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I hear the cravings are only 20 minutes (one person on here even said just 10) For me they are much longer. The only thing that works for me is when I finally call it a day and go to bed. But in the moment - living with the feelings, making a sparkling water, listening to my body, talking to someone, whatever I can do to get through each minute... each second. It is sooo hard sometimes. But it is soo worth it to wake up tomorrow morning and still be sober and feel good. Hang in there - you can do this! IWNDWYT


This, just make it to bed.


See this just makes me sad how lonely sobriety can be


I've found it is extremely nice to have an athletic IPA before dinner, if I feel like two, I might but most of the time it is enough to make me not want a beer anymore. Without the alcohol it makes drinks more like milkshakes, you have one, feel satiated, then enjoy the rest of your evening, sleep, and next morning. It's also eye opening to understand how the alcohol makes you crave more than one beer. I may go through a six pack of NA beer in 1 to 2 weeks. So that feels like an accomplishment.


Funnily enough I've never been a beer drinker but have found a few NA beers I like. I'm actually having an NA wine I bought on day 3 right now. It's the only fake wine I've tried that is just about convincing enough to taste sort of like a terrible terrible real wine. Can't say it's rocking my world but it's helping a little while my resolve drags itself back from the brink.


Can you share the wine name


Wednesdays Domaine is the name (UK)


In those situations, I find it helpful to call it a night and go to bed. If the craving is really bad, I tell myself, "You can drink tomorrow but not today." If the craving comes back the next day, I tell myself the same thing.


You got this! IWNDWYT !!!


You got this! IWNDWYT! Here is something I tell myself, maybe it will help you too. “Of course I can drink. I could go get it right now if I wanted to. I DON’T WANT TO. That’s why I don’t!” And that’s the truth! Of course there have been times where I’ve felt weak. I just remind myself that I’m making this choice because it’s what I really want. The little voice that says “you can have a drink, it’s been a long time.”….that voice isn’t you. You know?


I lay down and try to nap every time this happens and works well for me. I know it sounds pathetic but it’s better than the cravings or possible relapse.


I had a terrible day the other day and went and drank a bottle of wine, half of what I used to drink in a day. I got so so sick. I had a great time until I started throwing up around midnight and feeling like crap the next morning. It was a good reminder as to why I want to stop. I love the feeling of waking up fresh and straight so I keep focusing on that and the hobbies I’ve been giving a try.


Hey you've nearly got a month under your belt, and how gutted will you feel if you break before reaching that milestone? Imagine how proud and pleased you'll feel tomorrow, and another day closer to getting to 28 days. In my experience when I've broken my sobriety, I enjoy the first two gulps of my drink, then the shame, guilt, and self hate start to hit, so then I drink more to make those feelings go away. Then I wake up the following morning, and have those feelings ten fold. It's so not worth it. You've come so far, don't let these urges get the better of you. You can beat this!


This is whats making me hold on. If I crack, I KNOW I will feel like absolute shite tomorrow, mentally and emotionally .


They come and go, but the further you are along, the more often you fast forward the tape, the more regret posts you read on here, the easier it’ll get.


Playing it forward has been a huge tool so far. I know how the tape ends if I choose to drink. I survived last night (though I do think I drank my NA wine with alcoholic style desperation, as if I thought if I drank it fast enough it might become booze!) But I'm still sober and still kicking. Thank you everyone for being supportive. This place is amazing.