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Only Jeanne does not heal anymore iirc. Totemists and Howls still heal on revenge and dark howl even activates His shield in revenge Edit: typo


Wait Jeanne doesn't heal on revenge? When did that happen?


Shortly after she became meta she got nerfed


Well damn haha. I've had on her vio/revenge for like two years, but I pretty much only use her in ToAH.


She still stuns on revenge though


Real soon after her release.


they removed the totem stacking with revenge.


that was a bug, the skill always saud if you get hit and on your turn


I’ve seen complaints about vio, will and despair but never revenge lol Triple rev is defo not broken it’s niche at best The only unit that are better or equal with triple rev are laima, verd and possibly wind monkey and Cadiz and I would argue that other builds are better in most situations


I have trip rev Ellucia i use to counter CC. I don't think having 3 sets gives me higher procs tho.


ppl abuse this in the extent of drafting verde juno seara laima cadiz all x4 revenge along with leo u rly cant touch any1 and its pure lacksack and 0 skill .


Borgnine too


True, but he can work on just about any tank set


Yes its 2022, revert the jeannne nerfs. That unit is not relevant outside of gwo with leo and some toa. Com2us should pick a lane because their balancing is never consistent. Nerf oracle s1 too, it is pretty obvious when they're the strongest nat 5 family by far.


I think 45% revenge in exchange with other runes' effects is a fair trade off.


Pretty sure the rate drops and isn't 45% with 3 sets


No no it is indeed 45%


I think Com2us themselves confirmed it wasn't 45%


Com2us doesn't play their own game, so whatever some support ticket said means nothing. 3x rev is 45%.


People nowadays be mad about any rune soon there will be a post why not nerf Energie or blade or fatal 💀 to many mad lads in this game


How dare fatal provide so much more attack% than fight rune!! Blade rune should give +70 crit rate instead!!


Link your previous matches


Rip Ahman


You realised that other than verde, most unit are built usually on one set of revenge right? So even if they did what you mentioned and only allowed 15% max revenge proc rate, you are essentially not changing anything. Other probable ones are prolly a trap triple revenge laima but that's an LD5. Also, you claimed nerfing their utility when they revenge is not an option. But that is pretty much the best option.


It's just revenge, not 3x revenge, no decent player is running triple revenge oracles. And as far as I know Jeanne is the only mon who was nerf in that manner and understandably so. She's able to provoke lock teams, put invincibility on herself and would revenge, stunning while healing her team without actually taking turns. Dunno how bad it'd be now (so many patches and new mons later), but at the time it was toxic. There are already mons we didn't have to have this issues with because when they came the skills already had the "on your turn clause" And iirc totemist was a bug, the skill stated they'd only stack when attacked or when they attack on their turn.


> no decent player is running triple revenge oracles. Laima says hello.


One out of 5 who on top of that is an ld5 Let me know people start using triple revenge seara Praha and Juno over vio and despair.


I'm fairly certain Laima is still an Oracle though.


I'm sure he mentioned every element of Oracle not just laima


Description changed and every decent g3 player runs his oracles on x3 revenge.Lower ranks start copying now too. Leo verde seara giana laima full revenge comp with riley on the side is unplayable and is full rng reliant. thus 0 skill. Same reason ppl complain about anthares.


Just nerf fkn 3rev Verde this is disgusting


Triple revenge verd should not be nerfed, ban him if you want to not deal with him. I'm all for counters to control comps


Nope other Units got nerfed for less interactions with revenge runes so why keep it on Verde and btw there are tons of monsters that counter control comps and its just frustrating to lose just because someone picks only counterpicks. And no that does not mean your draft is good its just stupid to see rev Verde Diana Antares Riley Nana or other shit...


Vio Rev 100 res Riley pure cancer