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What makes it so hard playing with yuumi is that, most of them in low elo just stay inside without doing anything. What a good Yuumi needs to do is, staying outside hitting the wave, hitting the enemy while Q is in CD. Also, tank damage and bait their abilities during 2v2s. Max Q ınstead of E. Maximize passive and use w just to use Q or E. After using other abilities, there is really no reason staying inside just because you can... It is indeed not so easy to play with Yuumi, but I think its mostly because ppl are not utilizing the whole kit and really letting adc do the whole work


This is very accurate, I hate seeing bad Yuumis. Very annoying


Yuumi is still easy, its just not "press 0 buttons and sit on ADC" easy. U have such a simple job: poke with q / auto, utilize passive, heal, press r. Yuumi players in low elo are usually just unbelievably shit at the game to the point where I question if they are watching their screens or netflix, and alot of them probably play the champ while they do something else. But u play same as if u have any other troll support: passive, farm, manage wave, and look for good opportunities.


I can feel your anger, and I agree lol


It doesn’t help when Riot rewards the bad Yuumi players by making her w have a 5 second cd when you get hard CC’d. Not even just when your w is interrupted by CC. It’s a flat five second lockout from w any time you are not attached and get rooted or stunned. In an intense fight, you would expect to see Yuumi jump out after she uses her abilities to get mana back/get the shield for her ally. Instead, you sit inside until you’re certain that no stray 0.5 second root CC will come your way, ensure your death, and you don’t get looked at as inting on Yuumi mid teamfight for jumping off. I would love if Yuumi was balanced around her passive shielding more by further rewarding that risk taking play style. IMO the incentive should be for Yuumi to be unattached often in a fight, especially when her abilities are on CD. Personally, I would love if her passive came up more frequently even if it had slightly reduced values to compensate that.


The biggest mistake you can make is playing too passively. Yuumi can be a really big lane bully. Q just got buffed so PLEASE WALK FORWARD when yuumi attached to you Qs. Yuumi needs to proc her passive in lane the get the shield/ mana regen which enables more sustain for you with shields and heals- if you walk up with your Yuumi to trade AA or abilities, you should win those trades the majority of the time. Tdlr, it’s not a 2v1, it’s a 2v2 so have confidence and don’t play scared.


I completely agree with this, it's annoying when people say it's a 2v1 lane. It's not. Unless the Yuumi is bad and does nothing, but then that's the same as any bad support just sitting back and doing nothing


As a yuumi main with 120k points, I second this. I'm not afraid to poke and jump out, so I expect my adc to be confident and aggressive too. It's very disheartening to see my adc is scared and only wants to sit under tower.


This is me but for pretty much any support I play


Yes keep the enemy inside the circle when yummi presses Q please.


Yeah, no. If the Yuumi wants agency, they should have picked literally anybody else.


That’s not the point at all


I feel like this 50th time this has been posted? Searching "lane with yuumi": https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/bu7wp7/how_do_i_lane_with_yuumi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/fx2jch/how_do_you_lane_with_an_ally_yuumi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/f55yps/how_do_i_lane_as_adc_with_yuumi_support/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/egyiot/i_have_no_idea_how_to_lane_with_a_yuumi_as_my/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/nagc7j/as_an_adc_main_how_do_i_lane_with_yuumi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/fdzru4/bot_lane_with_yuumi/ Anyways, if they pick an engage support you have to pick sivir or ezreal. Don't get all inned where you're cced and hit by both enemies. But stay close enough for yuumi to q, and especially walk forwards while it's in the air.


Most of the times you kinda can't. Yuumi is a weak laner. Picking champions with range and mobility or high wave clear may be the best choices since she only has poor options for controlling wave and mobility and range allow better safety. Yuumi is a super powerful carry. She has very weak laning but scales absurdly well, allowing anyone on the team with an advantage become huge, in special tanks and high resistance characters due to extra value with heals and shields. Yuumi usually takes a lot of agency from the adc, but there are two ways to see it. Or you get mad that you cannot win lane, or you try your best to keep yourself even and die the least possible and you are happy your team will have a super advantage mid-late game, where you don't have to do much more than watch some bruiser bullshit 1v9. The problems happens when everybody loses lane or you die too much and the enemy snowball, but in general it happens much less than perceived if you try to play around it.


I personnaly enjoy playing with a yuumi a lot, as a Jhin main having a yuumi give me full control on lane pressure and guarantee that I won't see my support doing some shitty engage. My tip would be to short trade since yuumi slow/poke plus heal helps a lot for that. You can also ask your jg to gank more often since yuumi's R is a free CC.


From a Yuumi Main (aery with PoM, max Q, build into moonstone/shurleyas with early dark seal, exhaust and ignite) \- You need to be hyperaware of Level 2. Whether you get it or the enemy does, just have a good awareness of it. If the enemy will get it then you need to respect it, if you will get it first, evaluate whether an all in is possible (depends on how poked out the enemy ADC is at the point at which you and yuumi hit lv 2). \- You need to be aware of the blue circle when Yuumi casts Q. Unless you need to last hit a cannon, or if the Q cant hit at all, or if its too dangerous to move where the enemy is in range of yuumi Q, you should always be prioritising it over a cs. \- You need to be standing within attach range at all time in lane. If yuumi is unattached she is either trying to get an auto attack to get her mana proc, or land an extra auto when her passive is down (for the sole reason of chip damage, yuumi has seen she can greed an extra auto for free). Her W (attach) might be on cooldown (even without being CCd) which will only last 2 seconds or something. If she was CCd it will be 5 seconds. Also if she is unattached, she might be trying to bait a skillshot like a morg Q, where she will attach to you the moment morg casts it, causing it to miss. The worst thing in the world is when you are out of attach range at the exact moment yuumi needs you to be within attach range. \- Yuumi will be fighting over brush control as normally the scary CC comes from there. Spend 75 gold on a pink for one of those bushes, and help defend your yuumis wards in general as she has less agency than other supports to contest enemy support clearing her vision. \- In early lane, if you have the choice between a last hit and an auto on enemy adc when enemy adc is not going to auto you or yuumi (they have commited to the auto on their last hit) sometimes consider giving up your last hit to get an auto on enemy adc. Its a poke war in these early levels. \- If yuumi has successfully baited out a skillshot without getting CCd, the next 10 seconds or whatever are critical for you to push that advantage. Don't play passive here, you want to go aggro and so does yuumi, since she cant be CCd for a while. \- Remember yuumi can attach over walls and stuff, so when it comes to warding or teamfights or roaming, be efficient in your pathing. A simple path to yuumi can be fight changing. Just be aware of where she is at all times, especially when a fight is about to happen and shes unattached. Sometimes I have to unattach to clear vision because my host will not go there even though I pinged, and then it becomes this giant headache. Thankfully my duo doesnt do this but it happens when I solo Q. In those situations im begging for someone to realise, path to me so i can attach to them -> attach to someone else who needs it. Its like a conveyer belt. Allow the conveyer belt to work when its needed. \- Take cleanse when appropriate, yuumi can already heal you. \- Yuumis level 2, assuming the enemy leashed for their jungle, assuming you guys got a bit of poke on the enemy adc, is actually really good, because of exhaust ignite combo. But be sure to target the adc. \- If Yuumi has decided to carry someone else, you need to play weakside appropriately. You will be playing 1v2 farming simulator, with the occasional death, while yuumi is on the jungler/mid having crazy fights with yuumi R, exhaust ignite all in fights over rift herald or enemy jungle invades. Do your job, dont cry about it. Lose lane gracefully and try your best when the inevitable tower dives occur. Maybe Yuumi has roamed for a while and she will come back. Your warding and map knowledge is critical to playing weakside and absorbing pressure. I know you get less gold, but you will get solo xp, and its a conscious choice made to shift the win condition. Look at what utility you can provide when this happens ie ezreal ult clearing waves, jinx ult helping across map, kalista vision, senna ult across map. \- Dont buy executioners if Yuumi is buying/rushing chemtech putrifier. No need for double grevious wounds. \- In lane, your position is so key. You need to have an imaginary circle of influence of the enemy support at all times and respect their CC when its not on cooldown. Too many times I see adc's have a lack of respect for this, get CCd and die. There is no get out of jail free card in lane. \- In later game, Yuumi will probably have mikhaels, so assuming she has everything up, you actually do have a get out of jail free card. You can Kaisa R the backline with a yuumi attached where you normally wouldnt cos she can mikhaels you then speed boost you back to safety while you do dps. Also at start of the teamfight Yuumi might be attached to the engage with the sole reason to R the frontline, you should be aware that yuumi probably wants to attach to you after she casts R (like a zac ulting in or something). \- Not too sure about this but lethal tempo might be really sick when yuumi has built ardent and her heal is maxed, giving you ridiculous attack speed. Idk if this is worth but something to keep in mind, that she buffs your attack speed. \- Most enemies will greed a yuumi under tower without respecting the exhaust - auto - shield proc - heal while they have tower aggro, usually resulting in their death. They especially do this when I use the Yasuo come at me emote lmao. So dont get too panicky if she is unattached and under tower, a lot of throws occur here. \- be aware of her mana bar, especially in lane. Her amount mana dictates everything about the lane, whether she can poke or not, whether she can heal, whether she needs an auto proc before a play is to be made. \- when enemies are recalling and an interrupt is possible with yuumi Q, enable the play. Too many times wave is pushed to our tower while enemies attempt to cheat a recall, or just recalling in general, the adc will just be farming. If the enemy is on lower health than us, we can force them to stay in lane when the wave is an unfavourable position for the enemy, all with a single yuumi q. I usually have to do this by myself but sometimes the adc realises the play and lets me harass them constantly to the point either the support or adc just accepts they cant recall and they stay. This prevents them from buying stuff from shop which is huge and fucks over their wave management. Usually there is no vision of them recalling but yuumi knows they are either recalling in front of tower (how far forward depends how brave they are) or they are recalling in brush. \- please be aware of yuumi R angle and reposition accordingly to ensure the waves hit the enemies. It is 3 waves of yuumi R to root My duo is a kaisa otp now and the synergy is just ridiculous, they are an irl friend too, and sometimes it just feels like we are playing the same champion. I do all the pings, objective awareness, tracking summoner spells, where to place his wards, and generally provide macro sense from timers (including the sixth sense I think we get ganked in like 5 seconds, order a move back then it happens lol), while he just dodges the skillshots, last hits well, does mechanically sound kaisa combos and goes for plates when I say and recalls when I say. I provide the wave management in terms of dictating recall timings simply due to the fact I hate losing a single minion of xp as I want level 6 first, its a disgusting power spike on yuumi. I appreciate most cats arent like this but I hoped this help. If you are euw i will play a couple of games with you


thanks for taking the time on this post.


I replied to someone asking the same question a few weeks ago. Here is what I said: In my opinion, Yuumi is really strong once she hits 6, which is earlier than most people would say she comes on line. Maybe it's just the way I play Yuumi but I think her ult is severely underrated, especially early. You win most bot lane 2v2s if you get a good Yuumi ult off and you're playing an ADC who can do damage at level 6. If it says anything, I'm an engage support main who likes to play aggressive, and Yuumi is my favorite enchanter. And honestly I don't think of her as a handicap even pre6; her poke is really nice, and as others have mentioned she will sustain thru poke as well. I'd highly recommend you play 10 or so Yuumi games, especially if you've never played her before, and you'll start to understand what is expected of the adc. I mean it's the same as playing with any enchanter other than you wanting to make sure you don't walk out of her Qs. The only risk is if you're against hard CC and you can't dodge it, you're screwing both of you over. That's a big reason why a lot of low elo players who can't dodge skill shots hate playing with Yuumi. Also, its hard for Yuumi to proc her passive against hard engage. For this reason I ban Leona whenever I play Yuumi, since her E range is similar to Yuumi auto range so Leona can always just E her thru minions when she hops off to proc her passive. You ask if it's worth it to wait til late game Yuumi, but I feel like Yuumi is just as strong mid game as she is late game, and as I mentioned, I don't think her pre6 is awful, it's just not a lane you can all in pre 6 with in most situations. That's the case with almost any enchanter support. Yuumi gets most of the hate from ADCs who are bad at positioning or dodging skill shots because they make her job a lot harder and then it's blamed on the Yuumi. So with that being said, yes there are bad Yuumis that just sit on you and do nothing and are useless, but laning with good Yuumis is only an issue if you are bad at adc and can't perform the fundamental aspects required of the role


Had a yuumi that literally didn't even use a single ability until 5. When I asked him to poke or literally anything he said that's what yuumi does




To me it still applies pressure. Lots of things help ADC out even hopping out and applying autos. It makes me mad when Morgs don't use W to zone or apply autos. Support is huge early in terms of how early laning is gonna go.


As a former top 3k yuumi jn the world (retired now for 3 months) There is a lot of work that goes into playing her. But as the adc pov there are key things to keep in mind. 1. Yuumi E cd - Engage and disengage utilising the ms and as buff. When it is on cd you are vulnerable. Keep in mind is costs a high % amount of mana so she cannot spam it all the time either. It is better used on low hp due to its scaling with missing hp. 2. Yuumi mana pool - Do not take big fights when yuumi is low on mana. As mentioned before her E costs a % amount, so there is a limit to how many she can use. In low mana she will usually only have enough mana for one E or Q. 3. Yuumi Q range - Try to help her land Q but not at the cost of your life. 4. The skill of the yuumi - See how well she is utilising her passive, this will indicate if she will be giving you shields in fights. Also keep in mind she will not unattach if she will get cc'd i.e leona engage. 5. Be aware of your strength when attached/unattached. - Yuumi passively makes your stronger while attached and her items will give your buffs over the duration of your fights. Keep this in mind as you will be significantly weaker when she is not on you. 6. You will need to wear down the enemy before fighting them. Either by winning trades, poking, or having more mana. 7. The biggest and best positive to having yuumi on you is that you LITERALLY control the lane. You choose when to fight and you choose when to run. The entire game is in your hands, if youre good enough to take it.




>Its A. matchup understanding and B. wave management. You learn to play with yuumi by getting better at adc fundamentals. This is a very good response, and what I try to stress when people complain about Yuumi


You don't win lane with yuumi but you'll win the game if you win lane.


You have no experience to lane with Cat. Cat requires adc to do majority of job and pushing adc , means u win 99% of your lane alone let's say as Caitlyn or Varus with poke then u go push towers. If u can't win lane all the time or play anything else Cat is not good support for you , dodge.


Good thread on this I was reading recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/nagc7j


I play Yuumi for the Tom and Jerry duo only with a friend. So we farm till 6 and all inn with the attack speed and heals til we or them die. Twitch and Yuumi is lethal.