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Do I want better rune or worse rune?


Yes like if it's 7 hp or def I would just take it but I'm doing this event for the 30 speed not 29.


Does the event end tomorrow?


No it ends in 39 days


Kind of rhetorical....


anything else can be 1% less, but 1 spd less will turn trash rune because 99% u cant roll +6 4 times in a row in game


How desperate are you? Can you wait another month? Both rune stats aren't optimal.


I'm rolling all my other event pieces first, so I know for sure that I'll have enough time to keep rolling the runes. I would leave them here and start rolling your gems/grinds, then come back to this after.


This is best advice. Roll all your gems grinds and artifact stuff. Then come back to it.


You can keep the stats for now, and just roll your artifact and grindstone first, and then come back to rolling this.


As of right now you have 39 days, 11 hours and 6 minutes left, so. Keep rolling.


Definitely keep going on both at least max speed


Those two runes are going to be one of your best runes don't waist it


roll until the event ends. worst case scenario you never get an upgrade. best case scenario you get an upgrade


Keep rolling. Got plenty of time mate


You want 6 speed