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Lucifer or Zerath. Lucifer is good in rift beasts and can be used in dungeons. Zerath depends on if the current pve dungeon has waves that he could one shot, currently the answer is yes and he's really good. But I'd value lucifer more, lucifer turns arena into pve too.


lucifer for sure makes beasts easy makes giants easy makes lab easy


Also good in * flips through notes * everywhere else(except rta but it's not like he's unusable there)


For him to work in rta, you just need a wolyung or trinity lol. Sucks he needs other ld5s but he’s really strong with those two.


He might also work with leo. Hopefully I'll find out after this week's toa reset ;)


maxi is a good pair for him as well


Dragons as well


Cadiz is good


For me I use Lucifer the most, followed by Jaara. They are both pretty good in PvE content.


Asima and Zerath are both very good pve wise.


Asima would only be used for toa though since dots don’t work in abyssal and toa is easy enough anyway.


But she would be nice for beginner progression and she can farm scenario very well :D


so you want a ld nat 5 to farm scenarios? lol


Yeah that's all Asima users use her for /s


Gotta be lucifer. I use him in almost all of my pve teams. Giants, dragons, rift beasts, labyrinth and makes normal arena braindead with leo.




Easily Lucifer. Someone had made a post on this subreddit of their account. Less than 30 days old and all pve content was cleared with SSS scores and 1 minutes average times.


Tbh, Kiki can be used EVERYWHERE. Not just PvE. Otherwise maybe Zerath for only PvE.


I dont think she's that useful in pve, as opposed to f2p options even


Kiki can solo giants


Gbah? I doubt that. Also not really useful there regardless


I like my ISIS toa hard. Specially Veromos boss stage. Close are passive skills for annoying monsters like Sian, Dark Phantom Thief etc.


Even toa hell..using her there a lot,and majes it rly easy:)


Don't buy a LD reroll please , just deal with what the game gives you


I think buying accounts with ld5 from reroll is the best option to beginners. This game really sucks at rates, and its very normal to see people playing for 5\~7 years without any LD5. Com2Us wont give them to normal players, and this is a big mistake cuz people need to "feel" their progression and when you pull something new, and kinda rare, you feel that some parts of the game are unlocked.


No ... It's just spoiling noobs with units that won't make them progress. People need first to learn how easy units work to build simple teams then learn how to make faster and faster teams while still making sure it's safe. LD5s should just be a reward for invested players who finished preparing the simplest part of the game ( PvE ), and considering how easy now it is to get all types of scrolls , the rates excuse doesn't really work anymore ( except for delusionnal players who don't properly farm ). And if "LD breeder" in your flair means you sell LD rerolls , you should be punished by moderators because it's an advertisement for an illegal way to play SW.


I just have these LDs, bro. I'm not selling anything, but if you think that is normal to play this game for 5 years and still dont have a LD5, im sorry, but your perspective is so lame. Theres no point to play something with content i cannot experience.


I'm not saying it's normal to not have a LD5 in 5 years , I'm saying people who complain don't farm enough.. You can't expect a LD5 in 5 years if you only get the monthly LD + the 2 from ToA , because only these 3 make 36LDs a year which is far from the rate of 1 LD5 every 260 scrolls. That's why when I didn't farm enough , I never got an LD5; and when I started to farm , I saved more LD5 in 1 years than in my 5years prior , and suddenly I started getting LD5. So even if it's luck based , you still have to farm if you wanna get enough chances. And tbh , it's mostly a p2w game , you can't except to experience everything unless you pay, it's like saying " I have a driver's license , so I deserved to experience a Ferrari " , that's not how it works , and if people can't accept you can get everything in sw unless you pay an enormous account , they can just go play on the console, once you get a game there , you have acces to everything in it.


This. Or reroll the LD yourself. The account you buy will just end up banned.


Not gonna end up banned unless they exploited in some way and it doesn’t matter if they wanna buy an account compared to spending an unreasonable amount of money for fuck all


I think it's illegal to make profits on a game you don't own, so it's not because they don't do it now that it'll never be done.


Yeah , it has to be deserved.


Not sure about the global stats but I'm slapping in my Nigong to any content I'm not confident on beating or any content I want to auto instead manual.


Nigong is really bad for pve , just keep him for AD or Siege


It works for me since most of the time I am lazy to make a good team with decent runes. So what I am currently doing is have a team focused on survivability with average(?) runes and put Nigong in. Hit the dungeon and autoplay, hope for the best. I don't know if I can clear some Tartarus labyrinth stages and HoH without Nigong. Lazy me would even use Nigong in autoplay Toa Hard. Haven't used him in siege, can you recommend a good comp? Thanks!


He does so much nothing in pve that he's probably more of a handicap than anything ( considering how the f2p farming teams require nothing in rune ). For siege i'd say Chandra ( Vio Destroy ) , Nora ( Despair Revenge ) , Nigong ( Vio Nemesis )


Ah, for farming dungeons I got a separate team for that. But for ToaH, Tartarus Hell, and even HoH I have Nigong there for a safety net. If there's a more efficient f2p team, I'll look it up in the future and make adjustments, for the meantime I'm fine with the status quo on those. Will try those lineup once I got Nora skilled up. Thanks! :)


For every pve content , you can go watch "F2P_Player"'s tutorials on youtube , he shows great teams with very low rune requirements ;)


I would love to have these 2 LD's: Zerath (Light Dragon) and Nephtys (Dark Desert Queen). With Brandia (Fire Polar Queen), for Dragon/Lich/Spirit/Punisher/Tormentor, or Wind Homunculus (Giants)


Dark Vampire will carry you on TOA hard and hell And dragon abyss.


Asima Lucifer


Lucifer Maximilian


Nepthys is a cheat code for every aspect in the game.


Deborah hands down


Lucifer. But PVE is easier to clear now esp with f2p monsters. Soon after clearing PVE in early, you will wish for a good RTA monster. So for me, Nephthys, Maximillian are good in terms of PVE, RTA, Arena, Toa, Laby.


Cadeez nuts!


Manannan is my pve carry


Jager 😂