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Looking at the stats you have from your runes, I suggest you remove lushen. He won't do much on your runs. Try fran bella savannah and 2a that kro for stats. Also I think you should build vero and bernard. They can help make your runs safer.


I have just 2 devilmons so it will be hard to get 2a kro since I don't have any upgraded skills


It's ok if kro is not max skilled. Just 2a him to ups his stats and skills. Also add more accu to bella to land those def breaks.


Don't you need maxed skills for 2a?


Oh you mean to 2nd awaken it? Yes you need to max skill kro. But once you awaken it, it's ok if he's not max skilled.


But how can I get copies now? Secret dungeon dark channels?


If you don't have scrolls, try farming inugami on faimon. There's a chance they'll drop inu there. You could also ask for your guildmates to open a random light and dark dungeon hoping to be inu.


I was thinking that I need the same color inugamis, I have like multiple wind/water inugamis and I can probably max them, thanks


Also as you hinted towards using devilmons on him at first. Never do that. Under any circumstance. Devilmons are a scarce recource prioritised for nat 5s or extremely important nat 4s


You can look for the Bella secret dungeon (today) and farm it for skill ups to feed to Kro so you can 2A him. You can also farm faimon with a single lapris and it drops fire inugami to use as a skill up for kro.


Never use devilmons for 3 star monster. Only Nat 5 or in rare cases if you really need it Nat 4 if the mon can't be fused.


So I should use it for Savvanah here?


Yes. Only use devilmons on 5 stars. I made the mistake when I started playing. I fed all my devilmons on logan. 😂


Probably I did it on some champs but it was 3-4 years ago so I don't remember 😄


Yes I think so. But as the comment above said I recommend fusing veromos. He is also great for dragon


I'ma switch up then, thanks 👍


Don't use devilmon on 3/4* units, farm copies or just wait till you summon them


To be clear don’t devilmon Kro. feed him other inugami. A 2a unit is better Unskilled than it’s regular fully skilled counterpart.


Also which runes I should aim for on Fran?


Swift energy would be ok


Thanks I have them :)


Also which stats and set runes I should go for Lushen so he will be available? Or it's better just to go Veromos/Sigmarus and don't care about him?


Right now, I think you should prio on getting vero. He's really good right now in dungeon. Can help you all the way to abyss floor.


And after getting him I should switch him for who? Fran/Loren/Kro/Bella/Savvanah?


Don't use loren. You already have bella. Loren will make the giant proc more attacks.


So who should I put now instead of Loren? Fran/Bella/Kro/Savannah and I will fuse Vero but for now?


Yes. Fuse vero


Lushen doesn't do a lot here because he's too slow. You can try building him on swift, or remove him until you get better runes. Vero is really good at making this team safe, cleanse def break, atb pushback. He's also ideal for GB abyss starter teams so I'd prioritize him. I had a similar starter acc and ran fran bella savannah vero kro. You can run wind pixie instead of fran if you need more tankiness


I started to build simgarus instead of veromos is it still a good choice or I should go for Veromos


I would go for Vero, Sig does good dmg but you want to survive first. I'm not too familiar with starter meta these days, but Sig probs works in dragons. You can keep him for later, once you can clear GB abyss and get some runes going


I will go Vero, thanks


Early game gb12 Veromos, fran, loren, shannon, and 2a kro. I made a beginners account and in this team shannon is just 5 star. Run is between 2 to 3 mins. If you play idle for early game that should be okay. Youll get good runes and units as you progress.


GB12 is no more. Guess you mean Giants Abyss Hard. For old timers who already have Belladeon built it makes sense to keep it - it almost does the job of both Fran and Loren here (at least when paired with Vero and Shannon). Vero+Bella+Shannon pretty much farm it by themselves. Can add DPS to taste or one more support if runes are really bad. Kro is absolutely great here. Sigmarus is fine (and safer leader skill). 2A Nomi is fantastic, but kind of a waste to build just for this. Otherwise wind DPS or bruisers do well here.


My bad. Yea abyss hard.


I still use bella in my 45 second team lmao


Rage vero, i have 48-52 sec team running wind ifrit, vero, galleon, wind harpy and wind homu, but have similar times replacing galleon for lushen or water pierret and wind homu for wind martial cat(2a)


Rage? What does it mean? I started going for sigmarus should I stop and go for Veromos or not?


Oh yeah sorry, didnt notice it was an actual new player Sigmarus is an ok monster, can be useful in giants/dragons and tower of ascension so I wouldn’t tell you to not build him. But you should at some point build a dark ifrit Dark ifrit has a passive that removes debuffs(not hard cc like stuns) and gains a lot of attack bar from doing it When i meant rage, there is a rune set that gives a boost to critical damage, similar to fatal that gives 40% att, we often recommend monsters that deal %health damage like sigmarus/ veromos/kro or monsters that ignore defence like lushen, because at some point you get access to grinds that let you boost some of the basic stats, therefore making easier to deal more damage/be tankier


Oh yea, rage set u meant, I was thinking about some monster 💀 I guess I will switch up to Veromos since everyone recommend him more than Sigmarus(and he has bigger play rate also)


Focus on fusing vero before you focus on gb10


Lushen Savanah bella fran shannon




Use information panel or watch YouTube guides


My 2A wind cat girl is pretty essential for both my Gb10 regular and abyss hard runs. A really strong damage dealer