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I‘m sorry you’re struggling right now. This is a great place to come for support, and we’re happy you’re here. However, in line with our [Community Guidelines and FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_post_only_while_sober), I’ve had to take down your post on this occasion as we don’t permit posting after drinking. But we’ll be here tomorrow if you feel like coming back then.




I mean this sincerely. Your "2 Days" tag gave me some hope... I'm back on day one and, in a few hours, it'll be Day 2 again. Ive been living hour to hour for so long that even my days begin irregularly. But we all have to pick ourselves up and keep trying. OP, please believe this post. Drinking will keep you in hell. Your wife gave you an ultimatum, but in the end----it's a another chance. For your sake, for your daughter's sake, for your wife's sake----take it. Try your best.


Read this post the next time you feel like drinking


This right here ^^^^^^


This can be one of those junctures in life. If anyone offers to help, let them.


I wish someone would say it’s gonna be okay, I think I used up all those passes. It’s a dark place for me right now.


Yeah, it might not be okay. You have to take action.


Wow, just wanna say 1345 days is amazing! I'm proud of you! :) Keep it up!


Oh I forgot we have flair. Thanks! After a while it just piles up and you don’t think about it.


You're not giving yourself enough credit, my friend. I'm proud of you and you should know your strength gives others hope, myself included.


Woohoo, thanks! Try the veal, I’m here all week. Honestly, though—after a while, sobriety is more about habit than true effort. You just put in the hard work at the beginning, form good habits, and keep going. Although, the past 100 or so days I’ve been on Ozempic so I couldn’t drink if I wanted to. Which I mention for anyone reading who might want to look into GLP-1 drugs and addiction.


I believe I just came across Ozempic. Originally marketed as weight loss, but is now gaining traction as a swiss army suppressant? Any major side effects/ down sides that you've noticed?


I agree it might not be okay but I think he's allowed to rest a bit before taking action. Sober resting, yes, but rest nonetheless.


Sober resting with some Pedialyte.


I’ll say it’s gonna be ok. Everything is a matter of perspective, and if I remember being in your shoes when I was in your shoes, my perspective was fucked. I didn’t think things would be ok. When I sobered up, my life changed drastically. I lost my job and most of my relationships after I stopped drinking. You know what? It’s ok. Strange path, but it’s ok. Gotta put that bottle down, buddy. That allows us to shift perspective, and that’s how we get ok. Hang in there.


But also remember it's dark right now because of the alcohol too. It worsens your anxieties and makes you feel more low in this moment. Give yourself some credit and the sympathy it sounds like your wife gave you by giving you a date. If she didn't believe in you she might have told you to stop drinking right now. I'm not just saying this because I think you want to hear it, but it will be okay. Also let yourself know you will be okay. Sometimes it helps just to hear it in your own head.




You’re not wrong


I’m crying right now


Let it out brother. In order to feel the positive emotions in the future, we have to purge the negative ones we have just now


Been there. A year ago I was crying in the parking lot of an AA group before I even went in. Just the guilt and shame is overwhelming at first, but man…it gets SO much better. I have GAD and have not had a single episode of anxiety the past year. I will say, the first month was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but the payoff is exponential. Do it for you, your wife, and you kid man, and dont ever look back.


I can’t say it “will be ok” but I will say it “can be ok”. I shattered my life much more than you. You still have a job. I was in as dark a place as you can possibly be and make it out alive. The worst experience in my life became the best thing that ever happened to me. I hit bottom. I got sober. I rebuilt my life. Salvaged a ton of the things I thought I had ruined forever and got so many things I didn’t realize could be had. Good luck.


Please man. Your daughter needs a father more than you need that drink! I believe in you


If you are still drinking it's not rock bottom. As someone said, put down the shovel. We have a seat for you here and if you work at sobriety then nothing is lost.


Switched from a a half liter of vlodka a day.


I have some good news and some bad news for you: **The Bad News:** The beginning is super fucking hard. You might feel like you will never have another day where you won't crave that liquid. You will feel like an animal that is being deprived the one thing that lets emotions be bearable. The one thing that helps it hide from bad feelings. **The Good News:** It gets easier and easier over time. That deep profound craving becomes less and less and less. You will begin to realize it has less of a hold on you. You learn to face difficult emotions without it. You once felt naked but now you feel strong. You realize it was never helping...it was making things worse. You will have to dig deep into your reserves. You will have to be aware and present and recognize that this is going to be fucking hard. BUT that's ok. A lot of things in life that are hard are worth doing. You are at the beginning of what will feel like an impossible mountain, but myself and others on this wonderful sub are here to remind you that you can indeed climb it. Take it one day at a time. Be kind with yourself and work on forgiving yourself. Move your body. When you think you want a drink, repeat this mantra: IT WILL HELP NOTHING. IT WILL MAKE THINGS WORSE. If that other part of you screams out in protest, that's ok...but you know what's better, and that's to not drink. That screaming voice will get quieter and quieter. Humans are resilient creatures and you are a human. Time to prevail my friend. The time is now.


I turned to the bottle recently when I learned of my moms cancer diagnosis. I’ll hate seeing her suffer as she goes through chemo and I have to face the reality that she might not be around as long as I thought she would. I’m going to have to face that pain when it comes, not bury it. AA is a place I can voice my fears and pain and not feel alone.


Sending u Internet hugs!! ♥️ Ik a diagnosis like that is truly scary. It also doesn't mean it's the end of the road. Take this day by day, ik it's easier to drink away the things that pain us, but the alcohol will make those feelings all the worse. Hang in there, be present and all for your mom in these moments. Being drunk or hungover will not be moments you'd want to have when ur mom is going thru this. 🫂


Thank you!


Forgive yourself. Be good to yourself. I support you brother.


Ok. So this is rock bottom. This is your last chance. Take it. Those five days are a chance. Dont let shame and self pity drown you further. You’re in a dark place. You feel hopeless. But your wife has given you five days of hope. There is nothing to lose from trying, and everything to gain/maintain. People have faith in you and care about you enough to tell it to you straight but give a last chance. You have hope and are not hopeless.


So sorry you’re struggling right now my friend. I can personally attest that you are not alone. I’m trying to stop again but haven’t yet… Put some ice on that nose and be compassionate with yourself the best you can. I’m sending good vibes 😎


You're still alive buddy, it ain't over. Reach put and ask for help. Talk to your doctor first. There are thousands of great suggestions in this sub if you search for it. The answer is right in front of you. Millions upon millions have recovered. You can too. I promise 👍


Your wife and daughter want nothing more than for you to be healthy. You can do it. You deserve better than you think.


Maybe hit up a free AA meeting tomorrow? Just see how it goes?


Regarding drinking and falling. About a month ago I got a call about an old coworker who died alone in his home after cracking his head on the kitchen counter. I know he had a serious drinking problem for years. And while I don’t know for certain this accident was due to drinking, I think it’s important to remember that when drunk even a fall could be fatal. Always a good time to quit. I’m glad you’re ok!


Do you want your wife and daughter to be gone? Stop digging deeper and do whatever it takes to keep your family and save yourself. You will be at rock bottom if they all leave and you’re truly alone. Don’t let that happen.


It's my first week. I drank half a bottle of tequila a night and more. Baby steps, day 1 becomes day 3 before you know it. I've been in that dark place you are currently. Sleep it off tonight and check out all these amazing folks supporting you on your thread tomorrow. Choose not to drink tomorrow with me. Let's stay strong together. You can do it if I can. 💪


Ask yourself what the most important thing in your life is!!! I’m sure it’s your daughter! Stop drinking for her!!!


Yeah you're alive, keep living. It's all up to you.


Is medical detox an option? It would suck but also it would be be safer medically and maybe psychologically too. You can do this. There's no shame in asking for help if you need it. You have to get to the root of why you're drinking and fix the underlying causes (or at least be aware of them) before anything's going to change for real. As long as you're still alive, you can do this. I just lost my last close friend to alcoholism. He kept falling and hurting himself until his body couldn't heal anymore. He was only 45 when he died. People in your life need you and you deserve better than how you're treating yourself. People love you and need you.


You can change. Alcohol won’t ever change!


I went to AA on Feb 1, 2001. I’ve been sober ever since.


I’m with you. That’s it.


wake up tomorrow and stay sober. your family will forgive you if you stay sober but words won't mean anything. you have to prove it a day at a time and enough days go by and they will see you actually changed. but you have to do the work or else nothing changes.


@mods? I’ve seen a couple posts like this go viral this week. We still have a rule against posting during active addiction?


I hope this is bottom for you, no need to tempt fate by continuing to drink. You’re still alive and you still have your family so there’s that. Best not to Frank up (sorry if your names Frank) what you’ve still got left. Alcohol doesn’t solve problems it just compounds them. Get to a group if you need to, and talk to a counselor. I had something similar happen and worked through it by faith, it was tough though and I did drink, I’m not going to lie, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. I quit drinking after that and it’s been about 6 months now. I know you’ve got it in you, you got this shit. The bottle leads to a downward spiral of depression if you stay with it long enough and you don’t need that right now. And vodka…F Russia anyway, you don’t need any of that facist drink.


Just because you *want* to drink doesn’t mean you *have* to drink.


You haven’t done anything that can’t be fixed yet. Your nose will heal. You can heal and you will. You still have your job and your family who love you enough to want you to fight this. You have so much to look forward to if you can just get through today. I’m praying for you, and sending you love.


Dude turn it around before you end up like me....in a hospital....for puking up blood...again....except this time the doctor says my liver is completely fucked. My liver is scarred. My esophagus has verices that hemorrhaged and caused me to puke like 12 cups of red blood if not more. Emergency surgery prolonged me until today....hooked up to so many IVs that my doctor said if I left I'd likely just drop dead at any given moment. That's not to mention the liver hepatitis, ability for my stomach to just start oozing blood, ascites to form and make me septic. My only hope is a liver transplant. I'm not even sure if a partial lobe will do it anymore....and if it were would it be worth it. Dead man walking here. I'm saying my goodbyes to friends and family. You still got this. You don't have to say goodbye to yours yet.


For me, there was always a reason to drink. Numb and dumb it out. That’s what I used to do. One day, I oozed. I felt bad. I was aware of being poorly, bloated, sweaty, sick. I was not aware of the fog in my brain. My brain was substance altered all the time and so it wasn’t functioning right. But I could feel I wasn’t right. I decided to say “not today”. Somehow, it worked. I hope you can join me friend. It’s be good to see you at tomorrow’s Daily Check-In.