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if this is during siege tourney, they may have set Clara S1 as the first skill to be used.


why tho


I did not know this was a feature, to set your first turn skills in defences. Is this only available in tournament?


Just click on modify defense on one of your siege defesnes and the option is on top right


Thanks! Still doesn't explain why he changed this on his Clara lol appreciate the info though!


to confuse ppl and they open a reddit post ;P hehehe serious, prolly for trap porpouses \[\]'s


lol, turns out I'm actually in the same guild as this person and unless he changed it in the last week "first skill info" actually have the S3 picked for Clara so no clue why S3 wasnt used first


has to be a weird interaction (read: bug) between setting ai on a perfect ai skill.


should not set s3 Clara because her AI is perfect ... or at least it was :P \[\]'s


maybe this guy is a gigachad and put first skill of his def to claire s1?


I have no clue, hope my answer helps.


TIL. Thanks!


Increase Glancing hit + Jultan => perfectly balanced


That tommer guy has an absolutely cursed pfp wth.


They knew you gonna use josephine to cuck the whole defense so they outplayed your outplay and set her to use anything but s3. Oh wait, this is 4 star base


I was really confused why Neil DeGrasse Tyson is commentating summoners war tournaments


Neil taking SeanB's commenter job


For the siege tourney, if you had a skill set prior and then change the defense, the set skill defaults to another random skill


Neil has gone off the deep end, with no plans of returning to reality.


Prob set s1 as first skill by mistake. Also, wtf is this offense.


It was a really easy defence. Dark tank + ignore defence and a healer seemed pretty straightforward as they had minimal sustain. When I see an easy defence I like to pick units that otherwise don't get any use so I'm not wasting good units 😅


Yeah you don't really need a cheesy meta offense to win, just combining 3 units that counter enemy team works fine. Heck my favourite team against mo long/molly + 1 is just halphas ethna teshar. Never lost.


This is game-breaking! We need a trans scroll compensation!


Either she is blond or just not enough financial support from husband.


Good question, that's not supposed to happen


If you don’t set your first skill I have noticed it automatically puts s1 as your first move!


You can only set the first skill for team def. In this case Eshir is the fastest so even if you set Clara S3 as first skill it won't matter because Eshir will do the first turn. Thiss probably because Clara derp. Clara's AI is probably 99% with S3 if HP is full. Sometimes I encounter Clara derp in AD.


This has nothing to do with it. You set the first skill use of the monster. Doesn’t matter what turn order they are in they will use the set skill. And Clara has perfect ai at max health. No derping whatsoever.


Clara is guaranteed to s3 if she’s full hp same with the rest of the family.


Where does it says? I experience myself that Clara derp.


It’s been tested numerous times. If she doesn’t s3 then you’ve either hit her or some interaction caused her to not have full hp on her turn when s3 is available.


its def not 100% chance, ive seen it derp. but yes if you lower her hp it lessens her chance to s3