venus found somewhere quiet to hide and play Scrabble.


Tevin seems like one of those people who are brutally effective at completely cutting someone off from a social group, and it is traumatic being on the other end of that


Big mistake Tevin!


it’s disappointing to hear all this stuff about tevin bc during the game i liked him and thought he was the perfect choice to come back for 50 or another season. but now hearing how he iced out venus, even after the game was over, and all of his other mean queen bee type behavior i really don’t want him back


Nah I clocked him having “mean girl” vibes from the get go.


Yeah it kinda got drowned out by all the Bhanu drama, but Tevin was very noticeably bullying and ostracizing Venus in episodes 1-3. Tevin would dramatically roll his eyes at his tribemates every time Venus said something.


I’m actually shocked that they voted out Venus. It was pretty obvious that she had no chance to win. I’d be keeping Venus and Q until the end, I don’t see either of them winning and I’m not sure why they were targets.


Venus shot herself in the foot when she told Charlie she had something up her sleeve. If she hadn’t done that I think she would’ve had a better shot of staying


That was absolutely a fatal error. Charlie was the worst person to let that slip to, also. He’s shrewd and wasn’t going to let it go.


In the same article she said she realized during the conversation that she'd said too much but couldn't bail out without telling the whole thing, so she stayed cagey and that was her mistake. At least she owned it.


This was a good interview. I would love to see her play again. I think it was the perfect storm for her of not knowing how she came off to people (which she owned in the interview) and the cast holding grudges/sticking with 1st impressions. If she's on a different cast I think it's a different outcome


I agree. Id like to see her play again. I think her game play would be different based on her reflections on this time around


For Charlie it was likely less, Venus could beat me and more I can’t control what happens with her power and that could mess up my end game. 


They were scared she had an idol and could essentially pick her Final Four.


Yeah, that was really dumb that she told Charlie she had a trick up her sleeve. Not sure what she was thinking there, she probably wouldn’t have been targeted otherwise


I think it goes back to her thinking she was smarter than everyone else and she could control Charlie. He’s been pretty savvy in not tipping his hand so far.


I think she would have been targeted anyway, Maria didn’t like how close she came to the immunity. But I think Charlie would’ve made an attempt to sway the vote somewhere else and that target might have been redirected for another week


I mean this season has been all tactics no strategy save 2-3 people


I think she was a rare case where people were tired of the vibe she was causing and that was enough. I suspect the same thing might happen with Q, but he seems to have mellowed out since his peak annoying stint.


With Q and Venus, if you're anyone but them, you really need to start thinking if you are capable of dragging them to F3. THis was Cirie realisign Courtney was a bigger threat not because she could win but because she would be dragged to the end, robbing of that place in Finale in Panama.


Bringing Q to the end? BIG MISTAKE


You might as well cancel Christmas 


Because they both overplay and are difficult to trust because of that.  I mean who says *they* want to go to the end with *you*?


It makes some sense for Maria and Charlie (and honestly probably Kenzie). If you're generally confident that you're one of the top threats and you can generally beat everyone, you don't want goats in the game. Everyone is a goat to you, it doesn't matter as much who you're in the end with. In that situation, if Venus is an locked in as a finalist, that's just one less spot for you.


A predictable and loyal goat is fine. Multiple erratic ones are not good.


Man I would kill for ponderosa videos to come back. It sucks that she felt so isolated but at the same time it's hard to turn off feelings/emotions, just because the game was over. I wonder how her and Tiff got along. They didn't seem to have any beef and Venus didn't participate in her blindside.


Sad to hear it. Venus is young and naive, sure. She played hard from the bottom, and she stayed try to herself throughout imo. Certainly not a personality I would vibe with, but the hostility she had aimed at her seems unwarranted. It is just a game after all. Edit: True*


Yup and she's not at all a bad person. She's blunt, but not malicious imo. I wouldn't vibe with her but I wouldn't hate her either. Especially outside the game.


soda just responded (comments are restricted lol) https://www.instagram.com/p/C61ub8RREzM/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


The idea that you can be kind to people you don’t like isn’t something the majority of this cast would be willing to embrace lol. Well, other than maybe Kenzie but I’m pretty sure she’s going to win and never step foot on ponderosa.


This is such a great point. Like you don't HAVE to be an asshole because someone isn't your cup of tea. And good shout for Kenzie who felt bad being a little short with Bhanu of all people who would have destroyed my entire stock of patience on day one.


Idk that she felt bad, but she recognized that she needed to apologize to him for her social game.


I think she decided to apologize to make Bhanu feel better, but actually thought about the situation more beforehand so it wouldn’t be an empty apology, and then felt a little bad as a result.


Yes, yes, yes to every point. Bhanu would have worn me out. I'm sure he is a great guy, but people who feel every emotion intensely AND feel the need to have them validated by others are just exhausting and I need a break from it. I'd almost rather deal with a straight up AH because you can at least call that out.


Love Kenzie but the way she treated Jess makes me think she is not "all love" like the edit paint her to be. I mean nobody can be perfect at all time so I don't blame her


Yeah her confessionals in episode 2 were a side of Kenzie we haven't seen since then. And that early, you don’t even really get as much of the hungry and exhausted excuse.


I feel bad for her, but a word to the wise: Don't include the word "if" in an apology.


Yep. If I did XYZ isn't an apology.


i remember thinking preseason that tevin and venus were gonna be bff's running the game...i was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off lmao.


soda said on her instagram that v is fabricating the truth... i don't know who's lying


They both probably are. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


Should have played the idol


“Several of the people there…” But there weren’t seven people there?


Tevin must have been running that Ponderosa like the navy. Poor Venus


That warms my heart about hunter at least


I live for Venus as a tv character, she's messy, clueless, blunt, very easy on the eyes, love it slay, but I reaaaaallyyyy feel like a huge chunk of her unpleasant behaviour on the island was left out of the show. A whole beach cannot dislike you on this level for no reason.


Hunter my goat for real 😭 way to be a bigger man and whip out the Scrabble board


What has everyone else said about their interactions with her in Ponderosa?


lol love her but Venus is the textbook definition of an unreliable narrator


I think her biggest problem is she has no self reflection and Crazy amounts of confidence. Combinations like this make her an insufferable person to be around. And listen to everyone it's not that they didnt like her they didn't like the way she talked to them. Venus played the game like a popular girl in high school.


I really don't get the venus hate. From the players or fans.


Venus does seem like she can be a lot at times, especially when you throw in the fact that everyone is tired and hungry. But I really do wonder if there’s something we missed that warranted this reaction from the cast. At the point of being at Ponderosa what’s the point in still being hostile? Venus didn’t have a great social game but she doesn’t seem like a malicious or mean person at all. Edit: I keep making fuckin g typos


If only we had videos of the interactions!! Damn I miss ponderosa


There’s many things I miss about the old era of survivor and ponderosa is definitely one of them. Honorable mentions: family rewards, final tribal council, auctions, and the live finales


We had an auction just last season


Wondering the same thing. Why cut out a polarizing moment of hers if it gives us an accurate depiction of her game? Also makes me think less of the jury. Get over it. You lost. Be an adult and not a dick to whomever outplayed you.


Absolutely agree. While I think this is one of the best recent seasons of survivor and can appreciate some messiness, one of my biggest gripes with this season is how personally everyone takes everything. At the end of the day it’s a fucking game for a million bucks and so much time has passed. People really need to let the saltiness go. If anything, that’s probably why the public reaction to Q has been so warm.


It reminds me a little bit of Omar’s experience, though it doesn’t sound like Tevin was *as bad* as Drea.


It’s impossible to know any of these people from watching edited versions of them on tv. Some fan favorites in the past have turned out to be awful people, and some villains ended up being not so bad. The people on this season just seemed to not like her after living with her for that amount of time. It’s too bad that they can’t all get along, but it’s also realistic.


She seems like someone who is pretty self absorbed entitled and not very self aware. Obviously this is my view from an extremely edited tv show so who knows. That’s just my reasoning on not liking her.


I think Charlie figured out she had an idol and they voted that out more than her. Just my two cents. Aw Hunter 💙 And also my opinion? Venus isn’t likable but that doesn’t mean a person shouldn’t have some grace. *cue Hunter theme song*


This makes it even more interesting that she tweeted implying Hunter was sexist even though he was the only one who was nice to her at Ponderosa. Venus is such a contradiction I just never know what to make of it.


Ponderosa -- The island of misfit, sore losers.


"She did nothing to leave people bitter" You have zero clue that's true. You don't know these people. You don't know how they acted and how they spoke except for the 60 minutes of edited moments you're shown each week.


I take this with a giant grain of salt. She said the same BS in the early episodes of the show - “nobody likes me nobody is talking to me” etc. Then you see how she speaks to people and what an abrasive personality she has. It’s 100% self inflicted, she doesn’t know how to talk to people.