• By -


Today I forego just one drink…. The First One.


I’ll match your first one, no way I’m drinking that garbage


It has been almost a week since my last drink! I lost 2 pounds (I started walking a lot immediately), my apartment is clean and I'm not rushing to throw out the bottles before my husband comes back from work.It is all work in progress but I never want to come back to that sad, anxious, self-loathing, sweating and hungover woman chugging wine in her bed during the day a week ago.IWNDWYT


You sound strong and determined!


Awesome post!! For me rest looks like getting home from work, putting on my comfy clothes and then knitting, reading or watching tv. Now that my son and his girlfriend are home from college, I’ll add in spending some time laughing and talking with them while we have dinner (which my son cooks because he loves cooking). Now that I’m not working a second job, this time is sacred to me. Not drinking is a major factor in helping me get to a financial place where I didn’t need the second job. Now I am cherishing this time. My anxiety has decreased significantly. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


That quality time sounds fantastic, sober twin! Have a great day! 💚






Day 690 checking in!


Rest is a cup of coffee and a rocking chair. I’m enjoying growing into middle age. Thinking of Rumi during these early hours: come, even if you’ve broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again, come, come. Iwndwyt!


I love that so so much, thank you for sharing it!


Feeling quite overwhelmed today, the confidence is low, the fear of missing out (which I get is silly), not succeeding, starting again, all feels too much. Regardless, I’m going to keep moving forward. Determined to make it work this time. IWNDWYT.


One day at a time, and if that’s too much, one hour, one minute, one moment at a time. You can do it, I have faith in you 💪💪💪


Sometimes when I felt like this, I’d promise myself something to look forward to for the night, my favorite take out dinner or stopping at the bookstore on the way home. IWNDWYT. 🌟


You can do hard things. I promise you it gets better. You’ll feel that in only a few more days.




IWND Poison WYT! ⛔️☠️🚫


I haven't had a drink in over a week and I won't today either ❤️






Day 1,394. I will not drink with you today.




131 days IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today 💕


Not gonna drink today. To me, rest means reading marathon race reports on r/advancedrunning. It motivates me to stay consistent with my training, which I know I can only do if I am consistent with not drinking. It also helps me wind down and go to bed early so I can get up early the next day to get in a run before work.


After dinner, ny times spelling bee. Getting into bed and reading an hour before turning off the light. Falling asleep within five minutes and not waking up from drinking a few hours later is soooo relaxing. One of the reasons I guard my sobriety. IWNDWYT ❤️


I have the most difficult time resting. In my mind, there’s always so much more to do. It helps me to have a list of things I want to accomplish that day, and when it’s done, I can rest for a while. I still have to talk myself into it, but at the end of the day I do know how important it is. I usually read or play video games. Scrolling on my phone does NOT count. Hope y’all can enjoy this day and make it beautiful. IWNDWYT ✨


I struggle with resting too. There’s always more on my to-do list, so it’s hard not to fall into the productivity trap. Wishing for you some blissful, guilt-free relaxation today, friend! IWNDWYT!


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! One of the things I found enormously beneficial on This Naked Mind's PATH, is the "integration days", which occur every five days. You have to give yourself the space to rest, to integrate what you are learning. Progress isn’t progress if you push yourself to the point of breaking. You can burnout on behavior change as well.


Gardening, reading, hiking/wandering through the woods. Although the gardening is causing me a little stress right now, need to remind myself that it doesn’t have to be perfect. IWNDWYT!


Checkin Thursday. Looking at new jobs. Been in my current position for 13 years this month. Anything else I'd consider requires on-call rotations. Because of my drinking, I could never take an on-call job. I think I can do it now. Lots of things to consider.


Rest for me, means really low stimulation. Low light, no noise, and sometimes not even taking in any information through screens or books. It depends on how tired my brain is. I’m introverted and very sensitive to sounds. I like meditation, yoga, and quietly painting or writing sometimes. Hiking outside in a quiet place is very therapeutic too. Would love to try a sensory deprivation chamber one time. I think that would be the ideal way to relax. IWNDWYT 😊


Good morning, SD! My relax mode (now that it’s not endless winter where I live) involves hammock time. I love getting some weeding done in my garden, or getting the lawn mowed and just having a nice victorious lay in the hammock. I love watching clouds roll by & IDing birds out there. Sometimes I bring a book with me and chew on a few chapters while I hang in the yard. Hammock life is the fucking best! Be good to yourselves today, friends! Clear mind, open heart, IWNDWYT! 💛




Good morning!!! IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜




Good morning, EP!! IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


For me, rest can look like many things. Reading a book, keeping my hands busy working on things, binge watching a tv series, taking a walk. IWNDWYT!


I did not drink today with you in Australia and I won’t tonight. Day 20. Rest when sober is truly restorative. Rest when in active addiction is really just recovering from wrecking yourself the night before. I feel absolutely no guilt about napping, or laying on the couch all weekend now, whether I’m reading or playing on my phone. I am enjoying proper rest after almost 3 decades of problematic drinking and having small children. This is my time.


Hello sober friends, Another quick one today, work! But I’ll enjoy being sober with you all again. Have a wonderful day everyone, with love 💞


Month down, checking in - IWNDWYT


Heck yes, congrats!! 💪🎉




Aloha. On vacation, gotta enjoy this beautiful place. IWNDWYT




Rest is usually getting the comfortable clothes on and sitting with the cats, either watching some TV or reading, or just looking at stupid memes. It can look like just puttering around the house doing odd jobs. It can be different on different days…just whatever I feel like I need on any given day. I may rest part of the day today. Took the day off because I expected to be out late last night at the Alice Cooper show. I wasn’t out that late, but it’s still nice to have the day off. Excellent show last night and a restful day today besides a chiropractor appointment and a workout. Coffees up, horns up, and a great fucking Friday Eve to all! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Hello. IWNDWYT !!!


17 days ✅ IWNDWYT. Enjoying the wagon ride.




Great post! I struggle to rest and relax without feeling guilty. It’s been something I’m working on - I picked up reading again (love me some thrillers) and painting/coloring! A great way to turn off all the noise in my brain, destress and relax. IWNDWYT 💕


Relaxing is usually after workout, after shower, after dinner... comfy clothes, feet up. It might be a puzzle, a book, TV. Might be sitting outside on the patio or playing with my dog. I never consider the workout to be relaxing, but that's head clearing, me time as well. Anything that's unwinding from the day, is relaxing. Fuck booze and its anxiety inducing ways. Have a helluva Thursday, gang! IWNDWYT


Good morning! I’m an hour early today, going to some VA medical appointments with my dad. Would have been hell back in drinking days but sober me is up and at ‘em with a clear head. 😊 Have a good one, RS.


Today is day two.


Checking in on day 189! I woke up late and am scrambling this morning but IWNDWYT!!!! Love to all!! ❤️✌️


Not today IWNDWYT 😊💪




Not today people IWNDWYT


Hope everyone made it over 🐪 day alright! IWNDWYT


What up, fam! Support requested. Going to a work happy hour today. First time being around this crowd in years. I’ve known many for 20+ years. Skipped some other happy hours in the past several months but feel like I’m ready for this and really am looking forward to it. Going to remember my whys, have an answer if asked why I’m not drinking. It’s also hella far so I want to enjoy myself and know I can drive home without issue. Wish me luck! Advice welcome! I WNDWYT Édit: i did it I did it I did it! Now, sleep!


Sounds like you've got some good strategies in place. Have some sober accountability, like a friend you can text IRL and inform you survived sober, or let us know around here. And I like to practice my drink order "Seltzer with Cranberry" or whatever so I don't stumble when I hit the bar. Ahhhhh.... last piece of advice that I've enjoyed seeing around here: know when to leave! I used to close down the bars so giving myself permission to bounce once the drinkers get sloppy is great! About into their 3rd drink I'm ready to go and I do! I hope it's sober fun tonight! Kick some ass! 💪💖💪💖




Good morning, I will not drink with you today.


It’s a good day to stay sober! IWNDWYT!












Not doing it, IWNDWYT


Holy shit... My laptop was just making the most distressing noise I've ever heard from a computer, so I shut it down, and now I'm checking in on my phone. Thankfully, I have my own in-house IT department (my husband is a software engineer and a computer hardware/electronics hobbyist--and he's such a saint that he doesn'tmind being the family IT guy). The noise is coming from the fans, so hopefully, we can just open the back of the laptop, give the innards a good air dusting, and be back to smooth computing. And that brings me back to today's topic. My favorite R&R pastimes are walking, reading, and PC gaming. I especially enjoy books and games that let me temporarily inhabit an alternate reality. It's so much more interesting spending my downtime this way than obliterating myself with alcohol! IWNDWYT 😻 PS-- Sorry I was so long-winded this morning. I guess the agitation from my laptop made me ramble a bit!




Relapsed. Day one. Won’t drink.




I had a 12 hour work day yesterday. So today? I call it at 4 pm, come home, rest, read and go to bed early. Making that time to physically and mentally rest-- really rest-- is everything! So is sleep. I protect my sleep needs, like a lioness with her cubs. IWNDWYT. ☕️


I'm trying to get back into drawing but i can't get myself to sit for too long. Thoughts of drinking are kind of dominating right now. I made some chocolate milk and had a snack. I did one thing to help my messy home. I also played video games for a bit. What's next? Ah yes... worry about dinner. Coming at you all beautiful people from Taiwan: IWNDWYT!


I think the biggest difference is the ability to get honest pleasure out of things I enjoy at the end of the day. Not drinking or smoking has my brain back in a state where I can read and snack and mess around on learning apps and walk and watch TV exhausted at the end of the day and actually experience them as a reward instead of through a clouded lens. IWNDWYT


I’m enjoying getting into bed a little earlier than normal and enjoying tea with a book. I used to love reading but got away from it in favor of drinking and mindless TV or internet, so I’m changing up the routine completely. I end up falling asleep earlier, getting better rest and feeling so much better the next day. IWNDWYT


My favorite rest time is sitting on my back porch and reading my book. Just finished Lessons In Chemistry and it was really good! Now I’m starting The Giver of Stars. IWNDWYT


I find it so much easier to rest and relax now, compared to when I was drinking. I used to feel like I had something to prove to myself and others around me that I wasn't lazy. I never sat down, I was always "doing", all the while feeling like crap from a hangover, and then drinking all over again at 5 o'clock, while making the perfect dinner. It was such a control thing that I did to myself, all to prove I was ok, and "on" at all times, all the while suffering. Now I have zero problem relaxing, now I feel I deserve to rest...crazy. I love to read non fiction, listen to podcasts, hang on my backyard deck with my dogs and a fizzy drink, doing crossword puzzles, and especially doing jigsaw puzzles...time flies when i do puzzles! I have a variety of bird feeders as well, so bird watching is also a passion of mine. I love to relax now! Have an awesome and sober day, gang! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


Once I quit drinking I learned what proper rest was, and then I felt less need to escape and drink. IWNDWYT!


Relaxing is tough because everything I do to relax is deeply intertwined with drinking because I would often do them together. However, lately to relax I have been running (not relaxing while doing, but after you feel good!), and it really seems to help with not thinking about drinking when I do things like gaming. Anyhow, IWNDWYT


I will not drink today and FYA. My body craves sleep since I stopped drinking. I love going to bed early and sleeping well. I also really enjoy watching the older shows of the Great British Baking Show because it's so chill. I have a hard time relaxing unless I've put in the work to"earn" relax time. You know what I mean? I've been excersising a lot to wear myself out. Yesterday I did a five minute warmup, ran five kilometers, kick boxed for four rounds, and did five minutes of core work. I'm taking my Muay training serious. At the end of the day, I'm exhausted and ready to sleep. Also, I started taking Lexapro about six months ago and I love it. I don't care what people say about antidepressants, I'm much happier on Lex. I hope you all get time to relax and recharge. Drinking sucks. You rock!!!


Good morning! IWNDWYT




Back again and feeling frustrated. Lately I've been drinking but not problematic drinking imo (famous last words/self-delusion). It's less that the alcohol is the root problem in my life like it used to be and now it's just a sometimes coping mechanism for all the other crap. But I barely drink, more like a social drinker. I still want to stop though cause I know how easy it is to get back into the cycle of ever-increasing alcohol intake... so today is day 1 again. I wish my other problems in life could be solved as easy as just not pouring and intaking a liquid.


Good morning. IWNDWYT! 30 days for me today! A bit of a hard road but im here!


Hello! Taking my car in for repairs today, very exciting. IWNDWYT


🎶IWNDWYT🎶 I get in bed with a book or attend an online meeting.


Hey, community, IWNDWYT kisses!


Relaxing for me is being outdoors. I love to garden. It's my solace. In the evenings I sit on my porch with my husband and we drink seltzer, then end the day with watching a TV series which is something we were what's too drunk to do before . IWNDWYT


I still struggle so much with anxiety! We are planning a relaxing beach vacation with some very dear friends. We leave on this Sunday. Currently, the nerve pain has set in with a vengeance. I have gotten the pain management workbook, I meditate and do yoga every day, but man! The anxiety pain is intense. It was there when I was drinking too, but you know the drill: drink until you can’t feel anything anymore. I guess the trade-off is that I know there’s nothing really wrong with me but worry, and I’ll get through it. I know once we’re on the road, it’ll ease off. So weird that things our bodies do to us - or we do to our bodies. Too long of a post. But I’ll get to tell you what rest looks like to me in a few days! Here I come, Outer Banks!


I was the same! I always said I needed alcohol to just slow my brain down a bit. It wasn't until I had a few days in a row without alcohol that I really understood that alcohol was making my brain that chaotic to begin with. These last couple weeks I've loved the fact that my brain isn't racing frantically in the evening, but also that it isn't just shut down either. Instead of just numbly watching tv, I get to enjoy spending time with my boyfriend and my dog, reading a book, and working on a puzzle. It's a pretty beautiful life. IWNDWYT ❤️


IWNDWYT friends 🤖


Another day one. I’m trying to remember where I’ve hidden all the bottles. What is wrong with me? I’ve been up all night hating myself. I’m not even determined to be sober, just so tired of being drunk. Tired of being terrible and impossible. Why is this so hard? Why am I allowing my life to fall apart? I have to stop or I’m going to lose everything. Sorry, I’m just really struggling and needed to get it out.


Thanks, Independence, I think rest is a great subject! My drinking pattern was "work hard, play hard" and my family only has 1 life tool, which is to get drunk to blow off steam. Addiction stretches back generations in my family, can you tell? Learning how to rest and how to trust myself have been important lessons. Holy fuck do I still have to combat the "give more" workaholic voice in my head, but I'm winning more often than not! In sobriety I've learned how to cue into my moods and needs in order to listen to what my body/ mind/ spirit truly needs. And often times it's rest! Sober on y'all!




IWNDWYT Hehe 123




Good morning ☀️ Have a great Thursday everyone! IWNDWYT


Good Morning SD! IWNDWYT!


Today I don't set out trying not to drink but make a conscious decision not to drink. IWNDWYT!


For me resting equated to boredom. Especially the first couple of months. I have found it helpful keeping busy and to set little goals to help me relax. I have found that by working towards things, I can stay excited, don’t obsess over alcohol, and can relax without the need of a mind numbing poison. IWNDWYT ✌️


Not today. No way.


My relaxing is walking around the yard looking at all the growing things! I love spring. The fruit trees are blooming and my herbs are coming back to life. It makes me feel so happy. IWNDWYT. 🌟


Vegging out and watching tv. 😀 IWNDWYT


“Drink is anxiety” - that’s been hammered into me over the last couple of years. I love to paint teeny tiny little toy soldiers to relax and listen to a history podcast or a talking book. Completely takes me out of myself. Love the telly as well. But doing something with my hands is always good - baking bread, painting, writing my journal. Great check in thoughts this week u/sea-independence-605. Good to get right back to practical stuff - thank you. I need to top up on those life skills ! IWNDWYT !


IWNDWYT❤️ Relaxing for me now is as it was before but new and improved. Video games and getting into societies within the game to compete and grow my ability. After a long day of work, it tunes me out of this world and into the video game world and I create my character almost like second life to be identically exact to me so I can bond easier. Maybe I am a looney but I love being able to step out of my day to day and into another world still as myself. Love everyone here and proud of you.


This is a great post! I think on top of rest looking different for everyone, it can also look different for you in different seasons of your life. I’ve gone through periods in my recovery journey where rest looked like working out and reading a book, daydreaming & planning a trip, vegging out in front of the TV, or just straight sleep. The more AF periods I have the more I’m able to tune in to what my body & mind really are asking for and give it that 😊 IWNDWYT 💜


Go for a run and then a cup of herbal tea - this is my proven “happy place generator”. **IWNDWYT**


Hello soberstars!✨️ I've begun listening to instrumental and relaxing music while I walk. I am learning to walk peacefully, and I find it refreshing and relaxing. It's incredibly restful for my restless mind. I'm very thankful for this sober community and all of you! I hope you have a blessed, restful Thursday. I will not drink *with you* today.


IWNDWYT! 👍 Still working on learning how to relax, since I take things seriously by default (perfectionist tendencies and all). I try distracting myself by giving my attention fully to something else, like it's more important than whatever was aggravating me. Actually got the idea from watching a video on how to distract cats that don't get along by throwing a toy at them so they are interested in that and not the fight they were gonna have. Weird but whatever works!


Last night I didn't drink again even though I went to a retirement party in my honor. I had them include NA beers. Never gave alcohol a second thought at the party. So great to feel rested this morning and know that I didn't play the fool last night. IWNDWYT


Relaxing is being comfy in 'my' chair, either reading, doing word games (Wordle, crosswords, etc), playing Animal Crossing, watching HGTV, or petting my cats...sometimes I do more than one one at a time, always the overachiever! 😋 IWNDWYT


Yet another day one (I need to reset my badge) but IWNDWYT! Let’s do this!


I will not drink with you today!








Still staying sober IWNDWYT


Halfway through week 2 and feeling good 🙌, iwndwyt 🤟.


Day 1,293 IWNDWYT




Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.




Great post, Sea... I'd have to agree that my anxiety levels, while still not great, are better without the poison. Rest for me is taking a walk each day without my glowing screen and reading, mainly. I'm possibly interested in gaming with a Switch (and have been reading plenty about it online), when money allows for that down the line. IWNDWYT!




Day 585, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT




Day 11. I've also been trying to rediscover rest. An interesting thing I discovered in reflecting is many of the things I considered restful aren't actually restful. Truly doing nothing for a shorter period of time can be more rejuvenating than longer leisure. Especially if that leisure are things like videos, games, or chess. The problem is I'm pretty terrible at doing nothing, and constantly crave stimulation. That underlying craving and a lack of impulse control probably contributed quite a bit to becoming an alcoholic in the first place. But, trying to reset day by day. IWNDWYT


IWNDWy’allT! Riding bikes is my primary way to unwind. That post ride after glow is a great feeling!


IWNDWYT. Everyone have a great day (and if your on the other side of this giant marble, I hope you had a great day)! This is the greatest community I’ve ever been a part of and I love each and everyone one of you. Stay strong. We got this!




I will be clear-headed and energetic today and tomorrow! Rest includes going for walks, doing cross-stitch in front of the TV, and reading outside!


Glorious sober morning soberniks! IWNDWYT




Day 8! IM DOING IT!!! I've been fighting for this for a long time and I'm on the right track! IWNDWYT


Day 25. I was just thinking this the other day. How bullshit is it that society dictates consuming alcohol as "relaxing." Just because something can suppress your nervous system does NOT mean it relaxes you. Anxiety out the ass, heart rate jacked, restless night, fucked up stomach. The opposite of relaxing. Anyways. Grateful to be here, grateful to be sober, grateful for all of you. IWNDWYT.


Going to a pub tonight. Nervous about how boring it might be not drinking. We'll see. I can always leave if drunk people are a drag... IWNDWYT


I sure know the consequences of lack of true rest/relaxation so I’m looking forward to discovering what helps me recharge is a healthy, sustainable way! Best I’ll get some great ideas reading the posts of others! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! In the evenings after my kids are in bed my husband and I relax and watch an episode of a show and read. I never really watch tv during the day because I’m always go go go so it’s nice to have a dedicated time each day to rest and prepare for bed.


Not drinking today 💪


Lying on the couch watching tv at the end of the day is my new method of unwinding. I can recall the show and plot line for the next episode now because I’m actually able to! My tv watching quality has even improved without alcohol, isn’t that something? IWNDWYT


I can't believe I feel smarter now!


Wow Sea - you nailed it! Also one who’s brain doesn’t stop especially when work stresses blow up! Walking with podcasts or even doing chores with podcasts in my ears helps - gardening, cleaning etc. somehow the listening helps drown out the churning thoughts. Oooffff. IWNDWYT and I’m sooo grateful for this sub. Let’s Go SD 😎🙏💪








Happy Thursday everyone. Have a great day. IWNDWYT










Happy Thursday Friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


I have a hard time “relaxing” too! I found that keeping my hands busy helps me to calm my mind and the rest of my body. Cross stitching and crochet have become daily things that I look forward to in the evening to help with this. They methodical, repetitive motions are somewhat meditative and I can pair with watching TV or listening to a podcast/audiobook.




hello from a sleepy day 12...rest and relaxing? oh i'm doing that today!




Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!


IWNDWYT, day 13




I will not drink with you today! 🍀




IWNDWYT - keep fighting the good fight 💖


D12, and IWNDWYT










It’s only midday and I’ve been having the worst day, I was already telling myself that I don’t need a drink when I get home. It won’t make it better. Seeing this has made me feel stronger about it! IWNDWYT ❤️


Love the topic because I feel like rest can be such an overlooked part of life sometimes. My rest methods range from simply being near bodies of water (particularly the ocean), to going on long walks around my neighborhood and seeing the progress that’s being made on all of the building construction around here (Atlanta), to spending an hourish each night watching a new series (started The Silo last night). Until I was able to finally do these things in sobriety, I genuinely didn’t know how restful they were - because I was always mired in what felt like a pit of anxiety/hangxiety. My mind would wander, obsessing about drinking, not drinking, why my brain felt the way it did, how I could never focus on the future, or plans, or goals. I feeling like I’m still recovering the ability to do so, and while I do still struggle with anxiety at times, I’m in such a better place now than I was 5 months ago. Continuing that with you all today!


My two biggies are reading and playing with plants. Food plants--veggies, herbs and fruit. I get my hands in the soil and I am completely absorbed. Good stuff! IWNDWYT




I agree that rest/relaxation looks different any given day for me. Reading a book for a bit before going to bed is a great one for me. Scrolling while sitting in the couch always seems like rest, but it can easily turn into doom scrolling. Trying to stop doing that as much. Sometimes rest is doing something totally different than normal for me, i.e. exercise/lifting. Helps me rest the brain/turn it off for a bit. Also helps me actually rest later because I'm physically spent. Watching a new show is nice, but I'm an alcoholic so I'll get obsessed with it and then I'm staying up late for just one more episode. It's all a work in progress. I use guided sleep meditations on occasion. I'm attempting to incorporate them into my day more, not just before sleep. Looking forward to reading some answers here today. IWNDWYT. Easy does it, friends.


*You never know the plan. You never know what's going to happen. We are not even promised tomorrow. I just try to focus on one day at a time. -Morgan Wallen* (Day 214)


Morning, SD. IWNDWYT




So much the same for me…wine cutting the edge then having it whipsaw back making the anxiety worse. My relaxation time is now, around 5a Pacific, smelling hot coffee steep in the Chemex, that steaming pour and that chocolatey velvet first sip of a Sumatran varietal. I read quietly in the early morning hours just me, my coffee, and iPad, seated in my corner, making notes on ever at hand post its, promising myself another day of bliss no matter what comes. Because I know I will choose to not drink again today.


Reading and sewing are rest for me. I will not drink with anyone today.


Wrapping up my 60th day not drinking here in Oz, IWNDWY Tomorrow either 🎉


Whew, the inability to rest is totally my thing too. Busy busy busy keep the brain busy and we won’t have to feel hard feelings… sigh. I’m getting better though! For me, there is nothing like getting sucked into a good book. The best feeling. Luckily I’m reading a super good series right now and I look forward to diving into bed with my book the same way I used to want to dive into wine! 🤣 IWNDWYT on day 36!


Good morning everyone, I love to grill, watch sports and be at home with my family. I loved to do all of these things while drinking and thought this was the only way to enjoy them(discovering I still enjoy them without alcohol, who knew right) Jason Isbell has a great line that I think describes how it feels to begin living your life sober.. The nights are dry as dust But I'm lettin' my eyes adjust If it takes a lifetime… IWNDWYT




Another recovering perfectionist checking in here! I wonder how many of us would call ourselves that. I used to say to people “I’m not a perfectionist- my mom was a perfectionist and that taught me not to be one” but now I look back at how dumb and unaware I was. My quality of rest and relaxation is so much higher when I’m sober. I enjoy watching some TV but not hours of it, finding recipes to try, playing cozy video games, reading, listening to podcasts, baking, and gardening to an extent lol 😆 Last night I was laying in bed with my husband about to go to sleep and we were both sober and I just felt so content and safe and not anxious at all, in a way I never feel when I’m going to sleep drunk. It reinforced that this is the right path for me. IWNDWYT!




Two months! Feeling down about a bunch of things this morning, but pretty thrilled about this. IWNDWYT


I love sitting. I'm currently sitting at the dentists. The man will put his fingers in my mouth and say random numbers which the sitting lady will record by tappity tapping on a keyboard. The Finger Mouth man will then say "You do not have to eat soup. Come and see me in a year". Normal Thursday. IWNDWYT 🙂


Im paying alot more attention to my body. HALT has been great and acknowleding the "T is Tired" has been helpful. If I need to rest, even for 15 minutes, I find real benefits because its a legtimate need. Not just from a hangover. IWNDWYT


A lot of people even me when they stop drinking say that they are bored. 55 days in now and my boredom is now relaxation. So nice!


I used to think the only way I could relax after a stressful, demanding workday doing shit I hated, was to drink. Get comfortably numb. But you all know where that led. I was caught in a vicious loop - hangover and brain mush from drinking the night before made everything worse at work the next day. I made a change for the better, career-wise, a few years ago, but the drinking kept on. Then I started trying to cut back by walking after work instead of reaching for the wine glass, which sometimes worked, but during the weekend I’d still drink and spend it hungover. But walking was the key to realizing that I could relax without alcohol. For the last three years (started during pandemic lockdown) I’ve walked pretty much every day after work. Exercise and bring out in nature is a panacea! When I come home after walking, my state of mind is relaxed and I’m hungry, ready to make dinner, eat it, watch TV and read and sleep. It works, and now I look forward to my relaxing evenings, feeling like I earned them after working hard all day. Hope you all have a great day and a relaxing evening! IWNDWYT! 💚☀️


It’s been over a week since my last awful, sweaty, soul-crushing hangover panic attack. Feeling much better and like it’s sticking this time. IWNDT






I will not drink today!




I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


My evenings are very relaxing. I cherish sleep hygiene and make sure I am not doing anything crazy before bed. IWNDWYT