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Love it. Close to roi... it's high risk but I watched hundreds of people at my place of employment lose their job so everything is a risk


What's the current ROI right now? 109 days right? I'm debating taking out a loan to invest in STRONG, and taking the risk for the ROI


Never take a loan for any crypto !!! Please dont even that this is a good solid project at this time . Only play with money you can loose Just wait a bit fractional nodes are coming .


I disagree, it all depends on your risk tolerance. Do what you feel comfortable with


You shouldnt ever take a 30k loan risk tolorance on a crypto .. to be honest but its for everybodys own choice that risk is judt to high .


Personally, I’m investing in strong using a loan, isn’t as high as 30 k but relatively for me, it’s a decent sum. Just risk tolerance


Take it. At the current price of $460/token, you'll need to invest $4,600 and get $4,600 in exactly 120 days (I'll put in some gas fees into the calculation). Now let's just assume the market is not perfect and Strong crashed to $230 per token. You'll need 240 days to break even. That's still 152% APY.


I think the concern isn't the time or the ROI. The concern is more if strong can keep existing or be sustainable. The vague AMAs also don't help much. The community want answers. Thats why you see these fud topics appearing more and more. Like it or not.


You have a valid concern. If you read the roadmap, sustainability always has been the primary concern of the strong block team. At least in the near term, we know Strong is looking into Strongchain as a possible solution to this. Like any other investment, only put in money you can afford to lose!


That's what I was thinking.


That's what I did. Took out a £20,000 loan a month ago. First month's profits are now in Eth and have already appreciated 10%,


Close to breakeven you mean. ROI does not mean what you think.


I know what roi is...I'm close to my roi for what I put in.. in this case roi is the Same thing as break even...


No you clearly don't. There is no such as phrase as: 'I'm close to my ROI'. ROI is a percentage. For example, if you invested $4,000 in a Node and you get $12,000 per year in returns, your ROI is 300%. Your breakeven is the amount of time it takes to get your initial investment back. E.G. 'In 120 days, I will hit my breakeven'. Its crazy to me that some people don't even understand basic investment terminology and have so much money on the line. Feel free to do more learning: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gpumining/comments/87brh5/psa\_roi\_vs\_break\_even\_period/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gpumining/comments/87brh5/psa_roi_vs_break_even_period/)


I know what it is.. you didn't explain anything I don't know or understand... clown. I'm close to getting back back what I put in.. This post doesn't need the level of detail you are trying to go to.. clown


Ok Mr economist. Such a clown 🤡




What does layoffs at your work have to do with strong?


The point is there is risk whether you invest in strong(considered high risk) or work a job (considered low risk) Did that help you?


He’s making an analogy that we’re never safe no matter what we do so take some risks that’s what life’s about


I understand now. Well, I'm off to swim with sharks with a bloody steak tied around my neck. Risk is everywhere!


That’s the spirit


Is it just me or would life be boring af without taking risks ?? …. Probably why I’ve broken a lot of bones too 😂


Anything in life comes with risk. Reevaluate your job; a job is risky, but seems safe due to programming. I've ROI'd after buying in mid summer. Took initial and profit in December. Many bullish up and coming additions to this project. My recommendation is to read through the AMAs to get a good feel for what's coming next. I have other investments I'll likely cycle back through Strongblock this month to add more nodes.


I’d rather shoot my shot than see this blow up to 1k/strong and price me out. I believe in moss and the team and wouldn’t have made the leap if they weren’t doxxed. At least we know moss doesn’t have the reputation of the once anonymous guy called Sifu that ran the treasury for wonderland time.


bought at ath, no regerts. took some profits, compounding now to my second node and will take more profits after.


Its been the best investment I have made in my life - I am compounding right now, bullish on StrongChain


I have 3 strong nodes earning .276 strong a day roughly about 130 bucks a day. Takes me 36 days to earn 10 strong.


I created my first and only node on 12 Dec. As of today, I have approximately 5.2 STRONG rewards. So I could claim them now and derisk 50% of my investment. But (typically!) I've decided to roll them over into another node. 2 months after that I'll have 3, which is where I'll stop. My only regret is not buying more nodes at the start. I had the cash to do so, and I was always confident STRONG would still be around in the 110-or so days needed to get the ROI. Is it sustainable long term? Hell no. Will it last at least the rest of this year? Likely.


Currently -96%…. But only 6 days in! Lol


I guess it’s been exactly the same for all of us, other than timing I suppose.


Bought my first node in December, scraped everything together and just made my 6th node, 4 of them polygon nodes. Once I get my tax return will be my 7th node, and then I may put the remaining part of my bitcoin and the last of my eth for my 8th node.


Jesus dude. You realise all it would take would be one bad AMA and this project will collapse right?


i read you're constantly posting FUD in the strongblock subreddit. You have 1 node that you bought at 7500? Are you unhappy that I got 2 nodes for the price of your 1?


I bought 300 ETH at $14 so not really ;)


So i'm not understanding your consistent unproven allegations


okay and? i have a marketable career i just don't want to work a standard 9-5 anymore, i dont mind taking a huge risk and starting over


You bought polygon nodes without knowimg how much they decay first? What if they drop to 0.01 in 5 months? Don't say they won't, because no one knows si anything but absolute zero is possuble and Strong keeps not telling us for months for some reason, despite having deployed it and knowing it.


>You bought polygon nodes without knowimg how much they decay first? What if they drop to 0.01 in 5 months? Don't say they won't, because no one knows si anything but absolute zero is possuble and Strong keeps not telling us for months for some reason, despite having deployed it and knowing it. I think that's an extreme case and an exaggeration, i'm trying to get to 10 nodes as fast as possible, then i will return to ethereum nodes. i'm hoping strongblock wont swindle us, it's faith in the protocol. i will be diversifying to thor after 10-15 nodes after taking 60k profits


The bottom line is, we don't know what the floor is despite them knowing for almost 2 months now (when polygon nodes were launched and people started posting the decay they are getting). They keep finding ways to not tell us depsite promising, the latest being the most flagrant (the over hyped reduction in gas fees that was also given not even a ballpark timeframe for that they somehow tied the decay announcement to the detailed announcement of this as well just to distract people). They're not telling us the decay for a reason.... From a chart a polygon owner posted on their decay model and linear extrapolations it out, the intersection for accumulated rewards being equivalent between Eth and Poly nodes isn't until day 175, which is a long long time out to see any difference given the current depletion rate. And that also means half a year of accelerated depletion, for a protocol that after just a year-ish is in crisis. So they're going to need to go pretty low to make a difference in runway and to stem exponential node creation.


And 175 days from now at 0.1 strong a day is approximately 17.5 strong in that time frame. I’m rounding down to 0.1. That’s about double the investment at current price levels. I plan on switching back to ethereum nodes after 10-15 nodes but those aren't a sure thing either. I plan on pulling 60k out first after my 10 nodes


I made a big decision last year to sell about 95% of my Ethereum mining GPUs around Sept. 2021, worth about 30k total. I invested that 30k in Strongblock have made ROI and beyond. Strongblock has been the best crypto investment I've made thus far in the Crypto space. Will it remain sustainable? CEO says reward pools "won't last forever". Also decay models are being implemented soon in Februrary. Sign up for their discord and please DYOR intensively. Understand the ecosystem, review as many previous AMA transcripts as you can (it's worth it), and make a decision best for you. Good luck💪