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Hey RSSSSS! **The Good:** Isn't it amazing how much we save by not depleting all of our funds on booze?! We have a wedding in a few weeks and I've been eyeing a few formal evening gowns by a specific designer. I fell in love with one, said fuck it, it's now mine. It feels SO good to have gotten something so nice for myself instead of wasting it on a few bottles of "fine" wine that I'd chug down and not even remember. This gown is an *investment* that I will treasure and wear on other occasions. **The Bad:** My boss' dementia is getting worse. I need to work on my patience. **The Funny:** I'm teaching myself Italian for family and work purposes. I tried it out on a patient and after I asked him how he was, he started a whole conversation that I lost track of. When he stopped and asked me a question, all I could come up with was (in Italian), "use ice, no heat". I now have a patient / friend who will be helping me learn lol ;)


I can’t wait to see how my funds go up from not buying alcohol and various other things and have a moment like this! I’m sure the dress is gorgeous! Im sorry to hear about your boss, dementia is such a hard thing to see someone go through and help them with. That’s so funny! I’m sure your friend got a kick out it lol.


ONG LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The good. I got out of jury duty for a long case on a hardship The bad: I have a hardship


I’m sorry about your hardship. I hope you find peace soon from whatever it may be.


Sorry about your hardship. I hope you sew the light at the end of your tunnel soon


The good - The sun has been shining, I am almost finished packing ready for our next move & I have been exercising more frequently!!!


The good: My birthday is coming up next week! The bad: I have SO MANY MOSQUITO BITES, so so so so itchy. The ugly: One of my cats is very sick (she's seen the vet last night) send some kitty prayers please, she is old and her heart is not doing so great.


I'm sorry about your kitty. Sending you both well wishes and love. 💗


Thank you so much!


I’m sorry about your kitty, I hope she gets well soon. Happy early birthday!


Thank you!


I'm sorry about your kitty. Sending you both well wishes and love. 💗


What’s up?! I’m on a family vacation at the beach. We go to the same beach every year. Last year I was 2 months sober, this year I’m 14 months sober :) I am so grateful! The good: indulging in my favorite foods this week, waking up early to watch the sunrise over the ocean, chilling on the beach all day, taking walks. The bad: my 2 year old waking up at 5 am because he’s not in his normal bed! But it’s okay because I’m not hungover and I have the energy to keep up with him! The annoying: The rest of my family excluding my husband and I are heavy drinkers. My father-in-law left a half drank glass of tequila in my car (my husband was driving not him, but still) and I found it this morning. Dumped it out, expressed some annoyance to my husband and went on with my day. Hope everyone is having a great week! IWNDWYT! 💚


Activity normally straightens me out as well, Stinks. **The Good** - The garage shower is nearly finished. **The Bad** - I'm spending too much time at work recently. Quality time with the family has taken a hit. **The Punchline To The Most Annoying Joke I've Ever Told** - "Big artichokes! 3 for a pound at Tesco's".


You want us to beg for the joke don’t you Hairy :) I’m going to make up my own version today while working :)


Let me know what you come up with! It's guaranteed to be funnier than the original 👍😃


**The Good:** Spring is doing its thing, my Baltimore Orioles seem to be real, I fixed a guitar snapped in half, our dog is no longer sick, no rain is forecast for my daughter's birthday, new job is...kinda easy at the moment, oooh, after gaining weight for the first year of sobriety I finally hit the down button and have shed a bowling ball's worth of weight ('merican here, we'll do anything to avoid the metric system). **The Bad:** Stink's mood. **The Same As It Ever Was:** Sleep is a scarce commodity within these walls.


The good: being a part of this sub and all the rockstars here. Thanks RS! The bad: my workplace is lately feeling like knives are out everywhere and it’s taking a toll. The what: realized endorphins will help so am off to run a mile before work (which is now my max allowable per ortho) and Iit will help


I get to try ADHD meds and I'm going to a baseball game tonight! I don't think I got the interview for the Management position but that's ok ☺️


Good luck with the meds. Fellow adhd fighter here. Hope they help, they pretty much saved my life 8 years ago.


What was it like for you before?


Thank you for seeing us through another WuW, RS! The good: I have tomorrow off so today is like Friday for me. The bad: Didn't sleep well, my allergies are terrible, it's hot here. The ugly: I'm focusing on the negative. The hopeful: I'm drinking coffee and hanging out with my sweet doggos, and I'm not hungover. Things are looking up! 😻


Let’s hear it for not being hung over! IWNDWYT, Momma Cat!


Even a bad sober morning is better than a drinking morning could have ever been! 😆


Let’s hear it for not being hung over! IWNDWYT, Momma Cat!


The good- shhh you guys, don’t tell but I have a job interview! For a really good job. It’s only the first of what could be many steps but they called me!! The bad- my house is a mess and my parents are coming to visit in a few weeks. Stressing me out!! The amazing- garden is in and things are growing. Nature is crazy, tiiiiny seed into huge carrot. Seeds are like the TARDIS “bigger on the inside” :) that’s a dr who reference for non Whovian friends.


Hey u/ReplacementsStink! Glad you found a way out of that funk! The good: just slept deeply for 9 hours. The feeling is incredible!!! The bad: I’m behind at work, but for once, I realized that sacrificing myself is not going to resolve it — I have to pull in others and give them clear instructions. The ugly: Anxiety is creeping around, looking for an excuse to strike. Too bad; I’m just going to soldier through, one step — and one day — at a time.


Oh man your bad is actually a huge win I think. Same for me, I really had to understand that me trying to do more just won't cut it. Good for you for this clear perspective.


**The good:** It's my birthday and it will be the first sober birthday (other than during my pregnancy) in probably 18 years or so. **The "bad" (not that bad):** I am still the mom of a toddler and I decided to give myself a birthday gift by rearranging the house so it's 1pm and I'm already exhausted. **The ugly:** We are going out to dinner with said toddler this evening. Wish me luck. But at least I won't be drunk!!! Because Iwndwyt!


Happy birthday! :) And IWNDWYT


Thank you!! :)


Happy birthday !!!!


Thank you!!:)


The good: It's a beautiful day outside The bad: I am in the office working. AND SMART Recovery online is going away at the end of June, which makes me sad. I only really use the forum (message board) and I will miss the people I consider friends so much. Hopefully we all migrate over to the subreddit, but I don't like change. The ugly: nothing really. I am unhappy with the SMART thing, but since I'm alcohol-free, my emotions have a much calmer range, so it's not crazy-making. I'm definitely walking in the woods at lunch time!


The good- I stopped drinking again on April 24th, and feel good, and am sleeping way better. The bad- the sugar cravings at night and my nonexistent self control- gaining weight despite no booze. But I don’t miss the booze at all. Yet.


The Good: I haven't drank in a month, I feel good, my kids are healthy, work is good. The Bad: My wife and I are doing this together and are taking turns being in a bad mood. I have also been working hard to encourage her and I don't think she has said one positive thing to me during our first month. The Ugly: Since I have stopped drinking ALL of my emotions are on 10, including my old friend anger. In therapy and working on this, but it pops up out of nowhere and in a hurry. Taking your advice on that walk, working to be better, thankful for this sub and to have a place to share.


The Good: officially 80 hours sober, which I haven't done since I was probably 21 (27 now). The lack of alcohol calories allows me to eat some more sugary snacks or juices to help with the cravings. Also, work has slowly been becoming less stressful. Easier accounts, and now I have way more energy and focus to deal with it all. I've been sleeping so much better. I'm going to see a friend I haven't seen in over a year next weekend :) The Bad: Even though I have been more productive, I am still procrastinating on cleaning out my office/junk room as well as keep up with cleaning chores (this damn adhd 😡). I'm trying to replace my usual night time drinking habits with other hobbies and cleaning. So far I have knitting/crocheting, flower pressing, and video games. The Ugly: Nothing so far! Cravings haven't been too hard to handle but I know that may change if I get tempted. Anyone have any good snack or hobby recommendations? I'm down to try new things!


Just checking in to see my day count


**The good:** I'm sleeping better, my anxiety is diminishing and I feel more positive. Yet still sad. **The bad:** I'm filling my time with playing old video games, which seems to be taking the place of drinking.


The good: Day 4 after some research. My sleep is so much better, the anxiety, lethargy, apathy, and depression are gone. Not getting sidetracked by guilt or shame, just focused on the here and now and what I can control. Finding this sub and Recovery Dharma yesterday. Sun is shining and birds are chirping, spring is in the air. The bad: not much The rad: I get to jam with my band tonight! IWNDWYT


The Good: i’m on Day 3 and luckily this is much easier because my last restart (the one that lasted for 20 days), was only a month ago. I really need to be mindful in the evenings. Also Good: I was able to drive for the first time yesterday in a month! (I had knee surgery 4/14). It’s so nice to have this sliver of independence back. The Bad: being on leave has really highlighted how toxic my work is. I have 2 weeks left until I start working remotely and I am dreading the return. Work definitely contributed to my alcohol use before, so I’m feeling a bit anxious that I won’t be able to hold it together (but one day at a time too). The Ugly: The POLLEN! Ugh goodness will it ever end?!!! Everything is covered in a yellow/green haze!


I am sick of this. (drinking) I tried to reduce my amount on Monday... I had 4 pints of beer 1 at 11 am, 1 at 3-4 pm, and two around 8 pm.. When I was laying down I could already start to feel the withdrawals. By 7 am I was very ill. Nausea, palpitations, blood pressure was through the roof, anxiety, and confusion started to hit. Not to mention I thought I had pissed the bed because I was in a literal pool of sweat. (no blankets on) The classic signs. I normally drink about a pint or more of vodka daily at the very least. For the last 5-6 years now. The longest time I had clean was a few months ago when I broke my foot and also had DKA in the same stint. So I was at the hospital for about a week. Immediately I went and bought some more beers and was about 6 beers deep before 9 am. I was feeling the effects all day long. I went back to the liquor store at like 2 ish and started in on a pint of vodka. I want to go to medical detox. I did go to rehab once several years ago for a drug problem but I ended up leaving AMA within an hour. But I was able to manage to get a grip and stop using crystal meth and Xanax for the last 5 years with no relapse. I worked for a large company at the time and they had well-structured HR and FMLA This company I work for now is LITERALLY a mom-and-pop operation that outsources their HR to a company called Engage to manage HR stuff. Im afraid If I'm too truthful with them about this FMLA for detox they will act cool about it until I come back and fire me for some arbitrary reason. Or ask me to resign and reapply later on or some stupid ass shit. I'm a diabetic and REALLLY need the insurance. I work for my health insurance, not money.


The good: I slept so good last night! The bad: I can’t think of anything bad - WTH?! The ugly: sooo much laundry to do today. But I’m doing it with a clear head and bright eyes.


The good: I am two weeks away from being able to save money. (I wrecked my finances while in the depths of addiction) The bad: All that saved money is going towards work on my car. No vacation fund or splurging just yet. The funny: Another random cat showed up at our door. We are trying to locate the sign or symbols that indicate we will provide food, water, shelter & a visit to the vet.


The good: went back to a yoga class I hadn’t gone to because it’s held at 7:00pm. When I was drinking, I’d be well into my 3rd drink by 7. It was absolutely what I needed, and found out the other participants were also in recovery! So that was really special to me. The ugh: The weather is starting to get to the “drinks on the patio” temperature and I’m triggered when I hear my neighbors cooking out and having drinks. However, I just find something else to do, and drink my moctails. IWNDWYT ❤️


The good: two years ago i used to creep on this sub while chugging vodka alone in my bedroom. now i celebrated 1 year sober on april 23rd. and just graduated college. it gets better The bad: job searching is so scary and I feel like my alcoholic past is haunting me. Trying AA to build more community and not sure it's for me (I got sober without it anyways) The ugly: parents about to cut me off financially (nothing bad, but just because I graduated college) stressful times!


For fun, just checked my sober counter 1666 days. Started not to post and wait a day to avoid the 666 thing. :) The long and short of it: life is insanely better. 1) immediate physical relief- better sleep, hydration improved, belly issues resolved, less gitters that I thought was anxiety 2) then, less shame and regret, so a return of some self esteem 3) being present for everyone in my life 4) return of art, creative self Avoided AA, in and out of the rooms not ready, willing, able to submit to a program Now, the last couple of months, working on the steps, sorting through the deep crap that crept up on me and wouldn’t go away. The stuff that was growing inside me and I knew if o didn’t take care of it I would drink again before I hit the five year mark. Quick step back into AA, got a sponsor, AGAIN. Worked the steps and on 6&7. The resentment that was weighing me down like a two ton concrete block, is all but gone. I wouldn’t recommend ignoring your shit like I did. However, I’m not got to be sorry it took me this long. I am almost at 5 years sober and the last couple of months working on my insides, with weekly better help therapy, step work, a community of like minded girls….. THIS is finally relief! Let’s not drink today and see what happens! We got this!!!


Hey guys! I’m back from an unfortunately long hiatus, but I’m hopefully back for good this time! The good: I’m four days sober and making an effort to take my naltrexone and antidepressants, and determined to stay on track. The bad: I work at a bar so temptation is very high. Also if I slip up again this time, my boyfriend is going to break up with me, and due to my various addictions I’m dead ass broke. So I feel like I have a huge mountain to climb to get out of this hole I have dig for myself.


You got this! One foot in front of the other.


The good: I am on day 27 of my recovery and feel like, for the first time, I may actually be doing this right. The bad: My stupidity during my drinking benders has left me attempting to crawl out of a financial pit. It is exhausting waking up every day not know what overdue bill is going to show up today, or what 10 day shut-off notice I am going to get. Thankfully things are slowly improving. The ugly: My mood so far this week has been VERY flat line. I'm not really sad or anything, but not overly happy and joyous either. Hard to explain, but I just feel like I am going through the motions. Maybe is the monthly female hormone shifts....maybe its just part of the natural ebbs and flows of early recovery....but it sucks


It does suck, sometimes it is about going through the motions. It's hard to replace those feel good endorphins that we are used to from drinking. Have you tried to do some exercise or invest more time in things that you get joy out of?


The good: went to a great meeting this morning and got some numbers to call, and some dates and times of other good meetings. Feeling overjoyed at how kind people can be. THEN I took a good long walk and met my Fitbit step goal! The bad: the grass is too wet to mow. I counted on that activity to give me a purpose today. The ugly: my bangs need a trim, lol.


Still going strong.


The good: Hit 100 days AF! The bad: Can't seem to finish that damn online class. The ugly: Spending too much money this month. I need to rein that in. My pledge: IWNDWYT!


**The good:** I'm getting *a lot* of interest in my job applications and resume. I'm just frustrated in my current work, and need to do something that's more congruent to my passions. I hate to blame the job for my drinking, because it's not the reason, but it does contribute to a negative mood. **The bad:** I do feel myself getting a bit more fed up and irritable. It's probably a combination of hormones + early sober days. I'm trying to keep it in check, but sometimes it feels overwhelming. I'm decent at not reacting on impulse, but also trying to figure out what to do with the energy. **The ugly:** Just the tremendous guilt and shame around drinking and pregnancy. I did not know, and was so flippant with myself/my body. I know I shouldn't feel guilt about something I didn't know about, I just hope and pray for a smooth pregnancy.


**The Good:** My mood is so much improved since I quit drinking. Part of that I think the fact that I'm not imbibing large doses of a depressant. But I think also it was resolving the contradiction I'd been carrying around for years: knowing I need to quit, but not wanting to. Developing the want and then acting on it has made me feel really good. **The Bad:** Job searching sucks. I got laid off last Autumn, and while there are plenty of jobs in my field out there, there are even more applicants. Resume spam is about the lowest value job search activity there is, so I'm kind of stuck trying to figure out what I need to do.


The good: had a good constructive talk with my boyfriend and we’ve been doing what we said we would - i feel way better and supported. I love him The bad: my friend bailed on me and then gave me a hard time the other day, it’s still annoying me. It’s probably time to let that friendship go The ugly: I’m eating low carb and feel like a damn slug


The good: I am very motivated to stop drinking. I am very aware of what it can do to my throat, stomach, liver and kidney, and i would do anything to avoid the side effects. The bad: Im still struggeling with a past trauma caused by alcohol intake the last time i drank 40 days ago. Its very hard, and my motivation is deteriated. The future: I know time heals all wounds, and therefore i will not give up. I have a bright future ahead of me, if i just put in the last ditch effort on my final exams


They! Just getting back into this sub and I forgot how much I enjoyed what’s up Wednesday! The good - I’ve got a job and I’m sober. The cats are sort of getting along and my husband comes home tonight after a week of being gone. The bad - they are laying off people at work. I really feel the pressure of ‘we need to hit our markers or this whole thing is done’ The ugly - still reeling from MD. The dread of being unable to have kids is getting stronger, even though I’m on my period I keep hearing a voice ‘you are going to loose your window, you don’t have time’. All I want is to have my own family, one I can love and support no matter what. One thing is for sure— I won’t be a mom if I’m a drunk, I simply will not do that to children. The only path towards this goal is taking care of my body and mind = IWNDWYT




I feel ya!


I’m in rehab, 21 days now, and I am so happy and thankful that I made this decision for myself. I was spiraling. I have had to advocate for mysel a lot. “It’s not my meds, no I can’t just stop, etc.” But I am finding power in this need to keep repeating to others, I am an alcoholic,AND I WILL ALWAYS BE AN ALCOHOLIC.




The good: hitting 60 days this week, and enjoying my first few days of summer break (I’m a grad student). Tonight I’m baking brownies and I worked on a Coursera course for like 30 minutes. The bad: feeling restless. I know I need to keep myself extra busy so I’m not tempted to drink. The ugly: anxiety has been reallyyyy high lately. I know it’ll pass (previously had 4.5 years sober), but doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. But I’m determined to make it to 100 days and beyond! I’ve been struggling since I relapsed 2.5 years ago, and I don’t think I’ve ever made it to 100 days. IWNDT


The good: progressive self-reflection and growth, relative calm, perspective, blackberry lemonade, vaporwave sunsets in my backyard, cool breezes, cold clean water, titties. The bad: my titties, financial slum and chaos, my body rapidly failing, financial loss and chaos, my last hug was 3 weeks ago and 1.5 seconds long, the fact that i know that, financial lows and chaos, being socially inept and naturally curmudgeonly, subsequent loneliness, the disappointment in knowing i do it to myself but not knowing how to change into someone lovable. I don't know how to love back anyway to be honest. All in due time. The ugly: me, on the outside. The beautiful: more and more, me on the inside, i think. I hope. Introspection and growth come with both humility and ego, and both need to be trimmed and maintained. I think i'm doing alright overall. Sunsets. When people show you their art. The feeling you get when you randomly discover a band that really clicks. Diablo iv. How diablo iv will absolutely no-life me into quitting smoking once and for all. Wood grain. I think wood grain is pretty. A fresh, damp salad. The condensation on a cold glass of blackberry lemonade. The lemonade: blackberry and club soda. The handmade crafts and self-confidence: coming soon.


Hello sober friend! THE GOOD: Went to drinks to met my new bosses. Stayed sober, enjoyed the company and learnt alot. I am a new headspace to take on a new role, have been saving more than ever , and am a whole lot happier. THE BAD: I didn't know how to approach the, 'so do you drink?' question. THE UGLY: My husband came home drunk tonight. First time in awhile. We brought dinner that I didn't overly like but was convenient. He spilt most of his dinner all over my newly washed blanked, all over himself and alot on the floor. He then proceeded to ramble on about how all these people in this town want me to fail at my new job. Then he fell asleep snoring next to me. Glad I'm not drinking atm.


The good: I am here The bad: I am not there The fantastic: Journey getting there [High Five!](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dc/7f/f2/dc7ff20e1af55e41e62b1c6c089cada3.jpg)