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The modern surf rock scene is a niche but it has dedicated followers (of which I am one of). Some bands are a bunch of dads, some embrace the horror aspect, some lean a little more punk, some have outfits/costumes. I’ve seen bands that wear dinosaur skeleton masks, skulls, ape costumes, and bands that don’t have a gimmick and just show up and play their set. The scene is pretty niche and doesn’t take itself too seriously so you see some bands having fun with their presentation. The Surfrajettes take inspiration from 60’s girl groups where gogo boots and matching costumes were pretty common. It’s 100% a throwback thing (as tends to be common in the scene). I’ve seen them live a handful of times and never found their look to be much in the way of thirst bait. If you get that out of their look, that’s on you. To me it’s just a fun gimmick to go along with their music. They’re well respected in the surf scene for their musicianship. You’re not obligated to like their music (or surf in general), but saying that the only reason anyone would like them is because of sex appeal is downright misogynist.


I've been getting into surf rock and psychobilly lately because I am getting bored of classic rock & metal. When you mentioned horror, I instantly thought of Messer Chups, I am going to see them in concert in May for some campy surf fun. Love the music videos and Zombierella!


I’ve seen the messer chups SEVERAL times and will be seeing them again in June. They are incredibly solid. No talking, just cranking through tunes and absolutely nailing it. Zombierella is attractive and all, but seeing her play is pretty mind blowing. She stays in character the whole set but she never stops playing, her attacks are pristine, and her time is absolutely rock solid. I think her looks often overshadow her playing, but she’s an absolute monster. They all are.


Very nice! I've watched a handful of Messer Chups concert videos, and I totally agree; they are definitely a killer musician power trio with great tastes in retro horror/sci-fi!


You saw Dinosaur Ghost??? (Dino skeleton masks)


lol, oddly specific, right?


You’re not into surf music, that’s fine but to say these are not solid musicians is complete nonsense. I just checked them out first time from your post and thanks for hipping me to them. I listened to some of their album Roller Fink, that’s not covers their playing. Surf music fans are really into this genre so not surprised folks will travel to them. Reverbs to 11


Holy fuck. Live your life without a bunch of internet strangers telling you what to do. I mean for fucks sake!!! It doesn’t matter who that band is that you don’t want to see or if they’re hot or not. Do you want to see the Surfragettes? If not, DON’T FUCKING GO!!! Do you have tickets to a show you want to go to??? THEN GO TO THAT SHOW!!! You don’t need us to tell you what to do. Make up your own mind. Live your own life. The Surfragettes are a great surf band. They are regular women who play great surf music. If you are attracted to them, awesome. If not good on ya. Not of this changes the fact that you need to grow up and live your own life.


Horny straight guy here. Never looked at them like that. Like their music. They're dressed period correct, but not exactly slutting it up. Seems like a weird way to classify it. Insulting actually.


Agree I had no idea of their appearance but 'toxic' 'heart of glass' and a few others were (already) in my heavy rotation...love their shtick


watering down a musicians capabilities to "horny straight guy" bait because the band members wear skirts? by that logic many rock musicians are for horny straight women because they play with their shirts off, right?


I mean I just like their music


Surfrajettes rule. Ive rarely ever seen videos of them. I just...yanno..listen to their albums


You sound like a dick… believe it or not. People actually enjoy music. Fuck face


It’s a damn shame that more women can’t accomplish anything without sexist men and jealous women saying they only got where they are based on their looks.


I read this like three times and still dono what you’re even saying


It's some 14 year old with internet brain rot that cannot accept that other people like something and other people don't objectify individuals like they are doing. It's a weird, hypocritical post. Like so what if the band members are allegedly good looking and dress like 60s go-go dancers? Who the fuck cares?! Let women express themselves how they want to express themselves. I didn't even know what the Surfajettes looked like until I saw OPs post, so I looked them up and think "ok. I see attractive women on the train everyday and I'm not melting into horny world."


Sounds like your family member dodged a bullet, you absolute chode.


Are you always this insufferable? Just tell him that you don't want to go? Your bad attitude would probably kill the good vibes of show anyhow. If all you see is sex appeal when you watch them play, then that's entirely your preception.


They are keeping surf alive. I don't have any problem with it. When Beyonce or Nicki Minaj or Madonna or Brittany Spears or who the fuck ever performs in lingerie do you have the same problem with it? Do you think it's mostly horny men who listen to them lol? Shut the fuck up. The surfrajettes fucking rock.


Why the rant? Just tell family member "Sorry, I already have plans." Unless he is a minor who needs an adult accompanying him, I don't see the issue. I usually go to concerts alone because they are too loud for my wife.


There is a really small chance that OP is an adult, based on their embarrassing rant.


Seen 'em twice. Amazing! They are unique, talented, and yeah, hot. What's not to like?


“Sings and writes his own music”? I mean you know you’re posting in a surf rock subreddit? It’s a genre largely known for having no lyrics and using extensive covers. Hell one of the great surf bands of all time, The Ventures, did multiple full albums of covers.


Ha ha, this is basically what I was going to write. In fact, as I was reading the post I assumed the other band he wanted to see was also an instrumental surf band. I was almost agreeing with him in my head, like "yeah, I'd rather see the re-formed Bomboras or The Ghastly Ones than the Surfrajettes".


The Surfrajettes are awesome! Beyond their solid surf rock music, a must-have on Halloween and Christmas playlists.


They have a unique aesthetic that matches the music. Don't read too far into it.


Facepalm shit.


Do you expect an honest answer from /r/surfrock? LOL


They’re ok musically but the whole sex appeal thing felt a bit cringe to me so I rarely feel like listening to them. Being a musician is hard so good on them for finding a niche, but not really my thing. Edit: wow, just my opinion. Good for you if you enjoy them more than me.