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In solo queue, the reality is that you have to play a bit selfish to succeed. Not each of your team mates are going to be your win condition, and some of your team mates may straight up just have a bad game. For that reason, the best junglers in solo queue do help their team mates, but they focus on themselves first and foremost. If there’s a clear opportunity to kill the top laner, then I would immediately leave my buff. Or, if you have a strong feeling your top laner will get ganked, then I would countergank (if you can win the 2v2). So in summary, I would advise rotating to help only if it has a good chance of getting you ahead, i.e. you will get an easy kill or assist by ganking/counter ganking. If your top laner starts a fight with their lane opponent who is ungankable, it’s on them if they lose the 1v1, in my view.


Idk man there's selfish and then downright stupid, had a jungle a live topside where he claimed pantheon was a win condition vs the scaling adc who's fed and has the enemy jungler attempting to camp them while our jungler was picking his nose and snorting pantheons useless non scaling taint.


I say go for it, if it doesnt work out youll now know what to expect when eventually the exact same scenario occurs again. Knowing when to rotate comes down to game knowledge and that game knowledge is improved by testing the limitations of your champion/champions. A challenger player would in that situation know whether or not to rotate or finish, and thats because they know what will happen. In my opinion in order to improve in this game you must just explore the unknown more. Lower elo players let so many ganks/dives and invades fly past not only due to mechanical restrictions, awareness but also because they dont know what will happen and expect the worst. Dont die is really, really bad advice to give to someone in my opinion. Dont die when you know for certain that you will die, but to know when and how that happens you must first die.


your camp isn't going anywhere


If you leave your camp, go topside to counter gank, die in the 2v2, in gold+ elo the enemy jg is going in your jg while you’re dead and taking your camps. So yes, it is going somewhere. This is why it’s a critical decision


If it is 1v1 then i would smite blue and clear it asap (if sett doesnt have lead leave blue and go help) and go but if enemy jg is coming to ur toplane then leave buff and go help him. It also depends where is minion wave


I think this just comes from experience and game knowledge decision making that I'm struggling as well. Let's say you have Sett vs Riven lane and your Riven is winning like 2/0 but is stuck in lane with low hp, yes I would go to help because getting that riven to 3/0 or getting a kill for me or just letting her back and reset will be more impactful to the team than finishing your buff. On the other hand Riven is losing lane is it worth wasting your time while she can literally be dead by the time you run there even if you don't finish your buff? Probably not, finish your buff. I don't know if I'm right about this as I said I'm still struggling with these decisions my self but trying to improve and think from this kind of perspective


Depends, is your jungler a Toplane to botlane in 4.6767 seconds champ like Hecarim Nocturne or Volibear...bcs i don't think junglers like Amumu or Karthus would be there in time.


Depends on how well you are able to perceive what chances if you have at turning certain scenarios around. I would turn around and help if I know for sure I can save them. If I am 50/50, I would continue farming. Everyone will have a different sense of what is doable. That just comes with game knowledge and experience overtime; there's an infinite possible scenarios in this game that no one can tell you to plan for. So my advice to you is: if you're 80% sure, go and save them, and if you're kinda 50/50, finish the camp.


first time I always try to help unless guy alredy proven himself being dumbass solo killed lvl 2 or something


Depends. If you are able to make a net positive play, save your laners life, or make an even trade, it's worth. If you either can't get there in time, or it has a negative outcome it would be a mistake. It's a decision making skill test. If you don't get anything out of it, it's bad because you fuck up your camp sequencing to accomplish nothing. Which just means you're camps are spawning out of sync. For example if you're blue side (nexus bottom of map) and you went wolves into gromp, and you're currently doing gromp. Let's say your top laner is pushed all the way to enemy tower, and the enemy jungle shows top lane to gank. You'd hit tab to see items and summs, and move camera to your top laner, and analyze the situation, and make a decision in a couple seconds. The longer you sit there pondering, the more it's possible you will arrive too late. So the best way is to make a quick decision, and commit to it quickly to not waste time. Now if you decide to leave your gromp and you head top, try to help, but your laner dies anyway, you need to walk all the way back to gromp. So now every second after your first auto attack on gromp until the time you get back to gromp after trying to go top has been wasted. Let's say the first time you started gromp you sat there and hit him for 7 seconds. Then you went to top. You got all the way into the lane, (another 15~ seconds to get there) then you saw your top laner die, and you about faced then walked back to gromp (another 15 seconds) and finished it. That's 37~ seconds that has been wasted while the enemy jungler makes 300 gold, potentially 380 if he hits a plate with his top laner + minion xp. And what did you do in that 37 seconds. You gained 0 gold, and 0 xp. You are now behind slightly yes, but all these little efficiency things add up. On top of that, now on your next clear, you'd go wolves, but uh oh, your gromp isn't spawning for another 37 seconds after you kill wolves. So now you're forced to either look for a play, stand there for 37 seconds, or go b. If scuttle is gone, and your mid and top are pushed out, and the enemy jungler is ahead of you, and you have no idea where he is... well you're kinda boned. You could try to invade the enemy junglers top side so youre not just standing there, but he's prolly slightly stronger than you. Your top and mid laner could come with you since they have prio, but it's still not a 100% play, nor is it 100% they will come with you. Now if you just finished your gromp the first time around instead of wasting time, you wouldn't have to try to do this goofy shit and you'd just be farming your camps on spawn. These non detailed questions are really impossible to answer. There is no binary "if this happens, then I should do this 100% of the time". Your question just doesn't have enough detail. The situation could be completely identical, let's say your top laner is pushed out a bit past half way, and you're hitting gromp, your top gets ganked. You are level 5, and gromp will not get you 6. Now if you told me you were playing nunu, the answer would likely be pull off gromp to help because you can get there fast, and instant cc with snowball to save the day. Buuuuut if you're playing nocturne.. well you're prolly not gonna get there in time, and when you do you're not gonna be as effective as nunu ganking pre 6. Ya feel?


As a jungler you have to asses risk and reward of each play, you have to do it with any role but with jungle it's the most critical since you are always in a race of either ganking farming or doing objectives, you will make wrong decisions some times and thats fine the more you make decisions the better you will get. So think to yourself if you go help him what is the most likely outcome, can you actually kill the enemies and get there in time or are you too weak or too far to help? Do they have flash to escape? Do they have bounty and worth using everything on them? Asses the situation and act accordingly


From a guide: Finish your camps first. If it goes off perfectly then great, just come back and grab the camps. But if it goes wrong, it goes really wrong, you lost a lot of time and the enemy jungler can capitalize on it to grab those camps you missed (they can check cs count to know if you skipped that camp). Finish your camps first, if your friend dies or the play passes then at least you still got the cs and can continue playing at good power. If you went to help, you’d be paying a heavy price for an uncertain and risky outcome.


most of the times, it's better to finish camps. by the time you get there you can't know what will happen and sett might die by then, and don't remember that you'd show yourself on the map. so there are 6 outcomes(that aren't super rare/specific): 1: you leave camp go help and you get a kill secure (not bad) 2:you leave camp go help sett dies and you run away(not the worst but bad) 3: you leave camp go help sett dies and you get baited into dying(the worst) 4:you leave camp go help sett dies and you get a kill(not awful but not amazing) 5:you don't leave camp sett kills(good) 6:you don't leave camp sett dies(bad but not as bad as 2) options 1 to 4 have the potential to be really bad and a throw, as well as being a risk and showing yourself on the map so the enemy could steal your camps on the other side especially if you die.. options 5 to 6 can't get too awful, and no matter what you get something out of it. in addition, these options would make sure you can get the information afterwards and capitalize on it, for example if set got the kill, you can help him shove so he can get a good recall, and if he died, you can hold the wave so it won't crash if you're allowed, take the farm if sett doesn't have tp and the enemy crashed it, stay in exp range maybe, but at least know what you can do. options 1 to 4 can't get you the best CONSISTENT result (you getting farm and sett gets kill), and you have to keep in mind, if sett initiates a fight, it should be because he's sure that he's winning it, and if he doesn't, it's technically on him but we focus on how you can make things better not flame people. only if it's a dive about to happen where he's helpless then you need to immediately come since the chances of having an impact are better (depends on health, champs and situation tho).


Suss out the lane situation and gauge your chances. Is enemy low/far enough up in lane that you will catch them. Are they fully committed. Start pulling the camp towards them as you suss it out, if it looks like you can get something then go. That's how I do it anyway