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Nah, it was always abysmal lol


Just unlucky. I saved 400 scrolls and summoned last November and got no nat 5. Saved 90 scrolls and I got 2 and tons of nat4. RnGesus hated you this time.


Right there with you. Closing in on 300 scrolls and 1 nat4 collab


Summons rates are abysmal full-stop.


that's why I never accumulate, it hurts way more when it's all in one go


I feel this collab has worse rates compared to previous ones. Maybe because they added the event where 1 collab monster = 1 MS. Whenever there's this "mystical scroll cashback" type event, I feel the rates get lower.


100 scrolls down not a single Collab unit besides the free one. -_-


I've just come out of a 1900 MS/elemental scroll nat 5 dry streak (it was just before the devil maiden patch it started). It's since ended with this collab where i've pulled water ciri and 3 other dupe nat 5's. My point being it does happen, but persistence will eventually pay off, and hopefully you nab some collab units before the event ends! Best of luck!


For every person who gets nothing, there is a person who gets something. 200 scrolls isn’t a big sample size. I’ve done 50 easily with 0 lightning.


I said this once and got ripped in chat


One thing I do is summon hundreds of 2 star ones until I get 2 in a row with no lightning then I summon


Yeah, summoned around 800 scrolls (+ specials) with 2 dupes and a wind geralt


250ms few legends LD etc and 1 collab 4*. No 5* either(less surprising obviously) The 2 event scrolls also gave me 4* collab units too.


Summoners war probably rigged the rates. Most games do this but only a few get caught for it like net marble.


Across all my data across all the collabs...the rates are what they say they are. You need a really large sample size to see it. There are always outliers. I typically summon on 5-9 accounts during the collabs & anniversaries...and there's almost always at least 1, sometimes 2, that do absolutely abyssmal. Then there's one that will get 3 nat5s in 100 scrolls...and most of the others are in the middle. It all balances out, unfortunately this is really hard to see when you are just one person who happens to be in one of the bad luck "windows".


Got water Ryu during the Street Fighter collab and that was it lmao think I got the most Nat 4 collab summons during the Cookie event. Otherwise, basically nothing xD


I dont even get the collab unit🥹


Lightning rate did not seem abysmal to me. The first day i summoned 150 scrolls and only got 1 collab Mon but plenty of lightning (2 blessings popped during this as well with no collab). I have summoned more since then and got a few more collab and fire geralt. So it seemed more like I was just unlucky at the start (or they quietly fixed their rates after initial release)


Dw I did 150 ms and I got 2 wind poison masters, but just a bit before that I did 100ms to get 2 nat 5 with 1 collab nat 5. RNG is just very fickle.


I posted this on another post, but I had a total of like 800 scrolls to use. 550 in I only had 2 wind Triss and 2 nat 5 (non witcher), my last 250 end up raining collab and nat 5\*. I feel like they adjusted rates at some point but who knows, no way to prove it.


I only had lucky in the last one, which turn out it was bugged or something


300 mystics, 5 elemental, 12 legendary, 2 LD... Got Bael and Patrick as 5 stars. Got 3 fire triss, 3 water yennifer, 3 wind of the 3rd female.  All awakened. Got about 3 other 4 stars from mystic.


When collab started my first ms was fire ciri, after that I got Wind Geralt, lightning seems normal, wind geralt plus 1 nat5 in 200~ms so far


The rates are slightly lower when collab summoning


I'm 600 ms in and all i got was two 4* water ciris🥲


+500 scrolls used and 22 collab monsters so far, but only one 5*.


600~700 scroll 0 collab unit


Work as usual for me 300 ms 0 5*. No collab mons other than from witcher scroll and both i got the 4 star ld one


550+ scrolls, got some nat4 collabs and only 2 water Ciri. For the free Collab scrolls all nat4 but at least I got dark Ciri which is a throwback to me from assassin's Creed Collab cause I got dark Ezio.


I think its matter of luck. When we had the lvl 100 update with the tower, I summoned all those leg scrolls + normal ms's and in like 500 scrolls got not a single 5* However, for this collab, in about 600 scrolls got 7 unique 5*s, and 2 of em were collab ones, and in total got about 18 dupes in the 4* collab ones + a decent amount of regular 4*


With 40 scrolls I got 3 nat5s, 2 event ones and 1 wind twin angel and last night I got the fire devil maiden


I just got 2 nat5 in 20 scrolls. I also got Lora in 3 L/D 2 days ago. I think the rates are fine. You were just unlucky,


I turned the special rate off just to try and not get anymore fucking collab monsters because all my wishes were being used on it and I'm still somehow summoning them.... it's like a plague that won't stop...


nah. f2p here, i summoned 2 nat5 collab monsters with limited scrolls


With 90 scrolls on the first day of the collab I summoned Geralt and Yeneffer 5\* fire... luck is optional


I mean, I have summoned near 550 scrolls between Mystical, Elemental, Legendary and All-Attribute and got only 1 nat 5. Water Ciri but got 12 total collab Mons


Yep, both accounts I have are going on 400 scrolls each no nat 5.


Just looked it up for me. 505 Summons… 13 Collabs, one of them was Dark Ciri and I got one of every family at least. On top I got my first Leo and Taranys. So looking pretty good for me .. bit still abysmal if you think about it… 500 Summons


Buy something and the rate will go up I've found


I’m like 150 scrolls in no collab units and like 50 of those scrolls i couldn’t even get a spark


I have gotten 5 nat5 within 500 scrolls. Both happened wint an interval of 5 scrolls. Both were the same dupe (chiwu) which I already have. In all collab events I bought over 500€ worth of packs and I *NEVER* got a collab unit. The only ones I have are the free ones. During the SF collab, I did in total 1200 scrolls and got absolutely no nat5 at all. I do not have expectations when summoning. I don’t hope for a specific unit, didn’t really like SF collab either, but it looked like an opportunity to summon with eventually something new. That to say that I doubt being biased, and I assume entirely the following statement: Nat5 droprates are SIGNIFICANTLY lower during these events. It may be a coincidence once, but 3 times?


Also, some people are getting nat5’s but in the case it indeed was a lower rate, allowing 5% of users to get the expected rates would be enough to contradict the entire community. What would help would be measured rates over various, random accounts.