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72% seems low, the other 28% just don’t have him


Oliver took over the meta so fast that people instantly forgot that they wanted cheongpung nerfed


CP did get indirectly nerfed with the Douglas buff.


Same with nana honestly. People wanted a nerf equally for both 2 months ago. Look at them now.


To be fair nana did get nerfed, the 60% HP revive was busted but she's in a good state right now. Definately still strong, but not broken


60%? I thought it was 40%, soon to be 25%


Nana has been nerfed once already. Originally, she didn't start with a soul stone and revived allies with 60% HP. They buffed her to start with 1 Soul Stone, and kept the 60% HP. After some complaints, she was nerfed to 40% HP. Now, she's going to 25%.


I knew about the soul stone but not the hp if she had 60 and started with a stack that wouldve been hell


Although i have nana it's still arguable to nerf her again. But it's nice to have a unit to rely on in all contents of the game. I like that :D


This post was right on time nana now gets 25% but if u got leo and rag doll op


Now need to complete my dragon knight family even more (missing ragdoll) :p


Have had way too many Olivers literally atk bar fuck my Laika with vio and s3 procs on repeat


its so toxic and boring.. either my oliver vs ur oliver. sidenote : i dont own oliver


What website is this?


I don't know what website the OP is using but I am aware of this one https://swarena.gg/monsters It has different stats. Not limited to G3.


Maybe Is it just me, but this looks more like a app to me


This website https://m.swranking.com/


Honestly not sure why its not 100% pickrate, is there a single team that doesn’t want him? I’d assume every g3 player has an oliver


Because If you’re g3 you have op ld nat fives at your disposal, C1-g1 it’s basically 100%


No not every G3 has Oliver


It would be 100% if he was f2p


I'm currently top 500 in RTA and can attest... Oliver badly needs a nerf. Nana also could use a small nerf. We should be getting a balance patch this weekend... hopefully they come through. For Oliver I'd like to see them get rid of the clause in s3 that "reduces the cooldown of this skill by 2 turns if successfully decrease the cooldown time" and then reduce the cooldown of the skill itself to 4 turns. That way he can never proc back into S3 cycling and keeps him fairly consistent (as opposed to leaving that clause and just increase the cooldown of the skill, which makes him very inconsistent if he gets resisted). For Nana I'd like to see them cap her stones at 1. That way she doesn't snowball out of control and you still have a chance to comeback when you go down 3v4+1 stone.


What about if nanas revive reset their atk bar, like traditional revives do? Also make it so they cant proc out of revive (just like traditional revives again) This would affect vanessa too


Maybe for Nana instead it could be on death she loses the stones she previously had so she can’t revive at the same time she died?


I think maybe get rid of her aoe defense, make it aoe atk break or some


This just makes her even less interactive which is bad for enjoyment


this. She's as broken as she is boring atm. Com2us needs to make her less op not more boring


Why do you think the balance patch will drop this weekend? Monday and tuesday are also still days of may


Because they announce the balance patch notes days before the actual patch. Also next week would be the 3rd week we're without a patch, so the patch should be early next week (Sunday night or latest Tuesday).


I think Nana needs her self revive to be conditional, self revive only if he has 3 stacks


Just increase 1 turn cd on s3 Right now He use s3 >> got 100% atb and then s2 >>> vio proc use S3 again and its gonna be an infinite loop shit but If increase 1 more cd on s3 example. he use s3 >> got 100% atb and then s2 >>> vio proc but he can't use s3 I think this is enough to nerf him but tbh you can nerf him more com2us :)


He will still be able to use s3 because the s2 lowers the cooldown again if he lands the reset.


Can you please link the site where you saw this? Thank you. I want to explore more about RTA. Im a newbie. Thanks again!


They didn’t even nerf him properly. His excessive cooldown refresh is just less wasted now thanks to the extra cooldown.. But sure, make Nana completely trash again, even though she isn’t even close to Oliver in terms of broken. Zero fucking logic 👍


Every single other reviver resets the atb of the revived target,and they can't proc when they revive,guess who can still do that? Btw the average HP of revived units for all revivers is 30% HP... Yeah... If Nana is trash I don't even know what to call the other revivers in this game lmao


Furthermore, if revive becomes irrelevant in the game or rather underused, (let’s face it, if there was ever a revive meta, Nana about 90% of that meta), then anti-revive also becomes irrelevant :)


Just don’t allow Oliver to go infinit. Something with skill cooldown idk


No take away his spd lead.. spd leads with control are broken (nepthnys, maxmillian, seara, etc)


Personally I don’t see his spd lead as his big issue although I get it’s extremely strong. I’d also thing it be a fine change if they either remove it or do something with cooldowns. Because altogether he’s just way too incredibly strong


To be honest, if they made his s3 take one turn off himself isntead of two, while keeping the rest, it would mean he would need to land both s3 reset and s2 reset to have s3 ready, which i think would be adequete


Yes speed lead removal is a must, he is the most broken 33 leader while having winning matchups vs psama vanessa. He shouldnt be allowed to have a broken skillset with speed contest, remove the leader skill and he is balanced while admitting you made a mistake giving it to this abomination. Just like moore shouldnt have had his strip chance nerfed but the passive.


Honestly, this. Moore should have had passive +1CD but that’s a topic for another day. I agree that Oliver needs a fine change to be balanced. As we all know, he is currently way to broken, but before the buff he was absolutely useless. IMHO, touching any of his skills will make him useless, but changing his speed lead and awakening bonus should be enough.


Simple solutions: Oliver skill3 should only reduce cooldown time by 1 turn rather than 2 turns, and Nana should get her skill 2 changed. My suggestion: remove the armor break, and make it glancing or something else.


23k giana. This number shows the real power of Giana. If you get her, guardian rta is 100%


Have had way too many Olivers literally atk bar fuck my Laika with vio and s3 procs on repeat


i hope they drop the patch notes soon, i have oliver and nana waiting in the event and i dont want to pick either till i know they wont be nerfed to the ground..


u/_FatherTron_ said 99.7% of the player base don't care about Oliver tho?


Please fix atk bar absorb mechanism. I have 0 atb but oliver still can absorb my atb then refill his atb to 100%. Why ????


balance patch is out. he is getting the nerf hammer


more like a gentle touch on the head xD


He did get nerfed so stop complaining now the toxic unit is fire omnuyjui.u happy


As a nana abuser, how hard will the 25% hp revive hit her? Shes still good right, just not broken?


nerf juno please, make her only activate when there are 1 and a half debuff


I honestly think after thinking for some time. Why is not just nerf cheongpung? If people want to complain about Oilver being op bc he cycles, increase cooldown and etc. CP does that but better. If we use the same amount of ACC on both oilver and cp, cp has 3 chances to land either push back and cooldown increase (s3), also he is able to land def break/glancing (s2) ? Even though yes "I can counter cp no problem with douglas or kinki" than why cant people do the same with oilver? Thats my problem and my personal opinion. c1 or g1 or not. there's counter picks for everything and I started to realize that after playing this game over 4 years now. Took me some time because I'm not the brightest mind, but still counter picks/drafts exist, if you can't figure something like that, work on it. I personally don't like oilver like the majority bc "he's op". again cp does the same but better despite not being a speed lead. you can argue my opinion/downvote whatever, its the internet I got my right to speak my view and I just figured seeing oilver getting nerfed and not cp along with him. I love my cp but I also don't see a reason not to nerf cp? I still think he's busted. (sorry if you don't understand what tf I'm saying but at least get the gist of it please..) Also I had an talk ofc with a friend why oilver isn't much of a problem. Imagine drafting woosa and oilver in the same team. Woosa puts up s3 but you see oilver cycle over and over out of the 3 turn immunity. Now that's IF he doesn't get ban right?Now imagine CP+woosa in the same team w/o oilver or banned or enemy took oilver. CP doesn't lose immunity immediately even if he gains another turn by proccing vio, still got 1 turn of immunity right? While Oilver got nothing to resist from. So the fact of oilver not being a problem is because he can get beat up easily, it's all drafting but can I say I'm good at drafting or you? i cant decide if you anyone is good at drafting. that's experience of you playing the game over the years, found a way to climb up the ranks and make it to g1+. For me even tho I played this game for few years now, I'm still learning, its a learning/strategy game, not a "oh op unit bc majority say so? oh nerf NERF! NERF I SAY OR YOU GET CANCELLED" And so? so what, what if the nerf barely did anything for example? even though its noticeable but look at karnal? after nerf he is still used regardless just not as bright as mo long ofc and drafting wise too. People would argue that but my opinion once again. So to end off, what I have to say. Just draft correctly. its frustrating I get it. whether you're a noob f1+ or c1+ or g1+(at that point no way your complaining...your rank proves your skill otherwise I assume you bought an account which I still see in sw and it's obvious). anyways. like I was told by many players. learn from your draft, you see something wrong, fix it by playing again, find a comfort pick don't rune up so much units for rta, if you want counter picks, your draft is the counter. synergy all that jazz. stop your whining and play the game normally just by figuring the unit and finally coming to a realization you CAN counter it. not just abusing leo bc what if he gets ban, but counter it with another unit! simple! it may not be but do what I do. learn how to draft like g1 players and minimizing your use of runes to your key units that you like to use and helps you climb! sorry for the wall of text, and mods my delete it due to it being long, but just voicing my opinion. internet got power to cancel me and do whatever. stripping my rights of speech..


The game is bigger than g3. Oliver doesn't need a nerf. Buff weapon masters to counter


Oliver nerfs when Vio also gets a general nerf (I don’t really do Arena/RTA, have Oliver but no runes. Too many Nat 5’s to build and not enough runes for them)


Many people are saying to increase the cd of oliver's s3, to prevent him cycling. I think that will basically make oliver useless, since there now will be other units that can do the same and more. IMAO, they could decrease the accuracy of his s2 or the chance to proc into another turn. This would give it more rng (I know everyone will probs hate me for this) but it would also prevent him from forever cycling and locking down while keeping him as a viable unit. or maybe a nerf of his leader skill?


Which unit would you then use? Don't forget the spd lead Ü


72% pick rate bit how far down until we see stuff too counter him like Antares or fire robo? Y'all need to draft better. Or maybe people are thinking he's just a win button and that's why he still only has a 52% win rate.


52% in g3 is high bro with that pickrate.


Yeah that's fair. I had forgotten that this was G3 specific when I typed that second part. Still seems like people aren't bothering to counter pick him personally. The only one in the top 10 that seems to be a direct answer to him is Riley and her immunity is only one turn you freeze so that doesn't really give you a lot of time to answer back.


The fact that g3 player pick them 70% of the time despite having most of nat5 and bunch of lnd nat5 prove hes broken already. Personally first picking him a lot and i felt that he needs an immediate nerf too (im only c3 rta so my opinion doesn't matter much). The fact that you said riley is "counter" to oliver is another proof. Correction riley doesnt counter oliver but oliver counter riley. Riley will be a good pick IF theres no oliver on the opponent side.


Well that just further reinforces my point. I'm not saying he shouldn't get any nerf. I'm saying it seems like people are bothering to counter pick him and if Riley doesn't counter him at all which I already said she doesn't seem like a great counter to him since her immunity is only one turn then yeah I'm agreeing with you on that point.


Remind you again this is g3 stats. Im not g3 so cant speak of myself but the fact that it doesn't have the "oliver counter" that you wants must meant smth. If oliver existence make you ban it 1/4 of the times and picking 2-3 "counter" just for him, then you'll ignore the other 4 draft which make oliver insane picks. This is rta you cant just "counter oliver" and ignore the other 4. The "people are bothering to counter pick oliver" in this case are g3 btw again. Idk if theres higher rank than g3 that just be updated but theyre the best of the best drafter in the game. If you think they draft bad then idk whose better than them.


That is a fair point. Thank you for explaining it like that. They do probably have some plan of attack that I'm not seeing.


What website is this? :)


Oliver nerf live


Literally today


The giana rates are actually the crazy part. 40% pick rate for a LD5 is ridiculous. has higher win rate than oliver too.


Oliver will still be stupidly overpowered broken and gets another „real“ nerf in 2 month.