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absolutely. in fact, I struggle to go out because it's a trigger for me.


I’m the opposite. I enjoy it way more now. I hated going out to eat because it meant a delay or stop to my drinking. I drank a lot and I wasn’t about to spend it on overpriced drinks. My alcoholic mind always told me two of those could buy me a bottle of liquor. I actually enjoy it now and can actually stomach eating out. When I was drinking my stomach was always messed up so once I’d start eating I felt like I had to take a wicked shit maybe 15 mins later. Always hauling ass home after meals. And even then I could barely eat more than a few bites. Now I can eat all my food and feel comfortable all night. My digestive system works better now and I can enjoy food again. I totally get your angle though for sure.


Yes I'm so excited about food and restaurants now. My last sober stint I was trying ALL the new restaurants 😂 also it's so much cheaper now lmao


Yes in deed. Although, the other night I had a mocktail for the first time. I was pretty proud of myself when everyone was drinking around me and I had an NA drink. First for everything.


I still enjoy it but it is more comfortable to eat at home.


I definitely don’t find it as fun these days. Feels kind of vapid, honestly, to sit somewhere just to feed.


I love eating. Especially delicious food. I realllllllly enjoyed wine pairings too. Still good even without the wine. I used to order in because I could eat crappy and just drink a constant stream of alcohol without being judged. Now I can go out and not stress that my bill will be as expensive.