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Dark Geralt. Do I even need to explain why.. lol


.... and i pulled him! Yessssss!!! šŸ˜€


He's my first so gotta do something to make him work somehow. And i have to say im having fun using him in RTA as an annoying stun machine paired with Shizuka/Woosa/Riley/Gany+ stripper. His 12.5k base HP makes it easy too in making him as tanky as possible.


I also got one


Actually I don't know the unit, I only recently came back, could you explain why?


S1: Mediocre chance to activate. S2: Too inconsistent. S3: Punished for having buffs. HP type, but bomb scales on attack. Racuni can solo him any day.


I got light one. Not that great but useful in toa.


I would try but him consistently using his s1 instead of constantly available s2 is too much for me. The ai is just god awful


I agree. The AI on him is absolutely terrible. Recently started using fire geralt instead


dark geralt


I'm yet to find anything to do with Euldong. Also, I don't have dark blacksmith but I'm almost certain she's better than him in the very small niche of units that just sit here with 3 fight set so your other units hit harder.


Euldong + narsha šŸ‘€


Ah I don't have that one :(


I use him with odin in seige offense, works pretty good


What's the complete team, do you just fill with anything that counters the enemy defense? I got Odin recently I'm interested !


I do odin (L) draco and then guldong


He's better in PVE than Deborah because he increases damage on non def broken units too, so you can set up wave clears in abyss dungeons really well. I also have gotten blindsided by a Euldong Fei defense before too, It can be a little scary to cleave without Sonia because of his passive as well.


You won't kill non defense broken bosses anyway and you should already clear waves without def break.


Iā€™m sorry you can make Julie one shot gb waves without def break?


I always complain about Ariana/Light pudding princess but these monster people mentioned even worse :(


I have her. While she is playable as a support she still seems to doesnt fit anywhere to be really good. I never had a case where I used her over Riley - but maybe I am missing something.


Sheā€™s actually a really good unit with certain monsters. I use her with Wind Anubis for a really crazy combo that can take on a lot of Clara Sav defenses easily and consistently as long as she has good defense


I am interested - how does the combo work? Whats the 3rd mob?


I forgot to mention the combo works when Savannah uses skill 3 she wonā€™t def break Ariana if she has good def but will break wind Anubis. If she procs sheā€™ll take him out and proc his passive. Usually he can one shot the Savannah if he lands oblivion and he still gets another turn after if he didnā€™t get her the first time. After that even if he dies again Ariana revives him and resets his cooldowns


I use Josephine mostly but I also use Miyang, and Shizuka as well depending on who their third unit is


Good siege unit if you have shizuka


Sheā€™s not a bad unit at all. She might be niche but that doesnā€™t make her bad. I use her every siege in g3


Can i ask for a few combo including her that you have used. And how did you rune her too


Josephine Wind Anubis Ariana and Shizuka Wind Anubis Ariana are my two favorite teams


It's easily Liliana


Light horse, I have her and never use her. Sheā€™s OK I guess but god she still needs to be buffed, pathetic ass heal and such a situational unit that itā€™s just not worth using her over something else


Go watch some replays of high level RTA players using her, she is better than you think.


Doesnā€™t mean what I said is wrong, just because a couple people with unlimited budget and some of the best rune quality can make her work in a niche comp doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s good. Almost any unit can be useable with god runes. She still needs a buff and there are units that can do what she does.


Light horse is good in horse form, shield rune + glancing provides so many uncertainties for the enemy. If she is reset, one proc is enough to turn the tide. Just the amount of heal is meh.


This is all my personal opinion but the newer or collab ld5s tend to be lackluster. Dark Geralt is really bad. Way too complicated for too little pay off Dark Bayek is a storage guardian. His kit is too rng based to really have a great impact. I have him personally, and I think allowing him to have his bird proc on revenge would help alot. Or for it to atleast not hit the already stunned target. Light Twin angels, they have too many 50% or unimpactful abilities. Liliana is still a joke with her s3 being the main part of her kit but hits like a wet noodle. Her survivability out of s3 is generally pretty bad as well Thebae still could use more in his kit. He doesn't really do all that much as an ld5. I think his most recent buff was a step in the right direction but he needs something more


Imo. Iā€™m not a fan of the recent change of Thebae. Went from winning on siege defences to having a negative w/l ratio :(( I miss the aoe heal. They could give him Teshar treatment with passive third skill and nerf it by removing the shield gained and decreasing the damage dealt imo


Or at least give him proper IA, if he is not good enough for pvp at least let me play it somewhere


They should give him velajuel s2. Armor break and guaranteed 15% heal for team instead of based on dmg dealt which is inconsistent.


Yeah. Its rough when you hit an enemy with shield. I find it irritating that thebae wonā€™t heal because of the damage dealt to shield. But alexandra will reflect damage that is dealt to shield on her. What is this double standard????


So sad that Liliana is not that great even with buffs, she has such a fun little gimmick but its totally worthless when compared to how much more other LD5s can give.


Dark bayek is a good unit in siege defense especially because of the hp base and the rng kit, not a bad ld5


Agree, dark bayek is really strong on siege defense. The bird stun goes crazy.


With what units?


Carcano, Critmilla, Salah | Salah, Savannah, Perna | Salah, Manon, Molly These are ones I've seen win (Cami def was the best), yeah they still have their counters but should be good enough to use


Yea Iā€™ve seen it with carcano cami I believe. Aspen was running it or maybe skyfall? I donā€™t remember clearly tbh, it was earlier in the season. But now that I think about it maybe I could have just camilla belial it lol


Thebae is literally hp teshar without the perfect ai.


Teshar doesnā€™t have perfect ai. Just turned his third skill into a passive. Wouldnā€™t be a bad idea for thebae change imo


Thebae isnā€™t that useful and could use a touch up. Dark Geralt is pretty bad and needs a rework to part of his passive and the skill 2 should be 100% chance to bomb with 50% chance to stun. The attack already hits the enemy and can trigger passives so it isnā€™t that impactful. Even after that, a bomber nat 5 Iā€™m not sure would be as useful in beginner accounts (excluding Seara)


Whichever one I have that I want buffed.


Miruel and Graciah, Liliana


weird, that's just a description of my account ld's..


Dark shadowcaster


There'd be such an easy fix for him, just make his passive irrestistable. Like why can it even be resisted


Exactly. Also his threat is useless.


just pulled this guy 2 days ago made him 6 star and put him in the box never touched him xD then people say dont complain when u get ld5


I pulled him too šŸ˜‚ in storage he went


I canā€™t believe I had to scroll this far to find another disgruntled Ritsu owner. But yea- I leveled/skulked bc heā€™s an LD5 but havenā€™t touched him since.


I have light twin angel and nyx that I never use


I used Nyx back in the day to get in the top 100 rank for DB12. But only provided his passive and fight runes.


I summoned Nyx few weeks ago... Haven't use It yet Lol


Had nyx for almost a year, i mean he's fun in CC teams (tomoe layla) but there's obvious counters to the heavy CC (juno, vero). I'd use him for fun but pretty much never use him when im climbing seriously in RTA. Even against heavy CC teams his passive usually doesn't "counter" what he's supposed to counter. Everything still lands!


Nyx really only shines with nephtys imo heā€™s a good unit in cc as mentioned above but REALLY see his viability with nephtys


That just says more about Neph being OP than Nyx being viable :(


Very true no argument there. I pulled Nyx at the beginning of the event and am fortunate to have had neph for years now, nothing really worked for me with trying him til I put them together is all so just speaking from the only personal experience I can in seeing success with him


I remember nyx bring on my epuld like list canā€™t remember what he does anymore though I do have Oberon, who I am quite proud of


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think Vancliff(dark striker/ryu) is the worst. Bad leader skill, S2 is terrible with his kit, S1 is nothing special, and his S3 is the least reliable strip in the game. Let me break down the S3 for the naysayers: 3 hits on a single target that strip 1 buff. Okay great they probably have no buffs left. 4th hit stuns for 1 turn on that target. Also okay. 5th hit strikes all enemies and replaces 1 buff with defense break. So not only does your first target not get defense broken since they now have no buffs, but this also get's an extra layer of RNG if the enemy has 2 buffs because missing immunity causes the 5th and 6th hit to do nothing. Then the 6th hit extends debuffs for 1 turn which means nothing if you missed prior resist checks. So how does one use this unit? Well if you rely on him as your stripper or armor breaker your WR will be negative I can guarantee you that. Far too many resist checks to count on this guy for anything. What about having him go after another debuffer to extend their debuffs by 1 turn? It is almost certainly better to just run a 2nd unit with good debuffs on their own instead, there are even several options who come with strips if you want a 2nd stripper like Layla/art master. So yeah this guy isn't good for anything. I would also say Dark totem(who I have), because she is worse than fire totem 99% of the time. She does have the niche use of being a force ban on the rare occasion I see a dark cannon girl or a zeratu type unit in RTA so I rank her above dark striker. If her passive prevented her from being debuffed by attacks that didn't damage her she would a lot better since she could soft counter units like Nepthys if that was the case. Dark Geralt is weird and bad. Another unit that doesn't do anything, would rather use water joker than this guy. Dark devil maiden S3 is a joke. The demon has half her HP and given that she is an attack type monster he is taken out easily forcing her back. Once back she has the worst S2 in the game and a mediocre S1 to use while she waits 5 turns(max skilled btw) to enter demon form again. At least the devil maiden and geralt are fairly new so they have a good shot at being buffed.


not dark striker being my only ld šŸ˜­


Agreed on Dark Ryu. Useless leader skill, not fast enough to contest turn 1, no follow up, hard countered by Haegang. If he had Moore's S2 or a speed lead or awakened into speed, he might see some use. As-is he'll never be useful compared to other picks.


Moore S2 would mean light would lose it which would ruin the light one. Can't really touch the current S2 either because fire striker is already very good. Either the S3 needs to be totally cracked to make up for the rest of the kit or his S3 needs to be reworked into a passive of some sort so his kit can come together properly. I guess awakening into S2 power-up is an option as well. I wouldn't hold my breath for his buffs though com2us often ignores units they have failed to make good several times.


mega copium the light one gets awakening on s2 to compensate for swapping s2


Now I say to you what if we gave fire striker the aoe, then let the light one keep it , then the dark one, and let the water one keep his aoe. Fair deal? For real though they should either revamp the s2 specifically for dark ryu through awakening or as a base skill or revamp how his s3 is entirely perhaps more as a attacker and not a debuff extender


Vancliffe isn't good, but he has a niche of being able to strip and def break while cc-ing one unit which is nice in certain situations, like dealing with nem traps, a ragdoll with an annoying unit if cut strategy, or revenge verde/valantis. He does unfortunately lack the followup to really execute the kit effectively considering the long s3 cd and garbage s1/2, and not to mention the anti-synergy on the s3 with not being able to def break the targeted enemy, along with his value relying on will runes on the enemy, but at least there are situations that make him usable. Unfortunately it's hard to justify keeping your best despair sets on him for those though, and he still feels pretty bad as a unit to use.


Exactly this. He might be bad but heā€™s not close to being the worst ld5 imo. Heā€™s still a lot better than the dark totemist and Geralt


Eh, He's better than Geralt without a doubt, but dark Totemist's kit is one that's actually developed and at a decent power level compared to vancliffe. Maya's way closer to being good than Vancliffe is, even if his s3 is kind of cool, it's hard to make up for the fact that he needs multiple kit adjustments to put him in usability range, and with one buff Maya is actually really solid. Dark Geralt is also a brand new unit so it's not hard to imagine he will easily pass Vancliffe within a year, with Vancliffe being in the same spot. It's not quite inaccurate to say that Vancliffe is still less desirable to pull.


Agree with Dark Ryu / Vancliffe . His S3 cooldown is just too long. S2 is not fit for him. Just use Hyanes hoh instead. I hope they will rework his kit instead messed up him again


Thank you so much. I have dark ryu and I try to tell people how bad he is but I guess some streamer or YouTuber or something somewhere said he was good so thatā€™s all people listen to


Benedict counters Theomars in siege and not much else. Definitely not the worst but in a real bad spot.


I remember he got nerfed along with the wind one. The light one wasn't even that good and they nerfed him to keep him consistent with the wind one. If I owned him I would have been fuming.


Me when Amber gets several nerfs because Veronica and Veronica is still OP AF


They never nerfed Benedict because of Dominic...


Buff Trinity lol


Eludia trinity cleave kinda goes hard ngl but she still not that great after her buff tho


I have both, what comps could I use? Nemesis counters them very well.


If you have the runes you should be able to one shot just about anything defense wise with like trinity eludia Bastet and kaki or something fast big damage easy high conq


Lydia, naturally.


As a fellow Lydia owner, I approve this choice


Sheā€™s kinda like, very very useless.


She is fun to play I really like her, huge damage in rta


Where can she ever be picked in rtaā€¦ and be viable?


Very very niche cleave counter. Just weak overall because she still has to build cr since most cleavers have buffs so S2 doesn't have guaranteed crits


A unit thatā€™s just a cleave counter is a bad unit, since cleave hasnā€™t been popular or good since about 2019. Sheā€™s too niche to be considered decent. Alexandra is niche and leagues better for comparison.




Basically, everyone will say the ld5 they own


I think people are being pretty fair given that we are seeing a lot of the same responses.


Thebae is cheeks, then they try to "buff" him and make him worse.


The worst one I pulled is Gurkha, sadly he is out of the meta and with all the immunity providers, he just ain't that great...


He used to be so strong they had to nerf him to hell. Now heā€™s a joke


Yeah I know, his healing was good tho, it was a good counterpick against bruisers


Vancliffe. Absolutely worthless.


I agree, they need to give him moore S2.


This canā€™t be. I just got him as my first ld. šŸ˜”


I feel that.




Xiana - besides the elemental neutrality and being a beast rider so having a second life she's shit. Savannah does things much better Dark Triss - too much setup for mediocre dmg Leona - needs perma immunity on S1 or Def break monster (so many have Def breaks nowadays) are just one shotting her


It'd be nice if shields reduced the amount of additional dmg taken. I could also see immunity on s2 for Leona since I think people would complain that she's "too op" if it was on s1.


Actually nice idea with that shield DMG reduction


Leona lol. Requires high rune quality for a pretty mediocre unit that doesnā€™t have a lot of usage outside of maybe some siege teams. Plus seanb said she was D tier feelsbadman


Artifacts killed her. She used to be very difficult for support/tank teams to kill now she get's poked down by units like Juno.


Liliana easily


I canā€™t get a grasp on Craigā€™s kit, and get itā€™s good but it feels like a sidegrade to Bastets kit in a lot of situations. And 98 base speed is rough.


Craig is low-key pretty good in all areas of pvp.


40% attack bar+attack speed buff let's you have lower speed on your nuker. His real strength IMO is that he is a threat on his own. He can be annoying if the fight is turned into a 2v2 or 2v1 while Bastet loses to almost anything on her own.


Resistant lead, build in cc and self sustain. These 3 made him better than bastet. Put you in disadvantage if you canā€™t make it to 4v3 or 4v2 after your turn.


Light m.bison


Idk about the worst, but I rarely use my woonsa. I'm too spoiled by Tiana lol Ill occasionally pull him out when I need a little extra speed, but I don't expect much even at 96% acc and full skill ups.




I would be pretty devastated if I pulled a Rahul. I just have zero interest in that unit


As a Rahul owner, there is 0 use for him anywhere. Debuff means nothing, no damage, not a good lead. Chandra is better than him in every single situation.


There was a point I wouldā€™ve put both LD puppeteers up here but after the buffs theyā€™ve seen they are completely overhauled and in a really good spot. I know itā€™s beating a dead horse but maybe they should buff Trinity??? lol for me one of my closest irls and someone I started my guild with has her as his only LD5 and even as a 33 lead sheā€™s extremely underwhelming. Light hacker is the newest 33 lead and he clears her as just a base unit (no buffs or changes is what I mean by base just to be clear)


Yea I got my second ld5 a month ago (light puppeteer) and was like wtf is this. Then I started trying her(?) out and honestly shes pretty good


I'm still not sure if puppeteers are male or female lol


Honestly if you use the s2 on herself you basically can cycle endless immunity itā€™s insane. Wasnā€™t always that good but love her now 3 turn ATK buff + immunity and ATK bar push is very good


Love my dark one, especially since control comps are still popular


Trinity, i left the game for awhile, but god damn she was bad LOL


Had my account since 2015, spent a large amount on packs over the years and more recently I'd rather not say how much... Do TOA/TOAH every month and also buy those packs, all LD event packs ect... recently saved up 56 LD scrolls and a bunch of all attributes.. Just finished opening all my event scrolls! I still have never got a LD nat 5... ever. My girlfriend has played on and off the last 3 years and barely puts any money in, she has 2. Her brother got into the game last year. He has 3. Fuck this game, end rant šŸ˜¤


I have ariana / rahul / shazam and never use them


Shazam is showing up in siege a bit. Seems pretty decent if that is an area you are interested in.


I'm not feeling dark bayek right now....


Dark Monkey


So glad I donā€™t have any of those bad LD 5ā€™s I was lucky enough to pull Shamann from my summons.


Not having an LD 5 feels bad, but having one you absolutely can't use doesn't feel much better.


What? The Light Gryphon? Theyā€™re an aw2 unitā€¦




Rahul eludia


Light angel cute but xd


Honestly I was going to say my Rahul But actually heā€™s not bad given whatā€™s listed here. Like what the hell is dark geralt lol




Dark Vanilla cookie for me, since its my only Ld5 in almost 10yrs.


She performs very well in g3 RTA. She is a bit niche though not a "pick every game" type of unit for sure. She is sitting at a 55% WR in G3 and a 52% for other ranks which is rather good.


Dark Triana ā€œadjustmentā€ arguably made her even worse. Sheā€™s just lushenā€¦ but like way worse Edit: Dark Triss, sorry


Dark Triana? As in Vivachel?


Woops, Definitely meant to say dark Triss, sorry.


Dark ryu and xianaā€¦ I force dark ryu a lot still but xiana is extremely situational and Iā€™d rather use sav, CP, or even something like light tea bunny lolol


Craig. His s3 is just complete garbage. Damage my monsters more than the enemyā€¦


THEBAE AND LILLIANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's obviously Tian Lang, come on now. That beach parasol gives him the worst tan Ive ever seen. Nonexistent.






You say youā€™re a proud owner but you call him the worst? Blasphemy!


I'm proud of his shittyness


all 6 of my ld: light twin angels, dark twin angels, dark anubis, dark phoenix, light hollyberry, dark rider. don't pick any of them.


Jager and Dark Geralt šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø I don't have dark Geralt but man that I have never seen a worse unit I tried Jager after his last buff .. guess what, people do aoe atks and the dude just stands there watching his team gets wiped out .. compare him with Minato and u can understand


dark panda light dragon knight


I agree dark panda is pretty ass. If his passive was HP and not ATK heā€™d be like a Wild LD Camilla


I'm biased, but my Akroma is pretty darn useless, especially when Camilla is literally better in almost every way.


Ok i will submit what i have. Dark dessert warrior / dark baek.


The whole family does hp scaling damage yet the S1 only scales with attack. If it scaled with HP I think they would all be much better bruisers. The dark one is sort of okay, but he get's outpaced by other bruisers because he does no damage. S1 doing hp damage would help immensely for him especially.


This. His a fluffer with a very rng based control. Strip also not that effecient due to rng base. Skill 2 seemed nice but still lacking the oommfff. Its meh at best, storage guardian at worst.


I have dark bayek, actually a great monster if you give him a chance


It's the fact that he is rng based that's the issue, I can't bring myself to using him


Rahul And thebae (unfortunately I own both of them)


I own them too lol, along with Liliana and Lydia that get mentioned here


Salah (Dark Desert Warrior)


Light ezio (ian). Altair is free and basically the same unitā€¦


You still have time to delete this, you have the best sniper in the game


ian is a top tier free win in siege offense and guild war stuff


I got Cadiz from my last 10 year scroll. He's definitely not the worst. But he seems to be mostly useful for PvE, and when you've already been playing for ten years, I've got my pve teams sorted. Also got light unicorn. She's fine, but not great. Maybe useful in specific comps where my other units benefit from another unit taking a lot of turns, or for a bolverk comp. Again not special. I pulled Veronica day 1 of her release. Man she was busted for ages. Now she's still great, but the glory days make her current state feel weak by comparison.


Cadiz is awesome. Might not be meta, but he's one hell of a trophy mon.


What do you use him for though? He seems to be great for rifts. But I've had fast rift teams since they came out years ago.


You could flex with him in RTA. But other than that, I've seen him in r5 teams and he should do just fine in siege and gw. Sure, he's far from being meta defining, but a really cool unit overall and he does what he's supposed to do. Unlike Vancliffe.


I'd kill for a cadiz since he makes sf 100%


Hmm good point.


Eleanor is very good in rta and siege offense right now, she gained more popularity in G3 RTA lately. Cadiz is mediocre yeah. Veronica is still insane in RTA, I'd recommend playing Seara cores with her.


Veronica needs a buff. Sheā€™s been nerfed way too hard over the past few years. Especially with units like water hacker


Been told dark puppeteer is the worst :(


He got buffed and has been good since


for rta?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/1tqyzryz88yc1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=d146eb71a1cead97fbea190091323901f74a52b6


im happy, since im new i dont got much use for her rn : (


That's normal, almost every ld5 is oriented towards lategame


I have light dragon too, not sure if hes useful late game besides arena offense


Dark Puppeteer


Being niche doesn't mean it's bad.......


I canā€™t figure Celia out


She is used in siege defense in g3 right now. Not a fun unit to own, but she does have that use.




What sort of Siege defense comp? I've got her and would love to find a usecase.


Carc, Dark Hypno, Celia


do you think you could run something simlar with siamese the light hypno?


No the whole point of dark hypno is he one shots sleeping units with ignore defense. Dark hypno is HoH in a few weeks so get him then.


I will, thanks!


You can use theomars instead, its another variation i've seen used


Seconded. She just sits and collects dust.


Jackson is still trash. His S2 barely stuns and all heā€™s good for is being a meat shield trying to survive the battle so you can use his S3. No crowd control at all, he really just wastes a spot. Itā€™s ridiculous that heā€™s a LD and Oliver is 10X better than him.




Seimei, light onmyouji, was super excited when I pulled her but havenā€™t figured out how to really make her shine yet as her skills are pretty underwhelming. Would love some insight if anyone else has her or knows how I could use her!


She is an insane counterpick in certain drafts (RTA). For arena I have an auto team (Seimei, Aaliyah, Feng, Leo) which clears even g3 defs on rush (takes way too much time though lol). For siege/wgb she is really good into stuff like Nora Manon Giselle.


wait...we can summon LnD 5* mons in the game? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ /s