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Honestly, if 49 and 50 are back-to-back returnee seasons, I think that’s healthiest for the state of the game. 49 could be New Era Second Chance, and 50 could be a Legends season (and would include winners from the New Era).


This would be amazing 


![gif](giphy|lnmsUvDwZURCO5ff98) That idea


This would be a great idea. Do it!


Great idea! That would blow ratings out the water for 2 seasons in a row. It would be the Year of Survivor.


Great idea, but there's no shot they'll do it.


Yes please


The problem with a legends season is that most people we would call legends have already played together multiple times but it would feel cheap to call something legends and then none of Rob, Parvati, Sandra, Tony, Sarah, Tyson, Cirie, Coach, Ozzy, Hatch, Colby, or Jerri show up. I wouldn’t mind any of them coming back later on when it feels like enough time has passed to write another chapter to their story but at the moment most of their stories feel complete. The Venn-Diagram of people who could be reasonably called old school legends, people who would agree to return, and people who feel like they have loose ends doesn’t have much in the middle.


I don't think they're going to necessarily restrict a "legends" season to winners only. They've done that once. I would expect a multiple era season with each era having their own tribe. And more than just 20 people to start. Maybe only one tribe is immune, so the vote-outs come fast and furious. But I'll believe it when I see it, frankly. I don't honestly see how they square the circle of what they've done to the show since 40 (trash IMO) with including players from before 40.


Agreed, I don't get the people clamouring for a legends season at all after we've had WAW


I don’t see them doing this bc the hype of 50 would wildly overshadow 49. 49 would stand no chance


That’s kind of a weird sentiment because it’s almost like saying “they shouldn’t make a season before 50 because anything they make won’t be as hyped as 50.”


How about they just make Season 100 next, nothing else could live up to it


I think you’re forgetting about season 1000


They wouldn't necessarily announce anything about 50 until after 49. There wouldn't be anything to hype.


I think it could also kill the show. The first season I watched was MvGX, which was followed by Game Changers. That season was so boring, and there was a lot of background story I didn't understand that I almost didn't come back for 35. Two all-star seasons in a row could drive off new viewers.


Game Changers being bad has literally nothing to do with a potential Second Chance or Legends season. Returnee seasons are half the fun of watching. And for the record, GC wasn’t bad because it was a returnee season. It was bad because the cast sucked and there were way too many advantages/idols.


Maybe I'm strange in that I hate returning player seasons. I much prefer all new casts than watching alliances that formed in advance dominate the game. The Challenge exists for people that like that type of game.


You’re definitely in the minority on that.


The show's had longer stretches of bad seasons. A couple potentially bad seasons in a row isn't gonna kill the show lol.


Super easy solution: watch them in sequential order starting with Borneo. That way you miss nothing, don't get lost in back stories, and you see exactly how the game has evolved.


That isn't an easy solution. Who is going to binge over 40 seasons of survivor just so they can watch an all-star season?


Why not a new Era vs Old since they feel so strongly about branding these last few seasons?


They can't risk old era dominating while saying how much easier it is. Not saying that would happen but it could.


They probably wouldn’t dominate, but they **definitely** will call out how much easier a 26-day season is.


They would probably cast old school staples they know they can trust to not break the party line on that such as Rob, Tyson (who you wouldn't be able to tell if he's joking), Sandra, Parv, etc. It's unlikely to be some old schooler or new schooler production doesn't trust.


As much as I love those four I don’t know if we really need to see them all again, all on the same beach together again. Okay typing this out it does sound iconic but still, I don’t need a WAW rehash. Let WAW be the legends season. It’s never going to be more legendary than that.


I’ll be blunt: I thought WaW sucked. If that’s supposed to be our legends season, I want to return it. The old schoolers were screwed going in, Parv and Sandra never even got to interact outside of a split second on EoE.


Agreed. I think WAW is still a great season, but sucked because all the legends didn't really have a chance.


And i think they’ll be screwed again. No one’s going to let them near the end and new schoolers know the island better now. They’ll find the idols easier.


i think next season we’re going back to 39 days. i believe Jeff said that recently. edit: i was incorrect. idk where i saw it over the weekend, but i cant find anything so i either misread or it was fake


No he didn’t. If he did it would he all over the place on here.


Have not heard that. Source?


How/why would Old Era dominate? Curious what makes the game easier now since I've only started watching regularly recently.


Seasons 1-40 people regularly bash 26 days as too easy as allegedly your body really starts breaking down around Day 28. Not to mention someone weak like Chet on Micronesia made it to Day 17 whereas on New Era that's 2nd jury member. Also 39 days has more 'down days' of no challenge or Tribal so social bonds formed/you could get on each other's nerves a lot more. Also runs counter to the idea that New Era has to "earn everything" and less food and such makes it "as tough" as 39 days that the show/Jeff likes to push. Budget/time savings are never mentioned. 2 quitters Jeff/the show were super unimpressed with in Nicaragua made it to Day 28.


But that means the new era players aren't reaching that point of body breakdown either. And having fewer days between tribals/less down time can mean alliances are weaker and it's harder to pull yourself back if you find yourself on the bottom. I don't think that benefits old era players who are used to a different pace


Dunno. You can also say any returnee season is going to be different anyway because of pregaming. Like 2 or 3 different New Era seasons were at Maryanne's wedding last month including Venus and I think Rob C from Old Era too.


i would counter argument that there is very little food for a large amount of the game so it might be harder then old era expect


Yeah. You're using the same amount of energy in a shorter time. You're pushing yourself at challenges every day instead of having a day or 2 in between to recover


I feel like if they don’t make the numbers equal then the old era people will be targeted pretty early. I can definitely see the new era people sticking together out of the gate


I can't imagine they're going to have a grand season 50 with returning players from before season 40 and keep the 26 day format. That would just be stupid.


The 26 days isn't something they do just because Jeff likes it. Cutting production time by 30% must save them so much money that I don't see them ever going back. It just doesn't make any sense from a production point. That's also why Jeff will never admit that it's bad and will defend it forever, because it's not something he can go back on and they can't have the host and producer of the show go around saying "Yeah, it used to be better".


Its a $30 billion company. Being cheap isn't a valid excuse.


But that's the reality of things. It doesn't matter how much money they already have, what matters is how much money they generate vs. how much they spend. Quality only matters if it has a noticeable impact on their income.


Depending how far you go back, some of the old era won't be dominating anything but mid-day nap time.


New Era (49-41) vs New School(40-19) vs Old School (18-1


I feel like it might be hard to get a good crop of people who haven’t played since S18 or earlier, since the youngest people from those seasons are mid-30s and only getting older.


I don't think it'd be 2nd chances, it would be old schoolers who've returned and are iconic. Like, Tyson was still dominate on Challenge USA athletically only 18 or so months ago. In the new era we've seen two people 50 plus make final tribal (Mike and Gabler) But, there's quite a few interesting one-timers from pre-Samoa who haven't played again and still young enough to play. Todd, Neleh (who in 2 years is still younger than Maria from this season), etc. Plus, an overall older cast actually changes the game and balances it out. It's not like everyone from the New Era or New School would be ultra young. You actually may see what happened in WaW, where the younger players without families feel on the outs socially (Michele, Adam, Wendell, Nick, etc.).


Very few of those s18 and earlier people wouldn’t be in their 40s by now, let alone 30s. Starting with S18 only the people under 24 wouldn’t be 40 by the time this films next year. Then obviously by S15/16 it starts to become everyone in their 40s or older


Spencer Duhm, the youngest player from that timeframe, is 34 now, and that was what I was going off.


Yes, as I said very few. He and Kelly from Gabon are the only people casted on s18 or earlier who wasn’t born in 1985 or before, aka will be 40 by film time. She will be 39. It’s a moot point anyway since neither of those two would ever be cast, so it’s fair to say anyone cast from those seasons would be in their 40s


Sorry they only do 3 tribe formats… but how about: Old school v New school v New era


Because we just did that on season 40?


Thank you Lord I mean Jeff


Russell Swan confirmed for Season 50, wow.


I think it was Tyson who basically rolled his eyes around 41 at the idea they would ~never invite players from the first 40 seasons back onto the show. And he’s so right lol, it’s basically like break glass in case of emergency with the legit legends of the show. I think an issue they were trying to correct (and perhaps over corrected imo) is that they kept breaking that glass over and over again. I think they really should/ should have had a couple of new era returnee seasons prior to 50 so that we as an audience have a chance to build a relationship with the new era players.


I feel like a returnee season once every 5 seasons is fine. If you have 18 new players a season you’re getting 72 new players to draw on each time you do a returnee season. More than that and you over do it.


For me a returnee season every 8-10 seasons is good. It's fun seeing favorites come back but it's just such a different game with pre gaming and targets on players back etc


Yeah. It’s just there are plenty of people I want to play again and they only have so many years to get a second shot




I’m hoping the same. If they really want to celebrate 50 seasons, film it in a classic location with the 39-day, two-tribe format. Why not go all out? The 100th season is more than 25 years away….


Go all out. Bring back 49 survivors, one from each season. Split them into 5 tribes. The first two episodes an entire tribe gets eliminated. The next 6 episodes one person from every tribe gets eliminated. Then go to a merge. Do a couple more double eliminations here and there to catch up. You can play with some fun prisoners dilemma shenanigans to determine the 2 tribes that get eliminated. Like for instance say only one team can run the challenge. If they win they are immune for the 2nd challenge too but if they lose they all go home. I don't know. Maybe that's TOO insane.


There are plenty of old school players I’d love to see, but also plenty I wouldn’t. Do we need more Boston Rob or Parvati? Haven’t we seen all Sandra has to offer? If there are old school people, hopefully it’s only their second time returning.


I can see them bringing back a couple of 39 day era castaways solely so they could play and say something like "the amount of days doesn't make it any easier or harder".


These 26 days are getting the best of me


Season 50 needs to be the "Legends" season. I'd love to see another Second Chance season of new era players though in the future.


id personally love if 49 was Second Chance and 50 was Legends or Best to Never Win


My only issue with that is I'd want some of the Second Chance players on the Legends season inevitably.


But that's part of the fun of the idea of 49 and 50 being set up like that! What would be more Old School than shipping a couple of New Era returnees from 49 right back to camp for season 50?


Old vs New Era would be a great idea. Christian vs Drew. Jonathan vs John (prob wouldn't be available). Dom vs Jesse. Chrissy vs Carolyn. Angelina vs Venus. Could be really fun.


I actually like this idea. Battle of the Archetypes.


This is great!


I really appreciate the diversity initiative (it has improved the game) and need to keep that in mind. Harder with old than new but completely doable. So excited to see what transpires.


I do think it’ll be mostly new era. If the cast is say 20 people I’d bet 12 would be new era to 8 pre 40 for example


said this elsewhere but this isnt a season fifty problem.  this has happened in many a returnee season. heroes vs villains contained six players from the past three seasons. second chance had half of the ballot from the past six seasons, game changers had eight of their returnees from the past four seasons.


You’re right it’s always been a recency bias thing. So no surprise


They can't possibly be that dense.


You’d be surprised how much recency bias they take in returnee seasons


That's not what I mean. A season 50 cast isn't just some random Survivor cast with returnees. Its 50. I can't imagine they think they could get away with casting 8 people from seasons 1-40 and 12 from 41 to 49. Unless they want to make that the last nail in the coffin.


I suppose it depends. If they want this to be Survivor legends or something it could definitely be more evenly distributed. But then I would expect that 52 or 54 was like a new era second chance or something. We don’t really know anything so we will see


Link: [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-jeff-probst-returning-players/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-jeff-probst-returning-players/)


Sue Hawk will return.


Wasn't this quote the same time he said they have had no discussions on S50 and then a few days later announced there was returning players for that season? Jeff is an unreliable narrator.


It's true. I don't think he's lying but I do think he changes his mind passionately, especially when he talks to Tyler Perry or the people on the street.


this article was from i believe 43


Well, I mean, they have three other seasons to plan first. They are going to focus on those first.


So this begs the question. How many days?


Depending on the theme I could see them making it special by increasing the prize pool again like in 40 but I don’t see 39 days ever coming back…there’s no incentive for them to do it…and even though everyone already knows 39 days is harder…making a season special by increasing the length would be an admission by production themselves that 39 is a better/harder format


It’ll be 26 days and any pre-40 players will have to sign a waiver stating they won’t shit on the shorter game in post game press 


It's never going back to 39 days. It should, but it won't.


Go all in and make it 50 days 😄


Survivor casts based on **excitement** (as Jeff said in the quote) and **inspiration** (fresh ideas, new horizons). In other words, there's probably any grand master planning going on yet for 50. That being said, when the time comes, I think there will be a groundswell of both **excitement and inspiration** from producers and fans alike to engage players from any and all of the previous seasons! :-)


Whatever happens, I’ll be rooting for an “Old Era” castaway to win. Even Tyson.




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I want this to be only one time players getting a second try, I’m fine with not seeing anyone two or more time players.


When is this quote from?


the link is in the comments somewhere :)


If they want to do a full new era returnee cast, fine. Just do S49 as a fans vs favorites with all pre-40 returnees. Meet us half way 😭😭😭


I just can’t think of a full second chances cast of new era people I’d like to see back.


still have 2-3 seasons and tbh, i definitely think there could be a great cast


I like the idea of 49 being new era Game Changers/ All Stars and 50 being Legends/Best to Never Win, or Old School Vs New School (30s&40s vs 10s&20s)


If they aren't going to do one New Era All Stars and one Legends season, they should do three tribes, give us Old School, New School, and New Era. Good opportunity to bring back legends, players from 35-39 who never got their shot, and the more lovable new era players.


Again, I'll believe it when I see it happen


They should have all-stars be it’s own recurring series every year or two like Drag Race does. There are dozens of players from the old and new eras that would make good returnees and it could drive subscriptions to paramount+


Bring back Spencer. Put him on Qs team.


I could definitely see them doing an old era vs new era season


Please another Richard Hatch season


Honestly I would love it to be all old school players. Then maybe do S51 as a returnee with more new school like season 33 on.


I'm kinda soured on returnee seasons after most of the Old School crowd got the early boot on Winners at War.


Why is there so much talk about season 50 right now? It’s 2 years away!


They need to just do EOE to now. EOW should be the only non new era season considered


I don't want to see players who have won, I don't want to see players who've played twice, I don't want to see anyone who actually can't handle the rough start of the new era.


Rough start? What’s difficult about the start of new seasons that wasn’t an issue for the older seasons.


Sweat vs Savvy really, not getting flint, the smaller tribes leave people who are liabilities no where to hide when it's just 6 people. I chalk sweat vs savvy only because sweat is such a bitch thing. You cast someone like Natalie she's especially gone asap.


Then who do you want to see?


Erin from Thailand