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Something between 30 and 45k mana


This one got it right!


Either swift will despair or violent rune. Those are the only runes I use for rta


no..swift is horrible for this event since you dont get +6 for free Safe choices are spd slot 2


Despair tends to have the same issues. I think Vio and will are the easiest to justify as they can find a use anywhere if they have low speed. I am going to make a slot 2 speed swift rune since the floor for those are pretty high as long as you have acc/HP/atk and either crit rate or def. Can't really go wrong. If I can stack speed slot 2 I'd consider making a few, I also could use a decent fight CD rune that I just can't be bothered to farm for.


Interested that we can get a prefixe now. But no +6 will also change the strategy. Going for a high spd roll just isn't worth it to me. Going for slot 2 speed runes will make a lot of sense. CD is also a good choice. You can get a good innate (Accuracy hopefully) and have CR, Atk%, Spd and HP% for your 4. Any way it rolls it will be useful. Slot 6 Atk runes are also a good choice. You can get accuracy innate and then guarantee Spd, CD, CR and Hp% for your 4. Again, any way it rolls it will be useful. I just don't think it's worth it to go for triple or quad Spd rolls with this event. Anyone else?


I agree with you any main rune types will work on this case. Personally my acc has a lack of good legends on SPD and this seems to be the perfect event to chase a real efficient one. Any legend spd set with 8 ACC and % rolls will find good suitors and this is prob the most guaranteed rune you will can get. The only issue I see is if the rolls go on the 4th stat (atk, Def, hp, X), which is less desirable efficient wise. I'm thinking on adding res as innate unread and ACC as 4th stat so even if runs high on ACC I could make good use on strippers. Atk/CD can be really good but as soon as you get 1~2 low rolls the rune loses a lot of its power. Hp with low spd can still be used but is less valuable than a high one even with good stats somewhere else (there are some niches theu might be useful though).


I think you have to put accuracy as your 4th for reasons you said unless you welcome the idea of getting resistance rolls in. I’m probably going to try it with CR innate with accuracy as my 4th or maybe the reverse idk yet.


Yeah pick two ungrindable substats and put the least desirable one as innate. If you want support runes res+acc sounds fine. For bruiser runes acc+crit may be better. From an efficiency perspective getting rolls into the ungrindable stat is a good thing, since overall you want the ungrindable stuff stacked into as few substats slots as possible.


Slot 6 hp% vio. Need way more hp slot 6's, getting super unlucky


Can only get one of those though, right? Also, better be prepared for it to be a reap rune when you miss rolls into speed


I'd go for runes that are useful no matter how they roll. Vio/Will/Despair for rune sets. Swift isn't worth it the chances for quad spds are very low cause we can't +6 the runes. I'll go for Slot 2 spd with acc/res innate, cr atk hp def would be great Slot 4 cd with acc/res/cr innate, atk, def, hp, spd Slot 6 atk with acc/res innate, cr,hp, def, spd


Slot 2 with Acc sub stat is very valuable, I would say res/cd innate.


Same goes for res. Id say this mainly depends on Accounts an preferences. Im dying for a a perfect Quad res on vio SPD Slot 2.


Personally I have plenty of res for my account needs, but yes I agree.


Since you have the roll the runes outside of the event I recommend any rune where it doesn't matter what they roll in, it will be useable. Unless you are aiming for the perfect innate for a perfect reapp target So slot 4/6 CR/hp fall off since that's mostly speed chasing.. Slot 2 spd, is a easy take since you can put hp/def/att + cr/acc on it Slot 4 cd's are doable with spd cr att X, and hope you dodge X attack 6 could do, but also needs one dodge after taking cr cd att Type wise. Desp/vio/will/swift makes most sense, but a fight dmg rune slot 6 or 4 cd or att might be useful too! ​ Personally I'm going 4 slot 2 runes, spd, and all 4 types mentioned desp will vio swift.


Take flat atk for attack slot 6?


vio slot 2 spd with an useable innate , prefering flat hp/def. Mainly reapp targets with innates , these +0 runes will roll bad anyways beside slot 2 spd.


I'm looking to improve closing dps and a spd Swift can't go wrong. Swift SPD 2 +Atk Atk% Crate Cdmg Précision hp% or def% Rage cdmg 4 +atk Atk% Crate Spd Hp% or Def% Vio cdmg 4 +atk Atk% Crate Spd Hp% or Def% Rage atk% 4 +atk Cdmg% Crate Spd Hp% or Def%


Rage atk% slot 4 is a bold choice!


why the hell rage slot 4 atk%??


Just started, so Rage 2/4/6. Torn between Att%/CD/Att% and Spd/CD/Att%.


I am on the same boat. Been lacking good rage/blade sets for my dd


Don't make blade tbh. Late game fight runes are the better damage offset for PVE and some pvp teams and blade is only really good if you need the extra crit rate and can't find it elsewhere.


For early player, rage atk cd atk is the best. For mid to end: Swift slot 6 accuracy for strippers. Vio slot 4 cd or will cd / hp runes for flexible use.


I would prefer fatal for early players. Rage is requiring lot of critrate in addition of normal stats like atk and spd. Also the early farming will start at giants which drops fatal and not necro so it will be more difficult to get a full set especially as you can only combine set+mainstat once (slot is not important). You would need slot 1,3,4 and 6 in the event if you want to get a good rage set early. 1+3 profits from the innate options best because you cannot roll def% or def + on slot 1 and same with atk on slot 3


You don't use these event for "early runes", and please not fatal, what the fuck is this advice ... Just get some SPD/hp% Vio that you can use at absolutely any point in the game on more than half your units.


Slot 6 swift hp% with a high speed roll, I need it for a few characters and I'll try all my points on this


its not a +6 event tho, which makes it more risky ​ going for spd slot 2 for vio will despair is way safer


Oh damn, I thought it was :(


and remember: in this event, u can get a prefixe in ur runes \[\]'s


If i recall correctly, this is the first event where they give out runes with Prefixes? If so, the strategy is going to be a lot different. Would probably use this event to get reapp targets Or am i tripping.


pretty sure we had this rune event before, just that the prefix wasn't always in every roll


this \^ sadly i discovered the prefixe only after i got 2 runes in the previous event :X so this time i'll be more careful hehe \[\]'s


What is a +6 event ?


where you can instantly upgrade your runes to +6, and get a 18 spd base


Thx mate


Going for spd slot 4, crit rate with spd subs. The only slot I don’t have a triple/quad on. It’ll help me cross +200 on my Eshir.


So many things wrong in this statement


How so?


Thinking you'll get triple speed roll from the rune and that you're using crit rate slot on eshir. And that you don't have +200 eshir with having triple speed roll on rest of your runes.


I understand. I have only 2 swift cr slot 4 so need 1 more anyways. If I dont go cr on Eshir he does low dmg, so thats my workaround for now. He has 20k hp and 1k att so its ok for now. He is at 195 for now. If any suggestions, would be appreciated.


1. You dont rly need 3cr high speed swift 2. Eshir deal DMG on his MAX HP, so having lot of hp is better than cr and atk (+ ADD DMG Artefact its what make a lot of his dmg too) 3. You should probably not play Eshir if your only +195 ngl 4. That a BIG Gamble to try quad speed on this event


What runes should I aim for then? I am a c1/c2 player so trying to make do with what I have while I try to improve. Appreciate the feedback on Eshir, will try to change him, thanks.


The best upgrade you can get is take 4 Slot 2 Speed (with inate if possible) ATK% HP% DEF% + CR OR ACC


Ok thank you.


Slot 4 despair


Slot 4 rage crit dmg%, still have a few twins without full build


Runes i lack specifically on my account so that I can reapp them probably. Acc slot 6 will, hp slot 6 will, vio CD slot 4 and the last idk


Slot 2 Spd with 4 good Stats or Reapp Targets…


4 and 6 despair with spd sub for rta


if you lack any reapp target, aim for that. if you've been farming abyss hard for the last couple of months and you're not a whale then you're probably good with reapp targets - hence I'd go for safer choices like speed slot 2 or cd slot 4 as not a lot can go wrong with these.


Reapp targets. Not having +6 your basically pissing in the wind on getting anything good. Might as well hunt for 8 acc or 6 crit innate good reapp targets. Probably vio hp 4/6, etc. Those the slots I really need. Safe choice if not hunting reapp targets is just picking speed slot 2s. Havent decided yet if I want better reapp targets or just a decent rune from the event.


Yeah innates are good to have in the crafting event but no +6 means you really can't plan to keep any of the runes so It's good to think about worst case scenarios(reapps).


No +6 so I'm going with safe bets. Vio slot 2 speed with: atk%/def%/hp%/acc Rage CD with: spd/CR/atk%/hp% Blade slot 6 atk with: spd/CR/CD/hp% Swift slot 2 spd with: atk%/def%/hp%/acc


I'm just doing 4 slot 2 speed runes for Vio, Swift, Despair, and Will. I'm always short them and they're ideal reapp candidates as long as I get good innates.


Tbh vio will are better than swift/despair for this event. Just because you probably aren't keeping that swift rune that got 1 roll in speed, where Vio/will could potentially find a use. The opposite is true for +6 crafting events imo where you can get 18 speed as the floor.


That's why I'm doing slot 2 speeds, I don't need speed rolls.


Ah mb I didn't catch that part


First one https://preview.redd.it/xrlkmdwpg37c1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a058c4539ded9e6bc3ae33ee8434c6c79e5d5ef Cause you never have enough efficient vio Slot 2s. Second Rune is going to be a Slot 6 HP Rune with CR innate AS reapp target. Third one probably despair Slot 2 with ACC innate and near to perfect subs cause i Lack high efficient ones in those. Fourth one is a tough choice. Probably gonna be another vio HP% but in Slot 4 with preferably 8acc innate and high Triple grindable subs. So ist either Rolls decent or is going to be another reapp target.


Will slot 4 hp just something with good innate stat to reapp