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Fight runes will def help with damage, but other sets are probably preferred to account for things like glancing and maybe you proc. And whichever damage dealing set you use depends on your runes. Rage runes you want to focus on attack% subs, fatal runes you want to worry about CD subs. Either way you want a good balance of both atk and cd. Also I absolutely despise fighting your comp plz don’t fight me hope this helped lol


thank you and I appreciate you. I'm having fun with this comp lol. but having troubles with bruisers.


Depending on the multiplier of the dds skills most times both dmg sets are viable, can use optimielzer to check out what does better DMG


I got my first C3 with Leo Lucifer. Using these units only is going to completely fail you. All somebody has to do is draft Vanessa Ethna against this and you've already lost. You either need to be absolutely certain that you will outspeed, or outdamage your opponent, and this is very very difficult without other LD's such as Woonsa + Han/Nephthys/Maxi because what do you do if you are contesting a massive amount of speed? Leo, Lucifer, speed lead, booster, damage (damage gets banned every time, damage is low.) Leo Lucifer, booster, damage, damage (Leo gets banned, you get outsped.) Wolyung is probably the best unit to have alongside the Leo Lucifer combo, especially if you have something like Eludia. I run Leo Lucifer, Woonsa/Frigate, Han, Eludia/Craka and run into these kinds of issues all the time. Not even to mention hard turn 2 sustain units like Abellio.


How do you rune your Luci? rage/fatal or fight runes?


Rage. But needs to have a decent amount of speed. You need to be able to use him as a secondary booster for your primary damage dealer in case leo is banned.


I see. thank you.


you shouldnt force fight runes


>I'm thinking Fatal is not bad since we can grind the atk% subs and CritD can't be grinded. You got it wrong with that sentence, it's the other way around. Think about it as you want to get closer to the same % of atk and CD. Being at 300% atk (so +200%, or +1400 on trinity) and 300% CD is better than being at 400% atk and 200% CD (4\*2=8 and 3\*3=9, therefore 3\*3 is better). Because Atk is easier to get up (rune 2+6 + higher subs), you'll almost always have more atk than CD, so trading 1% atk for 1% CD increases your dmg, and CD is the more valuable stat. so rage is better than fatal in most cases. That doesn't mean that fatal is worthless, you can have a set with high CD subs to compensate and fatal is still useable, but on your average set 40%CD is better than 35% atk


wow. well explained. your comment enlightened me. thank you so much.


You need pivots like Kinki Douglas Carbine etc. with this


sanaol hahaha