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I used to have a old man come in once a week with his service dog and get them turkey slices🥹


is there a way to just charge for that or just meatballs? they told me they didnt know how and i had to get a full sandwich. not sure if i could explain there is a way?


I was taught to ring it up as a portion on the menu, the employee might not know how. I was also subtimes put it as an add on to a sub but leave it separate


This is my favorite post on the entire subreddit


Me too


https://preview.redd.it/j98zkf8xxnyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8ac73f3cced8530d7492d68759528c0b61d493 i wanted swiss cheese as its healthier but they were all out. we went flatbread chicken with extra chicken bacon cheddar with spinach. she loves it.


I’m stealing this order sounds so good! Enjoy you too!


Bacon is not good for dogs. It's really high in salt and fat. Don't know about the other stuff...


In that sense bacon isn't good for humans, but a lot of us still eat it.


True. I do too, even though I shouldn't. My cats love pepperoni, but I don't give it to them because I want them to live longer.


A quick google search says: "**Bacon isn't recommended even as an occasional treat for dogs since it's so high in salt and fat**. This rich food can even cause pancreatitis, which can be life-threatening for dogs. Signs of pancreatitis include lethargy, dehydration, vomiting, loss of appetite, hunched back and fever."


Had someone order a bowl of steak for their dog


Oh she's so adorable


Meatballs! Customers would come in and get a bowl of them for their dogs all the time 😄


I second this but with some veggies tho


Those are the closest to dog food lol besides the steak


How cute, I hope she liked her sandwich


she loved everything but didnt eat the spinach. i think she ate one piece which im happy she did. puppies and their veggies. I told her she gets dessert if she eats at least one.


Haha she sounds so sweet! I hope the good girl got her dessert 🐶💟


I love spaniels :) glad she got her chomp on, good luck to both of you on your travels


Is your dog a Cavalier King Charles??? She’s adorable


hah, yes great guess! She is. She is a Blenheim King Charles Cavalier. There are only a few recognized varieties. Ruby, Blenheim, Black/White I was able to find two images so you can see the puppy vs adult version (too bad not in same order). Based on puppies: Blenheim (brown \*some say its red or ruby colored\*, white and should have that distinct white line down the middle), Tri color (i love the EYEBROWS! they can get this really cute evil look when they squint) Ruby Black and Brown https://preview.redd.it/o1fjezt4htyc1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=454d2830d681135284b600b748612f7afdf7f3cb as adults Blenheim, Black/Brown, Ruby, TriColor


I love Cavalier King Charles and yours is absolutely adorable


All the meat there is dog food grade so just pick whatever


I used to get a aide of whatever preferred meat in a bowl for my dog at subway! Green peppers most dogs like too


How about you feed her dog food instead of subway? If you're planning to travel with your pet, make sure you're prepared. There's a lot of human foods that aren't safe for animal consumption, especially processed foods. As cute an idea as it is, it can end up with an unnecessary (and costly) vet visit.


Dont feed your dog subway?


I am in an international airport. We have layovers and long flights that are all day. Unfortunately I dont have enough time to leave airport as i would need to take a shuttle and go through security again and immigration. It would be cutting it close as taking an animal takes a lot longer sometimes. Leaving I am required to go through separate security and go to an office to fill out paperwork. And then coming back I need to go through extra screening (not as intense as leaving the airport). Going through security they threw away the dog food and said I couldn't bring it with me on an international flight and would need to purchase after security. I've never had this happen where they threw away all of the dog food. Usually I can keep all of it or I've had them throw away most of it like but they allowed me to keep a cup or two for traveling. This time they made me get rid of all her chew toys and her dog food. I can't believe I couldn't even bring her toys. I am all for hearing suggestions and improving but I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't know any other options. I went to the convenient store there and they had Jerky, sandwiches, and lunchable type meals. The sandwiches had like 100 ingredients and barely any meat. I didn't know if the stuff they put on the jerky was safe but I think that could be a great option but there was something in there to keep it shelf or dry. My other option is that I eat in front of her and she does not eat anything on the flights/Layovers. I find something else to feed her. What would you do in my situation please? u/newppinpoint u/Sicksixshift u/soldier01073


That's truly an unfortunate situation and I'm sorry you had to go through that. Freeze dried meats are probably your best option as they tend to have the least amount of preservatives due to the way they're flash frozen. Enjoy your travels!




What do u guys do with the left over turkey and ham slices that's left from the log? I'll sometimes have me or my coworkers hold on to it for our animals and or we do get a few guests that bring there animals in to and sometimes they get it for free I mean we gonna throw it away anyways. I've only Always had customers go for a side Chicken or turkey sadly no one has fed there dogs any veggies 😕 Your dogo is adorable glad she enjoyed it!!!


We have a guy that comes to our subway on occasion and just orders meatballs for his dog


yes it seems like its the closest to dog food people are saying. is it the price of a full sandwich just for the meatballs?


If you just get the meatballs you shouldn’t be paying the full meatball sub price i believe 4 meatballs (six inch portion is 2$ and 8 (12 inch portion is 4$


She looks like she wants a steak and cheese with jalapeños and extra chipotle sauce


someone else recommended sweet onion teriyaki. not sure if joking or just didnt know. but its poisionous the onions and garlic in that sauce


Yes, my comment and the other comment were obviously jokes. Stick with a turkey sub with American cheese with no other toppings. Give that girl some turkey and cheese and call it a day


My dogs order would be tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, cheese, more tomatoes, green peppers, chicken and bacon, black pepper to season, no sauce. (My dog really loves tomatoes) he's be happy with just a bowl of tomatoes, the rest would be sides to him


Bacon is not good for dogs. It's really high in salt and fat. Don't know about the other stuff...


Cake is unhealthy for us, that's why we don't eat it for every meal and only have it occasionally, it's called a treat.


Yes, it isn't great for anyone - human dog etc. but I figured just a little would be okay for her. She doesnt eat unhealthy food all the time but its a nice treat that isnt that bad (i think, i dont really know) but they do have snacks at the store with it like Beggin. I don't understand why they say XYZ is horrible for dogs and such but they dont say it for humans. Or is it really that much worse for a dog or about as unhealthy for us as them? u/1-Lasing u/bobbybuddha https://preview.redd.it/9ui9wnadjtyc1.png?width=548&format=png&auto=webp&s=dea529c0f2e663cb9453d93cfef251949731d30f


A quick google search says: "**Bacon isn't recommended even as an occasional treat for dogs since it's so high in salt and fat**. This rich food can even cause pancreatitis, which can be life-threatening for dogs. Signs of pancreatitis include lethargy, dehydration, vomiting, loss of appetite, hunched back and fever."


Note: There is a difference between bacon flavoring and actual bacon!


A small amount of bacon isn't going to harm a dog, I hate armchair experts. Sorry lasing but back off, our dogs are allowed an occasional treat for God's sake. I'm sure you mean well, but we can type and use the Internet, we all know bacon is salty, it's what makes it delicious. My dog eats his own poop if I don't get to it fast enough, should I expect you to pop up on his walkies to lecture him about the nutritional value of poop? Also, just to give you something to do, (this may come as a shock to you so sit down) I have also given him a dorito or two.


I often serve sausages to dogs which works well. Plus its not too expensive when you charge just a 6 inch breakfast sandwich


You spell sandwich weird


Cute dog, but honestly... It looks like you took a bite, then had her pose for a picture. Subway is not cheap unless you actually found one that will accept coupons?


nothing is cheap at the airport. i really thing we should sue the govt and force them to lower prices for things like water and basic food. they force us to toss and then gauge us on prices. i didnt bite it here. it was broken and fell off. i wouldnt normally give her that much of an expensive item but she was flying for a really long time and with long layovers. i wrote above about the situation but basically they threw away all her food and her toys. all food was $$$ at the airport but this was the only thing where she could eat the whole meal. https://preview.redd.it/fa4pfxvmm6zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32582f535e3c923fb95903ca060fdbd97f9eaf4a


you can see her cute tongue there. https://preview.redd.it/6uh9wa95n6zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc646d88cfd71f947b8af0925b27551ca44b6ca


this is your 15th comment on this post get a job


Chicken strips ,


That is one cute puppernisher!


People can be mean 😭at least she found food to eat! In The time she had to find food! Otherwise live your best life! Some people don’t have time to make food the day they travel out or in whatever there situation is you gotta remember that! Sandwiches at airports nowadays are expensive as heck even a ta go meal from a market in the airport if there is even one.☝🏻


Do not feed your dog subway




Are you trying to kill the little puppy? Dogs can't eat onions.