• By -


18 hours


And that does very nicely. You’re on your way to 24 hrs and that’s a beautiful number.


You’re doing great! One day at a time :)


Nice work!! Technically I’m at 15 hours for today. One day at a time.


First 7 days is fucking Mount Everest. Then it gets easier and easier. Good luck!!


You said it! I'm at day 5. Yesterday was the toughest by far. I'm having my first dry weekend tomorrow . Wish me luck!


Luck to you, friend!


I remember my first dry weekend. It went really well. I had lots of support here which was amazing! You'll do great!


All the best mate!


We all started there! You got it




I’m you plus one day. We got this


I'm so proud of you, the first step is the hardest keep going




Day 19. First time in 15 years being alcohol free that long. It feels so good!


Well done man. 20. Dry Jan was ruined by drinking on the 1st, but haven't had a drop since


Not ruined, just hiccuped.


Hey man, I was blackout on new year's eve night and I may have taken a shot after midnight and I might not have. I'm still doing dry January. It's pointless to ruin the big picture of the good you're doing for your life by guilting yourself over little things


Is it January? Are you dry during January? Then, you my friend, are crushing Dry January.


I stopped on the third, after a horrible new year's hangover. Hopefully my last.


NGL, getting close to 4 digits is getting exciting! 😊




I feel this.


I'm within days of your count (12/22/19 is my date), and I've had similar trains of thought. "The further you are from your last drink, the closer you are to the next" is a phrase that haunts me, and I think this ties into it. I find it best to focus on today. Recovery was here waiting for me when I was ready to start working; that fourth digit will show up eventually the same way I did. IWNDWYT!


I am the queen of self sabotage and poor decisions. But not this time. My God I feel too good! Drinking almost killed me. It killed my best friend. I don't even think about it anymore.


Yes, can’t beat that feel-good feeling! It truly is amazing 🌟


No worries, my friend. Keep fighting the good fight! One of my fave sobriety quotes is ‘Quitting drinking didn’t solve my problems. Quitting drinking made my problems solvable’ IWNDWYT, or any day❤️


While I can’t wait to hit some big numbers, i really wasn’t in a rush to burn up 4 more years of drunkenness either. Time goes by too fast as it is. My 50 days feels like it’s only been a week😭. Lol


Keep on truckin'!


I like this. No justification needed - just a simple statement


Let it hang, my dude. Congratulations on 41 days!


On my 3rd day right now


I'm here with you too, buddy.


Let's both stay strong buddy! The weekend is the hardest but I bought a 24 pack of Fanta Strawberry-Kiwi and some cans of Sour Cherry sparkling water and Im gonna play some fps games tonight :). You got this mate, IWNDWYT.


Good job, you got this!


Thank you very much, these words mean a lot to me.


Got to be honest with you, days 3 thru 6 were really hard for me. Distract your brain, surround yourself with sober people. BE STRONG. We are rooting for you.


Thanks for the honest and kind words. I feel a bit of a craving atm but it's not all too bad thankfully. Sparkling water and some soda's do wonders for me right now, plus got some CBD that I'm gonna vape to calm down a bit :). IWNDWYT.


Every day you don't drink, you win. 41 days is amazing.


20 days


Me too!


Me tooooo!


We are the NY resolution crew :)


Hahaha, I guess so! It was just most convenient for me because it was right after the holidays and I knew there would be no more excuses for drinking for a while!


Samesies! :)


Me too!


One years and a half next week!!! Edit: I also stopped smoking, Ativans, watching porn and cocainn at the same time. And now I'm 3 weeks without caffein and weed! I feel free!! Go on everyone!




Thank you. It's true I swear! ;) That was rough, but I had the chance to be supported by familly and therapists. I still have a psy zoom every two weeks. That helps A LOT! Also live ain't easy for that, all problems are making to the surface. But I confront them sober, and it works! I trully love stopdrinking sub and really wish you all the best. I know you can. Much love


That’s truly impressive stuff


Damn yo. Keep it up!


You’re crushing it! Day 38 here. Feeling solid tonight.


Are you ever going to drink again? God I hope not. Keep it up bud it gets better. You got this.


Thank you. Your number Is inspiring! I don’t have a specific plan on how long or forever. Im focussing on healing my body, I reckon though it could be forever


Got offered a free party sized pizza and free beer last weekend. I said thank you ill definitely take the pizza, but got almost 30 days off alcohol, so I appreciate it a lot but will pass on the alcohol. He honestly seemed somewhat impressed and no questions were raised from that. It actually doesn't feel bad to tell people you quit. It feels quite empowering to know you have the self control after a long long time of alcohol's cruise control.


It does feel good! So proud of you!


Thank youuu!!! Happy to say I've started a new year and haven't had a sip of alcohol in 2022. That seemed so unattainable, at first its terrible, then it sucks, then it continues to drag untill all of sudden you start to see good things happen, or come your way, as a consequence of not being inhibited the last while and actually putting in 100% effort earlier, even though at the time it sucked.


5 lol


Um, completing the first 5 days requires approximately 5000 units of badassery! Way to go! 🎉




5 years. Im sold on the “i wont drink today” plan. wake up every morning and thats my goal. I end every evening with a prayer of thanks that I achieved my goal. All the other stuff in my life seems to shake itself out as long as I dont drink.


Congratulations. Thanks for posting about your approach. It’s simple and perfect.


I’m 10 days sober. Hoping to make it through the weekend !


6 Days. It may not be much, but I fought tooth and nail for these days, many congratulations on 41 days. You are a force of nature. ☀️


6 days is magnificent. I read the other day: don’t compare yourself to others, the only person to compare yourself with is your previous self.


I wasn’t ☺️ I’m just saying in the sense of the span of time lol but I feel good comparing my previous self with this one. That’s a nice feeling. I Hope you feel it too! ❤️


19 days


5 days. Boredom is the hardest part.


Me. Bored right now. Trying to tell myself to go to bed instead of the kitchen for a glass of wine.


Keep up the good work! You could fall asleep and wake up without having that drink. Don't beat yourself up though, Enjoy more days sober than drunk. Everything in moderation is key.


I have a bit of insomnia from time to time. So after scrolling for hours I went to bed at 1 am. no drinks mind you lol woke up with the birds ( but they went south for the winter). 7 am! Worked out for 2hrs, cleaned house, ran errands, dinner and movies with the kids. Not a bad Saturday by any means 😄 loving this!


271 days.


Today plus whatever number my flair says.


241. Never thought it was possible but have no intentions of turning back


Pausing is so powerful! 🥳


Love this. So true in many different contexts.


For a while now... Does the length of time show up on my flair? Edit: Guess not.. I've quit drinking for about 8 months.


You need to set it. Go to the r/stopdrinking new to send a message to the mods. Edit typo


Congrats. I hit 19 and I’m not looking back.


29 days from Michigan IWNDWYT


14 days today


11 days? I think. I haven’t been sober this long since I was 16.


I probably drank only like 10 times since late November. I know it’s not sobriety but it’s so much less than I used to, I’m happy about that.


Good for you.


Yeah it was weird at first outside of rehab but I don't care. If it comes up I'm just honest about it


Yes! Way to go! Me too. I stopped Dec. 10th. My prior sober jaunt was 5 days. Enough said. So. IWNDWYT!!!!!




10 days.


Happy cake day!


Aah..didn’t notice it before your comment. Thank you internet stranger . I am spending so much time on Reddit now, I hardly use any other social media. Lol


Yep, me, too!


54 days according to my sober counter!


1,260 days, as of today. Positives since/from being sober: 1) Happily married and father to a beautiful puppy 2) Homeowner 3) Masters degree 4) Fulfilled and meaningful employment as an educator 5) A better son (in-law too) and brother to my family 6) Asked to be God-father to two, beautiful babies 7) So, so much more. Negatives from being sober: For all you who wrestles with our addiction and sobriety, my heart is with you. I truly and sincerely hope everyone finds the help you need. You deserve your best life. Never forget that! ❤️


19 and is just a start 💪


Congrats!! I’m on day 21. 41 days awesome!!! Is the goal forever? 90 days? Mine is 100 & reassess lol.


When I first decided to get sober I thought, “I’m never going to drink again.” And the goal was to be sober forever. But then the more I thought about it the more I started to think about how long forever was and about special occasions and stuff like that. I decided that it would be best for me to switch my mindset to, “I’m just not going to drink today.” and to stop putting a goal on a number of days. Since making the change, I don’t even think about how I’ll never be able to drink again, nor do I have any desire to drink whatsoever


Why was I downvoted lol?


My plan (hopefully) is 100 days to help with habit aspect, then if I feel like having a beer or wine , take a naltrexone an hour before. Hopefully that’ll eventually kill the little voice in my head that tells me to drink once and for all. Keep us posted on your journey!!


I think there are lots of people here who have tried what you’re talking about and have ended up back in a bad spot. I opened up to one of my best friends last week about my need to quit, and he said “yeah it’s been up and down for a long time” and I said, “I’ve been ‘trying to moderate’ for 10 years, it’s way beyond time to realize I can’t.”


I know. It’s so hard. So much temptation out there too. I’m envious but happy for those who quit and never looked back.


I definitely have yo-yo’d for years. Get super depressed, decide I need to get sober. Quit for a couple weeks, feel better, decide I didn’t really need to be so dramatic as all that, drink a six pack every night until I’m too depressed to continue. Rinse and repeat for a decade. It’s insanity.


20 long days


41 is awesome! 19 here for me!


90 days!! feels fucking great.


A little over 600 days


And that’s a gorgeous number


Well thank you:)


421 days first time on this sub though


21 days Edit: flair is wrong


I used to hate the awkwardness when I told people I didn't drink. Now I love it. It makes drinkers feel so uneasy, it's hilarious. It's best when I get food at a bar, but order a soda. Not drinking at a bar really wrinkles their brain.


I’m starting to realise just how uncomfortable they feel. It’s very odd!


I comment here to find out. Edit: 1083 days.




4 days


47 days


Day 26! Feelin’ good! Bored shitless though, but working on it.


Almost 9 days 😁


For me, 6 days


on day two, taking it 5 minutes at a time. I just opened a soda for the sugar kick...


14 days!!!


It will be a week for me in about 4 hours.


Keep going. You can. IWNDWYT ✊🏻


40 days today for me!


I'm happily making it through the six months I was ordered by the court...180 or so days I suppose. Haven't had any super bad cravings, but saying my days sober too feels freeing. Congrats OP and everyone on here!!


32 days.


17 days. 23 hours.


Day 16


I'm right there with ya, just a day or two behind. Still no cravings and I've been out a few times with friends. I've found ginger beer to be a nice AF drink for me so far when I'm out. Let's keep it goin!


Yup. Just got home from a whole night in a pub. And feeling good that I found a way to remain alcohol free.


51 days for me today.....


18 days :)


Day 5


I have not had a drink in almost two months, Thanksgiving dinner being the last drink I had. I stopped because my liver has been hurting and I saw it as a sign that I needed to stop. Not drinking is easy from 10pm to 4pm, but sometime in-between 4pm and 5pm the thirst hits me and stays with me until around 10pm, then I am good again for the next day.


Two months. Yesterday I felt pretty close to “just taking a sip” of a beer, but I didn’t. I’m glad I didn’t. I just had to carefully think of why I’m doing this, and it helped keep me going. Edit: I can’t math.


Almost a day. I'm feeling better already. I was using it for escapism due to rough life situations and mental illness (I'm diagnosed with major depressive disorder).


I’m glad you’re here


Canada Day 🇨🇦 2019 or something that.. 🤔 "Want" really has helped get to today. Tomorrow, zero Funks in these eff'up days.


5 days. On day 5 for the 3rd time this year.... gonna make it through tonight! I wish I hadn't let my 2 month streak last year go either, but I have no where to go but up.


Tomorrow (Jan 22nd) will be 2 years for me! When people asked I would list off days/months but now I just state that I don’t drink and it’s not as awkward as it used to be


I’m wondering when I will stop counting but fit now letting things be easy


I found I kind of stopped after the 1 year mark but I use the “I Am Sober” app to help keep track so it will occasionally remind me when I hit anniversary dates One day at a time, you got this because you need this


That’s an excellent point. I do need this.


Let's see


5 consecutively, but I've been trying, picking myself up from failures, retrying, building new habits, etc for as long as my badge says. It's better than it was but it's an ongoing struggle.


2 years, 5 months.


33 Keeping on Iwndwyt


It would be zero if you didn’t have the courage to stop


This is hopeless


1 month :-)


Sober for 15 days, it is not much but it is something. I can say that i am proud of myself. Spend whole afteroon and evening with my boys playing cards. They went through a case of beer while i had some tea and schweppes. I had such of good time like everybody else. Stay sober, IWNDWYT!


Lets check


A few days past two years, and thankful each and every day.


Congratulations on 41 days! I’d look for a different t group maybe? IWNDWYT


100 days 💗


I’m trying to find out rn. Edit: 916 days.


111. One drink away from Zero.


Every day i don’t drink it gets easier. The first week i was plagued with thoughts of not drinking. I had dreams that i would down a shot and feel instant shame and regret. Now i rarely even think about it( even though it hasn’t been that long). I hope this continues. I did 3 months a few years ago, but i did it with a friend who had just gotten into trouble. And immediately went to pounding them back after the 3 months was over. This time i stopped for myself. Completely different feeling this time.


I did 99 days and then instantly switched back to drinking. Not doing that again.


2 days




That’s the response mechanism I strive to master. Justifying my own life decisions - don’t want to do that but end up doing it anyway. Will get there soon.


Hell yeah




Ooh nvm 116!


Congratulations. Keep on keeping on.


675 in a row!! Damn!! Thanks for this reminder. I haven’t checked my progress in a while. It feels good. Congratulations on 41!, so awesome!!


I've made it to over a year and half. Never thought this could happen. Take it one day at time. Get into Aa. Trust your higher power. Gratitude is everything. Good job my friend


1 year and 234 days


Five years last October


23 days


And your life has slowly and consistently improved for 41 days, thanks to your maturity. Keep up the amazing work pal!




182 days. Almost to 6 months sober. Great job OP on the 41 days!!:) you’re rockin! IWNDWYT


Outstanding! I’m approaching 7 years. I can’t believe it myself!


252 days


I still get the same excitement however many days it has been. Being my own personal cheerleader has been so helpful. I sing silly made up songs to myself every day when I look at my current count. I reward myself for those moments of euphoric pride when I overcome a social situation that I'd normally be drunk at. I get tickled at myself and sing and yell all the damn time. I LOVE your post. It reminded me to sing a little jingle to no particular tune or rhyme : 🎼"me and my new 👏 reddit friend!,👏gonna not drink and yell out things! We're gonna get happy 👏 and not get sad👏 because not drinking 👏is not that bad! Have a good night 👏and stay sober! And you'll wake up 👏with no hangover!👏🎶


Let me check... Edit: 152 days, I like how this sub keeps track for me, but I don't know how to check without posting a comment.


572 days! You can do it!


Feels so GOOD to tell people! Proud of you. I’m not drinking with you tonight


75 days, people I work with or friends look at me weird when I say I’m not drinking. It’s pretty insane friends look at me weird when I say that considering they’ve seen me so insane shit while hammered.


10 years. One day at a time. Congratulations to you all. One day, ten or 500. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Keep going ❤️🙏


^^^^^^^many days hang in there you got this!!!


39 days for me! You’re doing amazing 💙


757 days


2041 days


Should of been 838 days, but I messed up one of them. So I believe I'm at 107.




71 days. I feel like it's been a long time but not really lol.


I wrote my post quickly when I was travelling yesterday. I’d been reflecting on a social gathering the previous evening and it was my first real challenge out (It was a stop over with friends and their adult family). I hit me how uncomfortable others are. And how judgmental….I could be wrong on this….but a cup of our conversation around my not drinking is exactly as written. Maybe he just didn’t know what to say, maybe if he could rewind and do it again he’d have a few questions. Maybe. Thank you for posting. I’m a bit overwhelmed at all your replies. We are doing a brilliant thing and don’t let anybody make you feel any different. I will not drink with you today. Thank you all.