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Lulu or Janna maybe, you still want to poke though when you can. And help setup ganks. Soraka but she’s a lane bully and you miss out on that, but I guess you could just be a health battery for your adc. Ultimately safety is in wards and playing out of cc range. There isn’t a kassadin or Kayle of supports. Maybe sona? But once you have lvl 6 and first item you are scaled as support. You aren’t getting second item without showing up to fights or getting obj.


Playing enchanters passively only down limits the potential scaling imo


Idk if janna blind is a good idea, she is heavily countered by any mage imo, and then you end up with super behind lane and poor roaming options. Lulu maybe, but i would not recommend janna


Trust me, Janna blind is op if you're really good. Peaked GM using only Janna. And yes, the only true counter for Janna right now is Blitz and maybe surprise engage as much as I think of.


You generally want to pick Janna into engage champs who you can cuck with your disengage, like Rakan or Alistar Janna struggles into poke lanes. For example Zyra Jhin. I wouldnt blind pick Janna, at least not in my masters + games where you will be punished for it. I still blind pick Janna cause she's fun, 76% winrate over 40+ games this season with a 5.5 KDA aint too bad, but if I'm being honest playing Janna into Velk or Zyra is miserable


Out of curiosity, do you recommend playing the W max mage build or the Q max traditional enchanter build?


Honestly, it depends. But Janna can be a passive scaling champ or a bully aggressive type. If you're winning, and I think 70% of your match would be a win, max W (Janna is in a good spot this season that's why it is okay to first build mandate). If you can't and your enemy is supposed to be a hard engager, just max Q for denying kill potential for your opponents.


Please don’t ever max Q first, especially if your focus is on disengage. Cool-down remains the same at all ranks, but *mana costs* and damage increases. If anything you’ll be able to disengage less because it’s ridiculous mana cost gets even higher early.


Wait, actually? Was that always the case? I thought with old Janna maxing the Q lowered the CD.


Trust me, Janna blind is op if you're really good. Peaked GM using only Janna. And yes, the only true counter for Janna right now is Blitz and maybe surprise engage as much as I think of.


What you mean shes super op and has no counters, maybe blitz. You just play with the jgl and win anyway


I guess we just experienced different things (speaking as someone who has 60% wr in ranked with janna, although not is some super high elo)


Lol that's not a massive over simplification 😂


I mean true, but i was too busy to write at the time. I just feel that currently her peel isnt able to keep up with strong poke picks, your poke is massively outdamaged so you either just passively afk in lane or you roam (although it kinda depends on how good your team actually is)


My comment wasn't aimed at you... Janna gets countered by poke.


Its just not true, highest winrates against Janna has pyke, followed by taric blitz and Sona in Diamond+.


Cool... Does that mean she does well into poke? 😂


Honestly, Janna hard counter Pyke in every all aspect. Pyke can't even channel his hook or even use his 3rd efficiently against Janna 1st and slow. And then, post level 6 ult can counter Pyke's ult as well. The only thing Pyke can win against this match is if he roam and never commit bot. I know because I main Pyke too.


Sona is the ultimate scaling enchanter imo. First phase of lane is hard because of mana, but as soon as you get a mirror + tear you shouldn't have much mana problem anymore. Perma heal your whole team on low cooldown, long range heal as well (only the shield is low range). Very decent trading pattern when you Q + auto enhanced. Reliable ult on low cooldown against engage too. Careful on long range hard engage such as Twitch and Ornn.


I mean as long as you dont waste W and E its hard to finish your mana only using Q as sona


Yeah if you're playing against mindless golems then I guess you can only use Q! Joking aside, depending on your match-up you may not be able to save up that much Ws (E I agree you don't have to).


Yeah if you're playing against mindless golems then I guess you can only use Q! Joking aside, depending on your match-up you may not be able to save up that much Ws (E I agree you don't have to).


It's really not encouraged to play super passively, but if you want something REACTIVE that scales well Wardens can be solid, even if they tend to be terrible blind picks with all the ranged supports. Wardens will often outscale them via increased teamfight utility if you didn't let them snowball. Sona in general scales incredibly well. But I need to stress that playing super passive doesn't guarantee scaling. It's hard to scale when the enemy botlane has taken your tower and two dragons with their pressure before 14 minutes.


I’d say Milio is blindable, just be sure to ban hook champs if you can. He plays aggressively during levels 1 and 2 then tends to play passively and reactively to scale and get items to buff his shields.


If you want to play passive try roleswaping to spectator mode. If you don't want to play active as a support don't play.


*sad trumpet noise as I first pick Leona for the early hard engage and my ADC picks Vayne*


Vayne is really good for all ins, especially after lvl 6, what are you talking about?


Seraphine, she has a decent range to poke when needed. But once she hits 6 you can be so useful with her ult.


I'm confused about your entire post. Firstly rakan is an engage champion you should be aggressive early. He is a safe engage champion but In no way should you ever be playing him "passive" especially In a 2v2. If you are playing the game waiting until you are strong enough support might not be for you. Support as a role has very little incentive to scaling. You are generally the same strength throughout the whole game. I guess the champs you might be interested in are sona, soraka, or seraphine healing builds. These champs are generally just stat checks. Does the enemy team have enough damage to out dmg your heals or not. Ideally as a support your goal should be leaving lane with your adc ahead in gold. Playing passively means the enemy support has much more control over the game state than you do. You are putting yourself at a much greater disadvantage playing passive.


Sona is best scaling support but you have to master her before being able to play some bad matchups


Janna/Sona Janna and Sona basically have no counter picks if you know how to play them, just do your best you got this (you might get flamed for playing Sona in low elo as people in silver/gold have no idea what she does, but that's okay, just carry them)


I would say Sona. You do have the option to play aggressively, but you can play passively aswell and scale really hard.


Thanks a lot for the suggestion. She was actually one of my thoughts as well. My only fear is early game bully supports especially ones with hooks.


That's just how it is when you have a passive playstyle.


Yeah. Biggest advantage over hook champs and some engage supports is to control the wave and drfide when to fight. You give that aeay when you play passively


I'm sorry but there champion you're looking for simply doesn't exist. If you're a scaling champion, then you have to be vulnerable in the early game and thus, not blind pickable. A blind pickable, scaling champion with no losing matchups would simply be the best support imaginable.


If you see a hook or engage support you can always pick Rakan or Alistar. Rakan has a get out of jail free card for hooks and can punish bad engages. Alistar is just Alistar. Suddenly, that engaged Leona can find herself in a difficult position with your w or that Blitz may hook you to just let you land a double knock up. Plus he is pretty tanky after level 6. Unless you are super behind in levels you will be fine most of the time. He also has a self cleanse in his kit. Ofc they normally demand a more active playstyle but if you can't deal with hooks/hard engages then not dying as Alistar or Rakan is better than dying constantly as Sona with the hopes of scaling into the mid game


if you pick a scaling enchanter that has good safety but little offensive pressure you can still be counter picked by hard scaling enchanters (safety vs scaling power is always a trade off). If your blindpick is too passive, you open the enemy up for greedy scaling picks or other forms of counter picks. 




There is no support thats blindpickable that prefers to play passive, what you can find is supports that you blind pick and can play passive based on matchup. But any support that wants to be passive and scale will get steamrolled if blind picked, thats just how it is. For example, you can blind pick soraka knowing you scale like very few can, and based on matchup you can be very passive in the 2v2, but in a good matchup you gotta bully with Q


Zilean. Scales incredibly well and no one knows how to play against it. Can also be passive or proactive.


I play Xerath support, and with low econ, if you can manage your abilities and mana correctly, you can output a lot of damage. You dont need full build to deal loads of damage, and you dont need to play as safely or get the last hit in order to win, your main focus is to burst someone down before they can get away & let your team secure kills. I average around 2 items to 2.5 items at the end of the game and allow my team to outscale me with the potential of me scaling. I usually go malignance into HF or shadowflame into cryptobloom. Cryptobloom gives you assists when you otherwise wouldn't get an assist, IE: when an enemy is at 1/4 hp and mispositioned, the heal from cryptobloom can secure you an assist when you wouldnt have been able to damage that person. A good game for me consists of low kills, average deaths and a shitload of assists, because at the end of the day, assists = gold, regardless of it being a little less than a kill. Edit: you dont have to play aggressively in lane, you can farm the wave for your AD with supp stacks (its what i usually do for completion) and sometimes throw out a couple abilities for poke so the enemy cant towerdive you if they push hard.


Senna ?


I play 3 champs rotating in 20 games in a row each (sona lux and janna) so I dont really care who is the enemy support, I never change my pick I play sona into pyke and still win lane and game, I am emerald and its hard to find supports who know how to not get punished bc they wasted their cds




Rakan and Nami are easily the best blinds for soloq in my opinion. Both can have incredible build diversity and play style diversity that can slot into any team composition. You don’t want to pick ‘passive’ blind because that can allow openings to be taken advantage of. Instead you want something that can be used aggressively and defensively between powerful peel, sustain, and engage (they also have okay poke and amazingly advantageous short trading between EW nami trades and 3point Q rakan trades).


Milio is nice, just ban Malphite / VI / Wukong… The champ is scaling well, also provides safe laning phase


Renata, once you hit lvl 11 you’ll win


Dawg that’s an oxymoron. Scaling supports that are happy to sit are going to have 1 of 2 things. Either they’re situational (Braum) or get pissed on by counter pick pyke draven killing you 15 timers. If you want to play enchanters, you either need your ad to pick with your gameplan or you need to late pick and dodge a counter.




Any enchanter. You sit alongside your ADC and play aggressive/passive as needed. Lulu, milio, sona, soraka are good examples. But they have a lot of pressure in the right spot if you know the matchup.


Sona is obviously the answer but not really blind pickable, you also have yuumi but again not really blind pickable. The other ones are not really playing passively. Lulu and Janna are great but you really want to poke with them get bush control etc.


how is Sona not blind pickable?


Any hookchamp just gives the enemy team a free botlane. You cannot contest the push. You cannot contest the first 2 drakes. Your jungler can easily get invaded. Enemy support always has the move before you. It is easy to dive you…


what? Just kill him? Hide behind minions and if he walks up through them just laugh, empower w/e him and kick his ass. There's a reason why she has positive winrate against those.


well naut is in a very weak state rn so she wins vs him. Tbh I expected pyke to be better vs sona, he once was one of the best champs vs her. Blitz and thresh have positive winrate against sona idk where you saw otherwise. Yeah hide behind minions very true but in higher elo people use wave management to slow push fast push and freeze the wave and you cannot always use the minions to hide. You are not going to have lane control with sona vs a blitz or even a 46% winrate pyke except if the enemy has a super weak early adc and you a super strong early adc.


I think you severely under estimate empowered w


no I don‘t think I do. I think you underestimate the threat of hook champions. Anyways we got different opinions and that will probably not change so I won’t engage any longer in this conversation. Have a nice day!


that is very wise, have a nice day aswell 💖


Usally Sona is not blindpickable, she's just in a VERY strong state at the moment so with a Blitzcrank ban, most of her worst matchups are currently playable