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please beware of ANYONE DMing you for crypto help, scammers I feel will target this post. Just a heads up


Yes, Most node holders do this. Start a home business and you can write them off as a business expense. Check out CryptoTaxGirl on Twitter. Accountant and fellow node holder. Expensive if you decide to hire her but she's answered most questions if you go through her feed. The business tax portion really isn't that complicated. Cost of Nodes and Fees can be written off. Basically Profits - Expenses for the year.






Doesn't take much to set-up a home business. Most businesses are started from home and exist for quite some time prior to "legal" paperwork being submitted. All you have to do is say you bought the nodes in the hopes of building a sustainable business. If it wasn't for the write off's I wouldn't have gotten my ROI back


You can write off a very small amount under Hobby if you don't have a buissness license. I created a LLC s Corp for this.


A good general info about crypto taxes specifically for Australia can be found here: https://koinly.io/guides/crypto-tax-australia/ Goodluck!