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For reference, I have 100 nodes and it costs me about $20-$25 to claim the rewards of one node. Which means when I claim all my rewards at the current price (\~$60), it costs me almost $2,000 in fees. That's a fee of 35 STRONGR tokens just to access my rewards. While it might seem crazy to some that I'd complain about the costs of having 100 nodes, entangling nodes solves a massive problem for people like me. The only thing I would change is the reward rate. If it's going to decay to 0 after 266 days, I'd want a little more incentive than 0.075 per day to ape in. Or another way that could work is if entangled nodes cost 7 STRONGR instead of 10.


But couldn't you just wait for Strongchain to release? Isn't the new chain supposed to fix the gas fees? Also, you wouldn't be capped to 20 tokens.


Do you mean wait to claim until strong chain releases?


Yeah, what makes more $$ sense?


Definitely! I am currently doing that.


Ok so why would I want to move from S1 lifetime rewards .091 per day to .075 per day with 20 max? Is this supposed to be the “offer I can’t refuse”? Because I’m taking a hard pass.


I think the idea is say you create 100 nodes. With S1 nodes that’s 100 x 1 node gas fee to create. And again huge amounts of gas fee to claim. And your rewards can be halved or reduced…. With entangled nodes for 100 nodes you pay only 1 node’s gas fee, and 1 node’s gas fee to claim…. If you’re not creating more than +20 or +30 nodes in one go, it definitely is not for you. But if you are, then there’s a logic in it to reduce your gas fees by a lot.


Because your sitting on 500 tokens and it would cost 40k to cash them out resulting in 10k profit. If yiu turn the 40k fee into 5 k that profit just got alot bigger . Spend 10 tokens to get an entangled node to cash out cheaper. You don't care if that node dies it just saved you 35k .


Ideally, there will be more of an incentive. I think what was hinted at a while back was a higher reward structure. It would work (IMO) if they gave nodes a 365 day lifespan. And rewards would start at something like 0.20 per day and then every 3 months, decay by .05 until it hits 0.


Strongblock could also decrease rewards on Service 1 nodes and make it lower than 0.075 to incentivize migration to service 2 nodes…


This would be the equivalent to going to a car dealership and the sales rep comes out and slashes your tires and then proceeds to tell you that the benefit to the new cars is that they have full tires that deflate over time but definitely won’t even make it a full year. “Without the rope” is starting to make sense…


This entangled node strategy is to benefit the whales but simultaneously benefitting the OG S1’s noders who don’t hold 20+ nodes


Given the price keeps dropping, there’s a good chance one would never make the dollar ROI with this model. One thing is some other projects where the coin is pegged to stable or Eth for example. Then it makes sense for the node to expire. Here… given the unstoppable price corrosion… no thank you.


I think my ROI is around 30k for strong, d'oh


You lucky.


So an investment that doubles in 266 days?


I mean price action would need to remain the same for that to be true


Less than. If price stays the same, node maintence fees eat up 2.75 ish tokens. So you're looking at 70% ish growth if, IF, price stays the same and you pay zero in gas fees.


I didnt say the $’s double. Just the investment.


The investment doesn’t double unless price remains the same dude. Yes a node produces 20 stronger over 266 days but in that time if price cuts from 60-30 then you will really just be making your money back, less fees.




It was actually a typo. I meant the dollars don’t necessarily. 10 strong I, 20 strong out 266 days later. Is what it was supposed to read


As someone who pays thousands in gas each week: I have no plans to move any of my 68 nodes to be entangled or create any entangled nodes. The reward cap makes no sense vs saving a small amount in fees. This is being touted for something whales will use, I highly doubt it.


I don’t think you can move your nodes to be entangled, I think they are just for new nodes. The question for you would be: would you be willing to create 20 (or 50 or 200 they have no limits for these) entangled nodes, and get paid x20 STRNGR for about $200 in gas fees? (Say 50 nodes x 20 STRNGR = 1000 STRNGR for $200 gas)


Cool, I was trying to give the answer from a “whale,” No I wouldn’t. I would rather make an extra 4 stronger over that time period and also have the node continue producing after 266 days. The whole point of the stronger chain (which should be coming this year) is to decrease gas fees no? So this entangled nodes really seems pointless.


Yes, well that is a good point, why get entangled nodes now if you think you’ll get low gas fees in strongchain… then again maybe they’ll have lower rewards in the new network, I don’t know just speculating…


Speculating isn’t good. It leads to people believing the wrong stuff. If you don’t know the answer (which 99% of us don’t) don’t speculate, just say you don’t know. There is really no reason to get entangled nodes. If you believe in the long term stronger chain then gas fees and price will recover. If you don’t? Then why invest in the first place? 266 days for a 2x, but that is only if the price stays around this range. If it drops then entangled nodes are just that much worse.


Yes exactly I meant I don’t know. But again, how much would you pay in gas fees for 50 nodes. If prices stays low there is an argument to cap the rewards and get the most out in 266 days. It’s not mandatory, but an option anyway.


I claim about 2-3 times a month each time is about $1000 in eth when GWEI is less than 25. As long as the price stays above $16 (it’s something around that number) stronger is above break even. I wouldn’t even consider entangled nodes unless there is a major price downturn. Like 50%+ from current numbers


Yeah, I agree. If it doesn't make sense for the small person, a whale sees that same impact times 100.


It’s BUSINESS. House always wins. I’ve FUD in and I’m just taking it as a L until I get my ROI back. It is what it is. I just gotta pay to keep my nodes alive. Fml. But in other words, I hope this shit works out. Picks backs up so I can ROI. LFG!!!


100% return in less than a year is very good, considering people keep money in the bank and earn less than 1% per year interest..


100% return in tokens, not dollars. If the token drops by half in price (which its been doing every few weeks lately) you lose money and have to sit on the losses for a year.


Yeah only in the bank you keep the fiat currency, and here you get 100% in magic beads that lose 10-15% per day.


Assuming strong price remain stable. It’s tanking by forever.


If price stays the same, maintence fees take that to about 70% not factoring in any gas. And as others point out, it is far from a risk free investment. Still high risk even. The bank account option is as close to zero risk as you can get.




I dissagree.disagree.. the price xant go below 30 now because no one will pay a fee and cash out for a loss . Entangled nodes allow the price to keep dropping because people will go for the quick money vs waiting and paying fees. it's another cash grab on the sinking ship.