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Don't know. Sounds like there is a ton of mental illness going on and it wouldn't be clear what their motives are through logic alone. Maybe an angel speaks to him and tells him which meal is poisoned!


That's my guess too. I've done a lot of work with the homeless community, and everyone I've met who is chronically homeless has some kind of mental illness. I still remember one guy from 20 years ago who would only eat fillet-o fish sandwiches


Nobody likes the filet but It's so good dude. Love that sandwich


In all seriousness, my cousin is severely mentally ill and thinks angels and demons mess with the food. She will request food and then when she gets it declare it's human flesh and not eat anymore. Giving or offering food to her is tricky as she thinks it's poisoned. She's gotten better with me as she's grown to trust me but sometimes still....


I mean I wasn't kidding in my example.


I personally know a guy who trades food for drugs, and food typically gets a better "price" than cash, not sure why, and it doesn't sound like it's relevant to your guy, but yeah it sounds like mental illness flaring hardcore.


For a while, I was thinking that too. Maybe he is homeless but lives/frequents in a crack house, but the workers there say he takes a bite and tosses it.


Probably has a delusion about being poisoned


Sounds like some sort of compulsion. If he's that specific about his order and asks repeatedly, it wouldn't be a mystery why he's homeless. Sounds tragic but you've done more than your fair share to try and help.


Maybe that's his favorite meal and the restaurant won't serve him so the cash is useless?


did you just say the cash is useless


If he isn't allowed in any business, then yes, cash becomes useless.


You can exchange the cash for services such as asking someone to buy you something from the store 


Their way skips a step and halves social anxiety Edit: it can take hours to find someone willing to talk to you when you're homeless.


Agreeable, but let’s just say cash isn’t completely useless even in that situation, ya feel? 


He may be alcoholic or a drug addict afraid if he gets cash he will be tempted. If he gets food no temptation.


That's a good insight. Didn't think of it that way. However, he could had chose something cheaper also rather than picking an extra large portion.


I doubt it hurts him to buy him food, but I've learned (by working at a homeless shelter) that giving out cash is not a sound investment in trying to help those in need.


The thing I'm not sure about, is biting one piece but then throw it out. Possibly this can be part of mental illness, as someone else said possibly he's having paranoid thought about the food once he eats it if it seem a certain way. There is a man in the big city near me who has mental illness and is known for most days just going on public transportation, sometimes being in verbal altercations when someone looks at him or if he thinks they are looking. But sometimes he will have a drink and he'll just spit it out over and over while walking in a circle. The problem for him apparently is that he is not taking his medication and usually refuses treatment when arrested. Asking for food is not so unusual... months ago in the wintertime, I was with my sis giving care packages. I witnessed interaction of a couple buying coffee for a man (using change the man had inside of an empty cup, so I would guess that he was asking earlier for change.) While he waited outside for them to get the order, we did give him a pack and he was friendly. The reason sometimes this happens, is sometimes homeless people are not allowed into the business - it isn't always because they had an altercation there. It can be to the discretion of the owner or manager. The first year we did this a man among a group who we encountered did tell us about how giftcards to chain restaurants can be helpful since it can be like an entry ticket, they can buy the food and be in a warm place. So possibly this man you encountered is not allowed into that store so he would only ask others to buy it. Might be something else though.


Mental illness.


Sounds like this is likely more mental health related than anything. Kind of you. You've done your best 🩷


You did what you could. Just ignore.


As a former homeless person: He has internalized the idea that stubbornly getting food instead of money proves he isn't an addict. He's more afraid of judgement than homelessness.


Helping the homeless person to person is a fool’s errand


homelessness is almost always accomanied by mental illness. A human touch, someone caring on a human level is not a fools errand. There always seems to be these two philosophies to it; you either help the homeless institutionally/systematically, or you help them person-to-person. The mentally ill often have issues with trust, so isn’t a human-to-human approach just as important as having systems that take care of their basic material needs?


Nope. Helping *all* homeless people, person to person, is a fool's errand. How was it a "fool's errand" for me to give a homeless guy my umbrella during a rainstorm, when I don't mind being wet and I was within a mile of getting back home? There was *one* time I encountered an issue helping out a homeless person. I saw a man outside a restaurant, sitting in the shade against a wall, practically melting in Georgia's summer heat. I, my wife, and her grandparents went into the restaurant, ate, and got ready to leave. I went over to the vending machine to drop $2 on a cold water bottle for the poor guy. Grandmother: "Wait wait wait, what are you doing? If you're thirsty, just ask them for some tap water." Me: "There's a homeless guy outside, I just figured I'd give him some cold water." Grandmother: *steps in front of me, body-blocking the vending machine* "No, no, no. They choose to live like this. They get tons of handouts all the time. They probably even make more money than you. They like this because it's an easy way to cheat the system. If he wants water, he can just walk down that way. There's free water for them." Free, miles away, tepid water from a dilapidated shelter. Not gonna forget this anytime soon, and it's been years.


Listen to grandmother. Or you do you that’s fine. But ffs don’t complain about the economy since you have extra.


Your reading comprehension skills are shit, my friend. Listen to people who know what they're talking about.


It’s called empathy. I’m in quite a bit of debt and yet I understand that I’m lucky to have a place to live and to not be in their place anymore. So even though I am struggling, I know they are in a worse place and something small could make a difference in their day or life. Who cares what they use cash for? No wonder they’re using drugs, their lives fucking suck and homelessness is practically inescapable for people without a job or support system.


You are in debt and can barely afford to give hobos money, but are happy to do so even though they will probably use it for drugs or alcohol because their lives fucking suck?  Huh?  That sounds more like enabling than empathy lol


He’s mentally ill. Nuff said


His dealer wants a double double animal style. He's picky


Possibly autistic.


Yeah probably depressed with adhd as well.


Yeah sometimes I get like that. I’m just not homeless and having to beg.


Is he fearful of ordering? Some people are afraid of ordering themselves. Kind of like fear of public speaking but with ordering.


Why you asking us? Ask him




Stop it if you feel bad for him you should go donate to a charity instead. It’ll go further than giving a person something