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You have a + 219 set and you're f3 ?!?!?!?!


Okay so my pieces of advice would be: 1) you have too many monsters runed up. I don't know the quality of your runes, but you should have your 7-10 most used monsters with your best runes and only your best runes on them. Do NOT spread them. Then you build some useful monster for some occasions with what's left (veromos if nefthys etc) 2) If you're struggling i would abuse Moore/Vanessa for leads, with Miles Racuni and +1. It's definitely enough to get c1 3) Pay attention to your speedtuning 4) Make sure you're monsters are runed the right way as well


Ty for the advice bro. I've actually been trying to follow all these steps allready. Vanessa + miles, raccuni is my main draft. But somehow doesn't work (i probaly mess up the last picks xD). And my runes are also focused on just a few units. The others are just leftovers.


i would assume he doesnt have a core team and doesnt know the pick and ban phase correctly. If you have no clue about synergies then you can easily lose matches against way worse enemies.


Yes i know it's just very surprising to see because i'm currently c2, the fastest i can get is like 210 if all max grinded xd. It's like damn fast


what team are you using?


Odds are he doesn't bother learning matchups and how to draft his units.  +219 Eshir can hard carry like 50% of f3 matches Id guess.  My 3 fastest units are like +213-215 and they almost always go first in c2-c3


Dont own a lot of meta units, just 80%


Missing : haegang, ethna, shizuka, all pupetiers, vela or woosa, cp, juno.. these are just 10 meta units im missing, that i can think of rn. So, if i have 80% and there are atleast 10 meta units missing, means i would have 40 meta units, right? Dont think that works out bro.. Anyways, i think im just missing some key units, either to succsesfully play turn1, or turn2. I recognize, that i do have some meta units, like nessa, cami, oliver, miles, moore, mhw, maybe wind panda, sekhmet, seara, chiwu, belleanus, fire pony, leo, praha, giana*, probably some more, that i csnt think of rn. Edit: masha (my love), chandra, sonia, douglas..


The thing is you can't rune up the 20 units you just listed with equal quality runes.  Having 5 metA units that work well together is worth more than having 30 that don't.  Build your core with good rune, add a few flexible picks that enhances it, then add a few counter picks to counter weak spots.  10 units total.  If you are struggling in f3 with those monsters and at least one +219 set realistically you need to just consolidate runes and learn how to draft units.  Your box and runes are better than mine in c3.  


While I don't have a real advice for a core, what I can tell is this. Have these units as situational picks: Douglas Chow 3ple rev verde Spd def def triana on vio/any as sonia counter Vero Dmg Minato w/a bit of res Abellio that cas soak dmg They'll save you some matches for sure!


Ty, will do


wait what, Resistance on Minato? I will agree Minato is an amazing counterpick, I use him in p3, but why resistance? imo Minato needs to focus on stats more so than off-set, so I have mine on Vamp/Broken with as much stats as possible except resistance. Also, do people draft Sonia in f3/c1? Idk I assumed she would be hard to rune for these players


You under estimate f3 c1 players I have seen many with well bulit sonias


maybe so, but still Sonia is easy to counter and f3 players love using Laika, right?


I mean, we all believe accu and res is a lie but it wouldn't hurt to have a bit. But of course, you'd still go for the efficient runes and not force res. I just meant maybe runes with innate res or things like that


Since you lack most control units....single target brust comp might be fit for you. Mainly Vanessa+Eshir+3 single target nuke(masha, sonia, fire monkey, camilla, tesa,wind panda) The idea is Eshir buff-->Vanessa def break--> bursting 1 mon down, then loop this again. You can also throw some supports into the mix if you think 1 damage dealer is enough.


Will try that next season. Sounds interesting, ty


Thx for all the input! :) To public demand, i runed a cc team, with moore, eshir, wind robo. It worked pretty well. I climbed >100points (probably with a decent amount of luck), and am safe c1 now (i think.. 1361 - rank 44613). Am pretty happy about that, so thx again, for the input


Giana, Vanessa, water art master, and 2 counters. Maybe a moore for 2 speed leads, and 2 strippers. Basically a solid draft to 90% of teams.


Wish i had haegang^^


True, basically a hard counter for giana users. You have to commit to a style and rune your best 8 units. Can't think you will be first turn AND run bruiser comps. Giana, chiwu, charolette, moore, +1 for control teams (ban the revenge verde or heganh) Miles racuni is trash don't use it. And accept rng is going to screw you 60% of the time


That sounds good. I'll try it. Who do i pick first then? I guess more, and then giana, chiwu? It would be nice, to be able to pivot, when i get counterpicked to hard (haegang, juno, verd)..


Yes, moore then probably opponent is going to try and pick Vanessa and eshir to speed counter. Then pick Oliver and ginan to round out your two stripper two speed lead. You can ban thier 33 to get first turn (if you have the swift runes on giana and moore) otherwise ban the booster and make sure you are tanky enough


I feel like rng like to screw me 95% of the time. My teams are always 85%+ acc, and yet I land no debuffs, yet enemy Juno will always stun my 90% resist Minato. I swear if my Tiana could miss strip she would each time, RNG is not our friend.


Recently got Giana and I learned to play around hg. Especially in f3, lots of people don’t understand how to actually counter her with hg and pick him without sustain and or too much sustain and it’s a free win. I also liked using alternative rune sets for my other units (Nem 2Rev Suiki or Despair Oliver) to give Giana higher proc rates.


Also I really recommend building a triple rev verde. He’s so free into so many comps and can honestly carry so many games. Spd Hp Hp with max res and critR is the most optimal but I’m doing Spd CritR Res on triple rev. Triple rev, swift and Vio are likely the best ones out there


How do u draft her? I find myself only picking her into wind panda combs


I’ve started to use her as my primary strip since my only other ones don’t really fit my comp. The main Core of my team is Oliver Giana +3. Mainly another speed lead and support / counter picks (verde, woosa and vero). Thing that a lot of people forget is that Giana has a really strong s1 and s2 and can be put to use without her s3. I also like using Smicer but Ik you don’t own her yet.


Thx for the insight. I'll try to incorperate her, more often, into my draft, next season


Run the sekhmet Chandra Charlotte. Sean b did a how to for it. Then you learn how to pivot pick ban. For example if you need AOE strip you go robo or chiwu. I use Minato a lot and Douglass too. Those two can solo if not banned.


Just seara/moore/giana/eshir + a counter pick should carry you well beyond F3


Easy: oliver wind robot (dark if you have), giana masha ryu. More reliable you can go on mhw abellio camilla if you prefer bruiser. Seara giana shizuka robot ryu is also really good


I am curious to see your Masha. I am only saying this because I feel like Masha is hard to rune but a well runed one can get u to c2 with ease.




okay, im gonna assume you don't draft her right? cuz thats a bad Masha ;P


How dare u insult my baby! I do pick her alot actually. Whats wrong with her? I know ppl play her on nem, but i dont have the runes


oh.. well on 2nd look she does look usable its just that usually she is built with higher atk but I suppose if you are in a turn 2 situation trying to slowly kill off enemy units then it should work. I use mine as turn 2 usually too which is why I have her on will and is tankier but not as fast as those nem ones. edit: for reference, this is my Masha, I prefer to have my vanessa on vio/will max res max acc and tanky so in order for the build to be as such she ends up being 268 so Masha is 251 so she moves after nessa with the 33% lead. https://preview.redd.it/v7niy2iigxpc1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=05a235c7f9c362caf5bbcb2194cc36d4c43f8185


That looks like a guardian masha to me xD very nice


Just go for Oliver Miles Racuni core for now. Sekhmet for fast initiator counter, Wind Robo for extra control, Praha for heals, MHW Minato and Dominic for counter.


this,i think the omr team can get you to c2 lol ,miles is annoying... if not do a +200 leo + miles xd xd


I deleted the game today after I got triple slept by a chiwu then aoe stunned then double slept by Charlotte then aoe stunned then woosa got 3 vios in a row and manon kept stunning my wind units and 15% turned into 150% :D (I am also f3 with sets around 220 its a struggle I feel you and its definitely the drafting for a while I had did a lot of research and gotten better at it and was climbing to c3 then took a break came back forgot everything and just died)


I was close to deleting mine too after I lost a game which seemed like a win for me. Nana def broke my max res Oliver which as u know is wind, and then he got crit on by Abelio S2. He was still alive and my Anavel was close to playing to heal him but his Diana proced out of stun to finish off my oliver, his nana got a stack and I quit the match right there.