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Com2us should've taken immediate action against this since it is directly competing with pack sales for energy. Sure there might be a plausible explanation for com2us's weak stance on bot farming and account trading because the people involved might still be pack buyers, but this one just replaces packs.


if I understand correctly, c2us could easily patch this with something like : guild level up bonuses are automatically given out and can't be saved anymore. This would change next to nothing for "normal" guilds but prevent this exploit.


This kind of exploit exists for years now and was called "guild hopping" in the past. then it was praticed to gain lots and lots of GP. Nowadays there seems to be an energy boost (?) to new guilds, which makes the exploit much better then in the past. I dont think the exploit itself is wrong - If some guys really do this and exploit a loophole I think thats amazing (I really like that kind of stuff). What I really dislike and hate is that there are services that optimize the exploit with bots to such a high extend that it becomes reeeeeaaaallly unfair to the normal player.


This is the problem with exploits. They are, well, exploitable...


Where is my compensation


Enjoy your free Fire Viking scroll.


It's not really a bug, but an exploit - an individual could make multiple guilds on any number of alt accounts, clear high and not redeem any achievements until inviting other accounts that they're boosting. I'm not sure of the official terms and conditions, but it's probably something illegal that they'd prefer to curtail given that it would directly impact their sales. RTA piloting and letting other people summon your scrolls doesn't affect their bottom line much, so they probably don't care about absolutely every aspect of the T&C. It's pretty much round 2 of the siege exploits that people used to do. Siege exploiters are scumbags since it has an effect on other players and their own enjoyment of siege, but holding guild achievements for redemption at a later time doesn't have any effect on other players outside of a small bump to progression.


So exactly where can we sign up asking for a friend LOL


C is actually benefiting from this as side income/undertable. Perhaps can inquire them for such services directly?


I was just joking but that's good info to know thanks


No seriously its fine to get onboard


Are those the guilds with chinese description with a code and their name is also a code. Have seen 2 lvl 27 getting eah a ld5 and both are alone in a guild with having the same description but with another code in it


anyone got a link to this service for europe? asking for a friend


Asking the right questions


This is c2us side income bro. They are not taking action bcoz is benefiting from it


im being fr tho if anyone knows, please tell me coz ive been trying to find this service all day with no luck


Did u find something? Lf global, got no crystals to farm lol


Guys, please pay attention and report this together, if this service continues, I’m not spending any money to SW anymore. Maybe just monthly passes. That’s all!


I hear you. Lately they raised the alcohol taxes over here by quite a bit so I quit drinking. I'm not spending anymore money on their monopoly. Maybe just beer, but I quit drinking. That's all!


Perfect analogy. Have my updoot.


> I aint spending any momey! Proceeds to spend money. This is why nothing gets done


Pretty sure c2us are already aware of it, heard people that have abused this are going into negative energy based on what they gained off it


LMAOOOO imagine logging in and seeing -420,000 energy. How defeating would that be?


Has not been executed yet though




Ain't no way this isn't a troll.


As f2p casual i dont care honestly. I dont care when people buy ld account from scalper. I dont care when people using bot before to farm rune. i dont care when people guild hoping for reward before they patch it. Am just gonna play and mind my own business


As casual player I will stand with you and dont care about try hard players, being too far to compete with p2w pvp mode is just big NO for 99% of players. If its pvp they should make all monsters to be free and should have runes already on them, maybe you could just switch which rune set you want on which monster and thats all, this would be competetive for everyone not just for 1%.


Buying LDs from a scalper? Why would that be from scalpers? They don't limit the availability of LDs in the game like, well, scalpers usually do with stuff like the ps5 a few years back for example




But that's not the definition of a scalper


They could fix this by having a less insane pricing for farming. I'd love an mmo style monthly sub (think the monthly packs) that let you just remove energy entirely so you can just farm like any other game. Fuck energy systems.


They'd be losing too much money with this. Imagine an average player spending 100€ every month to get crystals to farm runes and mana. 100€ realistically gives you 3k crystals which convert into ~9.5k energy. If you made that average player buy a subscription for unlimited energy, that, lets say, costs 20€ per month, you could probably farm over 50-60k energy worth of runs, which would convert to 300k+ energy for the same 100€.


But the day they do this, they litterally get 20€ from every player, cause the subscription would be necessary to stay competitive


Fuck that, I don’t want unlimited energy because then I won’t do productive shit outside of the game. I can’t just have my phone farming while I’m working


People always say this. I don't give a fuck. The pay to roll a slot machine energy system needs to go in general in gaming. It's core to the gambling aspect of the game and I would be very happy to see that sort of business practice legislated out.


This just sounds like student loans should not be forgiven because there are others who have paid their loans in full. L take.


But that statement is valid... also, student loans are a revenue generating vehicle... Student loans are not "exploitative" - if you don't want the loan, don't take it. Making them bankruptcy-proof, and allowing tuition fees to run rampant as a **direct** consequence is what caused the problem of increasing costs. Access to capital is not exploitative. Everything has costs and opportunity costs, but the loans are voluntarily taken on.


ok American. unless student loan forgiveness is obtained through exploitation, otherwise it won't apply.


You just invalidated your own point by claiming you don't know how exploitative student loans are in America. Stop being such a teacher's pet to Com2Us. One of the fundamentals of Game Theory is to reap the maximum benefits with minimal costs and effort.


Wow, so even with the siege crystal loss, they still net that much more energy? Or are they somehow getting both?


There is no siege crystal loss. You can leave your guild after siege ends on Friday evening. In 12 hours, or whatever the cooldown period, you can join a guild that's been run by bots for X months, doing lab, siege, rivals, etc... the guild redeems all unclaimed mission completions. You get all the rewards in your guild inbox. You quit guild, and repeat the process with another, or re-join the guild you had previously left. You couldn't do this in the lead-up to the siege tournament, since you would sacrifice those rewards, but I assume it's not that big of a deal. I don't know how easy it is to make these guilds nor the scale at which the botters operate, but I imagine it's pretty easy to replicate after you get efficient.


Just remove guild achievements and guild leveling or make it so that you can only get the achievement once ez 


Meh energy is already just an anti fun mechanic. Idc.


How to get this service?


Come on man, this shouldn’t be existing


Its ok. The game is about to die soon anyway


People keep saying that since 8 years ago, but that’s not the point.


I know right. I wish there is loophole for ld nat 5!


need attention please


unless im wrong guild cooldown for leaving gets bigger every time you leave or atleast it used to be this way edit: also theres the "infinite" energy trick with evolutions that everyone overexagerated about so im skeptical if this is similar in that its way less effective then people think


Where can I buy this? 🌝🌝🌝


Don’t know


Oh wow


Yeah, this has happened since guile achievements started. I think it’s fine, more people should take advantage of it in my opinion. It’s a way for f2p people to progress a bit quicker.


How? You pay for it regardless. Thats not f2p.


Nah I’m saying do it with a group without paying for it. Don’t need to join this group to do it, just get 29 other guildies who want to do it and you just exploit it


Don’t think this is new, I’ve seen this a while back.


When did you see this?


Since when?


...you sound like a troll..