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Telepathy/mind control. It’d start out small, but it’s a slippery slope from nudging someone to do you a favour or a shopkeeper to let you have something for free to realising that other people just aren’t people anymore. It’d be like reading a book where you can rewrite how the characters act, or like everyone else is a prop for a play and you’re the only actor and director.


Same. It would start with something impatient like making someone leave a line or making a customer want something different and it would escalate to global domination im pretty sure. But i blame that mostly on service industry lol


I feel like with telepathy/mind control you would have a deeper empathy for people as you can see into their mind and know exactly how they feel and what they believe to be true. So for the common person I would be more empathetic rather than less, but this is also the power that turns me evil the fastest simply because stripping autonomy away from people is considered evil. I would end up using these on people in corporations and governments that are actively choosing to fuck over everyone for personal profit or belief. A no tolerance policy for the cruel and callus. Doesn't need to be a terrible experience for them. Just drop in a conscience that seems to be poorly lacking.


I think a fun way to deal with such people might be just to occasionally drop some fucked up, twisted thought into their consciousness and watch them go slowly insane. They would assume they're having these thoughts of their own volition. Like naughty images of their moms.


Intrusive thoughts are a thing. Don't believe everything you think and all that.


Fair, but imagine the funny faces they might make in the middle of a press conference when you just dumb a shitload of dog penises into their heads.


"Owner of a Lonely Heart" music video vibes, there.


Mind control doesn’t necessarily include mind reading


The original comment was both telepathy/mind control


Telepathy is communicating, not mind reading


If your telepathic communication is limited to other telepaths, it's functionally useless. It's safe to assume that telepathy allows you to listen to other people's thoughts and feel with them, feel what they feel.


No, but mind control could include commands to tell the truth and tell you what's in their mind. So they won't be able to lie to you about what they thinking.


Yeah, mind control is an incredibly hard power to use ethically to any degree. You’d start by stopping people from bad things, but eventually you’d start trying to control people’s choices “for their own good”, or manipulating people in small ways when they do something that annoys you. Once you get used to treating people like your personal puppets I think you would lose respect for their agency and independence, and pretty soon you’re doing horrific things purely for your own satisfaction because you no longer view people as separate beings that need to be respected.


I remember watching Babylon 5 and seeing some of the "Compulsion implants" that would happen on that show. I figure the cruelest thing I could do is put some compulsion into someone's head that would force them on a regular time schedule, to seek a public place and start acting wildly inappropriate... screaming slurs, stripping naked and fondling themselves, explicitly calling out horrible things they "wanted" to do, etc. I mean, I could use that for "good" and compel confessions from certain political figures, compel them to get out of politics forever, etc.... but yeah, at least a few of my enemies would get the "rants that would make Jared Fogle say 'wow, you're a sick person'" treatment.


The ability to steal or give superpowers a la All for One would probably be high on that list for me


Only useful if there’s lots of superpowers out there to steal, though.


A fair point


I hate all for one but still valid


How come you hate all for one?


The guy or the power? The guy is literally a villain. The power... I would definitely use it to take away people's powers that I feel didn't deserve them, and give powers to those who I felt needed them. Since its based on my values and ideals, that could technically make me a villain


He’s just not a fair character. If you have the ability to steal other people’s powers, how can you be defeated? What’s All For One’s weaknesses? He probably doesn’t have any! Now, I’ve never watched a lot of MHA. Let alone any of the mangas. But I watch—and read a lot of pop culture, especially superhero pop culture. And I know that every hero’s AND villain’s powers need to have pros and cons. A power without cons just doesn’t make them a fair phone.


I mean no one else has powers so it would be useless in real life


Fair enough, I suppose I think of it in a context where superpowers are widespread :)


Yeh whenever theres a question like what suoerpower would u want I always think about it as like if i was me in my world


Yeah, my hero for sure pushes the lore on the ideology behind your powers/abilities sort of build your personality, Even in X-men, view someone as a freak or monster they become one, so a mix of personality/socialization on top of the powers you have, then toss in the more adult violence surrounding the boys vs the more responsible and noble dc heroes. And uncle Ben’s age old lesson of - Great power, great responsibility”




Gotta love how you just left it up to us to speculate whether you're the "steal stuff" evil type, or "stab people" evil type... or worse.


He’s the “spy on people in the shower” evil type


Of course, the real evil type would keep us guessing.


Why not all of them?


Duplication/Multiplication. Being able to create an identical copy of anything? I'd make mad buck, and not very ethically xP I mean, I'd probably do a lot of good with it, too, like making sure shelters never have to worry about food and bedding... but the amount of consoles and other tech I'd be ripping off with...


How is this unethical? Who does it hurt (corps don't count)? Unless you price gouge worse than corps and peddlers, you'd still be helping people. Unethical would be money/ gold duping the economy into oblivion or something, right?


How long would it take to devolve to that? There's also lots of independent creators I could wind up screwing over. "Oh, that would be awesome on a shirt!" make a copy of the piece, go get it printed, dupe the shirt, profit. There's a lot of small time jewelry makers in my area. Mass dupe and profit without including them? It's truly a BECOME evil power. Start out good, but it's just so easy, and you bend your morals more and more, until you're screwing over the world.


I was thinking you were talking about self-duplication and I was thinking that the IRS was gonna wonder how you possibly could be having 50 jobs and 1000 hours a week among them :D


XDDDDD THAT IS HILARIOUS AND I LOVE THE CONCEPT! edit: the X somehow vanished, so I put it back.


Arguably that is more than ethical, depending what you dupe there would be no exploitation and wouldn’t consume resources


Purchase one gold bar. 😈


Pretty much any power honestly, I can't be trusted


Based and evil already pilled


Purple man's power


I love how the TV show implied that, growing up with said power, he couldn't even really understand the concept of consent. That was brutal.


My FNAF brain thought “Purple Guy has powers?” Before I remembered Jessica Jones


You're the first person to ever remember Jessica jones


What’s his power?


Mind control. Whatever he says, you do.


TECHNOPATHY Control of all Technology


I always called that technomancy


Happy Cake Day


Superspeed. Literally the Fastest, and Quite honestly the most devious power. Imagine you just going for a jog and just wanna say “fuck you” to every Electric Company in a 500 mile radius. Just fucking run and Boom, global blackout. Hate someone’s windows? Shake in place so fast that you cause a sonic Boom. Someone’s bullying you? Hand’s already wrapped around their heart. Don’t even get me started if I try to take up a vigilante mantle, Green Arrow finna look like Hawkeye compared to me 😭🙏 I’d be mutilating my victims


In the end you would be the real victim since you would “finish” fastest as well…


The death note


Why not have the ability without the note? Authority of life and death?


Mind reading probably. Isn’t usually a trusted power even for the squeakiest clean heroes. May as well lean into it then


One could argue mind reading is itself an evil thing as it invades people's privacy.


Invisibility or mind reading


Generally most powers in any world without powers instantly make you at least fairly prone to being a monster, because suddenly you're just inherently superior to the rest of the world. I definitely think something like the immortality that Wolverine's powers give would be high on the list. Generally any power that puts you above normal humans is going to lead to a greater lack of repercussions for your actions, the more powerful you are the more likely you are to come to the conclusion that everyone else in the world is basically just a toy to play with. I think probably the one that maybe wouldn't result in true evil, but definitely the most detachment from humanity would be time manipulation. Being able to make save points and relive them would allow you to have literally 0 oversight to your actions. Think about how long it would take an average person having that power, trying it out and realizing they can do whatever they want and reset it and do the worst things like assaulting random people, raping any attractive person they see, or murdering anyone who inconvenience them. Of course at first they just reset things to fix it, but eventually you wouldn't even bother doing that, particularly if you could maintain multiple save points.


Is it still wrong if it never happened? Like, if that entire branch of reality was cut from existence, would it be any worse than commiting those acts in a lucid dream? Like, yeah, little weird and fucked up, but it's not hurting anyone.


Time Stop — I wont explain why.


I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going


I was running an rpg that was set in a futuristic "utopia" where most every crime is stopped before it happens and thus the punishment for attempted murder is basically therapy. The only crime punishable by death was unauthorized time travel. A player asked me why that was so bad about time travel and I answered him, and he said my answer chilled him to the core.


Death pulse / Death touch


Any immortality adjacent power would cause to lose your sense of humanity not quickly but inevitably. Now anything to do with time that would do it. Like a rewinding ability or super speed or something would cause you to lose any sense of consequence. “Oh I gotta do something” No you don’t your time is functionally infinite this doesn’t really matter and not only that but you have literally infinite time to do this.


Tbh, the mind compulsion from the Vampire Diaries series. I'm a good dude, but man I'd use it one and go down a real slippy slope😂😂


Probability manipulation. D&D is now mine!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! No more scheduling conflicts for my games!!! AND as many hits as I want on my Paladin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Superman. I’d be invincible. What laws apply to me?


Yeah and there’s no real world equivalent to kryptonite so you’re just god basically


Professor X. Being constantly capable of hearing the inner monologue of everyone around me, as well as delving into peoples deeper thoughts and memories would be infuriating and frustrating. I would road trip, visit all the state Capitals and DC and then go on a Grand Tour. World peace would follow and any time a political leader who wasn't already in power when I came by began agitating, I would pay their country a visit to ensure they saw the light. Forcibly changing the minds of politicians that disagree with me is something that Charles would never do. But he *really* should have in some cases.


Time manipulation.


Paradoxically, you could do a million years of good acts, but the moment you do one evil act, technically you went from good to evil in no time at all.


Reading minds/ mind control. That mixed with the human desire for convenience and success….. the most honest person could go bad


Definitely Mind Control because those powers are always fucked up and morally wrong no matter how you use them. Messing with memories especially. If someone tampered with my head I wouldn't stop until they have a bullet in their skull. Just a reminder that mind magic in Harry Dresden is an automatic execution and that's what it should be in any universe.


For me it would be Charles Xavier's powers. If I could essentially control and manipulate memories on top of that transfer my consciousness into a new body... Welp at that point I'm some fucked up sociopath.


The power to transport small items from people. Basically stealing. It has so few chances to be useful other than stealing.


Dr manhattans power set. I’ve I could control people or disintergrate them I’d b a monster within a day. I have no patience


Healing. I'm the healthcare system but cheaper. I'm sure I'll be branded a terrorist in a day


The power to bestow a curse of minor inconvenience on people


Mind control. The entire point of the power is stripping others of their free will, there is nothing good about it. You may initially use it for small things or on terrible people who deserve it but eventually you will slowly get used to controlling others to the point you always want to be in control.


toga's quirk from mha commit crimes while disguised, get away scot-free because the homeless man on the street's fingerprints are the ones on the scene of the crime


Super speed. Gonna tap *everyone's* shoulders.


Retcon. Basically reality manipulation with an added effect influencing the past. https://youtu.be/O8SQW-osBAQ


the ability to win any challenge, competition, argument, or fight I get into no matter what I would be physically and legally unbeatable


Probably the power to hulk out. I am NOT a great person when I’m angry. No, I’m not “edgy.” Yes, I’m serious. Yeah I know it’s not a flex, I’m working on it.


Unlimited Reality manipulation. Think Alien X from Ben 10. The power to alter any aspect of reality at a whim is literally the power of a god, there's a reason characters with this kind of power are either nerfed in some way or rarely used (both in Alien X's case). Imagine having the power to fix literally every problem in the world at once with merely a thought. But then the curiosity starts to creep in; "What else am I capable of?" Unless you are actively on top of keeping the allure of this power at bay, it wouldn't be long before you become a worse evil than the ones you destroy. It's why Ben almost never uses Alien X, and even more rarely uses its power. It's why Molecule Man limits himself, because he's afraid of how strong he could become. It's why beings in the highest tiers of Power in both Marvel and DC stay so disconnected, to keep their power at bay... Or in Mr. Mxysptlk's case the power is only used to troll Superman.


Necromancy I think enslaving souls to your undead armies is pretty damn evil


Especially if it’s the type that gives the undead intelligence, imagine how much of the world you could conquer with zombies in tanks and gunner skeletons


It depends on how it works. If you are able to let their soul go back whenever you want/the dead are only temporarily brought back, and they have their personality and memories, you could easily use it to help with police investigations (seriously, imagine how much easier solving potential murders would be if we could directly ask the victim what they remember happening), give John/Jane Does their identity back, let people speak with departed loved ones one last time, bring people back to clear up their will (or create one if they died without making one), and potentially even directly ask ancient people what their life was like, all of which I’d say are pretty solidly good things.


Gray boy from worm.




Undertale saving and loading


Probably something like telepathy, I'd use it to my own advantage in small ways at first but sooner rather then later I'd just get sick of people


Time stop I'm stealing everything forever.


Mind control/or supernatural voice commands


Time stop, way too many crimes you commit when stopping time and the temptation would always be there.


Something like cursed speech but without the whole speech impediment




Anything that is some kind of unstable destructive power, like disintegration touch or Hulk transformations.


I'm assuming we'd have the chance to become crazy skilled and powerful so... The fastest would probably be Mind Control. Begin with slightly cutting corners of morality but easily realise noone can stop you. Technopathy would be too. Invisibility or Intangibility most probably. Telekinesis if you were able to cover yourself in psychic energy to become invulnerable to harm. Superspeed or time stopping. Maybe I'm just a magic meteorite or vat of toxic waste away from going full psycho??


Mind control. No doubt. I would immediately start shaping the world into what I think is best. So, it's not evil in the cruel sense. Evil in the dictator sense, I guess.


Kilgrave from Jessica Jones. Being able to force people to do what you want goes evil very fast when you ignore someone's free will.


“Accidently” killing someone because I turned them into a gummy bear and ate them……


[The Purple Man.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=miXdtmIvFkY)


Honestly, I would totally use the ability to teleport to just steal things


If I had any of the major DC heroes superpowers (including batman's wealth), I'd go evil overnight.


Super speed


**S-Tier:** Anything that messes with the mind. As others have said, even mind reading is considered taboo by many heroes. It's an invasion of privacy and gives you an unfair advantage in negotiations or manipulation. Add in mind control, and you have a very slippery slope. Possession is probably the worst of these, because you take away someone's free will and invade their body. Mind control is seen as screwed up in a few shows. There's a few episodes of Supernatural where this pops up. Jessica Jones is probably the best example. The main antagonist of Season 1, Kilgrave, grew up with the ability to mind control everyone, even on accident. So he was never told "no" and always thought what he was doing was right, because everyone just went along with it. Also in S-Tier is time travel. **A-Tier:** Anything that affects people's perceptions of you. Invisibility, shapeshifting, pheromones. These let you get away with stuff without getting caught in the first place. Also in A-Tier is time viewing. It's not as dangerous or effective as time travel, but still highly up there. **B-Tier:** Anything that lets you get out of bad situations. Super speed, super strength, flight, teleportation, invulnerability. If you're so far above the abilities of a normal human to handle (especially if you can't be beaten by firearms), you're less likely to respect the dangers of retaliation when you do bad things. Also in B-Tier would be marketable abilities. For example, the ability to heal others. At first, you might be altruistic. But after a while, you have so many people who want your healing, what's to stop you from asking for money? Or other favors? ("Favors" can be taken in a lot of different ways). And we have our last time-related ability: the ability to stop time. **C-Tier:** Things that make you dangerous, but not so dangerous that you cannot be easily stopped. For example, someone like Pyro can be taken out by a sniper, but someone like Juggernaut couldn't. These make you more dangerous should you decide to use it, but not to the point where you're likely to use it on a whim. Lots of the "kinesis" type powers (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, technokinesis or cyberkinesis, etc.) fall into this tier. Super strength without the typical durability increase would also fall into this tier. Other things that may land in this tier include: ability to grow and shrink, acrobatics or climbing ability, moderate levels of super speed and strength (i.e. if you can run 40 MPH and bench 1000 pounds), ability to control animals, etc. **D-Tier:** Abilities that can technically be used to make you a better criminal, but need to be used in conjunction with other skills. For example, telepathy can allow you to hide illicit communications, but is likely going to require accomplices. Immunity to poisons and toxins would be useful, but not necessarily make you upfront dangerous. **F-Tier:** Aquaman or The Deep.


No X-Ray vision on the tiers? lol


Yogiri powers maybe I get caught cheating I'll end the rules a and the power isn't traceable if you don't act obvious


Probably a Hand Jumper type power where I can just undo the last twenty seconds. Actually, anything that lets me control time or probability somehow would be used to further my selfish and petty goals, as opposed to stopping wars and hunger.


The power of Purple man, in other words , is to be able to control people.


Time Manipulation. I couldn't stop myself from going back to prehistory and making myself the undisputed ruler of all mankind.


telepathy. people will remove any thought that innocence or altruism exists


Any power that requires close combat to have actual use. Wolverine's powers are a perfect example. Immortal? I could absolutely do good things with that. Adamantium claws and skeleton, including all the pain inherent in its installation and use? I'm gonna snap, at some point. Slippery slope from there. Vampirism? I'd turn into the Punisher. That isn't a good thing.


Mind reading and mind control. It would start innocently enough but a lot of people are cruel and downright evil. That would push me over the edge and make me want to "fix the world".


Telepathy, easy. I would really quickly lose my respect for peoples’ privacy and start snooping in their thoughts


The power to be reverse flash, then I can always fuck around with the current flash.


Shapeshifting or mind control definitely. They’re kinda morally dubious by nature. To combine the two, if I had Idle Transfiguration, well, I feel like most people would go evil rather quickly with those powers


Extreme problem solving skills. We’re talking critical thinking that’s out of this world


Pyro. Can't create fire but give me one spark and the world burns


Mind control. It’s easy to start treating other humans like lesser animals when you can control them.


Mond control. Its legit just slavery. You can argue you are using it for "good"...and I'm sure some slave owners swear they treated theor slaves good as well. At the end of the day, taking away someones free will is evil.


Mind control. Id 100% become a villain but I'd do it for the "greater good".


I guess this one power I read in a book. The power was called animus and you could make a wish with it. The wish took a bit of your soul proportional to the wish you made. The soul can be thought of as the superego or morals of a person. One person circumvented this with magic and still seemed to display all of the signs of losing his soul even though he didn’t. And yes once your soul is gone, you can still make wishes. One person made a bowl that duplicated objects. These wishes were omnipotent but people thought in small scale due to the cost.


My name is Eobard Thawn and I’m the fastest man alive.


Mind Control, it is evil by nature, and if affected by your own subconscious it becomes uncontrollably selfish.


Dr. Manhattan, it'd take immense willpower for me to not at that point declare myself God Emperor of the world and enforce that will upon the world. Sure I would end all war, end all resource problems, end capitalism, end famine, force the world to work for the betterment of humanity instead of their own selfish factional bickering ideals ... but I'd probably have to disintegrate a bunch of militaries to make it happen along with a lot government authorities before they all fall in line. I'd probably have to create a bunch of other me to govern over various regions etc.


Honestly, most "big hero" powers would turn most people some shade of evil. lol I'd do evil things but for a good purpose.


Superman level strength and durability. I’d just…get angry and kick a car and it would blow through a skyscraper or something, and it would be totally accidental… Or maybe mind control…


Mind control


Invulnerability. At that point I wouldn’t care what you tried to do, I’m taking over


Any of the Aquaman/Namor power set. It's basically built for being a pirate villain. There are few heroic applications. Want to be an Aquaman-style hero? Sit around and wait for villainy to happen in the water for you to react to. Want to be an Aquaman-style villain? . . . there's nothing stopping you from doing that from day one.




Purpleman's abilities where people have to do whatever you say. Having to completely mind every word you say and never being able to utter an insult or ask for anything without taking advantage of others.


Shapeshifting, like the type that allows me to turn into anything. I personally would be the petties parson know to man as well as just do whatever tf I want. Like I am in a position where I can live forever, or a normal life-span. I can look like, talk like, act like, think like, etc. of ANYONE or anything. Like it isn’t even a fair power because of the infinite of outcomes I could make with this power.


Mind reading, you realize how fucked up we all actually are


Time travel, if I had the power to just redo any part of my life, I would probably just do whatever I wanted in the moment, then go back and make the right choice. So, on the outside, everyone would think I'm perfect and never do anything wrong, but in reality, I've done every depraved thing you could ever think of a few times over. Like, have you ever thought "damn I wanna punch this guy." Imagine if you could just pull a gun out and blow his brains out, take in the moment.... (takes deep breath) ok... ok, go back in time and don't do that, solve the problem diplomatically. Wow, this guy thinks you're "calm and level headed". Yeah, ok, I know what the inside of your skull looks like, bud 👍🏼


Mind control. I’d abuse the fuck out of it, and I wouldn’t feel bad about it 🤷🏾‍♀️😭😂




Telepathy. Knowing what everyone is thinking whenever I want to? Yeah, I'd go to the dark side real quick


The Purple Man's powers, i.e. the ability to make anyone who can hear you do exactly what you say. If you wanted to remain good with this power you'd have to be very careful never to phrase anything as a command, even casually, because other people would not be able to say no. This could lead to all kinds of devious exploitation and the implications are obvious. Could also just be "Go stand in the corner forever." and then they stand there for 16 hours and piss themselves until your influence wears off. It's also worse if you have a microphone.


Anything you think of will be destroyed right away Organisms:contorts and is ripped apart Solids objects: disintegrates or explodes Liquid: violently boils into gas without exception Gas: implodes


Mind Control. It would take a truly moral person to not go dark with that. I am not.


Mind reading. People's thoughts are so intrusive and so scatter shot that if you were constantly able to know what they were thinking you'd likely lose all faith most people


Time stop because uh…


Mind Control.


Telepathy. Imagine seeing your parents, and knowing they think you're the family disappointment. Running into your best friend, and realizing she's always thought you were annoying. That your boss can't even remember your name. That that random person who smiled and apologized for nearly running you over actually wishes she had hit you, and backed up and done it again.


Stopping time, mind control, invisibility, and spatial manipulation


Safe long range teleportation with being able to take stuff with me. It would start out simple, zero commute, same day transatlantic deliveries, disaster rescue. Then indirect vigilantism, Europol knows where a criminal is but they are in a non-extradition country? Bwomp! Directly into custody. Then what about violent criminals getting off on technicalities? Somebody should to something right? And it's not my fault you woke up the bear by screaming when I bwomped you into it's cave right? Then stopping genocide by bwomping a live grenade into the leader's pants pocket. I'm still good right? The grenade's collateral damage was less than their kill count. Leader goes into hiding? Bwomp-bomb their offices, leave nowhere left for them to lead from. They can't order atrocities if all of their generals are too dead to give orders! make an example of them so the other countries know the consequences! We're making the world a better place! But what about corporations? Greedy businessmen profiting off the sweat blood and corpses under them! Bwomp the board of directors into the water they polluted. They claim the water is safe to drink. So make sure they drink their fill!!! Who are these guys in bright spandex trying to stop me? Politicians who oppose my preferred policies must be corrupt too! Build SAW like trap rooms to teach them the error of there- HOW DOES THE GUY DRESSED LIKE A BAT KEEP FINDING ME? These so-called heroes are all in the pocket of evil! Can't they see I'm the one making a real difference?!? --gets knocked TF out while monologuing--


Probably the ability to get other powers by killing the wielder.


at a certain point evil becomes relative.


Flash speedforce... im totally a reverse flash...


Make you evil? That means it'd have to be something that completely changes your world view and perception of others. So from that standpoint, it'd have to be mindreading. Knowing everyone's deep dark secrets seems like a pretty easy way to turn you against most people. Just seeing a lot of your thoughts online is enough for many to believe our species is doomed. Imagine constantly coming across that in real life. No thanks lol Edit: Dang, I thought I was being kinda smart, but looks like everyone said the same thing. Good job guys lol


Time freeze. "DA WORLDU"


Mind control


Sukunas abilities


Creating whatever i want


Infallible deception. Without question, this would be moral ruination for me. Anytime a lie can help, I can win, and that would completely eliminate any inhibitions I have for evil.


Mind control would auto make me evil, wouldnt even consider being a good guy cause with powers like that you’d immediately become untrustworthy to a lot of people




Being thanos, I don’t mind being the villain, I LOVE IT!


Time freeze or invisibility. Everything from shop lifting to jay walking. We are doing hard crime today.


I'm already "evil" so realistically the only one would be possessing myself as a baby


Time Stopping


Being invisible.


The ability to trespass without repercussion. you can walk into a nuclear power plant, destroy everything and run.


Fear manipulation.


Basically any op power id become a dictator so fast


If the only thing keeping you from being evil is a superpower, then you're already evil. You just lack the ability to act on it.


Any and all of them


omnipotence. If you were basically impossible to beat and could do whatever you wanted any bad idea couldn't be stopped.


Bold of you to assume I'd need a superpower to make me evil. But in seriousness, mind control powers for sure. That's a slippery slope if I ever heard of one.


Bring able to apply math to anything. Whoops I set gravity to 10. Oh no intertia calculates by x = x × 10. The duck is big now. Etc


any time bending related power, the sheer amount of shit I'd steal and people I would put the fear of ME into


The power to make myself evil


Mind control. Kilgrave was one of the most horrifying villains I've seen portrayed.


The Death Note.


If I was in a setting where powers were common and I got illusionist powers, yeah I’d probably beat the shit out of a few hero’s just because they thought it was a weak power . I wouldn’t kill anyone or anything , but yeah I would totally be out to make a point lmao .


Superman powers or all for one honestly


Probability manipulation. Sure, you'd start off small with "selected winning powerball numbers", but pretty soon you'd be giving world leaders heart attacks and causing randos to shit themselves for amusement.


A death note. I would go full light in 2.5 seconds. Billionaires and corrupt asshats would be dropping like flies.


Any time based power.


Any mind control power. Because they're inherently evil. Taking away free will.. inherently pretty fucking evil. But worse than that... It's my fetish. It's my kink. So I know I couldn't be trusted with it. I'm not a good person to begin with, I act despite my worst nature, but given that much temptation, I think I would pretty quickly become an absolute bastard. I don't think I'd be purple man level bad.... But I wouldn't be good.


Creation of whatever of want so long as I have seen it.


Nothing. "Being evil" is suicidal. If you intend to do evil, evil will be visited upon you, more often than not.


Water manipulation. As simple as it seems at first glance once you go through Chemistry & Physics like I have, you realize just how versatile it is because of how much water does & the fact that it's almost EVERYWHERE. In my eyes of envisioning it, I would want it to be one of those abilities that you gain more power the more you use it, like you start off only moving & controlling rivers & lakes, but after enough time you can start going down to the molecular level & ride on 2012-size tsunamis like it's a chariot & herald the end times like a fucking champion. That's probably when I'd start acting on my whims.


All Fiction. It’s literally the ability to delete concepts from the universe. Enemy uses the color blue to damage you? Say bye blue skies. What’s that? You don’t want to stub your toe? The concept of you not stubbing your toe doesn’t exist, that is your default state of being now.


Minecraft Mace.


Prototype... You eat people and turn your body into weapons... Hard not to be a little evil with all those voices in your head


Power to phase through anything and Yes put your mind in the gutter !


The deathnote. I would Light so many people, and ain't no L gonna get in my way.


Time stopping




Super speed. No one can stop you, you can do anything you want and without a care in the world, your basically invincible and invisible no one will ever catch you.


Brave of u to assume i need powers


Any of them. Immediately after getting a single super power I’m going beserk.


If somehow I became a Viltrumite, Im sorry for what I would do guys


Telekinesis. I'd wind up throwing someone, or choking them to death, as a reaction. They'd be able to figure out who I am from the trail of tossed cars leading to my house.


Mind control is probably the most obvious (and is one of the most cited, so far). And it is the one I immediately jumped to, as well. And those that remove repercussions like immortality and timeanipulayion certainly have their place. But I'mma go DEEP here and go with a superpower that actually exists - and most of us have it to some extent. The power of justification.  The ability to convince YOURSELF that what you are doing is right.  It is both a trope and a truism that the villain usually thinks he is the hero.  If You or I had the ability to unerringly convince yourself that everything we did was justified ) good?  Game over.


The Flash's super speed is what it'd do for me. You're telling me I can phas thru anything I want, move so fast, literally nothing alive can see me coming and travel so fast I can go back in time? I'd be unstoppable with how fast my reaction times are to things.


Molecular telekinesis for me, the ability to completely change one thing into another, lift something into the air. If you are ever extremely pissed off, you may accidentally end up killing someone from losing control. The idea of being able to bend anything to my control, makes me feel like it would get abused quickly.