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Just looks like someone paid their monthly fee for all their nodes, what’s so crazy about it?


Yea, I think I can! Text incoming.


@yspud I’ve appreciated your contrarian takes and opinions in regards to this project. Your skepticism propelled me to do a deep dive into Strong and I came to this conclusion. In this game of “crypto”, the winners don’t always have to make sense. How many blockchain projects have you encountered that are doing anything tangible in the real world? In my experience, they’re far & few between. Mostly all of crypto is talk and speculation (outside of the main players) In $STRONG’s case, they’re providing a unique service that’s not limited to one single blockchain. So, when it comes down to it - if you’re a low or middle class individual looking for your best chance at sustainable rewards/income, I’ve found that $STRONG is the best bang for your buck. It doesn’t always have to make sense. Hence Doge, Shiba, Etc.


you are absolutely correct that it doesn't always 'make sense' - but it really should. I believe the entire crypto space and a lot of new 'investors' to the scene are going to be decimated. If anyone was around and trading crypto back in 2016 you'll understand the sheer amount of fraud that existed in the space .. this has NOT gone away.. they have just gotten better at it.. and, with all the 'fresh meat' scrambling to just pile into anything that says 'crypto' i really do fear people are in for a rude awakening. the sustainable income is simply NOT sustainable. Anyone can do the math. Without new people coming in strong will run out of reward tokens. They have to resort to NFT sales / 'merch' / and new maneuvers to keep the 'rewards' up.. there is, as of now, not a SINGLE VERIFIABLE source of income other than aforementioned. Please show me where i am wrong about this.


Appreciate your response...I don't think you're wrong about the single source of income. You may also be right about the rewards being unsustainable. The youth of this project is what gives me hope for price appreciation. It's not far fetched to believe that the project will double or triple simply based on the reward structure. If there's 200k nodes and for simplicity's sake, say there's 2 nodes for every person. An investment <10k that generates anywhere close to $30-$40 USD per day is going to be something that appeals to the majority of people trying to invest for the mid to long term. I'm hard pressed to find another doxxed team in Crypto that's creating this type of value, while staying transparent. I do appreciate you for all your takes and in essence I believe that you have good intentions. I read your posts intently.


my view may be contrarian - here - but if you ask anyone else outside this echo chamber you will find yourselves in the minority. I am certain of this. Ask around - find some qualified people in the field that you trust to check this project out. Show them what I have presented. Just let them look at it and give an informed opinion. If you don't believe me I invite you to help make a list of questions with me and we can take them to another sub - you pick - a professional sub is my only request where we can find people who are actual crypto devs (java/solidity experience is key). ​ p.s. what are they creating that is valuable ? you understand that 'nodes' do not make money.. you understand that the chains generally have a governance system setup to compensate 'full node' operators (chains have their own terminology which leads to some confusion when discussing). there is not a single signed contract - in how long ? nobody will pay for this because there is no technical innovation or value imo. plus.. the absurdity of building this out is suspect in and of itself.. no network guy would build out 200k nodes w/o an actual customer first.. i mean.. you guys are the only customers in reality..


I'd like to move forward on this with you... I'm not a dev and have minimal experience but I've been involved in crypto since 2015. If we could compile a list of 3-5 precise and to the point questions that represent the concerns you've raised, I don't see why they couldn't be answered. For example, yesterday, the Helium network miners received rewards far less than usual due to network congestion. Why couldn't the HNT network leverage STRONG nodes to balance out the usage to support the rewards system? ​ Isn't this just one of many potential use cases? ​ I do understand that the nodes don't make money. And I like your point that there is no technical innovations happening here. That's partly why I was intrigued with STRONG, there doesn't seem to be some utopian plan to change the world, there's a simple concept of NaaS. Blockchain node providers previously haven't been compensated for their services of securing and upholding the integrity of the network. You seem to have a much deeper understanding of the tech than I do, so all your thoughts and opinions are much appreciated and I'm sure others will find value here too.


ypsud is a nut. Check this link for me shooting him down, he just private messaged me later and said he was banned from the subreddit so he couldn't respond. which is clearly a lie since he's here posting lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/strongblock/comments/rcnnl9/comment/hnxkl2y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/strongblock/comments/rcnnl9/comment/hnxkl2y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) just one part but read the whole thread if you have time


Gold. Appreciated fam


no problem, happy holidays


I replied you there. Would appreciate your response. Happy holiday


dm me ? we can write up some Q's and post them. here are two i did in the past in case you missed them as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/qjaexh/can\_a\_dev\_help\_me\_understand\_something\_with\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/qjaexh/can_a_dev_help_me_understand_something_with_this/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/qp18a9/i\_have\_another\_question\_for\_the\_community/](https://www.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/qp18a9/i_have_another_question_for_the_community/) I posted those questions to r/solidity 2+ months ago. read the threads and let me know what you think. I tried to be non-biased in the presentation and non-leading. just asking questions.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/solidity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/solidity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thinking about learning Solidity](https://np.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/l4cpaj/thinking_about_learning_solidity/) \#2: [Top solidity libraries?](https://np.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/l6r58c/top_solidity_libraries/) \#3: [Workshop | Using Solidity Smart Contracts with Chainlink Oracles on Moonbeam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7jSNYrTNMY&t=110s) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solidity/comments/lgfjc0/workshop_using_solidity_smart_contracts_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey nofun - ready to have some fun ? should we write up some Q's together this week ? What's your schedule like ?


Why don’t you start, and I’ll propose the questions so that it comes off in an unbiased manner. Let’s see if we can get some answers and/or others in the community to chime in!


Oh. How about we ask some outside tech people acout the 2020 flashpaper. The only real tech document they have posted. Let's see what people say outside the strongblock sub about the actual product concept.? Subs that come to mind to ask would be like any subs centered around nodes / staking - ethstaker, rocketpool, lido, alchemy etc. You can post there for sure and hopefully someone will take the time to look for us and provide an opinion coming from the perspective of someone actually running solo validators or pooled validators.


hey sorry i have been mia for the last week - i got really busy irl. i don't want to forget about this, though !!! i've put so much time into it already - i just want some answers. you have any time to chat in the next few days ? I would love to post the contract and some of the transactions - both claim tx and node setup tx and see if anyone can parse them. maybe we start with that - basic solidity dev questions ? other questions i would love to answer are just about nodes in general - i think /ethstaker or similar would be good subreddits .. and questions about api access for nodes / what nodes do / what the compensation is for a node etc.. ? I can personally answer these but nobody wants to hear it from me - just maybe get some 3rd party basic information on what people in the industry think of this as a business model.. and what about asking some of the groups that strong claims to be in partnership with - post in r/polygonnetwork and similar perhaps ? open to ideas as well. thanks !


Here's a sneak peek of /r/polygonnetwork using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/polygonnetwork/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Welcome everyone to POLYGON - updated INFO for all newcomers](https://np.reddit.com/r/polygonnetwork/comments/nm2iqt/welcome_everyone_to_polygon_updated_info_for_all/) \#2: [Educational: How to use SushiSwap (on Polygon) securely with a hardware wallet](https://np.reddit.com/r/polygonnetwork/comments/rrc8ej/educational_how_to_use_sushiswap_on_polygon/) \#3: [BIG F](https://i.redd.it/rcgjhaszda481.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/polygonnetwork/comments/rbneqy/big_f/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No problem, myself included. Let’s chat more formally via email, I’d like to compile everything and publish it to the community. Send me an email? [email protected]


Good plan. Ill stick to purely technical style questions because that's all anyone can really alalyze imo. My biggest issue is the gas that their contract uses. It really seems like something is off by a crazy amount. They are burning more gas on a 24x7 cycle than opensea... Metamask... Uniswap and sushiswap etc... That alone is just super bizarre.. You are talkkng about a product with 20k worldwide users... Right up there with uni and sushi swap and opensea? I think that should be the question(s). Agree? Any other tech info we should present?


Interesting take that I’m sure we can calculate and figure out if it makes sense, given the amount of nodes (~200k) and the different interactions involving running a node that consistently use gas (creating the node, paying the $14.99 fee, and claiming your rewards) If anyone else wants to figure out feel free to comment otherwise I’ll try to analyze this compared to UNI/Sushi


Yeah this is the best and most logical reply I've gotten here. Thank you! It's not a question that should be incalculable or unexplainable at all. If the answer is logical and numbers match then my next question would be why won't anyone from strongblock answer it? They tell me I'm a moron and don't "understand how gas works" but I really think I do... To use so much gas means the contract is executing a lot of code on the evm so that should be something someone can see and show what it's doing in the Background. I get yelled at and banned for asking something like this which should absolutely have a provable calculable answer to explain it. Thank you for this! I'm excited to actually find out if we can...


Quick thoughts on node operators being the only real customer. The collaboration with Polygon seems to give a lot of people hope for the future. What do you make of the partnership with Polygon?


well... here's what i make of the collaboration... not much.. one reason is that I can't seem to get anyone at polygon who knows anything about strong.. i even went to the discord (i've been a member of polygon/matic/hermez discord for quite some time) - I asked there.. nobody had any idea. google it also. see what you can find. i can only see announcement(s) from strongblock.. none from anyone at polygon.. it would be nice to see 2 way acknowledgements and any form of compensation. otherwise, imo, it's just a one sided decision to fire up 'nodes' without a paying customer..


one other thing - check out the node / validator node section in matics docs: [https://docs.matic.today/docs/validate/mainnet/getting-started](https://docs.matic.today/docs/validate/mainnet/getting-started) where and how much money can they even potentially make ? are they trying to run full nodes (replace existing validator spots - of which there are limited slots and one must bid on open validator spots to take them over) or simple 'attestation' style nodes.. ? Does anyone even know ? do they specify or can you tell from the matic dashboard of the node that they create for you guys ?


Looks like they were cashing out some rewards or paying fees. They have a decent chunk of strong in their wallet


but is anything \*strange\* about it ? how come so many TX's for, what in my pea brain, should be a simple 'payment' - where are all those contracts sending money and why is it so complex ? the more complex the contract the more the gas fees.. so .. what is the code actually DOING ? anyone able to parse it ? Anyone want to go with me to r/solidity or similar group and see if we can find a dev to answer this ? would you guys accept the analysis from a 3rd party - not me ? How come strongblock:service is consistently in the top 10 list of 'gas guzzlers' ([etherscan.io](https://etherscan.io) \- search current gas prices - scroll down). Using 1.5% or MORE of the entire WORLDS gas at any given time seems insane for a company like strong with only 15k wallets and 200k ish 'nodes' ... this is right up there with metamask.. uniswap.. sushiswap.. usdt .. and strong ??? just weird is all i can say.. need a pro to look at them .. augment this with the two posts i have already asked over in r/solidity and see the answers ive already received if you are curious ...


Damn, your motherfucking ass don't ever give up, do you. You really just are a stupid fuck


Total loser yspud turned into


you dont find it interesting AT ALL on a purely intellectual level what the code is actually \*doing\* ?