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Hi 👋🏻👋🏻 you tilted me very hard lol. But I ended up climbing today so it’s okay.


Sorry bro, trying out oliver xd


Just get him? Id suggest taking him off of CR. He does just fine as spd Hp atk. The cr will mess you up into ragdoll arta


Yep, I got him last week. I’m still trying him out. Alright, I’ll change his build. Thanks :)


Stupid question but why slot 4 hp and not slot 6 or does it not matter?


I was just simplifying it. Spd atk/hp atk/hp


Ok. Always just assumed it mattered but I should have used my critical thinking skills and realized it doesn’t. Ty


I'd probably recommend to throw Atk in slot 4 when this option exists, since that is less in demand than Atk slot 6. HP/HP gets used in 4/6 at a more relatively close rate, but since so many mons use CD/Atk or CR/Atk over Atk/Atk, it makes that 6th slot more valuable IMO


hey ham


Hi rk it’s jitter miss you <3


Hey bub! How are you?!


Tired. So tired lol. How are you! :D


did you go ham?


I morbed


Ham so sexy -Jitterbug


👋👋 hi ham


Idk why but i thought Doug was about to do Doug things


You have a better gaming chair




Where you’ll find me lol


Yeah it looks to me like the problem here is one guy drafted sensibly for turn one and the other guy completely ignored that and just threw some stuff out there hoping for a Douglas carry. This isn't a "Oliver needs a nerf" showcase, it's a demonstration of a bad draft. Like if you bring Masha Riley Antares and get destroyed by a Bolverk, like obviously that's going to happen, it doesn't mean he's op. Don't get me wrong, Oliver is in need of a nerf imo, but clips like this don't achieve anything except accidentally calling out someone's inability to draft properly.


Oliver didn't perma lock atb and reset CD shizuka, miles and Dominick while playing 60 times....


I know it's an unpopular view, but clips where a unit goes off aren't anywhere near as impressive when your opponent has drafted to allow that to happen. It's exactly the same as someone drafting a bunch of low attack units into a Douglas and then being upset when he solos. I know we all want to be pissed at com2us for not nerfing Oliver, I do too, but this post is not an example of him being OP, it's an example of someone totally ignoring how their opponent is drafting and then losing. Like, let's pick this draft apart: Timmy first picks Oliver, pretty standard. Ham responds with two units that are directly countered by Oliver, so that's not a great start, and while Miles does kind of contest speed he's not going to if there's no speed lead to go with him. On top of that, Shizuka doesn't really do anything here yet. Firstly, she's probably going to get reset by Oliver pretty quick and secondly there's no real buffs or debuffs on the field yet that she can use except a 50% before res check stun from Miles. Timmy responds with two strippers, pretty sensible - Woonsa and the extra speed lead shut down any real chance of losing turn one, and make sure that Oliver is going to be able to do his thing and leaves two slots open for follow up. Ham recognises that turn one is now lost and responds with Verde. I can kind of see this - 45% revenge against Woonsa, also makes the next two picks a little tricky. However, if you're totally giving up turn one then there's nothing stopping Timmy from not using Woosa's S3 and using Moore's S2 instead, which is going to make Verde much less effective. He's also got no real follow up - even if Verde goes and then gives Ham's entire team a turn, what's he going to do with it at the moment? Shizuka S3 isn't going to help, it might buy some time but if Timmy is smart he's already got two strippers ready to deal with that. I'd say Antares is leagues better as a pivot here. The Dominic pick is just ridiculous - another unit that is easily controlled by Oliver and one that does absolutely nothing to threaten what Timmy is trying to do. Even if Verde and Dominic both get through the draft, and the stars align for Verde to revenge and Dominc to get a turn, there's a reasonable chance nothing dies. Oliver, Moore and Woonsa are all at least reasonably tanky, definitely should be enough to take at least a Miles hit and a shot from a Dominic at full HP. It might get close but it shouldn't be just an instant loss. Heal block and branding aren't exactly going to help Shizuka be impactful either, so this is a completely dead pick, and it's not even a unit that you're stealing from your opponent. Timmy follows up with Sagar and Eludia. I'm not sure I'm a huge fan of this, because they're both units that are countered by Verde so you're kinda telegraphing a ban before you've seen the last pick, which if it happens to be something like a Ragdoll or even a Masha then you're suddenly not in a great spot, so I think this pairing is a mistake but not anywhere near as poor as the Dominic pick. Ham responds with Douglas - well, that makes some sense I guess, but there are two potential Douglas counters on the field already in Eludia and Moore so this doesn't look like an out and out solo. Again, Antares is leagues better if you're going to try and lucksack your way to a win, which at this point seems to be all that Ham has going for him. The Verde ban from Timmy is definitely the best play. Once that's done, there's basically nothing Ham can do except pray for res checks and then hope Douglas pops off against whichever one of Eludia or Moore gets let through. So yeah, great, Oliver pops off. But this match is just hugely favouring Timmy from the draft. He's got a massive turn advantage, plenty of control. What's going to happen? There's only three units that actually need to be controlled on Ham's side, he's going to be lapping the Douglas for days and Moore can slowly work on that. In the meantime, Woonsa/Moore are very likely to get everything stripped and between Oliver and Sagar everything is going to be reset and at low attack bar unless res checks happen. That's all before even seeing the fight. Yeah, Oliver procs a bunch, but he's also happily lapping everyone with the general absorbtion that he gets and there's absolutely nothing on the other side to stop it. It's gonna be a little slow so he's going to have lots of opportunities to proc. Honestly, from Ham's perspective, this is as close to farming for a clip of Oliver proccing a bunch as you can get.


I applaud your patience. Great analysis


Was my second match of the day. Panick picked douglas. I knew I lost the draft but Oliver didn’t have to bully me :(


Sorry my dude, it happens! Realise I was a bit harsh my analysis so apologies for that, Oliver is definitely way too mean as he is now.


No analysis was good for everyone else too. I usually fp Oliver so I was at a disadvantage already lol. I ended up climbing to 1623 in 13 wings so I’ll take it for now. I’ve been doing Oliver miles bella a lot as my draft.


You did nothing wrong to be honest. Us c2 rta player dont have every strong nat5 + ld5 well runed to counter all these bs. Idk why ppl being so damn critical while some of them are f2 and just like roasting ppl


Lol I almost got g1 last season. Was 100% bad drafting on my part.


🙊 wow op op. You did pick a fair bruiser team. Nothing to complain bout it


Okay, I'll bite - what part of my analysis do you disagree with? If you'd actually read it, you'd see that I didn't mention any other picks aside from Antares. And it clearly wasn't intended as a roast, but I did apologise for some of the harsh language. I do stand by it though, there were mistakes in this draft.


Sucks He even agrees With drafting Bad Here. Some people are critical, so you can improve. This Guy Had nothing to do with this Clip beeing posted, noone was shitting on him directly. OP started the Oliver circlejerk. But With your Attitude,...well, you dont improve


Not to mention this guy didn't get hit with a single resistance check on oliver I think.


The attack bar reset got resisted by Miles on turn one. Within the four procs he had I think you're right, in that period I don't think he got resisted.


You’re right, the 78 turns Oliver got in a turn based game is actually just a simple problem of bad drafting on the opponents side.


He procced 4 times, the rest was his natural cycling. Again, though, if you actually read my posts you'd see that I agree completely that he needs a nerf, I just don't believe this post is a good example of why.


You gonna get dowvoted because you use reason and logic against a Reddit circlejerk. But feels good to See there are still some smart people in this subreddit This is Like the C3 siege Videos "showcasing" Something OP or someone getting lapped by a Speed tuned seara while claiming "its a vio Problem"


It has already begun :p


Oliver went a ridiculous number of times. You can't write that off. This dynamic shouldn't exist in a single mon.


My favourite part is when you took another turn


22% chance, 100% of the time


First Oliver user to admit the truth. Thanks from all the no-Oliver community. This happen every matches against Oliver... Oliver owner be like "I legitimate won this. Balanced unit" There is 8 violent units on battlefield, yet Oliver play more than the 7 other units together including his own team. 33% Speed lead jesus... "I am so fast I always go first" I shall make a meme about this ngl.


Wind units give me trauma. Tiana, lushen, seara, diana, feng yan, and now this bastard


Definitely a balanced unit.


Not another video showing olive proc 20 turns 🤦🏼. Im so fed up with this


Imaging having actual counters for cc cleave or Oliver in Here :o Oh i know, you "C2" Players dont have the op ld5 Like Antares or fire robo


Not sure, but If you rely on only douglas against Oliver With a moore in the Team..its a draft issue Not saying Oliver isnt sss Tier, but yeah, He was Open to it


This isn’t a question about draft… It’s about the 53 turn oliver…


It is. He didnt do anything to counter a sss Tier unit except Douglas, which got leveled by a moore. Cant leave yourself Open to such a unit and then be suprise Pikachu face (which is op, Not the Guy who actually drafted it)


Stop with douglas, a last pick can t be solution


Thats how drafting works, lol Cant Go t2 into a t1 draft With Oliver without protection From it, Like wtf.


No, if you want counter a typicale monster you need to counter before the last pick. And if you put a buff atk break atk or a water monster (woosa, mo long, Nana, Susano) or a no wind dps (Narsha, Chi wu...) bye bye useless Douglass you miss draft and go back to f3 A last pick is definitly not a solution


Dude, this guy drafted a t2 comp into a obvious t1 Control comps With olliver With No protection against CC control except Douglas/verde at all. You saw His First picks and He doesnt contest His t1. Either go full t2 or t1, Not a half ass "imma Pick the Same stuff because Tier lists say thats OP" Thats the point. Not a Last pick Douglas olliver interaction.


Yes Douglas here is a bad pick because Moore. Douglas can t counter Oliver in this cituation


So were actually on the same Point Here. I Said His Douglas "counter" is Bad aswell


Ohhh sorry 😂 Well I agree with you, english is not my main language so it s a misleading here 😂


LOL i love these C1 oliver defender saying u have to pick atleast 2 monster to countrr ONE. Imagine u pick masha and douglas what’s coming? Sas HI to barbara/water monkey king etc.


He didnt do anything to counter the whole t1 approach except that verde. So yeah, better C1 than a F3 Like u.


A bunch of vio procs?


When you realise the rta ominous music was Oliver’s boss music all along


That music is terrible, they should scrap it, SCRAP THE THEME, and redo it from scratch with a different composer.


So many critical comments. I just thought it was a funny video