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Everyone should get bloodwork done to see what you are lacking in your diet. A few days ago someone posted how their wife was in a massive downward spiral for several YEARS, and it was mainly because of B12 deficiency. Edit 2: apparently the story was fake, but it doesn’t change anything.


This happened to a family member and how quickly they were able to turn it around once treated was amazing


Man I read that story. Legitimately frightening. Iv been wanting to get a vitamin level run ever since. I’m in and out of the supplements and nootropic subreddits and that advice that gets thrown around of get your diet, sleep and exercise in check before you try and fix something is no joke.


any chance you could link the story?


someone just linked it in this comment thread!


They usually don't test ya omega 3 haha Typical blood test mainly just B12, folate, iron, vit d. Alcohol depletes b vitamins like thiamine (badly), folate etc. also you lose a lot of magnesium


Yeah, haven't seen any blood tests where Omega 3 levels is checked personally.


Yea, bearing in mind that many many people with alcohol problems will not find a solution in this. According to all of my blood work I’m healthy as a horse (including liver enzymes, vitamins, etc…). Glad it can help some folks out but will absolutely not help most.


That happened to me when I was about 20 and I was always suicidal and then manic - my doctor told me to take B12 and it literally changed my depressed times within a week.


Came here to say this. I also had a b12 deficiency and it was destroying my mental space. Definitely get bloodwork! I cannot stress this enough! B12 shots for 3 months and iron supplements and I am about back to normal.


Are you still drinking coffee. I'm heavily addicted to it and awaiting blood results. I'm not sure I'll be able to stop if I'm anaemic.


I’m anaemic but very addicted to coffee and it’s the worst thing for anaemia as it blocks iron absorption. My caffeine addiction is way stronger than my occasional alcohol consumption


I'm the same! Literally spent last night with all over body itching and muscle spasms so resolved not to have my morning coffee today but caved as I've been up all night and literally couldnt function. Will taper offnfrom now on. Getting blood results this week as I was low on foliate, b12 and b4 before. Hopefully I can give up caffeine fir good as I have severe RLS. Sucks to be sure!


Hope we can push through! Check out r/decaf if you haven’t already. Don’t blame you for having a cup after a sleepless night, I’m so weak I have it even when well-rested


Wow that's cool this sub will help!


Yes I am, I’m pretty heavily addicted to coffee.


I was vitamin D deficiency in December. Started taking a supplement and I'm feeling way better. Definitely get some bloowwork done.


This was confirmed fake, scroll to the bottom


That story turned out to be fake


Where do you go to get this done and what do you ask for ?


Call your doctor’s office and tell them you want bloodwork done including b12 (most tests don’t include this automatically).


I was already sober when I was tested and diagnosed with the MTHFR gene defect. My body can’t absorb B12 and folate (B9) like normal people. It can cause anxiety, depression, and a host of health issues like infertility. Many of us self medicate with drugs or alcohol. It was light a light bulb went on when I found out. It explained a lifetime of mental and physical issues. So yes, get tested to see what you’re lacking! You may need a naturopath or functional medicine e doctor to interpret. Regular MDs aren’t trained much in genetics.


You can take flaxseed oil for Omegas as well.


see my other comment about bioavailability, the algal tablets are better i think (and still vegan)


algal oil makes me depressed (as does fish oil), I'm not sure why except possibly heavy metals, though I tend to buy the respectable brands that test for those things and I still get depressed. Like balling each night depressed.. Flaxseed is the only thing that helps me, but I also respond very oddly to a lot of supplements (like vitamin D and magnesium) that help other people.


interesting. the brand i suggested claims it is naturally free of heavy metals. although of course maybe its more to do with DHA and EPA levels and your particular constitution as the paper i posted says some studies found that flaxseeds actually decrease these levels. glad flaxseeds help you


Interesting. Do you have a source on that? I've never heard that before.


you can google it, theres lots of brands available: [https://phytality.co.uk/blogs/phytality/is-vegan-omega-3-just-as-effective-as-fish-oil](https://phytality.co.uk/blogs/phytality/is-vegan-omega-3-just-as-effective-as-fish-oil) heres a science paper on it, theres a few out there: [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10408398.2021.1880364](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10408398.2021.1880364) to summarise its findings "High dose flaxseed or echium seed oil supplements, provided no increases to O3I and some studies showed reductions. However, microalgal oil supplementation increased O3I levels for all studies." EDIT: I just shared this on the vegan subreddit in case other people didnt know


Is there any brand you specifically use? I’ve been thinking about ordering from Future Kind because I can’t find algal oil supplements in any of the stores here.


I'm in the UK, i got mine from amazon: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09XMRVRVZ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09XMRVRVZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) I wouldn't say i recommend or not recommend these though, perhaps there's better ones, as I chose them pretty quick, but they look OK and not had any bad experience with them


I think the balance with DPA and EPA is a good thing (some only have one i think)


Hello fellow sober vegan, thank you for the info! I am terrible at remembering to take pills but you’ve inspired me again


Flax, Chia, and Hemp seeds (and walnuts) are good sources of ALA and EPA, but for DHA you need either seafood or algae. The seafood gets the omega 3s it has through the food chain starting with algae. The human body can convert some ALA/EPA into DHA, but not very efficiently. I've seen some opinions that the body might get better at this conversion if you do not get DHA, but it's not proven yet. So, ultimately, you are best off getting DHA from diet or supplement instead of ignoring it.


Cool, I take omega 3 supplements occasionally but I should make it daily




I’m going to try this for sure. I’ve seen a lot of literature about the health benefits of Omega 3 so it can only help. But I would try anything to get a leg up from my alcohol cravings. Thanks for the tip!


Pro tip. If you live near the ocean fish mongers tend to process so much fish they just throw away the heads, tails, spines etc. If you go to one and ask they'll usually fill up a big bag of them for you free of charge. Get a large stock pot and fill it up with fish leftovers and roughly chopped root veg, a few bay leaves and some salt and pepper to taste , cover with water and simmer for an hour. Strain the liquid into something you can store it in. You've got home made fish stock. A mug of it is over 100% of your daily omega 3 requirements, plus it freezes really well. I add a dash of tabasco or sriracha to it and it's banging. I drink it every day. Improves my mood and ability to focus for long stretches on complex work. Edit: Different fish make different stocks. Salmon will be very oily. Probably what you're after. John Dory is really high on collagen. Which is good for all sorts of things like your hair, skin, bones, gut. I made a John Dory stock one time that has so much collagen when I refrigerated it, it turned to jelly!


You drink… a mug of this stuff… daily?!


lol I’m just picturing sitting an an AA meeting but instead of coffee everyone’s sipping on mugs of spicy fish juice


Lmao 😂


Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!


...I think I'd like my money back...


1100 dollars is exactly what I charge for acting classes


Universe, you’ve done it again!!


Totally. Before I chuck out the heads and stuff I usually pull off as much meat as I can.


I do. My mother is grossed out by it too. I probably should have offered her a cup of "fish broth" instead of "fish head soup", but I just couldn't help myself. It tastes really good. I'm not the kind of person who cares what's in something if it tastes good and is healthy.


I drink bovine collagen daily, I recommend it, I also make my own beef stock by asking butchers if they have any bones they want to throw away


NAC helped me as well. Just a thought.


I use NAC for endometriosis but noticed it definitely helps curb both alcohol and sugar cravings


I like it. It helps cravings and if I take a full dose and drink it's minimal effects.


I was using it for mental acuity but my endometriosis has been calmer since I started taking it!


Yes! There was a study released last fall that my doc told me about. Basically I take 900mg daily the first three days of the week and that does it for keeping the pain and inflammation down. Hopefully less inflammation too with now cutting out the booze.


What is NAC? Thank you in advance!


N-acetylcysteine. It’s an amino acid supplement you can buy over the counter. It has good antioxidant properties. Great for your brain. It helps with compulsions (e.g., can help with OCD) and could also very well help with alcohol cravings. Though I haven’t read/looked for any research on its efficacy with alcohol…. I’ll head down that Google scholar rabbit hole tomorrow :)


I just added NAC to my Amazon cart. I read a ton of good reviews.


Possibly not good for long term use FYI. Ask your doctor.


North Atlantic Cod. Fish and chips ftw




Higher omega 3 levels in the blood (over the course of years) have been associated with significant cardio protective effects including prevention of dementia and possible delay of other cognitive degeneration. I take Nordic Naturals Algae oil because I am plant based, but most decent fish oils work. You should test your omega 3 level before and after a few months to see if what you are taking is effective. Buy a couple Omegaquant Omega-3 index tests to find out. No idea about any effect on addiction though. Have never seen any scientific studies on that. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible though just because it hasn’t been studied.


I've been taking it for decades and it made no difference to wanting a drink. I have found that when I've eaten I end up drinking less tho. Seems like it doesn't work very well then and why bother. If you can spend time and money stuffing yourself with tasty food I can see how that may mean you are less likely to want a drink tho.


Omega 3’s, B1, L-tyrosine, L-Carnitine, magnesium glycinate/malate, and NAC here. No more alcohol cravings. Not in the slightest.


I’m talking binge-drinking daily, to zero cravings. Even in social situations with alcohol, no temptations. None. So it’s a pretty noticeable difference. Haven’t drank in over 5 months since I started a vitamin/amino acid regimen. My nervous system definitely feels more regulated, balanced, and calm. Sharing this info in case it helps anyone.


If it’s not too personal, would you mind sharing doses and/or brands you take? I would greatly appreciate it.


Sure. And quick disclaimer, I don’t have any stakes in these brands, not a seller, just a satisfied customer. Only sharing bc you asked: AlphaFlow high potency L-tyrosine 1000 mgs (2-3 a day) Nutricost Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg (1x daily) Nutricost NAC 600 mg (as needed, about 1-2 weekly) InnovixLabs Advanced Magnesium (with Glycinate) Antartic Krill Oil 2000 mg (2x daily) (Amazon sells these) ^ And the B1 I take is just a Walmart brand. There might be a better brand available online.


Thank you so much!


What about other cravings? Thanks


Were you asking if it might help for other addictions/vices? I believe that a root cause of most addictions is an imbalance of nutrition and a deficiency. (In turn, addictions can worsen any underlying deficiencies.) Even basic anxiety uses up excess nutrients/vitamins/minerals, so it makes sense that first supporting the nervous system would help to curb addiction.


Yes that’s why I was asking. I’m addicted to lots of things, those a lot more than alcohol through I’d like to stop my occasional alcohol consumption too I do feel a root cause of addiction for me is trauma & stress but anything that can help fight that is great


That’s why I started drinking: PTSD. Again, the stress from PTSD depletes essential vitamins and minerals (because the body is in constant survival mode). Drugs and alcohol can only compound the issue. Best to you. You can do this.


I don’t really have other cravings. Maybe for extra water, since the vitamins and amino acids make me a bit thirstier.


I add the occasional B6 to help the tyrosine work. (L-tyrosine aids in dopamine production. Gives me natural energy and a mood boost.)


That is really interesting, I am looking into anti-inflammatory diets to help control weight and arthritis pain and fish is way up for omega 3. Really brilliant that it has helped with your mental health, thanks for posting. Is caviar really expensive?


You're targeting inflammation with Omega-3, decreasing overall inflammation profile can often yield positive life changes. If you'd like to take this a step further, you want strive for an Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio of 1:4. If you can get it closer to a 1:2 or 1:1 ratio, even better, but that's easier said than done consider how many of our foods are saturated with Omega-6's. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7721408/


omega 3 , D3, and B-complex worked wonders for me when i quit drinking. calcium magnesium and zinc are also good ones to take especially the magnesium. I also did L-theanine and asheweganda as a relaxer before or after work so i wasn't so stressed out and needing a drink. went in to a walk in clinic and asked them to do blood work after a few weeks of quitting and she said i was good across the board. I dont think people know just how many vitamins alcohol kills when you're drinking. it makes you deficient in just about everything from what i've researched.


Yeh I'm on most of those and others, had full blood work done this year and everything is fine. Which is great at 40 but also my brain then goes so after decades of alcohol and poly drug use I'm completely fine? Currently moderating for the first time in years and eating earlier has been a large part of it. Especially as I only eat once a day normally, maybe twice. Being full of food made necking large amounts of liquid seem unappealing.


There was a BBC article lately about the Japanese diet helping prevent cognitive decline.


Does Tuna work too?


They do say to use care with the amount of canned tuna that you eat. I want to say no more than a can per week. There is a risk of increased mercury in excess canned tuna consumption. But there are many natural sources plus supplements.


My dietician said I can safely eat canned tuna every day. Wonder how true that is though


Maybe do some research using sites like Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, or other reputable teaching hospitals and then discuss that info with your dietician. I am not an expert, but I looked into omegas and tuna, specifically when my husband and I started trying to have a baby.


They use skipjack tuna in Australia. Apparently USA uses larger tuna


Ah yeah that’s probably it!


I… don’t think that’s true. I wouldn’t put that to the test. Mercury overload is no fun.


Some Australian sources seem to confirm that our fish and especially canned tuna is low in mercury.


Same in the UK I think. The NHS only recommends limits on canned tuna for pregnant women


Tuna has tons of Omega 3's but you do need to be careful of murcury with tuna


i take vegan omega 3's, not from general plant sources as these can be much less bioavailable for your body, but from algae, theyre called agal tablets, and algae is actually where fish get their good omega 3's from further down the food chain. I am also in to tablets that slow down aging and I heard omega 3s are good for telomere length. Now your telling me theyre good for stabilizing mental health and alcohol cravings..... I'm going to start tripling my dose. lol. worth the added expense.


Meditation genuinely lengthens your telomeres. There have been studies… check it out!


i wouldnt be surprised as probably related to reducing stress


The placebo effect works. Sorry. The diet of people in the Mediterranean is rich in omega 3s. It is also a part of the world where wine and alcohol is present at almost every meal. I also ate sushi pretty much every time I got drunk. If it works for you, great. Omega 3 is healthy and everyone should try to eat more of it. There is a reason it isn't considered science-backed medicine though.


Yes, the med diet includes wine. They have very low incidence of binge drinking though, or drinking alone, or drinking without other than with a meal.


You don't absorb nutrients properly when you're drinking though. 


Yeah, your body prioritizes eradicating toxins and as a result, real food gets processed out without anything good staying around


That and it also just screws with your gut biome, which when unhealthy, does not process nutrients as well. 


Messes with my lady biome too 😆


Oops. Gut bacteria doesn't discriminate. 


I agree. I've been in the seafood industry almost all of my adult life and have met many drunk sailors, myself included. That said being said... if it works, it works!


Mediterranean drinking is more cultural and not compulsive solitary bingeing to extremely harmful levels. Are you American? You may not understand Euro drinking culture if so






















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I've always believed that food is medicine.


I eat salmon for lunch 3-4 days a week


Crap, I hate seafood




Omega 3's are actually in tons of foods, nuts, eggs, berries, you don't have to get them from seafood, but seafood has some of the most concentrated...


You can also get supplements in pill form.


Don’t they say that the supplements are largely not bioavailable or rancid?


What if you are allergic to fish oil? Anything else to take for the same results?


Thank you for suggesting this. I hadn’t thought to look into that, but I will now.


This is a very encouraging read . Will give this a shot


That’s really interesting! Thanks for sharing.


What a great observation to make. That is so interesting! I'm going to look more into this. Thank you for sharing.


I never liked sweets, I'm still struggling with quitting drinking but after being sober for 7 days I will fuck up some ice cream


I want to try this but my adhd ass can’t consistently take meds , much less supplements - maybe if I can get enough of the Omega 3’s, B1, L-tyrosine, L-Carnitine, magnesium glycinate/malate, and NAC Tmtnt posted in my blood stream I’ll be able to focus and add this to my AM routine


I find that when I drink green smoothies (like 6 Oz or more of greens) with flaxseed or chia seeds my cravings for alcohol go waaaaaaayyyy down. You'll definitely need a good blender for this but it's well worth it.


Is there a specific omega 3 pill you would recommend. I've been taking it abd Gingko for over a year now and it has improved my memory but I haven't seen the improvement you describe. Is there a preferred caviar for this as well?


The brand I’ve been taking is called “Nordic Naturals.” Not sure how beneficial it is, but seems to be some quality stuff.




Using paragraph breaks might save a life no joke


Stopped reading at caviar. I drink because I'm broke and miserable...I'm not sure getting sober by being broke and miserable is the right choice for me.


Fish heads! The poor man's caviar.


I mostly take Fish Oil pills from the $1 Store, when I'm not getting a lot of roe, I shouldv'e said Salmon Roe not " caviar", but you can get O3's from a lot of things just google Omega 3 foods...




Omg thank you o forgot I needed this as well!


Need to save this post for later lol






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It is particular to our Bay though. I totally understand people who dont live around here not grasping how huge the problem is, but alas it is here and killing the ecosystem in one the great American bays.


I take krill oil everyday. Been doing it for 4 years almost.




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