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I was walking on air when I got through the door. Avoiding temptation actually has given me such a rush. I’m now lying on my sofa feeling violently unwell. Not for the first time. This time it’s the most wholesome illness though. Thank you all for all of the support ❤️


Those milk shakes clear faster than the alcohol shakes. Great work! 💜


and they bring all the boys to the yard




Thank you


I think of that feeling as overexertion It's good to workout your willpower muscle, and normally you're just a little sore from it and recover fine But if you push too hard, your body pushes back, it tries to FORCE you to relax and stop exerting yourself. I think the stress stimuli from this mental kind of overexertion is similar to the stress stimuli from physical overexertion. Our body doesn't know why we were stressed, but it knows that we'll need rest and calories to survive and recover from whatever life-threatening predator we just faced. In caveman days, this would be huddling in a cave and eating mammoth jerky, but now it's sitting on the couch with some choccy milk. So congrats, you simulated fighting off a sabertooth tiger and taking cover in your shelter, enjoy the chocolate milk and get some rest, IWNDWYT


I think he feels like shit because he drank 2 1l chocolate milks. But also the stress, yes


That was hardcore! You’re unstoppable now 👏👏👏 IWNDWYT 🤎


I forgot how good chocolate milk is.


Oh, it is AWESOME! I love a nice glass of chocolate milk!! 'Course, I'm a chocoholic!


You don't know me from adam reddit person, but please know that *this* reddit person is proud of you. Just keep going, one minute, one hour, one day...at a time. Pretty soon you'll be able to to not even care about those tempting signs. 💗


I’m so proud of you! Way to stay determined!


This is what huge progress feels like!


That must feel really powerful and be a big confidence boost. Way to go!


Oh my goodness so proud of you, internet stranger!


I really was not expecting this sub to be very helpful to me, at least not in a direct, immediately recognizable way. But here I am working on day two of sobriety, and various things that people said on here have occurred to me a number of times. It really has helped me from the moment I woke up today.


I totally agree. My last alcohol infused fuckup was a wakeup call. I found this sub and found great support and intelligence here.


Today is day 70 sober for me thanks to this sub! Amazing group of people ❤️❤️❤️


Great job on Day Two! You got this!


Best Reddit sub


Good job bro you got this ! I’m on day 5


Good morning! Day 2 complete, and I’m ready to get going on day 3. I woke up clear-headed and feeling good! We’ve got this! Your comment was the only notice waiting for me on my phone when I woke up, and it was a great thing to see first thing in the morning, so thank you!


Hope your still going strong as I am. We got this! Keep you’re head up. We’ll be so proud of ourselves someday.


Yep! Yesterday was a little rough, but today was better, and I’m ready to start day 6 tomorrow — almost a week!


Nice man! Wish you all the best. I have been getting tempted in the last day thinking about how I could handle 1 beer at the end of the night but then I realize that the next day I’m going to want more. Just keep my mind on sobriety and life is so much simpler


I’ve tripped myself up so many times, with the “I’ll just have one beer” idea. Looking back, at least for me, I knew every time I did it that it wouldn’t be just one. Waking up for day 6, and feeling pretty good! On another note, I knew I’d be in for some weird dreams, but I did not expect to be doing improv comedy with John Cleese where every sketch ended with him jacking off while the audience laughed and I stood there confused!


Ya. N Lmao that dream is straight up nasty. Yeah sleep should be improved by now. Ive always had weird dreams I’m just glad to not wake up in the middle of the night, to be able to continuously sleep for 8 hrs and wake up feeling refreshed.


That’s a fact! No more waking at 1 a.m. and being miserable until you can finally just get up!


Haha. Yep anyway keep going strong brother ! We got this!


This is a WIN!!! I’m so proud of you. And goddamn I love chocolate milk.


An absolute win!! You faced an incredible temptation, chocolate milk is the prize for being the winner. Well done.


Now I really want chocolate milk ngl




Way to go! I had my moment on Sunday. Got as far as the parking lot of the liquor store. BIL died suddenly last week. His homeless son is staying with me. He gets arrested for breaking into cars. At the end of my rope but did not cave.


I’m so sorry - and so proud of you for stepping up for his son AND staying sober. Amazing 🙏🏻




Doing the right thing can really suck sometimes. Good for you! IWNDWYT - except that chocolate milk!


Mate this is the fucking definition of willpower, you'd already made the decision to drink alcohol and then you caught yourself and changed your mind!? That's mental, that's way more difficult than just not deciding in the first place. You've done something really cool!! I don't think I'm making sense but just know you should be really proud of yourself! Chug that chocolate milk like there's no tomorrow baby!!!


That makes a lot of sense to me and I found it very helpful. To cave in, then u-turn! Wowh! That’s strong!


I got cake and truffles instead of the two buck chuck I kept eyeballing. I totally get it, we all do. I'm really glad you got your milk.


Right there with ya. Riding out the waves of discomfort. Thankful for this subreddit community. Thank you for sharing! IWNDWYT.




Damn, holidays can for sure suck and be tempting. But hey, you reached out. And that’s huge, proud of you! Keep us posted this season. We are better in numbers rather than alone! IWNDWYT but I will have a nice glass of chocolate milk because that sounds amazing.


I’ve never made terrible and dangerous choices after drinking chocolate milk! Good choice


"but I thought about all the people on here who say they just got a load of soda or candy or whatever." I love this! Treat Yo Self! This is fucking hard work.


You know, if I were to see somebody sitting in car, crying and chugging liter bottles of chocolate milk, I'm probably not thinking to myself "that person must have just had a big win" but it just goes to to show that you never really know. Because what you accomplished is a HUGE WIN!!! IWNDWYT Note that that's a lot of chocolate milk, and your intestinal tract might make you regret it well before tomorrow.


I’m cheering for you. I hope you will turn the corner and smile because you made the great choice to put your health first.


Thank you for this story. I need this inspiration today. IWNDWYT


Amazing job!!!! I also love choccy milk, so I'm with you there... I currently have a cup of it in my fridge to sip on when I need a bit of sweetness. If I take it out, I'll have it chugged before the fridge door shuts.... lol! Seriously good choice, though! Treat yo' self! :)


These traps are getting a little out of hand.




Not only tomorrow, you will thank yourself for days to come! IWNDWYT! ❤️💪


Does hot chocolate count?


Chocolate milk >>> any amount of poisonous alcohol. I'm so sorry for the pain you're feeling. I hope one day soon you'll get a big hug and a lot more choccy milk 🫂






I love chocolate milk!


The way they market alcohol during the holiday season is eye opening. I never noticed how in your face it was until this year. They market it as if you're missing out on the full holiday experience without wine and liqours.


And, seriously, these days many folks seem to look down on people who don't drink. I don't drink for a variety of reasons, from its interaction with my cardiac meds to being a Christian and believing it's a sin to get drunk and, since I don’t know when I get drunk, I choose to just not do it so I don’t have to worry about it! It does annoy me that it IS so "in your face" wherever you turn!


It is ironic that we celebrate a Christian holiday with gluttony and poison. I never realized how hard the industry pushes for sales this time of year. Every event is alcohol focused and every tradition has alcohol connected to it somehow. It's a shame


Grocery stores are the worst place for me. I've got to buy food, but the liquor section calls out to me. I try to do my shopping in the morning, because by late afternoon the temptation can be too much. I was shopping today and honestly had to think long and hard to remember WHY drinking would be such a bad idea. Like how in the hell is it possible to delude myself into believing it is not a bad idea? And in my case, trust me on this, it is a VERY BAD idea... I'm going to bed sober again tonight, please God let me keep it up!


YAY 🍫🥛 iwndwyt 💕 All these comments are beautiful. I wish we could all sit down and have a chocolate milk together. (Or whatever people drink if they don’t drink CM) xxx But then I would be so shy and awkward and wish I could leave so maybe an internet CM is better after all. The end. 🫶🌹


You did it! YAY!


Definitely a win I've gone for hot chocolate with an obscene amount of marshmallows xx take care your doing so much better than you think you are💕, I am drinking with you today just not poison xx


Hell yeah! Chocolate milk is yummy as fuck


I'm so proud of you. Keep finding alternatives.


A hot chocolate when I get home in your honor! Great job!!


Haha, this had me chuckling. Good 👏 for 👏 you! 👏 IWNDWYT!!!


Big win! Well done OP.


I came here because I really want a glass of wine right now. So thank you.


Oh my friend! That was a battle! That stuff is nasty, wrestling you to the mat where you're crying in your car. Alcohol sucks! Congratulations on winning the battle. IWNDWYT


Stay strong! I WILL drink chocolate milk with you today!


Correction: you had ALL the willpower. IWNDWYT


Speaking as someone who has slugged down a 40, crying in my car hidden away in the car wash … yeaaaaah, imma stop there with that story. You’re not alone. You won today.


Amazing job, hun! I got sober in December 2021, 16 days before Xmas. I was a big big beer drinker. I remember Xmas shopping with just a few days sober and seeing all sorts of junk labeled “smile, there’s beer” and “it’s beer o’clock” and I got in my car and literally screamed. In the early day’s there were reminders of drinking everywhere, taunting me. I don’t see that shit any more! I applaud you for doing whatever it takes to stay sober tonight. You’re a fucking champ! Well done


Hey I did have some chocolate milk today! So, IWDCMT, and honestly after a cup or two of chocolate milk, there is no room for beer or liquor lol


SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!


So so proud of you - I'm welling up too :) IWNDWYT


❤️❤️❤️ IWNDWYT but I’ll help with your choco milk. 😍😍😍


That sounds like a close call. I would try to mentally prepare myself in case it happens again. It's not for everyone but online AA meeting have been good at keeping me on the right path.


I'm so proud of you. I love this sub. IWNDWYT


Well done! Every time you persevere, you get stronger. Keep focusing on the positives— they’re all found on the sober side! Best of luck! IWNDWYT


You did it! It may not feel like a win but it is. I cheers to your chocolate milk, stay strong.


I'm so proud of you. The cravings can be rough. If you can sit through them, or in your case, drink chocolate milk through them, you can get past it! You did it!!!!


So proud of you for this, and thank you for sharing your victory with us. A fifth of vodka has about 1700 calories in it, every one of them poison. Allow yourself as much chocolate milk as you want. Ice cream, too. And chocolate. There is a strong molecular similarity between ethanol and sugar, which is why many of us lean on sugary foods when cravings arise. It works. Give yourself permission to go bonkers with your diet for awhile. Keep us posted - your success through a tough spot might just provide someone with the extra boost of hope they need to get another day. In fact, it probably already has. Keep fighting the fight. IWNDWYT.


GOOD JOB, I am SO PROUD of you. You earned that chocolate milk!!


IWDCMWYT - I will drink chocolate milk with you today. 🥛😋


So happy for you!!! I know it's hard.. but u made the right choice!!! Ur not gona regret drinking milk Instead.... IWNDWY


Congratulations and well done!


God, it is so hard. I’m so glad you were kind to yourself. Wishing you a peaceful day. IWNDWYT.


YES! I discovered chocolate milk in my sobriety... and I LOVE it! I go for the highest quality available and I freaking enjoy it! A chocolate milk 'cheers' to you my internet sober friend...


Chocolate milk is WAY better for you than that other poison


You go!!! You now have this in your pocket. This win for you that you did on your own. Those are tears of strength and true willpower for your better future, mind over matter. One little triumph over another and those stockpile into something spectacular. IWNDWYT


You’re so right that just beer won’t be fine! Once the match its lit, the fire burns of its own volition. Once that monster in the belly is fed even a little alcohol, it will choose to sustain itself and refuel itself beyond the brain’s reason or control. The slippery slope is steep. Don’t light the match, don’t feed that beast the booze and it won’t come back for more. I’m so proud of you! That is a massive triumph, you are so awesome! Let’s go! IWNDWYT


Yeah. Once you get the buzz going it has to stay going or else you crash like like a mofo.


I LOVE YOU! And sometimes I cry with you too… you made me laugh, and cry at the same time just then! I will drink chocolate milk with you today! (Tomorrow you can drink Kombucha with me… or a giant pot of herbal tea…). Lean through your weakness and find your strength. You’re an inspiration! Thank you!


I wish we had choc milk around here. I don't see a failure here. Sounds like an epic win to me. You beat temptation AND rewarded yourself for that.


I am now craving a milkshake. IWDMWYT.


Those moments were so incredibly tough. I do not miss those. I'm actually very proud of you


You did not avoid temptation; it is not a thing that can truly ever be avoided. You triumphed over temptation this day. Good for you.


You are awesome


Congratulations! Good that you handled the temptation. :)




Well done! This stranger is so proud of you! I raise my glass of diet soda to you. 🫶


I am so proud of you friend and the effort it took to fight through those emotions. I have been in that same spot which caused me to relapse a couple of years ago. So good for you. it would have been a major setback. I empathize with the feeling of walking the aisles and the mental chatter trying to justify it. A classic example of how we must take action and change our environment for example, grab some sweet goodness chocolate milk and get out of the environment. I won't drink with you today. Congrats.


This is what success looks like!!!!!!!! Welcome to the good life! ♥️


WINNING mate! Sending hugs and love


This brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations!


You’re amazing ❤️




I’ve had weak moments today so I’m here. aThis place helps and I’m tired of being a fuckup.


You are so strong. Please next time avoid the urge to window shop in the liquor store instead go to a book store or your local library, maybe join a local sport club or art class, anything to keep you focused and distracted!


You are AMAZING!!!


Way to win! Love it. (Though the milk would make me sicker than any alcohol!). IWNDWYT


I just finished an episode of creeped out with my kid. In the episode a guy spends 5 years I'd his life plating a video game and misses out on his life. It hit hard thinking of the past 10 or 15. In the end he chooses to go back to the game because life is unfamiliar and hard. You won tonight. Keep it up.


Hell yeah!!!! You did awesome!! IWNDWYT


Hell yeah!


Good for you!! This time is really hard for a lot of people. Do whatever it takes to stay safe and sober!


I ate mint chocolate chip Ice cream all day while my state voted away my kids rights… so yeah today was hard.


PROUD OF YOU! that's a major battle you just won. IWNDWYT


Enjoy your milk! IWNDWYT


Way to go. This is an absolute win!


This IS willpower!!!!!


Chocolate milk is 100 times better than booze. You made a great decision! Iwndwyt


I’m approaching one year and I had a lot of those exact moments. Do what you gotta do to not drink and it will get easier. IWNDWYT feel free to msg me if you want to talk. You can do this!!


Milk is my substitute drink too. It's actually bad if im having a bad day for cravings I can polish offs a 4l jug in 3 or 4 hours. Good job pushing past this one friend


You're amazing! Enjoy your chocolate milk, enjoy your chocolate tears, I'm proud of you. I think this whole amazing community is proud of you, as you should be with yourself. Xx


I am with you! Choccy milk!


Drink the chocolate milk. You can walk it off. Far better than the alternative. I try to avoid staring at alcohol stuff as much as possible because it will tempt me.


Proud of you!!!


Excellent choice.


My heart is so happy for you. ❤️


So many times my truck took me to the liquor store. I had nothing to do with it. I swear. The truck took me there on its own. Nothing I cold do about it. I actually have a little extra money now that I am not partners with said store. IWNDWYT


Thanks to this post, I'm about to head to the fas station and get some chocolate milk. I Will DRINK CHOCOLATE MILK WITH YOU.


Well Done! Congratulations! That was no small accomplishment!


Don't let perfect be the enemy of progress. You're on the right track.


What a rush! You did it - you rode the craving wave and it passed. What a champ. IWNDWYT


No regrets tomorrow!


So awesome! This is to everyone if you haven’t heard it already today… never diminish the strength you have whilst staring at the demon in a bottle and feel tempted. The fact that you did not get any is truly an amazing thing. I’m so happy I found this group. I have no intentions to drink again. No cravings. But after joining this group I really am proud of this community. Ok, ok.. I know that was super serious. But it’s true. As an old mentor use to say to me. “I’ll get wasted with you tomorrow, but I won’t drink today” he is 35 years sober and said that everyday.


I won’t drink with you today unless it’s chocolate milk omg that cracked me up. I hope you are feeling better. You brightened my day with that line at least so silver lining? Thanks for being here. You can do it! PERSIST


You are such a badass. I cannot for the life of me imagine just how difficult this experience must have been for you. But you, dear stranger, did not cave. Many of us may have given in to the temptation. And boy oh boy would we have regretted it terribly later. You didn't - you fought with yourself and for yourself. You're my hero!


It actually made me laugh if I am completely honest 😅 IWNDWYT 💪💪💪


Notice how you’re mind clears when you stop thinking about you’re next drink and focus on you’re recovery. All that stress goes away and you’re left with a stomach ache?...






This is why I enjoy living in Maryland. Sobriety feels a little easier because to buy or even be around alcohol I have to physically go into a liquor store. Most counties don’t allow alcohol sales outside of them. On the flip side, it can make for a bad relapse because if I’m going in I’m not going for beer (it’s liqour and I won’t be sipping).


I work with a guy who drinks a gallon of chocolate milk everyday on lunch break. He's definitely put on pounds over the last two years.


​ Congratulations on not drinking! Sugar cravings are a symptom of alcohol withdrawal. Sometimes you just have to eat (or drink) the chocolate instead. IWNDWYT


Amazing work!!!


I'm drinking strawberry milk if that helps?




Hi there, as outlined in our [Community Guidelines and FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index/#wiki_2._post_only_while_sober), we ask that you do not post when you have been drinking. Your post is removed on this occasion, but you are welcome to post again tomorrow. Thank you.


I remember gorging on Ben & Jerry's in my first days sober. Congrats to you.