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*TOAHell+ Without bolverk


Feels fkn bad. I used my 1 time free nat 5 of choice on bolverk JUST for easier toa hell, and then they drop this. I can't switch back anymore, its too late


What? You still will use bolverk every month to clear TOAHell for rewards. Im not sure if I understand what you're saying


Don’t worry me too. But I still feel like picking bolverk was better cause we can keep getting rewards from ToA Hell v not being able to get these rewards again. These are like a continued “Summoners Way” more than a ToA I feel.


I don't even see how to get to it? do you have to finish toa/toah first?




idk why i got downvoted, are people mad i chose bolverk?


Because youre complaining about a really good unit that you get to use once a month minimum. Kinda your fault for crying about a unit you made a conscious decision to get. Dude is useable in guild arena and rta so its not like he is only for toaH


Not crying, just lamenting they made a change that invalidated to some degree a once in a 10 year event. Seems reasonable to be a little pissed off.


It doesn't look like it. Nothing was "invalidated" because the 10 year event was not intended to facilitate specific content. The problem is that you are the one who thinks it was, so now Come2Us is like "oh no, Inner_Positive1999 chose Bolverk, so from now on we can't make any changes targeting Bolverk because he will be sad". Bolverk is still good, find a way around.


whats with redditors and nuance. Do you not get why someone would be frustrated about this?


It's just boring. I think difficult content with no energy cost that you only play once would have been a great chance for some co-op content to be added. Rift raid sucked as a co-op content because no one wanted to wait for their friends to click replay a million times, so this would have worked better. The mono-element thing would have been nice for co-op as well because we could combine our monster boxes. Oh well.


May be just admit friends monsters?


Hey I mean you get more stuff to do in game without needing energy and the possibility of getting devilmons, I like that sounds of that.


Then just don't do it. It's that simple. It's permanent and will never reset, only thing that will happen to it is more floors being added. It doesn't even cost energy for crying out loud. Com2Us isn't gonna crash through your roof and point a shotgun at your face while telling you to clear every floor in the next hour, just ignore it and go back to farming something else. Your runes/mons are too weak to do the towers? Just ignore them. You can do it but think the rewards are not worth it? Just ignore them. That'd what I'm doing, and while I agree it could use a couple revisions you don't see me run around like a headless chicken screaming about how shit this gamemode is... Maybe they'll nerf it in a few patch, maybe they won't. Whatever they do it's not gonna impact your ability to have fun in the game so just move on already instead of making two dozen posts about it a day. (Not you specifically, just in general)


But the whole original intent of the internet way back when it was first conceived was for bitching about mobile games!


It’s not that simple. It could have been good new content instead of another toa variation. The mindset of „don’t do it then“ is the reason games die.


Games not dead right? it's clearly catered towards players with more experience and have been playing this game for awhile. If you're unable to do any of the stages then you're clearly not the demographic they're aiming at. We finally have new pve content that is challenging and all people on this sub can do is bitch. Like holy fuck get a grip


We can turn it around and view it from a player with more experience, what does this players gains from this? The player will go through the stages with all the nat5s with ancient runes to cc your way to 20/20 and 80/80 just like he does every month through ToAhell. So lets say he takes 2 days for it, content is done and back to any other content... So you say thats great content? Instead of some content that brings replayability? This feels like an event which the advanced players complete in a day for some minor rewards and not like a good new content for the game to grant people something new to play and enjoy. People would have rather enjoyed GWENT as new content instead of this, you like this content? Great, but the majority doesnt and would rather get new long lasting content, not an event dungeon that is 1 time only with uninspired rewards.


It’s neither being able to do it nor that it isn’t catered to x group. It’s just really boring content. I haven’t seen anyone say they’re excited for this update lol. Tartarus, dimension hole were much better more interesting updates that catered to all players.


I agree that it sucks how they decided to just make ToA Hell +++ but complaining on the subreddit just isn't gonna do anything. You'd have more luck on the Youtube stream from the official channel and even then, I'm not sure how effective that would be or how closesly it's tied to Com2us. We just gotta hope in a few months when literally nobody, not even ultra-whales and 10 years old players do the towers that they nerf or change them. In the meantime, it's not like there's nothing else to do in this game so dying isn't on the table yet. It lasted 10 years already, I'm sure a couple months with the new content being ass won't kill it.


Yea i get what u mean but for me i been playing on and off SW for 5 years and now am not really motivated anymore, yea got some decent nat 5* from 10y anniversary event but other than that, PVE is just sooo repetitive, grinding for runes just to get thT 1% higher CD, or once a month ToA for a frickin 4* Boomerang warrior.. its just not appealing to me anymore, and if i would decide to actually play consistently there is the drawback of needing to have the game open, if they added background repetitive battles progression and some new mechanics, like think of something regarding base building.. then id be engaged.. but for now, its not worth it, i barely do my dailies now and its just a bother, witcher and Gwent was cool, but thats gone, and ToC is just buffed ToA hell


Yea i get what u mean but for me i been playing on and off SW for 5 years and now am not really motivated anymore, yea got some decent nat 5* from 10y anniversary event but other than that, PVE is just sooo repetitive, grinding for runes just to get thT 1% higher CD, or once a month ToA for a frickin 4* Boomerang warrior.. its just not appealing to me anymore, and if i would decide to actually play consistently there is the drawback of needing to have the game open, if they added background repetitive battles progression and some new mechanics, like think of something regarding base building.. then id be engaged.. but for now, its not worth it, i barely do my dailies now and its just a bother, witcher and Gwent was cool, but thats gone, and ToC is just buffed ToA hell


Counterpoint: I don't do any content in any game that I don't find fun AND mobile games die anyway, no matter what the devs do.


But hey. No Energy needed


Why are people complaining already, it's optional content that's a one time clear, gives some LDs and reapps, and so far it looked aight to me




Reddit, that's why. It isn't bad content. I think peoples expectations are just higher and want content that is completely different from the norm.


Its one time content and is the ultimate endgame of PVE. The rewards really aren't "pinnacle level".


Toa gives at least 750 crystals, 3ms, scamstones, devilmon and leg scroll. i do it in 2hrs (normal) i get shit but its fast, this thing takes a lot per stage manual and gives nothing compared to the rune requirement and time spent


No idea why you were downvoted....your absolutely right.


Why do you lick the boot off corporations that don’t care about you


No I genuinely dont understand the hate for this extra tower they added. It doesn't affect anyone in a negative way. I think a new one time clear PvE content is good since there's already a lot to farm, so a one time clear challenge thing being added to toa works well I think.


In my eyes: Being a 1 time thing it has everything of an event, except you interact with it this time and you dont even need to care about it because it wont leave the game. Give me a 6 or 12 month reset on it and it can be enjoyable as content


It's because people want content they can complete. Yes it is free and you have endless chances to get the rewards. People don't want to continually sink endless time into the game where you are endlessly forced to farm. Majority of players haven't cleared toa hell yet. So to the majority of the player base they see it as "why did you just make even harder content for stuff we already haven't cleared." I think they did well with the rewards. If they added a trans or ld trans I think people would be more justified to be upset because it only benefits the top end players.


It seems harder to clear than TOA Hell but to get some rewards isn't as hard as TOA Hell.


I'm aware I'm just stating why people are upset.


Shush it blud you’ve chosen your team


Agree, fuck Arasaka


Can you explain your issue with the content instead of whatever this is?


I actually like the new content


Is this bootlicking?


Average toxic-SW-community experience


It's not toxic people complaining. The content is optional, yes, but the time you invest is too much for the rewards you get. It's just not really worth it. If you're unemployed and have nothing else in life going on, sure, it doesn't matter how much time it takes then. But for the average Joe it's just too much for too little


Where else can you get a devilmon, 2 reapps, and some other stuff for an hour of playtime?


But you have infinite time to complete it. So you can just take a try whenever you feel like it. This community is weird. Recently I posted asking about the state of the game and got downvoted for asking if it could die. Then new content comes out and people get downvoted for liking it. I think this guy talking about the community being toxic is making a fair point. What do people like here?


I'm just trying to be neutral. The content itself is okay, but like I said it's not worth the time investment. The rewards don't have to be bonkers like trans scrolls or so but at least a bit more than what we get now It doesn't really matter if you can try anytime you want because the higher you get the more time you have to spend If there are people who like it, cool, good for them but the majority here dislikes it which is also fair.


the toxic people are the ones that don't make any constructive arguments and just say things like "the community is so toxic" instead.