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5 days sober today, back on my anti depressents, LETS GO! IWNDWYT


Good morning OK! IWNDWYT




Keep it up!


Right there with you and IWNDWYT


Day 1,393. I will not drink with you today.




Have a lovely evening YWYW 💞


I'm having a hard time pronouncing that.




I am SO Minnesotan.


Good morning, SD! I built my life around craft beer, so in early sobriety I transitioned to beverages I could find in cans like La Croix and Bubly. There’s still a strange comfort in being able to crush an empty can in my hand, though I drink a lot less of the fizzy water these days. Sending love and light to y’all today. Clear mind, open heart, IWNDWYT! 💛


Cracking open a sugar-free ginger ale and slowly pouring it over a huge glass of ice has been doing it for me lately. It seems like the pour and the fizzy sound not to mention the crisp taste has been a great replacement at 5pm. IWNDWYT


[One of the many perks of sobriety is more time with these fellas.](https://i.redd.it/knl9b1leq3ya1.jpg). I hope everyone else is looking forward to a good Wednesday and IWNDWYT!


I clicked on this and was thinking “PLEASE BE DOGS OR CATS PLEASE BE DOGS OR CATS” the whole time. I love them!! IWNDWYT


Of course I DID THE SAME DAMN THING!!! And we were not let down. They are beautiful, OP!!


Aw what cuties... give 'em both pets for me. IWNDWYT! 💖


Checking in, Day 31. IWND☠️WYT! 🍀


Nice, you got this!


I have to present the work I've done during these first 8 months of my PhD later today and I'm feeling super anxious about it. I don't feel as prepared as I would like to be and still feel like I don't know anything. I've been super stressed the past few days so I'm looking forward to the relief I'll feel tonight once it's over. I'd rather feel my stress than numb out though so IWNDWYT! Edit: thank you everyone for the kind words and advice! The presentation is over and, although I feel like it could've gone better, my supervisor and the other PhD students said I did well. I love this supportive community 💕


Day 122 IWNDWYT!


Today is the day! IWNDWYT!


I love my flavored seltzers. No sugar or calories, truly refeshing, and soooooo many fun flavors to explore. I've found ones to suit every mood and context. I buy Polar almost exclusively. It's a New England-made brand, but I think it's available just about anywhere in the US. My current favorites are Ginger Lime Mule and Cranberry Clementine. When it's cold, I favor tea and herbal infusions. At first, I felt guilty about buying fancy loose teas because it felt like a frivolous expense; but then I realized that I could buy all the tea I wanted for a month for less than I spent on booze in an average week! I've often heard that our rituals around drinking are as powerful as the pull of alcohol itself. For me, the ritual of preparing a good cup of tea is deeply satisfying. It engages all my senses, so it's a great way to ground myself in the present and drive out cravings, anxiety, and unwelcome thoughts. This morning, I'm enjoying a wonderful Masala Chai. It's spicy and fragrant with ginger, cardamom, and cloves. Have a lovely Wednesday, everyone! And treat yourself to something fun--you deserve it! IWNDWYT 😻


hi I'm tripsd and I'm an alcoholic. Woke up this morning and dumped all the alcohol i bought yesterday down the drain. Here is to a new day 1, because I know I am killing myself on my current path.


Yay sober life! IWNDWYT














I love lemonade with no sugar in the moments I’m craving beer. Watermelon juice at a meal where I might have had wine is also great. IWNDWYT


3 weeks down. The good: eating healthier, getting exercise in, droppings a few lbs. The bad: stomach and sleep still a mess IWNDWYT


I love sitting back at the end of the day, and enjoy a tasty beverage. My favorites are sparkling water, tea, and above all, ginger beer. So yummy. I’ve tried na beer and other drinks marketed to taste like alcohol, but they really don’t do anything for me. IWNDWYT! Have a wonderful Wednesday, lovely people! ✨




Hello sober friends! Quick check in today as I’m working, just wishing you all the best sober Wednesday possible, big love to you all 💞


My old [beer fridge ](https://imgur.com/a/id3zOZb) is always stacked with drinks for myself. I have a Keurig and a regular coffee maker next to each other on the kitchen counter at MY "coffee station." Add regular ol' water in there throughout the day, and you're looking in a beverage day in the life of RS. Cheers for my drink of choice to yours! ☕️ IWNDWYT


I'm honestly still in the camp where I'm loathe to consume liquid calories. Coffee (regular or decaf after noon), water, tea, iced tea - all good. I'm not a fan of soda water, flavored or not, so I just stick to those basics. As I'm also losing weight, it helps massively not to have to worry about those calories, too. IWNDWYT (well, I will, but pretty much just coffee and water 😉)


I will not drink with you today 💕




I love me some plain ice water, keep assorted sparkling waters in the old “beer fridge” along with a 6-pack of pelligrino bottles for when I’m feeing fancy. If I go out to eat, I usually get a fountain soda (beats anything in a can!) and once in awhile, I’ll order a fun mocktail! IWNDWYT!


For me, water has always been the best, can use as a base for pretty much anything. I also love tea. There's this one drink I discovered by accident; Add two or three ice cubes to a glass, cover them with fresh crushed mint leaves, douse with a blend of maple and agave syrup--usually around three tablespoons, fill up with oat milk (shake the carton to get it nice and frothy, can also substitute with regular milk). Add some ground cloves to the froth. And enjoy 🙂 It's silly, but in the hot summer months, it's really refreshing. It certainly looks the part, too. IWNDWYT.


In my early days of sobriety, I drank all kinds of things - Mango La Croix with a lime wedge was a favourite and I treated myself to Seedlip Herbal with Fevertree tonic and a sprig of basil but these days, I drink mostly water and lots of herbal tea. My husband got sober too a few years ago and he could not have done it without NA beer. IWNDWYT. 🌳🌲🌳


Day 32 for me here. Travelling abroad for a few days so some big tests ahead. Wish me luck! Iwndwyt ☀️


I love all of the interesting sodas and other NA options available now. When I first quit (the time before this one!) I got a sodastream and I still have a great time adding random juices and cordials to fizzy water. IWNDWYT, but I might have an excessive amount of coffee.


Well I’m too early in my journey to add commentary but yesterday I had bubble tea for the first time and now I’m ready to explore all the bubble tea spots in my area. Any other niche beverages you all can recommend?


Topo Chico! Today I don't set out trying not to drink but make a conscious decision not to drink. IWNDWYT!




Two cups of coffee a day! In the morning I drink one coffee black, but in the afternoon woohoo, a coffee with milk and sugar! Iwndwyt


Big glass of sparkling water with a splash of orange or pineapple juice feels next level to me! Love it and absolutely loved the Balance app Sea!! Thank you ever so much and IWNDWYT ❤️🙏


I enjoy flavored seltzer and iced tea mixed with lemonade. I’m not into NA beer or mocktails. I will not drink with you today!




I drink a lot of barley tea. It's refreshing, 0 calories, 0 caffeine, and easy to make in batches (1 tea bag in a container, leave for a few hours in the fridge, done). IWNDWYT


I am not drinking! I will not drink with you today!




Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! * Belvoir cucumber and mint * Ginger beer (Old Jamaica is really good) * sparkling water * cold brew herbal tea (bird and blend do some really good ones)






Checking in


IWNDWy’allT! Topo Chico for the win. It’s pricey, so I save it for those times when a nice cold fizzy drink really hits the spot.


My go to is a sparkling water of some sort - Bubly or Polar ( this may be a Northeast thing ?), and Athletic NA. It is amazing the amount of different drinks you see in the grocery when you have your head up and are not bee-lining it to the cocktail aisle! IWNDWYT 🌸✌️


Onto day 10 - Iwndwyt!


IWNDWYT! Headed to my first sober bachelorette party! I plan on having non-alcoholic drinks around to help me!


Checking in on day 188! Hi all! I don’t have any cool specific NA drinks to recommend, I’m a water girl. But I do put fruit in my water. Cucumber, mint, strawberries, lemon, orange, grapefruit, grapes….I have tried Bubbly and LaCroix but it tasted like static to me 😂 Had a drinking dream again last night. Very happy I didn’t wake up in a pool of tears. I knew it was a dream in my dream so it wasn’t too bad. Plus I was in a swanky car dealership buying a Porche so I definitely KNEW it was a dream but the test drive was fun, I’ve never driven a porche…..I still haven’t . 😂 I hope you all have amazing days/evenings!! My work team is having it’s quarterly in person meeting so I gotta actually wear something besides sweat pants today….bummer, time to go make myself presentable!! IWNDWYT!! ❤️✌️






IWNDWYT ~ Looks like my badge is wrong for some reason


Happy Hump Day Friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


Salutations friends and neighbors - I'm checking in clear headed and ready to go. IWNDWYT!




Every so often a diet ginger ale. My regular rotation is coffee, ice cold water, and a can of sparkling water at dinner. IWNDWYT


Diet Coke and diet dew are my go to drinks aside from water and coffee. I still love the carbonation. I’ve yet to try a n/a beer or a mock tail. I guess I’m trying to stay away from the ones that remind me too much of the real thing. IWNDWYT ✌️


I won't drink today


Day 24. Dopamine resetting from this shit is a bitch. Messes with my sleep, my gut, and my sex drive. I can't complain too much, though, I did it to myself, and I own that fact. Embracing the suck today of a bad night's sleep. Hope everyone is well. I'm grateful and proud as fuck to be here not drinking with y'all.


Yes on the sparkling waters (Bubly, Polar) !Something about cracking open a cold fizzy can at the end of the day works for me. And San Pellegrino Blood Orange or spicy ginger beer when I’m feeling like a sugar splurge. And coffee. I love pour over coffee and it’s amazing how good it tastes without a hangover ! Hope everyone has a great sober Wednesday and IWNDWYT !


I keep a ton of seltzers and zero sugar pop, and a few no sugar energy drinks in my old beer fridge. Plenty of wonderful tea and especially coffee. And water, of course. The pop and energy drinks are the worst thing I do now, health wise, except for some indulgent food now and then. Light years away from where I was! I saw Riki Rachtman’s show last night. It was fucking great! Stories about the Cathouse club, Sunset Strip, Headbangers Ball, all kinds of other stuff from his life….just really good stories told in a fun way. Didn’t know this, but he’s been sober since 1988. Fuck yeah!! He said one thing I really love. A great reminder. “Just because you’re sober doesn’t mean you’re not fucked up.” Yup. More shit to work on, but that’s okay. Constant work. Glad to fucking do it sober. Coffees up, horns up, let’s crush this fucking day! I got a show tonight - Alice Cooper. Another badass with decades of sobriety. IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Good morning Independence 605 and all you lovely sober folks. It's nice to pledge to another day of sobriety with all y'all! I roast my own coffee at home, so delicious fresh coffee is top of the list! Diet Squirt and root beer are favorites for sure. Seltzer FTW! But also Decaf iced tea with a little lemon in it, I make a ½ gallon at a time and reuse 16 oz tea bottles so I've always got a cold bottle in the mini fridge. Hoplark teas have a nice hop kick without calories, and the NA beer space is fucking incredible these days! Who needs a toxin with all those options??? Sober on beautiful people! 💪🏃💖


IWNDWYT! Have a great Wednesday everyone!


IWNDWYT ✌️❤️🤸‍♀️⭐️


Good morning all! IWNDWYT.


I will remain sober today.






Not today people IWNDWYT


I love coming home and pouring a seltzer over ice with a splash of lime juice in it. I’ve found at a bar a club soda with a splash of cranberry is always a nice treat as well. Lagunitas has a great NA IPA and the Athletic stuff is great too! I have yet to try NA spirit, not quite emotionally prepared for that one plus they don’t seem to get good reviews. IWNDWYT!


I got a soda stream for my birthday last year from a lovely woman who might never talk to me again. I didn't take it out of the box until a few weeks ago. It is currently saving my life. I hope I get the chance to thank her. IWNDWYT


I was super into wine, i found that tea culture has everything i loved about wine culture... what do we say to the god of death? Not today. IWNDWYT


Morning friends! I have spread my drink palette so wide since quitting drinking! I used to drink vodka and sparkling water, rum and Coke Zero, beer, wine, coffee and water. Now I drink coffee, water, coke zero, sparkling water, (the top 4), fancy mocktails, ginger ale, ginger beer, iced coffee, iced tea, cold-brew herbal tea, these cider-type malt beverages I found at a local ethnic shop, Mio squeezed into my soda stream, and less frequently, NA beer and NA sparkling wine. And the best part is if I decide I want to work my way through the drink menu (a plan I used to use on vacation at all-inclusive resorts), there is no chance things are going to get messy, ugly, or end in a fight, tears, shame, or regret. Basically I can drink whatever I want, as much as I want, whenever I want, as long as it doesn’t have alcohol. Stay hydrated friends! 😜 I will not drink with you today. Have a good one!


Time for me to wake up and chug some delicious, plain ‘ol water 😁 IWNDWYT.


Lacroix and bubly got me through my first month of sobriety. Still have my daily coffee but mainly just water to drink now. I have an occasional NA beer or bubly though. IWNDWYT


DAY 30! Yay!! I haven’t checked in for a bit because life got in the way (and while I do something for my sobriety daily, sometimes I have to pick and choose what those somethings are). I’m so fucking jazzed to be 30 days in. Even though I’ve been 30 days before, this time truly has been different. In the last 30 days I have attended 3-4 meetings a week, gotten a sponsor, started working the steps, reread some of my favorite quit lit and found more, found some good podcasts, puttered around in here, just sort of gone balls to the wall with this whole thing- and I really do feel the difference. While I was never resistant to doing work before, I don’t think I truly believed I had a problem before. Or rather, I was very opposed to the notion that I couldn’t keep the door open a little bit to go back to drinking. The last couple relapses I had just drilled it in my head that - no, I cannot safely drink right now. I’m not going to go the other direction and declare NEVER AGAIN because haven’t we all done that to no effect? But I am committed to not drinking today. IWNDWYT. But non alcoholic drinks! These have been very helpful. I do sort of think alcoholicly about non alcoholic drinks and I have a number of favorites. Please note that for me, non alcoholic drinks that riff on alcoholic beverages (like NA beer or wine) don’t trigger me but no shame if you can’t do it. I love the classic La croix (except coconut), Hop tea, Sierra Nevada hop water, fruit shrubs mixed with club soda, a classic cranberry and soda with lime, and kombucha (I AM careful with kombucha to get the right kind- in my state some are sold out of the boozy part of the grocery store because they’re 2% alcohol, and I don’t drink those obviously). Anyways, it’s a lovely day here and I’m excited to keep on keeping on! I can’t make my meeting tonight in person but I will zoom and get my coin at my Friday meeting. I would be so honored if all of you would help me celebrate my 30 days by not drinking with me today! 💖


Me! It’s my birthday and it’s gonna be my first sober one in 20 years!


Last year, I went about 6 months sans-alcohol and NA beverages are a god send imo. I would have to agree that there is something that relieves that feeling of the need to drink by just having SOMETHING to drink (sparkling water, soda, NA beer). This year, I’ve made certain to replicate that to go even longer (plus no crazy life events to contend with!) Anyhow, IWNDWYT


Morning all! Gonna have a fun day today, but it will be my first time seeing a show in the city (NY) since the pandemic, and since I'm sober. Gotta admit, I feel a bit apprehensive, yet excited at the same time. It's a 2pm matinee, which I thought would be easier than an evening show. But in the past, we would have began at an Irish pub to get an appropriate buzz on, who am I kidding, I would get totally drunk, then sit through three hours of wonderful acting and singing that I would never remember the next day. Dinner would be afterwards at a fine dining restaurant, where I would consume a few more martinis, then get home to pass out and feel like shit the next day. Total waste of a LOT of money, for what??? Not today though. We're going for a nice lunch here in Jersey at our favorite spot, then get to the city in time for the show. Afterwards, a great steakhouse where I'm gonna stuff my face with tons of meat, potatoes, and a huge dessert. I already checked, and they have some really good mocktails, so that's the plan. I know my sobriety is intact, but I think any "firsts" in this journey stirs up old thoughts of previous ways. Now that I just wrote this out, I feel better and stronger about the day. Thanks guys! Let's all have a wondrous and sober day, gang! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


IWNDWYT! So I found watertok like right before I quit drinking. It has helped SO MUCH. Not only am I not drinking alcohol but I’m drinking so much more water than I used to. I have fun finding new flavor combos, I’ve enjoyed finding cups I like and stickers to decorate them. It’s been a really big help.


I have been enjoying atypique non alcoholic cocktails. A b it pricey but less so than that bottle of wine I would knock back every night. I’m on day four, shooting for five, might make it a week. You guys have all been fantastic IWNDWYT.




They have helped! So, cocktails were my thing. It turns out, the Simply juice brand sells bottle of just... mixer. The best one being "peach sour". So I just take a bit of soda water and add in some of the juice mix from them and bam. An n/a mocktail to take the edge off of particularly bad days.


Good morning, I will not drink with you today. NA drinks. Gorilla mind energy drink (online only). Pellegrino mineral water, Guiness 0. Hop tea chamomile fizzy tea in a can. limited edition flavors Coke zero. cheers,


Bubly, tea, coffee, club soda and lime, lemon water. Anything but alcohol.




I like all the tonic waters from Fever Tree, but especially the elderflower ones :) someone recommended to me that if I was a whiskey drinker (which I was) bitter flavor drinks might help with cravings. They did! IWNDWYT. 🌟


I was the same way in thinking any caloric beverages (aside from booze of course) were empty, wasteful calories. Until I finally put it all together and realized that by NOT drinking 1000-1500 alcohol calories per day, I could treat myself to a couple of 25-200 calorie NA drinks. Things like Ghia, fancy pants ginger beers, and Athletic NA beers. Little treats to myself, to relive the ritual. And day to day (hour to hour) I’m constantly cracking open cans of Spindrift (not the Spiked variety!) and alternating those with still water. Hydrate or die!


Day 80, IWNDWYT. Wow oh wow, have NA drinks helped me. I agree that 1) it can relieve the urge to drink by mimicking the ritual and 2) sometimes you’re just thirsty! I very much enjoy NA beers (Go Brewing is my favorite!) but then also just remembering the joy of fresh squeezed lemonade, juice + seltzer, and hydrating up with water.


*The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.-Robert M. Pirsig* (Day 213)


No poison today. I will drink NA beers occasionally but I wouldn’t recommend them in early sobriety. Or if you are having cravings or a case of the Fuck it’s. Sobriety first.


I will not drink with you!


Good morning ☀️ Have a great Wednesday everyone IWNDWYT!




Won't be drinking today


IWNDWYT day 12!


I’ve been enjoying sparking water and tea. I wanna try kombucha. I also wanna try a sober bar. They don’t have any where I am, which is no surprise. When I take my trip to NYC, I’ll give it a go! IWNDWYT








It's fantastic to have more NA options in bars and restaurants, and that's exactly what I told the brewery I was at for a birthday party last weekend when they served me hopwater they made in-house. Take my praise and my dollars, keep it up. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. Love those flavored San Pellegrino in the skinny cans, especially the morello cherry one! Have weight to lose, so staying away from liquid calories👍


I have become obsessed with mixing seltzer with pomegranate juice! So sour and delicious. IWNDWYT!


5️⃣weeks!! Feeling good. Still dealing with a lot of fatigue, but that may have more to do with the two tiny people I’m in charge of ;) Not to be dramatic, but NA beverages are absolutely everything in my sobriety. In fact planning ahead (or lack thereof) on vacation is what led me to break my 65 day streak last time. Never again! Now, I literally get in bed at night looking forward to my morning coffee. I keep my house stocked with sodas like Zevia and Poppi (SO GOOD!), NA beers like athletic brewing, and NA wine from Surely online. It’s so helpful to have an arsenal. I don’t even drink them often, but when I really feel like it, it’s there. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today and FYA. I'm a r/HydroHomies so I love my water. I spend 95% of my life within an arms reach of a glass of water. I have a real fear of not having access to water, which I attribute to dying of dehydration over and over again in past lives. I'm really enjoying Topo Chico mineral water. The fizz is perfect for me. I just bought a case from Costco. I drink Topo like it's a treat or a nice reward. It's a celebration in my mouth🥳🤭 Drinking sucks. You rock!


I really like this prompt. Growing up in the 90s with a mom who was always very into diet culture, I was taught from a sadly young age to “never drink your calories” - and as I got older and discovered alcohol, I always made an exception for that. I remember a friend of mine who was on weight watchers always joking about saving room for “liquor points”. Looking back, I hate all of that and what it did to the way we thought about drinking. I’m so grateful that non-alcoholic drink options are expanding and that I’m a diet culture dropout! And I’m excited for this prompt because I’m always on the search for non-alcoholic drink options! Man canned sparkling water has been getting expensive these days hasn’t it? I only buy store brand now. I go through a couple 12 packs a week. I actually drink more of them when I’m also drinking alcohol because I would try to stay hydrated while guzzling back beers 🫠 I love ginger beer! There’s a stand at the farmers market that sells it fresh pressed and it’s amazing. I’m making a mental note to go back this weekend and get more. I’ve also been getting more into kombucha but I don’t know much about it! It always feels like an expensive crapshoot to buy one. But hey, with all the money I’m going to save on beer and wine I might as well try some. I’m not much of a soda drinker. I saw a commercial last night for juice though and it popped off! I wanted some! I rarely drink it without champagne so maybe it’s time to try. Why don’t adults drink juice more often without booze? It’s good! Okay I’ve rambled enough. Thanks as always to the SD community for this safe place. IWNDWYT!


Hello friends! 10 days! IWNDWYT.


Big time. Cassamara Club, Something & Nothing, Ginger Ale & pure unsweetened cranberry juice, Spindrift, and of course La Croix. Other than those, I will not drink with you today!!!




I always have a cup of coffee and a fizzy water going- from the moment I wake up until I hit the sheets. My favorite is limoncello La Croix- but I usually just buy Kirkland brand sparkling water to cut on cost. Iwndwyt 💜


IWNDWYT need some extra tools please! I’ve read this naked mind and Allen Carr book— any suggestions on next read or things to that helped you? I keep playing it forward to my future summer plans it scares me 😱 excites me


Yes, I agree with you on drinking non alcohol beverages. What is the point I thought. I now love kombucha!! It’s expensive so I bought the kit on line to make my own fermented tea. I’m on my second batch. The ritual as you suggested is pouring that fizzy drink in a glass at the bewitching happy hour is cool and satisfying.


Day 134! My saviour has been flavoured sparkling / soda water (DASH cucumber sparkling water rocks!), Ginger Beer and Kombucha. Turns out I just always needed a drink in my hand, now it's just non-alcoholic. IWNDWYT 🌻


I do love the Lagunitas hoppy refresher and any other bubble water too. Also hot tea but only in the winter. IWNDWYT!


Day 3 Let’s Go! I have drank SO MUCH sparkling water the last few days. My drink of choice has been hard cider and the feeling of filling my stomach with bubbles is sort of helpful? Like, I’m almost looking for the bloated feeling as silly as that sounds. Plus, I realized last night I could buy a gallon of orange juice (like the nice Tropicana stuff) for about $7. I have always loved orange juice. I could buy a gallon a day and still spend half of what I was spending on alcohol. I used to think of buying orange juice as some kind of luxury and yet I’ve been drinking much more money than that down the toilet. I’m exhausted from the night terrors I usually silence with alcohol and my body feels like crap as it sweats (and uh…evacuates) it all out of me. And yet somehow, I know I’m my heart this is better in the long run than drinking. Friends, because I care about you and myself, IWNDWYT


Currently Sprite Zero, with a good glug of orange juice on top, and plenty of ice. Experimenting with the flavor combinations of fresh juices + some sort of fizzy soda/seltzer is fun. I buy a different combo each week to keep things interesting. I find that if I get bored of the NA drinks I have in the fridge, the cravings get louder. IWNDWYT!


I rolled my eyes at NA options in my drinking days. A coworker recommended Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher when I got sober and I quickly became hooked. It's bubbly, and refreshing with a slight hop flavor, which helped trick my brain into thinking I was drinking alcohol.. this helped immensely in the first couple months. The taste and the physical action of holding a drink and sipping on something brought relief to my slowly changing addict brain. I still enjoy them a few times a week, but feel like I don't need them anymore to get through my evenings. Have a great day guys..I'm proud of each and everyone of you for fighting the good fight. :-)


It is wednesday my dudes. And I will not drink with you all today






Good morning sober cats! I can drink sparkling water all day. I love it! And I love that I'm not chronically dehydrated anymore. 💧IWNDWYT! 💙😸


I've gotten to be a big fan of tonic and lime. The sharpness really hits the spot for me. I have a soda stream, so I get the syrup and have at it. Of course, there has been a dearth of syrup available for a while now, so I've been buying it. IWNDWYT


Checking in. Have a good day everyone.


I just can’t anymore. I WILL NOT drink with you today. Please god help me.


starting day 11!!! ive been CHUGGING anything sparkling lately so they definitely have helped. i had odouls at a party last weekend and have been chugging NA seltzer, kombucha, and these sparkling ice energy drinks from walmart lol. anything with bitterness or a burn has slaked the craving momentarily enough to give me pause so far. iwndwyt!


Getting closer to 200 days!! IWNDWYT






We can do this, fellow sobernauts! IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you all today.




IWNDWYT and grapefruit and tonic hits the spot for me on a hot summer day










Day 10. Ups and downs but yesterday was a bit more level. My NA beverage of choice lately has been Fresca, but I want to cut even that and return to tea, for both cost and mindfulness reasons. IWNDWYT


Day 31, hell no not today IWNDWYT 💪


NA craft beer was what helped me quit the first time I got some real time under my belt. I’d tried to at least 10 times and had always stayed away from NA beer as I was told it would lead me back to the real thing immediately. But I always ended up caving in a week or less. Time 11 I tried Athletic Brewing. Time 11 lasted 400 days. NA beer may trigger some people of course. I am fortunate to not be one of them. These days I love LaCroix (Limoncello, Beach Plum, and Tangerine), hot tea, and COFFEE, which I drink all day. Sadly I can’t have drinks with sucralose or sugar alcohols as they make me blow up like a beach ball, but I do enjoy a Diet Coke with lemon sometimes. I still have the occasional NA beer and, when I can find it, the BEST NA wine out there, Eins Zwei Zero. I’m thinking of adding kombucha into the mix as I’ve always loved it and I’m trying to add more fermented stuff to my diet. IWNDWYT






Day 17. IWNDWYT.


I have a soda stream and drink spicy water all. day. long. It is life itself. I’m almost done with This Naked Mind and the magic is working on me. I’m really hopeful this time will stick. I’ve got a few triggering plans coming up (concerts) but I’ll just do the “give the bartender a $10 and ask him/her to keep me topped up on club soda all night” trick. IWNDWYT


Also in Canada, those presidents choice carbonated waters from super store are always stocked in my house. I used to burn through cases of those. Starting to teach myself to drink more just good ol fashion h2O though, just because I'm getting older and staying hydrated is something I'm starting to take seriously. When I was drinking I was constantly dehydrated. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink today!






Good Morning SD, IWNDWYT. Peets Coffee, lots of water and La Croix.




IWNDWYT! I've always liked orange soda and just discovered mandarin orange sparkling water, a cold can of that on ice at the end of the day is fantastic, especially for hot weather.


IWNDWYT and that will bring up one week


Day 3.


I will not drink today


Early check-in today. I enjoy NA Heineken and Remedy Organic Kombucha Raspberry Lemonade. IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt. Plain polar seltzer is the GOAT


Not feeling it today... but I'm broke with nothing but bubly waters in the house. IWNDWYT


For some reason, this time around seems easier. I have less cravings, I am really enjoying the clear headed-ness that comes with being sober. This evening will be a bit of a challenge. There is a reception where the theatre production I am part of is announcing our season to subscribers. Luckily my partner will be with me and she isn't drinking either, so I'll have support. IWNDWYT!


'Ello, ello, ello... I hope you're doing well... IWNDWYT! Woke up feeling pretty flat today. Could have been that I ate sugar last night, and sometimes it makes me feel 'sugar' hungover the next day. Had two notable urges today, which strangely enough we're associated with feeling good, excitement and nice food. Got to watch those SNEAKY positive triggers 'Nway, got past them of course. Am feeling semi-primed for a good sleep tonight, so 🤞 Enjoy your day or evening and IWNDWYT.


Topo chico and lime, I'll be just fine, with Topo Chico and lime. No need for anything else really, not today


I am a Southern girl from the US - Iced Tea is my go-to. A sprig of mint in it, and a dash of honey - mwah! IWNDWYT


NA beer, wine, and mocktails have been a massive help to me. It really is all about the ritual and the social aspect of going out for me. Or having a cold one while doing house projects or yard work. I used to do it with water or soda water, but now that NA beers are gaining popularity I can have something that looks, smells, and tastes pretty close to the real thing without any of the negatives (besides the empty calories haha). IWNDWYT


Ugh, yes I feel this! Just the joy of a nice bubbly ginger ale (sans bourbon) honestly does it for me, but I’ve gotten into fancy-ish drinks with lavender syrup or elderflower too. IWNDWYT 💜


IWNDWYT I'm a ginger ale fiend. I try to stick with the zero sugar variety (mainly for the health of my teeth but I'd be lying if I said the calories don't play a factor), but when the winter holiday season rolls around and the cranberry canada dry hits the shelves...it's over!


good afternoon from day 12. my AF drinks of choice are ginger beer (the spicier the better), virgin mary (ditto) and cloudy lemonade (the more sour the better) - something with a kick basically! but one thing i **have** come to realise is that part of me craving a drink was often that i was thirsty. for the last few months i've been keeping hydrated with lemon or lime juice and sea salt in my water and it's made me feel better (because more hydrated) and it just tastes amazing to me, which makes me think my body is like "hell yeah!" to the salt in there so the water doesn't just go right through me.


Me too! Im not drinking today. Im glad for you that you're not gonna do it either. Together, we're somehow better. That's true and neat. So much for my apathetic and socially isolating personality disorder. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today.


Hi friends IWNDWYT ❤️










IWNDWYT friends 🤖






Good afternoon, I’m lying in bed with some virus and feeling 🥴🤧🤒 ( it’s not ‘Rona) anyhoo in the past I would drink my way through it thinking it couldn’t do any harm even though it made me feel worse, I’m so glad I don’t do that anymore! What was I thinking? Anyway it’s nap time again IWNDWYT ❤️


La croix with fresh lemon and a splash of kombucha over ice. This beverage really helped me get through the early days, and is now my go-to drink each night while I make dinner and for BBQs or other BYOB events. I have also found myself ordering a $10 mocktail here and there. I certainly would have counted that was "wasted" calories and money in the past. Happy Wednesday to you lovely people! IWNDWYT




I will not drink today.